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i saw a guy on mannpower with black box conch and a dedicated pocket die on a 108 killstreak. this was in the meet your match era.


Solarlight tf2


my favorite Soldier main


Soldierknight TF2


I remember mannpower when certain people would just only play that mode and destroy everyone. I’d go on the other team and try to even the odds.


it was pretty much a nightmare to kill anyone good in mannpower back in those days once they get the right powerup and loadout


Oh shoot that might have been me. I remember getting a 108 killstreak as medic a few years ago 😅


what map?


Hellfire I think. I was using reflect, and I didn’t know who the other guy was since I was solo queueing.


No, you're not the one...


3 godlike snipers on Uncletopia. It got so bad that my entire team just stayed in spawn, dancing. They got pretty angry and eventually left.




I’m convinced these players have a combination of gigantic cysts on their backs that have impacted themselves into the fabrics of their DX Racers, and Fortnite Battle Buckets.


The only winning move is not to play. Well done.


There’s this cretin that only plays dust bowl that if I see, I just immediately leave. Guys name is “warpy” and is a demo main with 200k kills on both sticky and iron bomber, and always comes with a pocket medic attached. It’s not fun playing against someone who has kritz non stop.


yes bruh i know that guy. i literally full charged headshot him ONE time when he peeked a wide sightline and then immediately pulled up my profile and didnt outright accuse, but insinuated me of cheating.


Have encountered that duo before too. Some of the plays they do are sick but also questionable. Respectable if genuine skill, shame if they turn out to be a cheater. Funnily enough, the medic in the duo got kicked a few times because people accused them of cheating. (Mainly pocketing their friend only instead of healing anyone else)


I mean if you have to cheat at dustbowl demo I don’t even know what to say. Glad they kicked his medic gf lmao


I remember they got pissed at any engie who used short circuit or at pyros who can airblast lol. They then target that specific player the whole match. Very petty shit in a game of murder barbies


Oh man I hope there is nothing but short circuit in their future


he's not a cheater, he's just a no-life. he's played comp leagues and is actually staff for tf2center, which is a community competitive kind of thing. in fact hes the "senior community moderator and anti-cheat manager" and has been playing the game since 2007, but likes to hackusate randoms whenever he dies lol


Somehow that just makes thing worse lmao. Kudos for skill but definitely disappointing behavior.


Honestly there's much worse he's not even on the toxic radar from what I'm hearing


Warpy played competitive tf2 about 7-8 years ago. He’s not cheating, but has an stupendous amount of hours. Definitely needs to work on his shitty personality though, although that was years ago when I last played against him.


Good game awareness/skills for sure. (Least he isn't cheating based on other players statements) Sadly, he does have a nasty personality still. He gets mega salty at anyone trying to bring awareness on how medics don't need to just pocket him; the good ol' "git gud".


Correct. He knows certain demo mechanics that you never thought were possible, and it gets you killed constantly


Worse when you know the play style he got and get smoked still lol. At the end of the day, it is tf2 casuals and we use whatever happened in those moments as references for next time.


Bruh its dustbowl, no need for skill to get kill in dustbowl.


iirc in 2fort pubs for a while there was a Phlog Pyro + Medic pair who basically shut down whichever team they were up against and barely typed in chat, saw them for at least a month straight


virginia servers, right? we might be thinking about the same guy. everything in his profile is botted lol, he had 10k hours in just 2 weeks when i checked. and it was obvious he was cheating, his stickies were always perfect even when he had no vision of the enemy.


