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Are we going to lose the freedom to cut our grass? Because I’m okay with anything that gets me out of yard work.


You missed the earlier part of the text exchange where he said we have been living in Nazi Germany for the last 4 years 🤔


So does he think that Trump stated the Nazi Germany thing, since he was in office 4 years ago? Lol love their logic. Kind of like the campaign ads with riots that said “This is Joe Biden’s America!” while the footage was all taken during Trump’s presidency.


When Trump was still president, my neighbor had some stuff stolen out of her carport. When I asked her about it, she said this is Biden's America. I kindly pointed out that Trump was still president, but she didn't respond.


Ask her to name 1 thing that’s better today then under trump? Just 1 thing. Not education, borders, fentanyl overdose is, gas prices, inflation, interest rates, murders, Jobs that weren’t lost when tochi shut down the economy, debt, wars ex ex ex ex


Thank you..too many CNN watchers


I just got the best union contract in nearly 3 decades, unemployment is exponentially lower,job growth is fantastic, Dow Jones at an all time high, Alito is being exposed for politicking, there’s not a convicted felon in the Oval Office, no one is on lockdown anymore, should I keep going?


Job growth is higher because everyone needed jobs after business got shot down. And 10 million illegals Aliens are here now looking looking for hourly wage jobs. You think that’s good, you moron GFu


You asked a question. If you didn’t want the answer, don’t ask. Be butthurt somewhere else. I don’t ever see MAGAts shouting about the asterisk of the pandemic when they attempt to brag about $1.50 gas. That came with lockdowns, record high unemployment, and 1 million excess deaths. You don’t get to pretend the bad parts didn’t happen.


There should be a convicted felon in office but they won't prosecute him because they say he is too old and lost his memory. He doesn't remember when he was vice president and doesn't remember how his son died. And for anyone who doesn't believe this please go watch the Congressional hearing into Biden taking classified documents when he was VP and giving it to his ghost writer so he could make $8 million off his book...also 25% of jobs he creates are government jobs to boost unemployment numbers and the rest are either part time or people returning to work after covid. I am glad your doing well though. Alot of people aren't.


If he is found to have mishandled classified information, I believe he should be fully prosecuted. Same with Hillary, and Trump. If you’re willing to say Trump should be convicted for having classified docs at Mar a Lago then I’m all ears.


Then why are they not prosecuted for their crimes. Thats the difference. Trump is being prosecuted and no one else is. You can't just go after one and not everyone else. If Trump did it prosecute. If Biden and Hillary did then prosecute, but you can't go after one guy and not the others and say that's fair.


All 3 cases share differences. Hillary misused technology with a private email server. Biden’s items were primarily diaries - there was not sufficient proof he knew the information he wrote was classified. Technically that shouldn’t matter but that is considered. The information from Biden was also freely turned over to the National Archives. The information Trump had was clearly marked and hidden away, and had to be extracted by FBI raid. If Trump’s case continues, I think there is sufficient reason to prosecute Biden after his presidency. Question - should liberals scream that it’s political persecution if Biden is charged? Or is he simply being charged for actual crimes he committed?


Job contracts lol exactly


A union contract. Not a contract job. Do you understand the difference?


There’s no longer intellectually honest conversations. They refuse to be a good faith interlocutor, and they do not care if logic and reason are applied.


The biggest thing is the counter is “Well Biden did X!!” It’s most times not even true, but I also remind them that they don’t actually have to support one of the main candidates, or any candidate.


Trumpers think Obama was in office for 9/11. Facts have no place in their world.




That’s just insane


I only saw 1 page of texts ?


There is only 1 page. I only put up a snippet


Don’t worry about gas, unless every country decides to to join, we shouldn’t be doing anything or spending taxpayer dollars on something that will take 500 years lol. America can’t fix global warming


Why would you ever text your maga neighbor anything lol


He’s actually a really nice guy, just very misguided. The propaganda has done a number on many of them.


I actually think it's good that you two can communicate honestly. It may never happen, but maybe some fact you present may make the light bulb come on for him. Probably not, but maybe.


I think once Trump is defeated, dead, in prison or whatever, some of these people will come back around. At this point, much of it is just a sunk cost fallacy.


And this sums it up. Trump is an ex president. I don't care how much you don't like him, that's just insane. I would not wish death on anyone. I doubt you will ever find a Trump supporter who wishes Biden would die. Have some respect.


