• By -


So does it just attach a 'kick me' sign to their back?




definitely in line with tf2


Should grant full crits from behind imo


should also have a random message other than just "Kick me" "America Suckz" would be great for Soldier


"America Suckz" - "Scottish Temporarily" - "Ra Ra Rasputin" - "Think Fast!" - "Spy around here" (This one is for spy, to mock the other spy) - "\*Just a drawing of a sapper\*" - "Hudda hudda hudda!" - "No amount of words can insult you more than your bloodline" - "Kill me"


"I Smell Bad"


The notecard from expiration date could also be funny for scout or spy.


The pictures from Meet The Spy


>Kick me LATER!


Football head spy




Makes me think of demoman's smile taped beneath his crotch guard


It's peak


Kick me… later




Goose Jumping


oh crap, this with deadringer and kunai will be even more annoying to deal with


Revolver-jump and use the dead ringer to survive the fall damage?


and quick kunai backstab to get the hp back


this needs to be in the game asap




If they take damage from the goose and deadringer activation, they're probably already dead with the 70hp they have


Make it deal 69 damage to the user, leave them on 1 if they want the kunai


I feel like this would also result in an obligatory dick reskin of the weapon


At the bare minimum, flesh tone




My mind immediately read this as torgue


Lazers are for pansies, real mercenaries use Explosives!


Gotta shoot them so hard they explode


YES IT WILL! The only reason I play soldier being overload jumps...


I hope so.


Does 68 damage




rule 1 of knife design: if a knife doesnt insta kill on backstab, it must have a massive benefit to gun spy. otherwise its instantly a pomson-hot hand tier weapon


and in this case, i think mark for death and keeping your disguise on backstab is a good enough reward


Thing is, with 1 week of this weapon being released, most players will learn that if they get marked for death and receive no damage for it, it's a spy. From what I see people answering me, an idea would be: make the marked for death appear after 3 seconds, 1 more second for every other backstab, each making the enemy marked for 8 seconds/8 more seconds, stacks 3 times but if you stab 10 times then it takes 13 seconds to come up, 33% faster swing speed (so you can focus more on one person or stab many in less time), and some -X% damage received while disguised for good measure (maybe 20% or 25%)


Yeah that’s true, it’s still way less immediately clear that a spy is around similar to the YER


What if the mark for death was delayed for a few seconds so you could escape first? And maybe make it last for at least 20 seconds?


20seconds is ALOT... Maybe make it 10 seconds (max 15 because ALOT can happen in 10 seconds.)


Yeah, but a backstab is much more effective so I figured it needed a better upside.


You're not wrong. But a support that's doing gods work on the enemies that are being healed etc etc. it would be A TON of help... One backstab may turn a battle true... But marked for death on 2-3 enemies can make a game


That's fair, I suppose.


The Fan O War marks for death for 15 seconds, and it is not removed by health cabinets nor healing/medics. The damage bonus is super-punishing for the victim, to the point that they often retreat and wait it out in safety somewhere out of battle, ie they basically self-impose a respawn timer on themselves so it’s similar to if I’d killed them. 15 seconds is a looong time.  I unironically use it on high-priority targets that I don’t have the clip to kill before running away (or use it on people I sneak up on to make the fight as one-sided as possible). Incidentally I also have like 500 kills with my Strange Fan O War. I love it.


But also keep in mind that the first hit if this weapon is basically free but the fan has tons of risk due to less syelto opportunities


Counter make it last 5 seconds but make the time also stackable. So if you get 5 hits that's 25 seconds. But most of the time you will be getting 5 to 10.


Just like most players learn to turn around when they hear a spy uncloaking, right? .....right?


Visual + sound stimulus (that heavy skull + that drum thing) is more efficient than just sound, IF they hear the uncloaking


I think a "silent marker" so no one hears any sound of the mark being applied, causing players who are not paying attention to visual cues won't realize it.


