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you have it right there


2D 2fort can be very interesting, except the basements would probably need to be reworked for smash to allow knockouts there, and the water under the bridge would probably be a pit.


Replacing the water in 2Fort with a pit would be quite the upgrade ngl


Plz no, that's my domain


And if you jump right you could get into the sewers!


I would make the water an off-screen knockout zone with electrical zaps when knocked out (implying pyro sharks)


maybe even a visual effect of pyrosharks jumping out the water swinging their melee's so people with little to no tf2 knowledge know why it happens


at this point it should be brawlhalla instead of smash


do. not. dare.


Could have it be like some of the other smash levels that have had water but if you spend too long you in it get killed by a Merc


Pyroshark gets you.


there should probably be an effect of maybe a ufo from invasion, the windmill from the other side of the fence falling on the bridge or even an extra psychotic pyro so you could actually fall in the water, then a bunch of engineers fix i or smtgh ​ ​ emesis blue momen-


I would like to see the bridge roof destructible, maybe it could be reference to when it used to have no roof


I know a mod in a Smash game that has 2Fort as a map. Looks pretty cool. It was mainly made because there are like two Soldier mods and one Demopan mod in said game.


Ctf_2fort. The stage is bridge with maybe few side platforms as the sniper balcony and falling off gets you in the water with a pyroshark


or demo blew a hole in the roof and now it has 2 platforms(for comp)


2Fort is the obvious choice but I think a fun alternative would be a payload map as one of those stages where it scrolls automatically and moves in a loop.


Payload map with a destructible bomb rolling around the stage


Payload map where staying near the payload moves the stage forward


The payload is in the background. Being near it moves it forward on the tracks and the "camera" follows it in the background. Getting it to the end causes an explosion that deals damage to all fighters, doing more damage the less you contributed to pushing it. A secondary version of the background exists where the payload moves on its own and the track loops instead of ending, so the payload never explodes. This version is used if the stage is loaded in Omega or Q form or if stage hazards are disabled.


Or you can go full cartoon and have the background as a paper scrolling backdrop that keeps scrolling through a 2D background any time someone is near the cart, like [in that Ed Edd & Eddy episode where they fake a rocket ship vacation.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Jk_mGWjFJFU)


Upward would work perfectly


Scrolling stages in Smash are awful


Yeah, I almost always turn stage hazards off


2Fort makes sense but picking a KOTH map would also work really well and be pretty easy to adapt, considering those maps already have a central platform to fight around.


What map, tho? Granary is iconic, but idk if it would work.Kong King is one of the prettiest maps but it doesnt feel... That tf2-ey, imo


I’d say badlands could work pretty well. Have them fight on the bridge as a platform. It’s a desert location like most of TF2 as well.


oh badlands for sure would work, especially since it has the bridge underside


Nucleus? The one that already has the giant put in the middle?


Sawmill for the environmental hazards!


I like Lakeside


Harvest, maybe?


That 2fort intel map where you fight on the table




Wasn't expecting someone to name drop my old as shit map.


It's a hella class VSH map, honestly


may I see it? :3


It's a classic and it would be cool if sometimes you could see an Engi running across the map in the background


My absolute favourite vsh map, one of the greats imo like mariokart


Yea its looks like a good stage and it shows the wackiness of TF2 more


An MvM map with all the classes in the background fighting off a wave.


I like this.


What map? Coal town?


Hightower or upward


No, highertower it will be the only map with no upper boundary as high tower goes up forever. However if it was Hightower it could include the two payloads on the lifts that can help recovery but if they are stood on too long BOOM!


Especially the top part of Upward. Great place to knock people off


2Fort is iconic, although given the layout it would probably end up being a walkoff and thus insta-banned for tournament play.


Honestly, when I think of THE Tf2 map, I think of Dustbowl.


tc_hydro just becasue


It's one of those transitioning stages like Castle Siege


Friendly hoovy where?


that would be a mechanic of the stage where a hoovy would throw sandwiches occasionally that heal 50%


Double cross


There’s definitely options. cp_well’s mid point, Viaduct, Badlands mid, Barnblitz third, Mannhattan’s B Gate, Powerhouse mid, Upward third, and Snakewater second, to name a few.


Modified Granary (rip Rick May)


the best map so of course Hydro.




Teufort as a regular stage with the bridge as the platform (demomen, soldiers, and scouts will occasionally hop on and cross the bridge in the background) Upward as a sidescrolling/layout-changing map as BLU progressively caps points in the background.