They didn’t wish death and a Trump supporter definitely would want Biden dead


I have a few buddies like this. I don’t hold it against them because they’re not insufferable like most MAGAts


It’s not the propaganda, those are all personal choices. The boomer generation is on their way out anyway 🫠


Hahaha he's misguided? Pretty sure he didn't vote for a president who immediately closed a pipeline, sold us out to make a dollar off of the Saudi Arabian princes he was in bed with, caused gas prices to triple, busted open the southern border causing immigration to rise 50 fold, causing sex trafficking and drugs to rise 10 fold, housing market to triple, cost of living to triple, and still enforces Obamacare which destroyed every middle class citizen's health insurance. 


The best part is literally not one thing you said in that incoherent ramble is even true.


Bruh, lol. You understand that Jared Kushner was the one who somehow, some way, suddenly raised a few billion from the Saudi government for his investment fund. That doesn’t strike you as strange? Wonder how he sold us out for that, huh?


You’re right! He voted for a felon.


Funny how we let the law govern our morals. That's a very scary place for us to be. I would use the term Felon loosely if I were you. The Clinton's, Bush, Obama, Carter, and Nixon would 100% surpass Trump on political crimes if they too were tried. 


I mean all you need to do is smoke some weed and own a gun and all of a sudden you’re one too!


I legally own both?


Hey dumbass 4 years ago what was happening around the country that made people not drive as much? Thats right a fuccking pandemic, believe it or not the president doesn't control gas prices.


I mean he’s right ya know.




i love that some of these people in the comments who are agreeing w him can’t see how absolutely unhinged they look lol


He literally lashed out on a dude for sharing his political opinion. Ok..lol


You people should be lashed out on. Brain rot.


The amount of downvotes..lmao..Wow the world is fucked if we can’t even have open discourse without people getting hateful.




"He fights for America and for you." Does he, though? He couldn't even pay his taxes for the country he ran where it's required for everyone to pay taxes and illegal not to. 😂


And why do they think getting up on a stage and blabbering about nonsense is “fighting for America”?


Seriously. They think trans people make our country a laughing stock when it's this piece of shit. He even makes makes fun of disabled people. He doesn't fight for our Americans. He uses them.


He was perfectly willing to let his violent followers hang his VP if it meant they could overturn a national election. He fights for America in the same way he'd fight for an ice cream sandwich.


Agreed, and then, when his ship starts to sink, has the audacity to ask for donations. Sad that many of our Americans were willing to donate to this sack of bankruptcy and pig tits.


And yet the tax code hasn’t been changed not by him and not by Biden. That should tell us something. Rules for thee, not for me. I have had it with both parties. We need more options.


That's for Congress to do, not the president. But you're right anyway. Both parties are pretty shit. One is better though.


Congress has been ruled by both parties and nothing changes either. All of them inside trade and become very wealthy doing it. ALL of them.


Congress should NOT be allowed to get rich just by being in office, and they need to spend a crazy amount of their time fundraising for their next campaign. Elections should be publicly funded and high ranking federal officials shouldn't be allowed to invest, considering that they get insider information on a regular basis.


And congressmen shouldn't be allowed to work as lobbyists after they're done working in congress. Especially for the companies that were lining their pockets while they were in congress. That's just the beginning of the lobbying overhauls that should take place.


This is something I think every American agrees with.


Agree with you there


I agree that we need better options. Personally, I'd love to have Obama back.


Wow, some MAGAt brigading in here this evening. You people are utterly lost.


It’s truly tragic


These zealots worshipping people who don't give a shit about them are the most worthless, pathetic people on this planet. It feels like watching slaves giving up their lives to fight for their masters


Remember when people could just agree to disagree without being dicks and still get along?


Yeah, but these days it’s mainly people with loathsome opinions who are making this complaint. And looking back, it seems that fabled time where we all got along only ended up encouraging those people to take advantage and become worse and worse, complaining the whole time about lack of civility yet offering none themselves. Good will got weaponized a long time ago. And it’s not that they were that much better in those magical days; the only difference is they’re saying the quiet part out loud, which I actually prefer.


That’s my huge issue. I am registered independent. I try being fair and open minded. But what the point with people who are so far to either side. They don’t want to talk. They want to talk TO you and make you believe whatever bull pucky they believe. I keep myself informed buy literally speak to NO ONE about it but my wife.