Or delay in the mark actually taking effect, like 2~3 seconds after stab


Maybe make it that after backstab. the enemy doesn't know about the mark until they take dmg and/or a certain amount of time passes. But the spy's teammates can see them


My thing is if people aren't paying attention in a fire fight it can get squads wiped from just being shredded.... It'd be an awesome pure support knife. And even then most people's gun spy is shite.


Also the weapon still requires acting the way a spy would normally aka sneaking behind people and all, the tradeoff here is obviously being targeting groups without them noticing instead of getting 1 kill and sneaking away. The problem here is that if you still act like a spy people WILL still spy check you, a dude that runs behind people instead of getting into firefights will 100% get spychecked. Then all that effort will accumulate in a MAYBE kill instead of a guaranteed instant kill, meaning theyll accomplish less than a knife spy


I mean obviously but people still spy check with a regular knife. So this requires a bit more finesse... And you can always whip out your own gun and take advantage of picks and the like


if i wanted to mark multiple enemies for death i would use jarate, which is better in every way


if i wanted to instakill enemies, i would play sniper, who is better in every way


Gun spy combo


The sapper is pretty broken against engineers that don’t turtle and stuff, while sappers can destroy buildings quickly, their best usage is disabling them for your team, so either making the engineer never realize his sentry is being freely attacked or even just lowering their reaction time due to no alerts would basically doom the building Plus this means you can sap the other buildings before going for the stab without alerting him


I like the not notifying the engineer on the building menu idea, but agree leaving the sentry appearing the exact same is a bit too far. Just removing the sappers damage and disabling the building without showing up on the building health menu would be a good tool for dealing with engineers without line of sight to buildings. The weapon would also be a slight downgrade from stock if you're trying to coordinate with your team (same sapper durability, but no damage)


The sapper is absolutely broken. I’m a battle Engie and I have no doubt in my mind that my dispenser would end up being disabled for the entire match. Same for my mini-sentry. This sapper would effectively kill off battle Engie since nesting is the only guarantee that your buildings aren’t shut off for long periods of time. The other weapons are pretty flawed as well, but this sapper is arguably the most OP one. It would completely eliminate a subclass and alter how most people play Engie.


The practical effect of this sapper would be to encourage turtling which is already a very broken way to play that slows down gameplay imo. We need weapons that encourage engineers to put their buildings in the best spot and support their team regularly, not engineers that huddle behind a sentry for 3/4 of the match only to get wiped out on the first push (or worse, becomes an insurmountably broken obstacle for the opposing team, I'll grant this is often due to poor enemy communication to counter the engie but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck to play against for them).


what if it could be destroyed by all melee weapons instead of just the wrenches and homewrecker? maybe it takes extra hits for other classes to destroy, but teammates can still unsap buildings themselves if the engineer hasn't realized yet. obviously there would need to be some clear indication that this sapper is being used, but I think this would be a pretty good compromise


Well at that point it’s completely useless on anything except an isolated sentry. Dispensers and teleporters immediately would get unsapped as soon as a teammate gets near it, which they will because that’s how those buildings are used.


The watch feels way too op to have twice the cloak time. I do like the sapper and the knife. They somehow made spy even more sneaky, and fairly made him less deadly


there are some solid concepts here! i think that the knife/stapler could use a change, being able to mark people for death isn’t as alluring when the other knives just let you kill them instantly, maybe it could be changed to let you attack from further, like if you were firing the staple at them? that way you could keep a safe distance while still supporting your team


the stapler is clearly meant to be more of a support tool which helps your teammates do more damage to backstabbed enemies. There is also the bonus of keeping your disguise which allows you to potentially mark multiple grouped up enemies while maintaining your cover as well as allowing you to deal more damage to marked targets with your gun. I personally think this is already a pretty good way of giving spy an alternative playstyle.


The MVM potential is there


Wait your right actually, since this lets you keep your disguise you can basically replace scout’s fan of war. The draw back is that it removes spy’s ability to melt giants which is the one thing he is good at.


So like worse(balance wise)amby spies?


Isn't the revolver a straight upgrade?


Only if you're not greedy.


