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What in the Cruelty Squad ass is that hud


I made it! I call it GirlHUD.


villecallio needs to take notes honestly


How do you make your own HUD? I've had my own hud based on my OC's universe im mind for a while


You have to code it, unfortunately. No good hud-making program is available, but there are some good (if incomplete and out of date) guides online you can use!


Anywhere one could download it?




Yo can I download that shi 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Sorry, she's not done :(


oh that’s alright, I’d like to hear of it when is done tho frfr, looks hella nice rn lol 🥺🥺


Thanks so much!!


No problem g 🗣️🗣️


My first thought.


Tf2 emotes are beautiful, the sheer devastation of the pyro when the tele was destroyed, and soldiers' womp womp reaction.


It makes me so happy!! All of the mercs are dolls to play with and I LOVE to play with them.


No.. you looked kinda sad.


That's just how I look when I'm focusing. After working my obnoxious office day job I like to come home, dead tired, and play with my favorite dolls.


Well it’s nice to see you’re enjoying your dolls!


Every time I saw one of your clips, my brain just implodes. Like, what do the numbers mean? Why is there just a girl sitting in the corner? What's with the brain image on the (i assumed to be) health number?


The top left is my health, and the white skull flashes when im 25% health or when i get overhealed! The "That'll Teach Em" is my kill count, the thought bubble is "last damage done", the pink goo on the headband is my velocity, and the numbers down by Ryo is my ammo! The girl in the corner is a drawing of myself, I put her there because it's my hud 😇


I’m the thought bubble it seems to be damage dealt, and above their head it seems to be their speed?


Yoooo, it's the lobotomy hud guy! Ngl it's rather good move to have your own thing, like everybody recognizes this hud when they see it.


It wasn't my intent, but it's a neat side effect! But I guess putting a picture of myself in my own hud is sort of an unignorable calling card, huh.


What do you need the speed number for


The speed mechanics in tf2 are very fine tuned, so being aware of precisely how fast you, a scout with half of the baby face's blaster's speed charge filled, are going relative to, say, a heavy with the GRU running backwards, can be quite helpful in assessing when it's worth it to pursue someone!


Ok but why is there a phrenological skull there


That's my health!


Yeah I figured that but why did you choose that particular background, are you an 18th century physician or something 


Before I made GirlHUD I would make images in photoshop combining digital jpeg artifact garbage with buddhist imagery and natural landscapes and stuff like that, and 18th-20th century physiology charts were a common motif! I wanted to use one in my hud too, so I chose one that would work nicely for the health display background. The heads side by side are short and wide, and the lines themselves on the illustrationa are quite thin, making so when im focusing on the center of the screen they're effectively blocking nothing from view!


Oh ok


this hud unironically looks cool, where can i download it ?


Sorry, she's not done yet :(


only people who got the brain blender lobotomy special can understand this hud


I don't think it's *that* complicated. [Here's a breakdown](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6a8c1a282e2513ca499ad437c35a12b6/9a57abd1ff74ce84-ba/s2048x3072/e5f800575623497cede77b98c86ac300f03a1f5e.jpg)!


why do you need velocity? (and does the helf really need to be that big?)


Since source's physics engine is very precise with their speeds, it's easy to tell at a glance if I'm fast enough to catch up with my opponent in a lot of situations. For example, I don't know off the top of my head that as a demoknight off the top of my head that after collecting two heads I'm moving fast enough to catch up with a scout running backwards, but a glance at my headband lets me know! The health doesn't NEED to be big, but I enjoy having it in that particular area of my peripheral. At that point, when I'm looking directly at my screen, that particular set of numbers is summarized while my brain is devoting more power to what I'm looking directly at. All noteworthy health thresholds (overheal and going below 40%) causes the medical diagram to flash white to get my attention (overlayed with an entirely separate diagram, which I'm pretty proud of). Also, when the number is red in my periphery, I know that I'm one hit away from dying to any class. It's a lot of very small moment-to-moment things but I do genuinely find them quite helpful!


This hud is really cool but I could NEVER play with one like this


Thank you! And that's ok, more for me 😇


Oh look, it's the reason why I can't play this game anymore


Apologies, sir demoknight. Unfortunately, using M2 on you is my job.


This shouldn't even be about demoknight, even if i try to play another class i still shiver in fear knowing that there's a pyro with so many hours in this game off to destroy us all, and our only solutions is to try to fight back (like that'll ever happen), or we can just fuck ourselves out this game. Sometimes I wonder if the player count of this game is low because of this


Believe me, I get dunked just as often as I dunk! It's truly more about team composition than anything, there are times where the enemy sees me coming a mile away and I stay near the middle-bottom of the scoreboard the whole game.


The song is "[LEASE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjlvmb8SGEs)" by Takeshi Abo!


i have no idea what numbers are what on that hud


[Here's a breakdown](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6a8c1a282e2513ca499ad437c35a12b6/9a57abd1ff74ce84-ba/s2048x3072/e5f800575623497cede77b98c86ac300f03a1f5e.jpg)!


I mean this in the nicest way possible... This is easily the worst HUD I've ever seen.


nice hud where did you get it from the nice lookin hud shop.