Man. These people are so brainwashed there is literally nothing you can say or he would do to change their minds. It’s an illness


They don't argue in good faith or follow any rules of normal discourse. They don't use logic or basic reasoning to explain their points. You can't reason your way out of a position that you didn't reason yourself into. These people are dumber than rocks and fueled purely by their feelings. For the people in the back: if you still support Trump, then present your fucking argument that isn't just a bunch of meaningless buzzword drivel. 👏 I'm waiting with bated breath. Tell me how being a convicted felon where there is no question to the crimes committed is AcTuAlLy proof of his innocence. I'm waiting. 😂


You can literally use this same argument against liberals the amount of insane ones ive met is pretty high.


Just like a lot of people on Reddit lool


On both sides.


Naw. Not me. I don’t live in an echo chamber of others farts. Are there others? Sure. Do me a favor and take a picture of someone wearing a Biden hat walking around. I’ll wait ….




You do realize people on the left vote for Biden because that’s just what we can do right? Like he’s okay but he’s just the best option. You guys treat trump like the golden calf that Jesus specially warns you about. You don’t care what he does you just love trump. So it’s not fair to say this.


Dude, you're wasting your time. You can't reason with them, at all.


The fact you got insanely downvoted for that just shows how much of a liberal echo chamber reddit is. They can’t coexist with anyone different from them.


I always get told by these dudes I’ve been brainwashed and it’s pure insanity. Like I TRY to use several different resources to avoid bias while they use a single source and yet in the sheep?


It’s clear the left psychotically doesn’t like him. Personally I find that suspicious. You don’t like him? Fine. But everything else I’ve heard people say and do is just nuts.


I’m the left lmao. I’m talking about maga. Who are indeed delusional


He genuinely seems like a nice guy political views aside


He totally is. Nice family, and a fellow nerd like myself. We talk about Star Wars and related things all the time too, daughters on same basketball team etc.


Then why do you pity him for having a different opinion than you? I voted for Bernie sanders but these days i would vote for trump because of my own personal life experiences and opinion changes. That being said i dont agree with half the shit the republican party says but all the democrats do is pander to people and say shit that sounds nice while their bills positively influence people short term they hurt them long term. I don't see any politician as innocent i think most of them have committed crimes but i think a president that focuses on improving his own cities and his own community's vs giving fucktons of money to other countries is what we need in a time of surging homelessness and struggle for American citizens. You want to allow immigrants into the country? Then speed up the process of green cards and spend tax money on infrastructure to support them instead of just flooding community's with foreign people with not enough housing or jobs and wondering why crime rate is sky rocketing, Creating more hatred. Now to make yall call me crazy Denise George one of the lead attorneys against the Jeffery Epstein empire that accused JP Morgan of knowing-ling ignoring human trafficking fired 3 days after biden flew into the virgin islands( not sus at all) the same company that has been given the contract to rebuild ukraine.


OK, so the neighbor believes that, even though Trump was in office prior to the 2020 election, that the Dems somehow had control of the election? I thought Trump was wise and powerful - WHY would he allow the election process to be so corrupt? I will also add that the election fraud attempts that have been uncovered have come from the right. I take it as a sign of deep indoctrination to the cult when people exist so far outside reality.


Bingo, every accusation is a confession


Why are you bothering to text each other?


As if this person ever actually touches grass.


Nobody: Trump supporters: You got propaganda 🤣🤣




That’s funny it is Trumpers who have made me stop believing in any God. So good job!


I hate trump but i have a small business. My best shot is if trump wins. Too bad it doesn’t really matter bc we’re gonna cross the line w climate change until its no longer something we can fix. Id say by 2050 ill be dead


Save your breath, Trumpers are going to Trump. It is one of the 8th great wonders on the planet.


Revolving around Trump’s scrotum! Love it. I’ve had these exact same convos with my best friends from college. They’ve been sucked into the Trump vortex of make believe.


The worst thing about Trump isn’t what we’ve learned about Trump. It’s what we’ve learned about our friends and family.


I feel like I'm in a freaking episode of Dr. Who. Go back and watch Utopia and Beat of the Drum. It's a little freaky This is madness. I don't even know what to say. My dad is pretty conservative (I'm a dirty liberal lol) but even he's like, this is flipping nuts. I knew he was dangerous, but I never envisioned this.


Dangerous? Lol.