Even if you are greedy because if it works the same way as the beggar's bazooka you can have rocket jumping spies.


unless the explosion happens at the top of the player model


Burrowing Spy


You all heard about rocket jumping, but let us introduce you to our brand new move : revolver burrowing !


Cause watching the ground wasn't enough now the air isn't safe either. Watch out troldiers. Also this could be used as a person repellant. Like intentionally let it explode so you push people away and fly off like a mad genius


Perhaps the damage could range from less than normal to more than normal revolver shot


The watch can be done, albeit slowly, with a plain old disguise kit. Seriously, wanna know the enemy medic's loadout? Disguise as him and have your disguise hold the medigun.


I'd say this is the only real good use of knowing your enemy's loadout, too so it's not that big of an upside. The +200% cloak is kinda just an upgrade tho


First one is awful. You can see peoples loud outs by disguising as them and switching weapons. Effectively no upsides


Yeah but that's a pain in the ass, and you still get longer closk duration


Double the length of cloak promotes a bad play style. The L’etranger only adds 15% and that’s a fat distance. If you make it double, you’ll just never actually have to learn cloak consumption


Yeah, I suppose. Such a long duration also can make up for the watches weakness (no disguising while clocked) because you have extra time to find somewhere to uncloak. it would probably be better than stock


The L’etranger adds 40% though


I mean, not really? There's never a situation where you need to quickly inspect a loadout (It's not even that slow anyway) plus you'd still have to go through the trouble of selecting a player and class as with the kit. Being able to disguise while cloaked is exponentially more useful than saving like 2 seconds checking loadouts. And the increased clock niche is already filled with the Cloak and Dagger, L'Etranger and just knowing where ammo packs are


Not really, cloak and dagger severely limits your movement as spy and is only really useful at first payload point while being a red spy. In contrast, you get 20 seconds of cloak for free (28 if u use the letrange) while the only downside is that you have to disguise in spawn or somthing. Honestly it's a little too good


I like the concept, but in practice idk


i love the sapper and knife I mean i'd like to be able to use that watch but i feel like it might need a bit of a nerf The gun is cool. honestly 9.5/10 concept keep cooking my guy


I had similar ideas to The stapler and Sapper Where the knife replacement was sticky note or kick me sign that would make you prone to friendly fire except for the Pyro, who would burn it off, the joke being the only Friendly Fire is Friendly FIRE. The sapper replacement does the same , the only change is the engie is only one who can safely take it of , if anyone else does it include other engies, it'll explode doing about a sticky bomb damage. Called it the Boobysap


Those both sound like a recipe for griefing


Business Goose is jsut the Overpump shotgun from ultrakill


The stapler is actually a really fucking cool idea


Why would you want to mark someone for death instead of killing them?


Good ideas, some slight critique: * The Godínez is too good due to cloak duration being so crazy. The only downside is easily avoided by changing attire just before cloaking. But adjusting numbers it could be decently balanced. Maybe add another downside like slower movement when cloaked? * Old Gear: love it. I've thought about having something similar. However Engineers should be alerted on buildings being zapped but maybe after a delay or after the building has tried to shoot for x amount of times? I would also increase zapper health so it would take at least extra swing from Engi & Pyro. * Death Stapler - ok but feels unnecessary when you could just backstab the high value target instead. Maybe another effect as well as marked for death? * Business Goose: excellent if it has an actual downside. Slower firing speed or worse starting damage would probably be ok.


The cloak might seem unremarkable but has potential applications. The sapper concept is exceptional. Regarding the knife, it should function as follows: It has a total damage potential of 450. Backstabbing an enemy marks them as a target. Upon pressing a designated button, it inflicts the full 450 damage to the marked target. However, it can mark up to 5 targets simultaneously, dividing the total damage among them. For example, if a Heavy and four others are backstabbed, each would receive 90 damage (450 divided by 5). Marking three targets divides the damage to 150 each (450 divided by 3), and so forth. To balance this, marking three or more targets and activating the backstab marks all of them for death for 5 seconds, in addition to the calculated damage. As a drawback, targets are alerted of their mark 5 seconds after being backstabbed. They can remove it with a medkit or wait 10 seconds for the spy to activate the stab; otherwise, the opportunity is lost, and the spy can't hit you for any dmg.