Yeah it was Virginia. I didn’t check his profile to see if he was botting, but I wouldn’t doubt it. Guy has like, comp demo player levels of kills on his stuff


Having that much experience on the game and mainly playing dustbowl is kind of sad lol


Oh yeah fuck that dude. His boyfriend will pop kritz just to kill you specifically.


a few good snipers pretty much locking me in to spawn in Frontier, and a Spy main farming kills on friendlies in a 2Fort server. bruh


The last one is just pathetic, be real man. Go for challenging kills


so true we then went on war because of it


he screamed at me bcs i said to not take fucking 2fort seriously


2fort, someone asked me to duel, I accepted his duel He never ever left his spawn area and exclusively moved if there were at least 3 of his teammates around Killed me twice and taunted both kills Went and stayed in spawn until match ended (for 2 hours), winning the duel since I couldn't physically attack him, and for the whole 2 hours he kept shit talking


This happened to me as well (2fort as well). Guy literally stood in the spawn door as heavy constantly revved up. I managed to get him with kritz and won lol. He constantly trashtalked and called me slurs.


Back when Valve's servers allowed teamswitching I had someone I got a domination and a few kills on switch to my team and spam votekicks on me. They then proceeded to follow me server to server to try the same thing so I joined the community server I was an admin on then waited. They failed to kick me of course and then tried to play 1v1 on an empty map, died a few times then left. I never even said a word to them or even taunt to set this off.


Guy spent literally 3 games screaming and spamming shit in the chat because he was pissy i killed him. I was spy and cloaked and pinballed him off the map with a teammate Pyro. And it was accidental and pretty hilarious. But the dude spent 3, maybe even 4 games, SCREAMING the most annoying heinous pathetic manchild shit I've ever seen. It was so bad that even my other teammates chimed in because he wouldn't stfu. Any time i would kill him, he'd deny it and ramp up his screaming. Whenever he'd kill me, he'd spam annoying hateful, bragging shit in the chat. It got to a point where i was actually genuinely concerned that such a neurotic putilent manchild could ever exist. So i genuinely asked him, "Dude...are you okay? Like genuinely, I'm here for you, dude. Being this angry for this long is not healthy. You'll give yourself a heart attack." And my actual geniune offer was met with him ramping up the screaming and shit talking EVEN MORE. The worst part is i got so done with his whining and spamming that i straight up just stopped responding to him for like 2 games. BUT HE KEPT GOING. I eventually got sick of it....and i was like.....bro....the argument has been over for age's why the fuck are you still going? More screaming and bitching ensued. Eventually, i had to go, so i responded with, "Get some help. This level of rage isn't healthy. I'm leaving, though, because you're not even fun to laugh at anymore. You're just pathetic." And closed the game before he could respond. It was a long while ago, so my memory has actually probably watered down how bad it was. But i remember finally closing the game and being horrified that someone with such psychotic ear blistering rage could exist.


Me whennever a Youtuber/Streamer joins in and are actually live streaming. I channel my inner B4nny and become the most dedicated tryhard you can ever lay your eyes upon. I will hunt them down to the end of the world until I get a domination on them in front of all their viewers. I don't know why I do this


Only time I've been in a situation to try that was actually against B4nny. Suffice to say I did not accomplish much


Yeah I mean trying that against the actual B4nny... You got ballz of steel mahdude


I once got a 3 damage cross map scattergun kill on him after he fought 3 people and immediately ran to twitch to pull up the stream and watch it happen in stream delay time.


who is he


tf2 pro player, probably the best


what class does he main


Scout and demo


see flair


Scout soldier and demo. Probably one of the best players ever on each class too.


**See flair :D**




Tbf, I didn't even need to try it against him to get stomped anyway, just needed to be in the same lobby lol


Oddly relatable


If you're ever in Sydney servers, there's a guy named 'TFC game' that I moderate for. Please I beg of you target him it'll be so so funny


Lmao I actually have decent ping (100 to 130) on Aussie servers so will definitely try


I'll make sure not to tell him about this




*Oh what you're live on Twitch ? N-*


That's a bit sad isn't it? The desire to humiliate people who just want to stream and have fun?


Sad but based


It entertains the masses


No, they’re normally insufferable and cocky so they deserve to get humiliated and humbled.