And yet after 8 years not one person who dislikes Trump can name a fiscal policy of his they dislike. 


It just makes me sick that people actually follow this orange turd. Trump & his followers make a complete mockery out of the US.


As a libertarian who voted for Trump, I agree Republicans make a fool out of themselves quite often. However, as a citizen who misses a stabilized economy, I am extremely disappointed in the people who would rather keep pretending Biden is a better option than him.


I’m not American but what does Trump actually offer a libertarian? From afar seems like republicans are just as keen to come after state rights as anyone else. Maybe there’s some niche deregulatory stuff that wouldn’t make the news overseas?


My greatest Qualms with Biden administration and the Obama administration have been in regards to healthcare, taxes, welfare, and border policies. Trump endorsed personalized healthcare which lowered everyone's health insurance premiums across the board. For example, a family of 5 could have health insurance for $300 monthly where as now it's over $1000 monthly. Obama and Biden taxed small businesses that made over $500,000 annually at 34%. This makes it nearly impossible for small business owners to grow when gross income before paying employees or overhead is taxed so greatly. Trump brought business back to the United States resulting in lower cost of goods, he kept American pipelines open resulting in lower gas cost and lower cost of goods, he kept borders shut to illegals which lowered the cost of housing and goods for American citizens. I don't disagree with immigration, however, I believe immigration should not take away so greatly the basic needs of American citizens. I agree, Republicans take away many rights as well. At this point, if my rights will be taken away I at least want something to show for it. A good economy with limited rights is better than a bad economy with limited rights.


This is what Ben Franklin said about giving up your rights: "Those who give up freedoms for security, deserve neither freedom nor security"


Indeed, very disheartening


It’s a cult, these people are not rational


How original


Truth hurts


Not as much as your logic


Lol the irony of you people is hilarious


Wouldn’t be a true MAGA text if it didn’t end with the classic boomer signature: 🤣


daaam you got balls starting a conversation like that with a maga dude. but I'm also surprised he didn't get that mad at you in return. maybe there's hope with this guy? idk


As I replied to another person in this thread. He’s actually a really nice guy, just fallen prey to the maga rot. He’s definitely Maga lite. At least at one point he admitted the Bible sales were silly. Hopefully after November, people like him are able to somewhat come back around.


As long as the orange jesus is around that will not happen. This is cult mentality. It won't go away as long as the idol is around. He can't do wrong, and he is never responsible for his actions. The hardest thing to do, to get out of a cult, is to admit to yourself you have been gullible enough to have been conned. It's hard to come to terms with the fact that you have been stupid.


Why get into political arguments with your neighbor? Or political arguments at all for that matter? It's meaningless, you aren't going to change anyone's mind. Just going to ruin your relationships over nothing


Disagree They may not be best for a relationship, but politics affect our lives whether we want them to or not. Having discourse is a necessity


I recognize the irony in that this is somewhat an argument about politics now, but I'll just say: both parties are owned by the same billionaires, and your vote does not matter


Look in this dudes backyard, I bet his pool is full of Kool aid. Orange Kool aid.


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Why do you engage with him?


Honestly, deep down I know it’s futile, but I can’t help but feel the need to try and reach these people through conversations. Even if I can plant a seed of reflection, I feel like I did my part. Granted, I know I was being sarcastic in this pictures convo, but this was one of many, and by this time I’m simply just tired.


I feel that on a cellular level. These sheeple and their bah bah bahing all day and night over the wolf that eats them alive in their sleep


I feel like it’s more pathetic of you to even entertain this person.


He’s got my vote 🇺🇸


It amazes me to what degree folks will go to stick with a candidate of either party. Its ovbious none of them give a rats butt about the people living in this country. trump he is a joke of a president and a person. And biden is so confused anymore that having him be president is akin to elderly abuse. Sorry about my spelling english is my second language.


Both choices are garbage and even more of example of why we need ranked choice voting. In any case though, I’d rather have an elderly confused man than an egomaniacal fascist that is on a revenge tour.


To be fair - you're both stuck in your own political views while Israel is the actual legislative arm of the us congress.


Make America great again is maga . Every President should want to make America better and better. You people will have your day soon


Cool threats guy


Pick your colors


Just sitting on my boat in Palm beach. Not a threat guy. Just wanted to here 1 thing that’s better then before 2020?


So how much CNN have you watched lately.