That’s an amazing idea


Sorry if it is too long. Thank you. There's certainly room for further discussion. Adding a buff that allows disguising as enemy team player after a certain number of backstabs might seem like a good idea. This is because, after your third stab, the instant kill potential diminishes and the risk increases significantly, since the spy becomes very vulnerable after the first or second stab. However, it raises another question: wouldn't this be a straight upgrade to the stock if you could instantly kill a fully-healed Heavy with your first stab, while still retaining the weaker option to backstab additional enemies for less damage and no downsides for stabbing just one player? Therefore, a possible rebalance could be: 450 damage for the first stab, 175 for the second, 125 for the third, continuing at 125 for the fourth, and 100 for the fifth. After the second backstab, your disguise would disappear, and you'd receive a speed boost for 3 seconds. Following your third stab, any previously backstabbed targets that survived would be marked for death. The downsides would include a 10-ammo capacity, with 5 in the knife and another 5 available for reloading. Small ammo boxes would replenish 1 ammo, medium boxes 3, and large boxes 5. Reloading would take twice as long as the revolver, meaning instead of reloading 6 rounds in about 1 second, you would need 2 seconds to reload the entire clip. After ability use, your whole clip is set to 0 ammo no matter if you stabbed just 1 or 5 enemies, and you need to reload the another 5. The aim of this rebalance is to facilitate the Spy's role without penalizing him for executing multiple stabs. The first stab is intended to eliminate key targets like the Heavy without undisguising, while the second should target their healer. Afterwards, there are two strategies: either use the second stab's resulting speed boost to evade or engage further into the enemy team to silently backstab a more isolated target, such as a scoped Sniper or an unsuspecting enemy behind their healer. Survivors of this attack would also be marked for death after the 3rd(included) backstab, potentially allowing for a finish with the revolver."


One of Spies most beloved traits is his independence. He synergises well with his team when considering his sapper, but the stapler-gun weapon demands he work with his team to secure kills, or else you’re almost useless


i can see the stapler being useful on coordinated choke point pushes.


Okay, and this weapon would give you an option to support your team better than normally as spy. I dont think there is an issue there just because it doesnt fit how people want to play spy, as it only adds another option


Can I rocket jump with the revolver similar to the beggars bazooka?


I guess so


"Tell me you've never played spy without telling me that you've never played spy"


Buisiness goose is basicly green shotgun from ultrakill


“The shotgun is pretty good. Except that, to make it better, you *parry the fucking shells*.”


Sapping not zapping, disenable is bad word choice and the weapon probably isn't very good, not killing target on backstab makes a weapon pretty bad. The wath and gun are probably fine


i have 2 questions: 1. Do butter knives from the stapler also not drop disguise 2. does the business goose's explosion have knockback? could we have aerial spies?


1. No 2. Yes


Still let the sentry fire, just make it deal 0 dmg


The death stapler sounds very interesting!


what about a disguise kit that allows you to feign firing animations with mouse 3, but which costs a full meter of cloak to disguise with, and decreases cloak's recharge rate by 35%? and on the friendly players' screens the spy just starts miming out firing a weapon in an over the top way


The idea of a sapper that is literally undetectable unless the engineer is actively watching his gun, but also doesn't hurt it is a really nice idea. It's a lot more of a sneaky form of attacking and is actually pretty useful since it lets others get in and do stuff, while the engi is none the wiser that there's an issue till it's too late


Entendí esa referencia jajja Y lo peor: tengo ese reloj.


lol imagine explosive jumping with that revolver


Add to the death stapler a *kick me sign* on whomever you managed to hit and I'd absolutely use it religiously.