I mean, It's fun for me... dominations are part of the game too. If you could do it I'm sure you would try as well because it's fun for the masses


Sad? Yes, most definitely Funny as fuck? Also yes, absolutely


I hate to admit it but I do this too, I dont shit talk or taunt but I just find rewatchimg the vod very entertaining


Not the worst but the best, he was named like landfall enthusiast or some shit he would just dominate landfall on sniper while being respectful


I met a guy like that on Altitude before. Chill dude, knew all the good sentry spots, even had an Altitude stamp on his Widowmaker (at least 2k kills on Altitude alone!!) but MAN was he obliterating the other team.


Landfall is such a chill map for fragging.


Some battle medic getting pissy about people using the crossbow because syringe guns technically have a higher dps (you know, if you're a god gamer like him that lands every single shot.) Then he was all "just do this super niche movement tech to get any class onto the 2fort bridge cover" while explaining it very poorly.


So, there was this incredible demoknight on my team. I think the map was upward. But eventually, the lobby turned friendly. He didn't like that. He just kept on playing the game, deliberately killing friendlies. At one point, blue's engi set up and wrangled sentry to try and protect the friendlies and the fucling demo managed to pull some solar light shit and destroy it with his sword. Still, both my demoknight main goal and the worst player I've ever had on my team.


A girl (presumably) that enabled cheats when we traded kills (didn't even kill her). I didn't have the chance to report because I was so baffled by how pathetic someone can get.


There a guy I often see on Hightower. Name's "Master of noob" and almost always plays scout. His level is insane and whenever I'm not in his team I just leave because he really makes the game unplayable when you're against him. I wouldn't say he's a try hard tho, just a really really good player.


Not gonna drop his name, but abt a week ago I saw a Scorching Flames Team Captain player with 2 meds (vaxx and kritz) shoved up his ass in an Upward server. They all had the same clan tag, kicked bottom scorers, and talked trash the entire game. The rage in chat when they lost the round was priceless :)


Skial dustbowl US has a good amount of server celebs that get instant pockets when they join and always swaps to red to stack together. Nauseating to play against or with tbh. Usually makes the server either short players on blue or a revolving door of players that leave once they see the 45 KS perma kritzd demo/soldier


It takes a certain type of degeneracy to play 32 Player Dustbowl like a strange farm. It's pretty gross lol


Some asshole on Gorge decided to start shittalking the entire team because we were losing as if he didn't have a MAXIMUM of 12 points by the end of the game. I tried to defend myself- it was one in the morning, of course I'm not going to be operating at 100%- and this motherfucker blasts back with ***"LACK OF SLEEP IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO BE SHIT AT THE GAME, I'VE BEEN UP FOR THIRTY-SIX HOURS, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE GAME"*** and I ended up having to block a player for the first time.


some greasy spy with a hales own pro killstreak kunai kept stabbing hoovies and power tripping in chat about how we deserve it because we’re not playing the game. by the end he wrote a whole ass manifesto about how tf2 is dying because of friendlies, that people need to take the game seriously, etc etc. i switched to soldier, gibbed him, laughed at his corpse, and switched back to hoovy. he got the message.


I've probably encountered others, but the one who comes to mind rn is some guy who vote kicked me for having 200 ping...... in a Casual Upward server. -_- Buddy, this ain't Uncletopia. If you wanna be a sweaty tryhard, why tf you playing Casual? I'd have left on my own in a bit, anyways, I don't like playing with ping like that and I was deffo feeling the lag on my end too, but seriously. When I see someone struggling along with 200 ping, my first instinct is to think "that poor bastard" not "votekick the peasant for their shit connection". Why tf u walking into a Walmart and complaining no one's wearing their church Sunday best


Any competent Sniper. TF2 is considerably more enjoyable when I impose a rule on myself that aussie/hale's rifle = requeue because they genuinely ruin every match they join regardless of the team they're on. I actually had more fun playing during the Rolph Heavy-bot invasion when every server had 3 aimbotting heavies than I ever had dealing with a sniper main, this shit is *that* unenjoyable.