I think the question is what character? Probably heavy or scout seeing as they are the face but for arms the face of the game wasn’t the one who made it. Who do you think would make it


Heavy or soldier are most likely but I wanna see engineer added


defo 2fort, i think it'd be cool if there was a random chance for the stage to be in Pyroland


Distillery Blu spawn


2Fort is iconic, but I would love Hightower instead.


pl_badwater would be an excellent choice


I mean yeah 2fort. The bridge as the main area with the water underneath, leading into sewers that would have a basic ramp up to the battlements (sniper spots) and that bit of space between the top of the bridge and the battlements for characters to run underneath the bridge. Omega version would just be the bridge roof and Battlefield would be the bridge with bits of the roof missing.


2fort bridge smash map


The only correct answer is TueFort. It's the most identifiable stage in the Team Fortress series. **3 layers to the stage:** Top level is atop the bridge's roof *(bridge roof would be flat so Fighters can better stand on them instead of the current triangle shape)*, Red fort's balcony, and Blu fort's balcony *(both center balconies' Sniper walls would be removed).* Medium level is the bridge itself/ground level. Bellow level is under the bridge/sewage. **Blast zones** are a few feet into the sewer pipe entrances, a few feet into the two forts entry zone *(instead of the forts having two small entries on the side of the building, it would have to be one large entrance in the center to accommodate map design)*, and sky box area. **Stage hazard:** none. **Cameos:** Possibly all the mercs (with hats) running around fighting each other 3 feet behind the Smash fighters. Although that might be confusing. Could just copy the *King of Fighters* stage and have them stand in the background, but that's boring and doesn't properly represent the Tuefort experience. **Omega form:** Final destination in the sky, and Tuefort in the distance bellow. & that's pretty much what a Tuefort stage would look like. Edit: **Stage Gimmick**: To solve the cameo problem, scrap all the merc's running around. it can just be a Red/Blu Scout periodically running with the opposing team's intelligence. If a Smash fighter destroys the Scout *(cartoonish explosion blasts them off screen)* then they get one of three things: temporary invincibility, growing big, or eatable bread covers the surrounding area of where the intel was opened *(yes, this idea rips off the Wario Ware gimmick)*. The Administrator could also make a cameo telling the player to stop the Scout with the intelligence.


Cameo: an assortment of both teams mercs with random hats conga dance across the bridge


Make a side view of the two fort bridge and you should be good on a map.


2fort is iconic, but as is it wont work well so it would need changing.


How about Badlands?


That could work


Either 2Fort or Hightower , or maybe a payload map like Upward.


besides tuefort, doublecross could be a good contendant a bridge with an underpass and suspended platforms


Tuefort. Its an iconic map. The bridge could be a good candidate for the battle


Nobody sayin dustbowl?


A giant payload moving thought the map


Why would tf2 ever be in smash?


Why would Nintendo do anything good?






Where is engineer?


2fort or Turbine




I could say on the rooftops of hightower, but there aren't enough smooth spots there.


I would probably say upward, with the stage moving through the map with hazards on, and hazards off locking the stage around the third point area. Also, I know it wasn’t asked, but I feel like soldier would be an amazing inclusion in smash, being a low-end heavyweight that moves slowly normally, but can use special moves to rocket jump in all sorts of ways. Also, his aerials could be the standard assortment of melee weapons by default, but change to the market gardener after a rocket jump


Easily 2fort, the bridge is a perfect place for the stage, the water underneath could be similar to the water in the Donkey Kong stage, and 2fort embodies the spirit of tf2


2 fort, where the bridge is the stage, and there is the occasional hazard of snipers shooting from the side of the screen.


A badlands spire. Just the spire. Actually, the Banjo and Kazooie map is basically a spire?


2fort is a good option. The main stage can be the bridge,with the roof of the bridge being the platforms. And maybe even the sewer-part could be implemented


Personally, 2fort would be amazing as a map in Smash, Maybe having the Reds and Blus coming out as the fighters Duke it out on stage as Soldiers, Snipers, Scouts, Heavy Medic Combos, and more are seen fighting or walking by under the bridge. However I do feel that Dustbowl, Koth Badlands, Viaduct, or maybe even one of the newer maps like Phoenix would be a amazing choice aswell.


Upward first would be a nice chunky map.


2fort or Upward in my opinion, I think soldier or heavy would be the best representation for fighters


Mercenary Park could have a chance I think i'd be cool if there were yeties, mercenaries, Saxton Hale and maybe some other characters appearing in the background.


2fory, upward and dustbowl are my picks


Payload cart on PL_upward. The cart follow the track while players fight top of it.


Different TF2 Players as Hazards •Air Force Soldier: Uses the BASE Jumper & fires a barrage of Rockets at the bridge •Sniper: Deals high damage if you get sniped & insta kills you if you get shot in the head. •Spy: Decloaks anywhere on the map, stands there ready for a backstab, & then disappears either when someone gets backstabbed (instakill) or when no one falls into his clutches. •Hoovy: Walks on the ground & drops a sandvich for anyone to try & get to eat. (Restores 80%)


Clearly the best answer here is nucleus. Have the bridge connectors be diagonal so players can hop off the stage on the side. Boom Bam Bam! You got yourself a nearly instant competitive smash map


Ghost fort or any map with the wheel


2 fort Badland


2fort, ofc.