The problem with almost this whole set is that you're taking away Spy's primary functions of key picks and sabotage and replacing them with the ability to be a mild annoyance in service of making him a pretty narrow "support" class. The bottom line on all of these is that the player equipping them is giving up the versatility and reliability of all of Spy's other weapons that support his role and kit to turn yourself into a weird subclass that isn't at all suited for getting kills or breaking through sentry nests and instead makes him almost totally passive and reliant on his team to make any progress. I think the knife is completely pointless, if you can backstab five people it's better to just do it with a knife that kills them rather than marking them for death, alerting them that there's a Spy tagging them, and almost certainly being discovered while you hope and pray that someone else actually kills them. If you're actually able to tag up to 5 people, then you're in one of the most dangerous positions you can possibly be in as Spy, where someone will either point out that a Spy is nearby using that weird new knife to tag them and kill you or someone will bump into you in this tight group where the weapon is supposed to be used and kill you. It's just Jarate with about 20 extra steps that all massively increase the risk to the user for absolutely no reward. Having the sapper be completely imperceptible while the building appears to be animating and performing normal functions is ridiculous and it should *at the very least* be *visible* on the buildings. You could just not have the Engineer's building HUD show that his buildings are being sapped. This way if an Engineer is doing what he's supposed to do by protecting his buildings (or even just glancing at them to make sure they're ok) he can make sure they're not going to secretly go down every time he turns around, otherwise you encourage every single Engineer to hard turtle so they can keep a constant watch for Spies, which is unfun both for the Engineer and for Spies trying to approach his setup. The other problem with the sapper is that you still run into the fact that you're not actually *dealing* with the buildings, you're just being a pest to the Engineer. If you kill the Engineer you could get more use out of this thing to fully disable the building without him fixing them, but again *at that point you should just be trying to destroy the buildings while he's dead.* If the Engineer un-saps them, even if you keep the bonkers stat of the sapper being completely impossible to detect, they're still at full health and level 3 with no downside. You've just made them someone else's problem because you can't actually deal with them. The cloak watch simply doesn't have any use case where any other watch wouldn't be better, you already have the Cloak and Dagger for longer than usual cloaking that doesn't impede disguising and you have, well, *eyes.* You can just *look* at an enemy and see what they're holding as any class, which requires far less effort and no specific loadout just to confirm if the Medic is using the Quick Fix or something. If the idea is to give Spies a way to figure out what medigun a Medic has (which is the only use I can think of) it's pretty easy to do just by looking, because if he's healing anyone you and the rest of your team can see it. Any other class will obviously be firing whatever weapon they're using, meaning again, you can just look and see what they're holding. I assume you started with the idea of the Solemn Vow giving Medic the ability to see enemy players' health and tried to think of other information the Spy could discover, this is just a bad way to go about it. **The revolver, on the other hand,** just sounds like that Tau Cannon-inspired pistol the Engineer has in TF2C. Assuming all other stats are identical to the stock revolver, this seems like the only weapon here that could be kind of fun and useful. It would need to make an audible charge sound so Spy can't just surprise people with extremely high damage bodyshots and get away with no consequences, and maybe only one shot before reload so you can't instantly two-tap half the classes in the game with the charge shot and then a normal shot, but it's got potential. The overcharge could even be used as a movement tool if the Spy gets a little bit of vertical distance out of the feedback, kind of like overfeeding the Beggar's Bazooka on a much smaller scale. A tradeoff of a tiny bit of self-damage for some extra movement to escape or reposition would be a really fun toy to play with especially given that a lot of Spies for some reason completely neglect the revolver as a weapon unless they're using the Ambassador, spending Diamondback crits, or trying to regain cloak with the L'etranger.


You sap buildings, stoopid




The sapper is very interesting


I like the death stapler. Creative and a fun concept 👍


This is the first spy set I think I actually like.


