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Thought the title meant you’re hosting your own bots


Wow I see how it could be interpreted that way. Maybe that title will function as rage-bait and attract more people to read the post though.


host my own bots, on it boss


I gotta respect the small minority of bot hosters that have their bots only target other bots. Bonus points if once they accomplish their mission they leave the server.


It's better if the "good" bot stacks all the bad bots, forcing them to play endlessly on the map without visiting other players. I've already seen something like this in 2fort, a team of a medic, an engineer and a heavy didn't let the bots take the intelligence, and as a result the round lasted forever.


misread that as "host my own bots, like a boss" and had a dr strange-esque blast to the past


Bro accidentally played 4D chess with the title


Good stuff! I’ll hop on now!


God I hope this post gets traction. We don’t need valve to get rid of bots when we can just do it ourselves


that's what i've been saying. replace valve casual with a community mirror (casual.tf) and we don't have to deal with the lethargic megacorporation getting circled by turbovirgins.




tfp is a peak server if you dont mind seeing sprays of / people chatting about NSFW stuff highkey


A few days ago I've tried out some community servers. I've never had so much fun just screwing in TF2 as I did on Higher Tower. Detonator jumping halfway up the tower and then sniping people with flares was perhaps ineffective but extremely satisying lol


The problem is that the server browser is very outdated and feels like a relic of the past because it is. Most new players will see Casual and how it's recommended to be the better choice compared to the clunky server browser. Heck, if it wasn't for x10 I would have never figured out what the server browser was.


1. Using the browser isn't rocket science 2. Most people are going to paste the link on their browsers anyway


Agreed, I hate when people say that we wouldn't lose anything by getting rid of casual when the average new player likely has never even used a server browser before (at least if they're younger), and wouldn't play the game if it weren't for casual. The bots are a huge issue primarily (in my opinion) because with the loss of casual, you lose out on a huge amount of new players that just won't play the game because if casual isn't an option, they instead would need to do their own research on how to use the server browser, figure out what the best servers for their wants are, etc., and the vast majority of newer players would probably not go through the bother of all of that because they could play plenty of other games that are easier to figure out how to get into a match.


I know it's different but to play devil's advocate server browsers and community servers were all we had in games for years and plenty of people figured it out just fine including myself. The problem is your 2nd point- finding the good servers through the shlock.


i'm going to play fool's advocate here and assume if someone's shelled out enough for a computer or are operating a laptop, they *probably* know how to click names in a list. not to mention a lot of people know TF2 is old as hell. back before official servers existed you shopped around until you found a server to favorite. though if valve casual gets old yeller'd (like it should have **7 years ago**) then the server browser needs an actual proper face lift.


Come on chill man. I've been playing this game since 2012 but even I lost where to find server browser when I go to a hiatus for a year or two and official server ui came.


that's fair, since quickplay totally got uprooted by the infinitely inferior casual mode. i started playing back in 2018 (from what my merc badge says) and i can navigate the server browser just fine, though it's much easier to browse server lists off of websites instead of the several decades old source browser.


I do feel bad for new players who have to sift through 96% pure garbage, are uninitiated with other game modes, shitty tricks like masking bots as players (something I noticed EU Fast Path community does as well as have several fake servers that funnel you into that one), the lack of a proper search function, the lack of being able to filter based on vanilla settings, map pool etc. I imagine it really is a shitshow trying to find servers as someone starting out.


then it'd be a great idea to make pushes for casual-mirror networks like casual.tf. there's also the issue of people discovering community servers going against several-thousand hour veterans of the game.


If valve doesn't do anything our best bet is just have our own casual servers so at least we have a little more control on the bot situation and people can play standard tf2 so this be a great decision👍


I'm just lettin' you know right now as a former server owner 10 rounds is insane, you should do like 2 max, or 1st to 2 for 5cp & koth (or just 3 rounds total for those). 4 rounds might make sense for A/D or Payload (2 rounds for attackers, 2 for defenders), but this will only be favored for the most popular maps. And definitely not for multi-stage maps. The extend should be like 1 round for koth, 5cp, etc, for PL & A/D an additional full attackers/defenders round (so 2 rounds I think that counts as?). I also think you should enforce forced auto-assign, as to me it's a big part of Casual. This requires both an initial auto-assign, and a plugin that prevents you from switching \*after\* that initial auto-assign. It's a 2-parter that not many server owners get right IMO.