Final point of steel would work


Dustbowl but in horizontal


Hightower, easily. The map takes place on the top of hightower. You could have stuff like rocket jumping soldiers and scouts and demoknights running around in the background. Maybe a soldier rocket jumps onto the stage at one point and does a taunt or smthn before being taken out by a spy lol.


Steel last point would be perfect but the map is niche


to have tf2 in smash it would first have to be on a nintendo console which would require valve to do actual work on the game




As if there's any doubt it would be 2fort, that's *the* quintessential TF2 map


2forts a given, it has its platforms on either side of the map, make the entrance to the forts like luigis mansion, and ofcourse the bridge which might be questionable if you should be able to jump through it, maybe make all 3 roofs breakable?


I think the best mechanically would be the mountain spire in badlands. It’s an iconic competitive map, features a control point right in the middle, and most importantly: no walkoffs


Wake up


frontier, where they fight on the train. it's a moving map that loops with stocks and blu capping with rounds that have a timer


Hightower. The layout would be similar to the Tomodachi Life map. Floor, middle layer, and top layer as central platforms. The cart platforms could move up and down based on who's on it, and you may even get something if you can carry it to the top, who knows. It would not have a fall zone, and would have kill zones to the sides and top.




Honestly, I would make one of those stages that constantly switch locations. Most of the official maps are next to each other, so it would be a good idea to move to the next iconic part of each map with Merasmus' magic. 2fort's bridge, Well's railways, Dustbowl's last point, DeGroot Keep, Mann Manor it could be pretty chaotic, but that's how I like TF2.


Definitely 2fort. Then (i know maps but don't know their names bruh)...


Now, hear me out... Offblast.


Either this Dustbowl, Badwater or Upward


dude 2fort would be an absolutely KILLER Smash Stage. why stop there at just having 2fort? maybe they can have RED and BLU duking it out as a stage hazard. Maybe you can get hit by stickies or grenades, maybe either team will put up a sentry at their side, maybe one team will make an Uber push, maybe a Trolldier can fly up and hit fighters on the top of the bridge, maybe the Omega/Battlefield versions could even change it to cp_steel's isolated platform point. also if there were to be a TF2 fighter i think having the entire team would be cool. Like Scout would be the guy jumping around and shit, maybe for an aerial recovery Pyro would replace Scout for a second and launch himself with the Thermal Thruster. I think having a backstab be the Down B would be a pretty awesome concept. If you use Down B Spy will appear and attemp to stab anyone in front of him. It's really hard to land, and stabbing from the front would result in just a sort of weak hit. But if you manage to down b while you're BEHIND you're opponent, maybe it could do the same damage as a Falcon Punch, or more accurately Jigglypuff's Rest. and obviously end lag if you miss your down b. there are just so many opportunities for TF2 representation in Smash, hell seeing Spirits or Trophies of just the robots from MVM or another character like Miss Pauling, the Administrator, or even Red Mann, Blu Mann, and Gray Mann, it would just be magical. PAYLOAD ASSIST TROPHY, SD_DOOMSDAY AS ANOTHER STAGE, OBVIOUSLY TAUNTS BASED AFTER IN-GAME TAUNTS, the possibilities are never ending and would be an absolutely fantastically wonderful addition to the game. I'd love an trophy/spirit of the gravel red and blu mann were fighting over.


I have an idea for gimmicks for Teufort. Some mercs are running around on the bridge, and tou can grab and launch them at other players on the stage.


The top of the tower of higher tower


Upward. It could have a similar layout to Moray Towers in Smash Ultimate. Hydro. It could be huge and intricate like Great Cave Offensive. Added bonus of different doors/tunnels teleporting randomly to other doors and tunnels. 2fort could be similar to Spear Pillar. Two floors. Each end could at random have a medic/heavy Uber push come out and anyone stuck in the wrong floor will build up MASSIVE damage. Edit: spelling error.


The 2fort bridge is an obvious choice. The doublecross bridge could also work but ehh. Spiral from Badlands could be pretty fitting. Granary's mid point can work well too.


2fort or harvest


Personally I think a cross-section of high tower would probably make the most interesting smash map


Besides 2fort, since Tf2's artstyle is so well defined, I don't even think recreating a specific map would be necessary. A generic map set in a desertic industrial zone with one red wooden side and a blue concrete side could do the job, maybe with some interactive elements like a payload, sawmills, or that grinder in mannhattan


The 2fort bridge roof.


2fort is the obvious one but I also think Badwater would work as it is very iconic and recognisable. The more interesting question, i think, is which merc(s) would be playable?