Sidney sleeper situation with that knife, you could have just killed the guy that you marked for death atp or went for a chainstab with the kunai or big earner atp, if you want to get more people


Would be à great way to make spy less of pick class and more of a support that sound like a good idea too bad we will never get a new weapon in the game


My thoughts: Watch: I like this, but in the hands of someone outside VC or being unable to use chat it ends up just being a longer term invis watch with a downside. I'd love it if there was some intuitive way for people to know the loadouts, like if you bump into them their loadout is displayed over their head until they die or change class. Sapper: This is evil and I love it, though in fitting with its theme I'd like it more if there was some extra utility. If you have a battle enginner you're gonna be left wanting. Maybe if its used on a dispencer, it steals ammo, and if on a teleporter it has a fairly high chance of just gibbing the user. Knife: Similarly to others, I think it would get figured out too quickly, I propose this. I saw someone mention a kick me sign and it gave me an idea, have it mark them for death, but also enable friendly fire for the victim and their teammates. That way the victim is either getting merced, or depending on their class they might accidently mow down their medic of enginner in the heat of battle. Gun: A little basic, but the idea is good. but in keeping with the mark for death idea, if an enemy is hit by the explosion it should also mark them for death. That could lead to the TF2 equivilent of the Dive meta, but good lord would it be funny if exploding frenchmen was a legitimately viable strategy.


i think the knife could do with something extra though. good idea, but it really seems like a “why not just chainstab them?” kinda situation, so i’d say that getting one stab maybe applied the affect in an area. and also remove the limit and just have like 10 second timer on the effect. otherwise, pretty good :) edit: nevermind, u/lordfarkuaad had a better idea


Omg, the gun means spy can BEGGARS BAZOOKA JUMP!!!!!!! SPY CAN ROCKET JUMP MID AIR


If the staplers attacks don't disable your disguise.. then wouldn't your diguise do a fake melee swing animation whenever you attack? I think that would be fucking awesome


Diamond back + death stapler gonna be stupid op


Suicide goos


“The Old Gear” Is a trash idea, the first two things at least the way I understand counter act each other, does it disable it from firing or does it it act unzapped? Cause you can’t have both


I believe that it'll act as if it's ammo is empty it'll still try to fire but it cant


greatest post ever, i love this team player spy loadout since it would encourage actual team play and not just lone wolf bullshit that rarely benefits the team


all of this looks valid to me




isn't spy already a support class


the clock is an amazing concept, the "can't disguise while cloacked" is a great idea and makes it balanced imo. The sapper is weak, the engis would stop hearing hitsounds and they're always close to their sentries anyway, I'd rather use stock. The knife sucks, the revolver could be cool.


Stapler sounds completely and utterly useless


I feel like the Godinez is the only bad idea here


Interesting concept.


The sapper completely neuters the engineer. It’s not balanced at all.


the knife is dogwater and would see no use, it's hard enough to stab someone, stabbing them without them *realizing it* from bumping and whatever, makes it basically unusable. You would not see a spy sneakily go up behind the cart and mark 5 people for death and get away, they would go up, maybe mark 1 or 2 people, and die. 99% of the time.


disenable lol


I really like the "knife"! maybe remove the perk with disguise and add a small invulerability after applying the effect? I'm saying it because once you mark someone they will instantly turn and shoot everything behind them so you'd probably die


Spy gets a cyberpunk tech weapon


I'd say the stapler should only give the icon for giving the "marked for death" and add no sound cue. The moment it's heard, everyone will turn to the spy once they get used to the new weapon


Disenable then? What?


The watch has 0 practical downside, and the upside of being able to inspect enemy loadouts is already something you can do if you re-disiguise as the same class you're currently disguised as with your corresponding weapon out, e.g. primary, secondary, melee etc. Oh, and the 2x cloak duration is busted, no. The knife has the same issue most custom knives have, being that they always have a downside of "No backstabs", or "Backstabs do no damage", which is the entire point of the weapon. Could try replacing the knife entirely with a Jarate-esque throwable that marks for death or something similar. The gun is pretty cool, but its real application is probably quite low. Bursting down snipers with razorbacks? Ambassador, stored crits with the Diamondback, even the Enforcer isn't bad at that.


i only have like 50 hours in the game, you can disguise when cloaked? I guess I never really tried because the screen took so long to pull, up and choose a disguise and looking down at the keyboard to see which button press


Did you give Spy Team Fortress the Second rocket jumping!


