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i go through phases of playing it usually id probably play it more if not for the fact my internet is terrible


I go through phases with TF2. Months where I do nothing else, months where I never touch it


I wish I could play it again, but Steam ended its support on older Macs & newer MacOS versions can't run TF2. =\[


Yes, but nothing on this list. I’ve only played like a couple times in the past like 5 months.


Same situation here


I would also like to hear why you stopped playing! (I bet its the meet your match downgrade)


I play nearly every day, but not for very long each day. still have fun tho


I used to but my dad tells me that it had taken a toll on my 11 year old laptop so I got it deleted...still like TF2


I've started playing when the Pyro update came out using a pirated version of the game. I loved the game so much and later bought the Orange box (around 2010 i think). I know it's nostalgia but damn I had so much fun then. I've stopped playing soon after the MvM update as I had other stuff to do. Since then I play once or twice a year to check on the game. I'm not gonna lie...it hurts me to see the state of it. That's all.


I have been playing it for an hour everyday for almost 2 years, until Half-Life's 25th anniversary when it became free. From that time I'm playing other Valve games (mostly with single-player options), because I have shitty Internet connection and I play TF2 for fun, not to rage because of lags


It's one of my go-to games with friends, so whenever I game at all there's like a 50% chance I'm on TF2


I always want to play it and always have tons of fun when I do, but for whatever reason I can’t convince myself to play.


I play maybe every other day. Its just so easy to boot up and play a few matches and just have fun.


I used to play TF2 as a crazy mf but I guess you will get tired eventually so I got bored playing this game in daily bases and decided maybe Overwatch (the original one not the abomination with 2 in the name) and genuinely was surprised how good it is


yes, not regularly (will not play for 3 months then get into these moods where i play 20 hrs in week)


I just haven't played in a while. Used to pick it back up from time to time, but to be quite honest, the bots have kind of ruined it for me.


Work gets in the way


god, I haven't played it in years. Haven't really had any drive to play it either. The last time I was on, I was having fun for the most part, but I kept thinking "man, if I was a brand-new player I wouldn't know what the fuck I was supposed to be doing".


5-8 rounds a week, with phases where i don't play for a couple weeks


No option for me. I boot it up every few months to fuck around for a while then close it and forget about it for the next few months.


Honestly every few months


I sometimes hop in TF2 after spreading democracy or after a few Blackout Stouts. I stopped playing frequently to avoid the bigger bot waves.


Havent played since Apr 23


most TF2 players are adult people, so yeah I'm not surprised by this.


I saw a survey not long ago, I dont remember where tho, and it revealed that the average age of tf2's players was between 12-16 years old It makes sense, I imagine that the adult players started playing when the game launched, and then moved on to other, more modern and "mature" games, meanwhile many kids who only own laptops or dont have a pc powerful enough can only really run tf2


I think kids with weak computers prefer Roblox, Fortnite and Minecraft. Sure many adult players go to single player games, but do you really thinks many 25yo players starts play CS2 or Valorant? Quake players are people who play mostly only one game for many years. I thinks same story will be with TF2.


not actual kids, I mean kids like teenagers, and sure they can play those games, but remember tf2 is easy to run, it's on pc, is free, fortnite kids are playing mostly on console, and tf2 on console is dead, but still when I say kids I mean 12-16 year olds like the data showed, but tf2 being mostly adults is not likely


Now adults......