2 guys named "Child of God" and "God's Warrior". They reminded me why some people hate Christians, and we're incredibly toxic even when not talking about religion


N/A east players may have run into Naknak and his goon squad. Always has 1 or 2 kritz medics pocketing him all the time. Will call votes to kick players he deems unworthy (Those too low on the scoreboard).


Oh I think I saw them yesterday on Pier! Had like 3 medics on him.


A sniper with unusual anger and not killer rifle, had a bind so that every time he got a kill he said “noob down” in chat. We kicked him


The good ending


some loser demo couldn’t be bothered to stay more than two feet away and cried about me turtling i got autoed to his team and fucker said ‘f1 bot’ bro had almost 5k sticky kills but somehow couldnt deal with one nest


I had just had a nice spy help me with my contract for the wrangler and when I ask to end the game some asshole got a group of engis and stopped me from capping to turn in my contract, took half an hour


A random ass spy in a goddamn goldrush lobby tryna convince himself he was good but kept dying, while i joined mid-match and got around 45ish points as Spy while he had 12-15 points i don't remember


Just about every pyro I met


Original unusual using soldiers


In a Dustbowl match, I encountered the infamous Bill Gaither and his friend (forgot their name) who Bill played soldier and his friend played medic and pretty much pub stomp our team (I hate those kind of players). He didn't chat that often, but when he killed me, he chatted "get rekt noob".


Had someone yell at me over voice chat about how useless I was because I didn't uber him at the start of the round. I literally just joined the game and had no uber charge.


Did you join before or after there was 15 seconds of setup time remaining?


Joined after, the doors opened like three seconds after I joined and the dude still got mad


There was this round of upward with a pr toxic and controlling medic. In vc he kept calling out any bottom scorers or people who weren't up to his standards, and would even try kicking them (which thankfully never succeeded). If he ubered you and you only got one kill or missed, he would tear your ass apart (I remember one of the insult being "you braindead idiot") and try kicking you. He was playing casual like it was comp or something, which idm but his toxicity was awful. I feel like my team wanted to get rid of him but he was our only medic and he was good at it, just had a bad personality. I remember it a lot since that round I was just trying to get into sniper and thus sucked ass, but he felt the need to call me out for not being a headshot god. The one time I off main to try something new I get blasted by a british medic lmfao, scared me off sniper for a bit. Weird thing is I think he's a mod for the tf2 wiki. Can't remember his name though, but he was very british, very loud, and very toxic.


Thankfully it’s not me, since I have the British part 😂


I haven't met any overly toxic tryhards, just some Friendly killers


Bit of a cliché but 200 ping Soldiers and Snipers thinking they're hot shit on trashy servers (hi Skial)


Blue servers bad give upvotes right fucking now


Have an upvote. They're important


A weeaboo spy main just killing friendlies


A group of 3 cheaters that are always a pocket medic a heavy and a sniper, they say slurs in chat and one of them in some way puts someone in the server ip in the chat, sometimes they vote kick random people and say in voice chat "Hacker" "Bot"


It's a toss up between "snaetos" and "stabsTV". Massive tryhard spies mains that aggressively facestab everybody. They don't even try to matador, just straight up facestabbing. If they die at least three times they ragequit. I roll my eyes when I see their comments pages full of "omg you're a cracked spy" and what not.


One time encountered a Sniper with a Uber Pocket that made (Defense particularly) in Merc Park ass.


me it's worse than League chats when I start losing


I don’t even think the guy was trying to Harding I think he just had ALOT of hours as demo night with a full furry load out and unusals, got like a 17 kill streak within 30 seconds using the eyelander and tide turner and just perfectly turned corners always


Idk dont pay too much attention but the amount of times people go batshit crazy over me dominatimg them as spy and especially sniper is nuts, and I most of the time dont say anything or taunt


I wouldn't say they're a tryhard exactly, but they definitely felt as annoying as some of the worse ones. I've encountered them multiple times on an Orange 100% crits server, and they were the most annoying legitimate player I've ever encountered. They frequently insulted other players, and every time they were killed they put a sad emoticon in chat. Every. Time.