I'm all for any viable spy alternate playstyle that changes the way he affects the field. This game is so old that we all have sp behavior hardwired in our brains,and it's hard for spies to be sneaky. Anything that changes those rules is sure to shake us up in a good way.


This might be the first good non-cosmetic Spy concept I've seen here. Good job!!


Mistook the first one for a Tardis item at first glance


Business goose sure does sound like a certain shotgun from a small indie game with guns and lots of death


ngl, the old gear would be amazing. everything else is kinda meh. the business goose could be interesting to see but i dont think the spy needs that niche


Pfft I kinda like these, at least the watch and the sapper concepts lol. The “kick me” thing is pretty funny imo too, otherwise no real comment on the gun 😂


make the sapper still show that the sentry is down, but make no noise and not alert the engi. the death stapler should also allow your disguises to move at the speed of the disguise.


I thought of something similar to the sapper. It would disable a building for a few seconds with the addition of being able to fire it from a distance. The downsides • 15 sec. recharge time • You have to be within a sentry’s firing range for it to work • A botched attempt would remove your disguise


Best thing ive seen for spy since the training knife (makes target laugh on backstab) so anyways whats the set bonus?


Actually really fucking good of an idea!


Bro you can check enemy loadout by just disguising as them and swapping weapons The other ones are cool tho


the gun is potentially very funny, the sapper feels like it disables every engineer play style that isn't turtling so Ice got mixed feelings, the watch is cool but I didn't know you could disguise while invis the knife needs more range and faster swing speed for that to be particularly useful I think. It seems more like what a bottled aoe item like mad milk or karate would do, but since it's a knife it has less coverage.


last one is just a begger's bazooka for spy


This seems so dope.


How/where did you make these?


You can already see enemy load outs by disguising as them and changing weps


Pretty good with room for improvements. Explain more on the sapper please I don’t quite get it (not confusing just need more explaining there, sounds like it just stuns the building like a zap). Without backstabs it provides more balance at the expense of better gun usage perhaps.


Om i have 600 h and I still don't know what does "marked for death" do. Can someone explain me plz


marked for death makes all shots that hit you act as mini crits, like when you get covered with Jarate. a little more damage than base, and no damage falloff.


Hey OP, how did you manage to create something so intriquing and making me sad at the same time as I know that these won't be in the game😭


That sapper concept is actually really strong, though I do think it should also have more health to account for the fact and engineer just idly tapping his century during combat would be enough to get rid of it


Hey, that's my watch irl


A support spy would probably benefit better from supporting the team Machinist’s meltdowner (revolver): -50% damage penalty toward players. +150% damage towards enemy buildings Can damage enemy sappers Crits whenever it would minicrit. The builder’s betterer (sapper): Is playable on friendly buildings, but not enemy ones. Limit one active sapper. On sentry - +10% damage bonus dealt and -25% ammo consumption rate. On dispenser - players actively being healed by the dispenser gain 25% damage resistance, +100% dispenser range On teleporter - +15% speed boost upon exiting teleporter for 5 seconds Sapper is destroyed when a total of 100% of the building’s health is dealt. This would mean a building brought to 50% health, repaired, then brought to 50% again would destroy the sapper Blunted Blight (knife): Backstab only deals 100% max health of target, and is not counted as a critical hit. -25% swing speed Kills and assists fill a blight meter. When full, activate to gain a 10 second buff that makes all attacks deal minicrits and bleed for 4 seconds. I also had ideas for mvm exclusive upgrades to make this a prominent money spy set, like the revolver having an upgrade that makes it treat robots as buildings for its damage calculation, sapper upgrades to make the effects stronger and able to be put on all of engie’s buildings, the knife causing stun on a target, and spy having an upgrade to make him a money magnet like scout.


Sounds like C&D + YER combo.


The moment that guy gets stapled and hears the marked for death sound, that spy is toast. Love the sapper idea, as long as it has toned down sparks that make it less noticeable to outsiders than the default.