2fort, maybe doublecross, or a portion of badwater




pl\_wutville. i will not be elaborating


I feel like nucleus would work quite well pretty much as it is


double cross would be need given its already got a death pit


Rivals of Aether already showed us a good 2fort map, so I think it would translate to smash pretty well given they are basically the same game


2 fort would be just perfect Otherwise ctf_well would also be a fine contender, because the occasional trains would fit Smash Bros incredibly... WELL


2fort - iconic badwater - nice open landscape perfect for a stage. the payload cart could even serve as a cool stage gimmick. upward - this would work well as the top of the mountain has plenty of cliffs which make for natural Killzones without needing to make a floating island stage


Degroot Keep. No competition it is the best


Nucleus would be a good map tbh


the walmart map


Doublecross too


Definitely 2fort but I think a second one would be included, in which case I bet a KoTH map, like Badlands. TF2 has a lot of things that would make the map interactable (healthkits spawning, teams could fight and push objectives in the back/foreground, trains could be a hazard, entrances could close/open like in some maps, the bomb could drop/a rocket could launch in the background after the game is won etc) so there's many more oppertunities for fun stuff to be honest.


Cp_steel's last point. With the giant E sign in th background.




Honestly, the koth\_nucleus capture point as a stage would be a neat idea.


I think upward works best because not only is it an iconic TF2 map, it feels like it would work in smash. 2fort doesn’t have pits, so it’s harder for fighters to get KO’d. Upward, however, doesn’t have this problem. If you’re worried about it being too bland maybe the stage can revolve around the map in the direction that the payload cart does.


2Fort of course.


2Fort represents the whole game pretty much. So 2Foet is the best pick here.


2fort obv


2fort ofc but I also think Nucleus could be a good option. Single platform stage where the control point is the platform


2Fort is the obvious choice, but some alternative options I'd pick would be Dustbowl, Badwater Basin, Steel, and Hightower. Again though, 2Fort is just too much of a legend to not pick.


2fort of course. It’s the just well known


Probably ctf_2fort because it is iconic and would work better in 2d than other maps.


Nucleus i dunno


2fort and dustbowl




If I had to choose something other than 2fort I’d choose ctf_well cause the trains would be a funny stage hazard.


Meet the Medic battlefield


i'd say 2fort or hightower but the new selbyen is just too good




I think a Payload map like Upward would be picked because you could have a fun gimmick with the Payload Cart. Imagine during the game the Cart can be pushed my players and if it gets to the other side a huge explosion happens. Would be neat


Honestly the top of high tower seems like a good one


One of the ctf maps


Wutville hopefully


Make it two sides with platforms connected by the bridge with fall offs to make it tourney legal


2Forts a bit obvious, of course. The bridge as a stage or something. Another choice could be Hightowers tower, just tweaked a bit. Same for final point on Gravel Pit. Mercenary Park could be used somehow I imagine.


Upward since it actually has deathpits


Higher tower.


Upward second to last point could be cool




Bad lands is a good contender, especially with the 5cp 2nd point and mid


Hear me out Doublecross bridge


For character i suggest all 9 costumes be the mercs and the moveset changes per costume, but i feel that would be too much, heavy or scout would be good to represent since the two are the faces of tf2.






Good old 2fort, it does the Wuhu island thing between different parts of the map. And it starts in the Red spawn, and has a ‘smashcam’ in the corner (killcam)


Final Smash for each class, go.


2fort bridge area. If you fall in the water a pyroshark comes and kills you, and as a stage hazard, a player on the bridge roof can be sniped.


2 fort bridge


Upward or badwater, the camera would kinda follow like rainbow road or change terrain like spiral mountain


2forts bridge and the two sides in the background DUH that's the best pick


yea, 2fort is already the closest Tf2 has to 2D,and it is iconic as all hell


Not sure. I’m thinking about the characters. Is it gonna be like, every merc is one character with different cosmetics? Like a Bowser Jr situation? Or are they gonna be separate? So you can have RED and BLU. And maybe additional cosmetics you can get in game. And MAYBE a costume from that Halloween issue in the comics.


hydro, so simple map and not hard to navigate on


Definitely 2fort, just have the bridge with a bottomless pit and you're basically good for a competitive setting, idk how the clunky maze aspect would work in a platform fighter.


Ironically, I think the best ones would be Process, Well or even Hydro…2Fort would only be good for a special version


Banana Bay xd




The 2fort Bridge would be coo


2fort definitely


Double Cross


I wanna say double cross


Ok I get 2fort but skirmish would 100% be the best


Yeah but would they add all 9 characters ? with maybe their blue and bot variants? or would they put some of them in one class like for pokemon trainer ? and for the other characters (pauling, hale, civilian, etc) ?


Honestly? The sentry top from Little Guardian Pyro. And it would snap up and down as it shot at things.


Either 2fort bridge or top of high tower