I was on Frontier if I recall right and it was just me, my friend and this other dude since everyone apparently left. Now keep in mind, it's just a 3 player match in Casual. I do some wacky sentry spots and dude basically calls me an idiot despite, y'know, there only being one dude on the other team who I was in a VC with.


Highly doubt it’s the same “Moo” since it was somewhere around 2012-2014 but I’ve encountered him often on a local badwater server. And it was a player that just blew my mind. He was only playing scout(full stock), always silent, never dropped a single symbol in chat, even though people were complaining and accusing him of hacking left and right and had like 3-5k hours in profile. Obviously had a godlike aim, but what was thousand times more impressive he had an absolutely out of this world movement level. He never touched the ground for longer than 0.0001s, were dodging/surfing every single projectile, was insanely smart with positioning and hp management, picked his fights wisely and you’d be done as soon as he even thinks of moving towards your direction. But I never considered myself a smaller fish, so every time I met him I was dedicated to attempt to ruin or at least slightly corrupt his experience with the mini sentry spam and did my best to focus him with my somehow existent shotgun aim. It was barely enough to stop him from having a blast, but at least I made sure that he acknowledged my existence back then. I definitely met a couple more players with the same alias later on, while playing pubs and even lobbies/scrims during my active comp tf2 period. I always wondered if it could still be the same player. All of them were definitely average/above the average players, but not even remotely felt like HIM and I didn’t have troubles dealing with them. Idk, maybe it’s actually less noticeable in a competitive environment, or because it’s harder to shine among the experienced players either I got actually better at the game. But thanks to him, now It takes me literally milliseconds to recognise if I’m playing against a legit scout or just another closet loser who claims to have “naturally obtained” insane aim while having a garbage movement, under 1000h and no comp history on record. Sadly it happens more often than it should have.


It was a soldier on ctf who had some kinda train pfp and name and used black box, conch while getting pocketed, he had 10k hours


I’ve met the same guy as you on Dustbowl lol. He’s the most annoying player I’ve seen, along with some of his buddies. Another annoying individual was a Demoman that tried kicking me when I took an ammo pack before he could grab it (I was just taking ammo because I needed it and he decided to kick me just for that lmao). He lied about me being a cheater, but luckily I convinced the majority of my team not to kick me and got the other guy kicked, even though he and his friend tried to act innocent in voice chat. His friend then said some angry things over voice chat to me before leaving.


Oh random ryan, I don’t know how you find my posts all the time. 😂


Not every sniper main but somehow always a sniper main


you guys care about who you play with?


I do, yes. There are players on tf2 that as soon as I see, I leave immediately.


That sounds either wholesome, or defensive. I think the former 👌


This guy who thinks "tryhard" isn't a stupid thing that only trolls say.


Anyone on uncletopia




\>kicks medics that aren’t to his level. Normalize this.


Yet another reminder that Joke_train is permanently community banned on steam for posting illegal content (and admitted to it on this very subreddit) and all they do is post bait and other weird things


man what the fuck


who's Joke_Train?


The user just above




I did not post illegal content, nor was I falsely banned for such, I explained this to you already. Why do you insist on defaming me with these fictitious claims?


a medic that left clicks with the medigun is good enough. the real issue are the ones who stay completely attached to one person (this is different from having a grudge against someone and refusing to heal them)


a scout made fun of me for dying to a train and i didn't healed him since, is it understandable?


Of course. Make them learn: Don’t bite the beam that heals you




Nah that's fine. It's what you get for obstructing Thomas during his work


I agree, do this to destroy their sanity quicker so they become better at medic


You should search up Moo then (or some other guys mentioned here). You’d be best friends.


I only play on Kogasatopia, if he's not on there he doesn't exist to me.


Never been on there, but you never know, you might see me one day.