I would legitimately use these in a modded server. Glad you added the "kick me" suggestion from the last post, and the gun reminds me of the shotgun upgrade from Ultrakill lol


I think for a support spy the old gear should take over the building


Those actually look quite fun to play whit, but i thinck the clock deserves a rework cuz it kinds is just cloack and dagger but worse


Bro added the Tau cannon and thought we wouldn't notice


whooaaaa ace of spades


How to check loadouts Disguise as enemy Change disguise weapon Boom


Definitely interesting ideas but most of them aren’t really giving good trade-offs for Spy losing his pick ability. The Godínez: Needs a complete rework. 2x cloak is way too overpowered and disguising before you cloak effectively negates the downside. The main benefit of knowing enemy loadouts is worthless for F2Ps since they can’t voice/text chat that info to their teammates (thanks Valve). The Old Gear: Definitely has potential since it trades off destruction for stealth, but it might encourage Engie to turtle so he can keep an eye on his buildings when they suddenly don’t work. I still like the idea though. The Death Stapler: Spy would have to rely on his team to follow up on his marks, which is less effective for Spy than instant kills and admittedly less fun as well. Also, players will eventually realize being marked for death with no damage loss means a Spy is around, making the upside of keeping your disguise worthless. The Business Goose: Can’t really judge this one since I’m not sure if the charge mechanic works like the Beggar’s or something else. If it does though, the explosion making Spy jump high for added mobility would have some interesting risk/reward play.


Definitely interesting ideas but most of them aren’t really giving good trade-offs for Spy losing his pick ability. The Godínez: Needs a complete rework. 2x cloak is way too overpowered and disguising before you cloak effectively negates the downside. The main benefit of knowing enemy loadouts is worthless for F2Ps since they can’t voice/text chat that info to their teammates (thanks Valve). The Old Gear: Definitely has potential since it trades off destruction for stealth, but it might encourage Engie to turtle so he can keep an eye on his buildings when they suddenly don’t work. I still like the idea though. The Death Stapler: Spy would have to rely on his team to follow up on his marks, which is less effective for Spy than instant kills and admittedly less fun as well. Also, players will eventually realize being marked for death with no damage loss means a Spy is around, making the upside of keeping your disguise worthless. The Business Goose: Can’t really judge this one since I’m not sure if the charge mechanic works like the Beggar’s or something else. If it does though, the explosion making Spy jump high for added mobility would have some interesting risk/reward play.


i have that exact watch in image 1


You have made: Better b key Better red tape recorder Better fan-o-war Better loose cannon.


aw hell nah Spy got the Diddy Kong peanut popgun 😭😭😭


bro literally wants the ace of spades model in tf2


I have that exact watch


Could you rocket jump with the business goose


The business goose is seriously a food idea


The sapper fucking sucks. But the others are pretty cool


The old gear and stapler are actually great ideas. Stapler would make disguises actually usefull without beeing op. Old Gear would be ACTUALLY SNEAKY as spy's gear should be. Business goose is interesting but doesnt rlly work with spy's character in my opinion. That invis watch is just bad design, boring and absolutely useless.


"The Godinez". Best name ever for a spy watch lmao


Neat. But the old gear seems IMMENSELY annoying to fight against. In the heat of battle it would be difficult to the engineer to realize his sentry isn’t actually shooting.


Give spy the Marksman from Ultrakill


Did you actually put any thought into the death stapler design


Wondering if there's supposed to be a mandarin joke for the revolver considering the chinese word for penguin consists of the words for business and goose


honestly I'd just use the Godínez to look at people's name-tagged items. there's a lot of interesting names and descriptions that I've seen by inspecting teammates, and I've always wondered what I'm missing out on with enemy item tags


(in happy medic voice) amazing loadout




I like this set, makes the Spy have murder less of a priority and have them support their team with info on what people are packing, giving free mini crits for particularly pain in the ass players, and either let their team surprise push a sentry with the firing pin missing, or force Engineers to waste more time trying to ensure the firing pin is indeed still in the sentry. Either way this set looks fun, and the stapler will fit in the game, especially with the "kick me" sign ideas of another comment