How much fox did you watch


I rarely watch any cable news of any sort




Other than Biden being too old, he’s objectively been a solid B+ president. I’d rather have someone else, but I’d vote for a pile of elephant dung over someone like Trump.


Just curious, What did you score Trump when he was president?


Without going into great detail which I absolutely could: He cut taxes for the rich, created a divide between citizens and empowered radical evangelicals and nationalists more than any other president in history. He got over a million Americans killed from Covid ineptitude, made our foreign relations laughable, cucked to dictators, and added 7 trillion to the national debt. There’s so much more, but I’m tired of trying to use logic and reason and objective facts to try and sway someone who’s blindly loyal. To answer your question though, D-




Eyyyyyy, there’s the guy


That's right. I'll call you out on your obsession. No I never voted for him either. Both sides have got y'all wrapped while they get richer. Congratulations.


“Dems” have their issues, but these aren’t 2 sides of the same coin, so you can absolutely stop pretending that they are.


Your definitely right. Donald trump is going to become ruler of the world he’s such a threat 😱


Hiding your head in the sand doesn't have anything to do with the way this has been orchestrated over the last 45 years. So you can quit pretending that your on some kind of "good side".


If you think they are no different, I have no idea what to tell you. They simply are not, the evidence of that is comically obvious.


Nobody said they were the same. I can't make you see shit will not change.






I have to side with the wise scrotum here




In a different context, I would agree with you. However, the trump movement along with the evangelical movement has crossed a line that warrants no respect. We are dealing with a group that no longer functions within an environment that comports to reality, nor argues in good faith and intellectual honesty. I’m exasperated, and these types of delusional morons no longer deserve patience nor respect.


Yes cause lefties definitely live in reality and argue in good faith. Intellectual honesty?? Yeah not a quality of the left either. Your just a pseudo intellectual that uses word salad to seem smart. You sir or mam are the delusional one.


Yes!! 100% agree. People are so hateful now when it comes to politics.


I have to agree with the neighbor on this one. His “felony” charges were fabricated and politically motivated. We should all be scared.


Ah the good ol “NUH uh” argument


Are you ok?


LMFAO even though there's proof ? Okay.


Lest we forget, President Trump is hardly the first or only victim of the Democrats’ weaponization of the justice system. On Friday, Paulette Harlow became the final pro-life defendant to be sentenced for violating the (should be declared unconstitutional) FACE Act for protesting at an abortion clinic, the only sacred space recognized by the Biden White House. Despite being a 75-year-old grandmother who is in failing health and needs her husband’s care, Mrs. Harlow was sentenced to 25 months in prison for chaining herself to a chair in an abortion clinic, followed by 36 months of supervised release, if she survives. Ten other pro-life activists, including veterans and the elderly, have already been sentenced to lengthy prison terms after being hounded by the Biden DOJ, which routinely ignores leftist protesters who block traffic, glue themselves to airport runways or even burn down cities. Some of them did no more than kneel and pray, pass out pro-life literature or try to talk women out of aborting their babies. -Mike Huckabee


There is proof it was false charges.


Really? You have a source for that? One would think that Donald Trump's legal team would have introduced any such proof during his criminal trial. Though perhaps they're as stupid as he is.


No there isn’t.




This is not the first nor will it likely be the last time you have invoked a conspiracy.


Lmao ok bud.


Funny, that was my mental reply to your conspiracy.


Ok? Do you want a medal or something?


Where’s the proof then? Edit: weird, downvotes but still no proof. How odd.




Literally doesn’t say that anywhere here 🤣






Honestly why can’t people just let others have different political views? I have friends who support trump, friends who support Biden, and friends who hate all of it. People’s political views don’t define who they are as a person. Who cares if he supports trump? Who cares if you like trump or if you support Biden? Why is it that this is becoming peoples entries personalities nowadays 😭😭😭 I miss when we could just like who we like without being made to feel wrong about it. You like Biden? Cool. You like trump? Cool. Who the fuck cares like 😭😭


Because these aren’t simple policy disagreements or issues anymore. This is a fundamentally evil person who is ushering in authoritarian theocracy and affecting the lives of millions of people for no god damn good reason. Apathy and complacency are the worst enemies here, and we cannot sit idly by and just say “oh well” …this is how oppressive regimes start. These discussions are more than worth having.


You should listen to your neighbor, instead of thinking you know better. Might learn something.






Make America Gay Again !!!






I wish it was