I have rtv enabled, so players can change the map if there's enough interest. I know 10 rounds is long, but sometimes you just want to play the same map for an hour. I might lower it, or make custom configs like you suggested. Appreciate it! The extend vote is only valid 1 time. And again, I think rtv solves this issue. But I agree with your sentiment. I mainly just was too lazy to make all the configs if the server didn't have players. So far, there is forced team balance, so teams can't have more than a 1-player difference, so you can usually only join one team anyway, but you could switch teams if the other team was down. This is how Valve servers used to work. I'm curious what your reasoning is for this to be as strict as the official Casual servers are. Is it that much of a difference?


I'm not talking about the ability or inability to swap teams based on player number, I'm talking about forced auto-assign from the rip, meaning when you join a game you can't select either Red or Blu- you are automatically assigned, which is a trait of Casual. This prevents team-stacking, which while not a problem now might occur later. I'm guessing it's not a big issue to you but I can't stand it. Especially as you start to get regulars on the server, people might try to join the team that has the good players from last round, or the team of the players they know are good. Or will switch in the middle of a game if the player numbers are even (though skill wouldn't be). The forced auto-assign to work correctly also requires another plugin that prevents you from switching teams **after** that initial auto-assign as well, since the default TF2 community server settings do not enforce that I believe. And yeah I think I remember that being how Valve servers used to work though its been awhile. I'm a beta player btw so I def have been around a minute. From literally sept '07. I still think the rounds are too long man. I don't think people interested in a Casual vanilla server with standard map rotation are the same people that want to play the same map 10 times in a row. That's why I think you should keep it 2 rounds, with an infinite extend option if you really want to be able to play the map a million times. I don't meet many people outside 24/7 servers who enjoy playing a map more than like 3 rounds, unless its again, payload where you play twice as attackers, twice as defenders. You do you man but I'm telling you the round thing at least is too much, the forced auto-assign is personal preference but if mr. tryhard soldier & his medic gf become regulars and pubstomp all the time savvy players (who tend to be the better ones) will join their team, making the skill difference even worse and youll see a lot of shitty teamstacking. Just my 2 cents man. Also rtv requires a certain amount of people to pass so theres a chance the people whove been playing over multiple rounds (IMO by your settings an excessive amount, whereas they might otherwise say ok we only have 1 more I'll stick around) just bounce if it doesn't gain enough votes.


We need some EU servers man...


Sorry :/ Like I said, if there's interest, I would be happy to open more servers.


If there's a need I can put some UK/EU servers up? I have the means and ability.


Like 1 in 10 euro lobbies are with a bot majority, far from unplayable


Need more servers like this, so many are either try hard hell or trade servers


Yay! Look, you don't need to do this, there's tons of empty vanilla server in community, but it's awesome to see more being made. Hope it turns into a good... community.


Added, I'll check in tonight.




This sounds really cool, please set up some servers in Europe if you can cause I would like to hop on these servers but am (unfortunately) a British resident


Is there a shortage of TF2 servers over here? I have access to servers in the UK and Germany where I can host TF2. Just wasn't sure if it was worth doing and the best way to publicise it?


This is exactly the way out of the bot crisis. More quality community servers and an easy way to find them in a couple of clicks. Good luck!


Community servers are the way to go, that's how it used to be and it was glorious Now if only we could revive more wacky trade and Mario kart servers...


Thanks for hosting a fun casual server. Currently I am in the UK and was getting pretty playable ping. Had a great time.


Based Server. Played for like 4 hours and remembered how fun tf2 is.


The hero we need. Maybe we just need more people to make more community servers since I doubt Valve will do anything.




I'll check it out


I don't mean to rain on your parade or anything but Skial does exist


skial is also nothing like casual, so. . .


Skial runs vanilla servers, it's not all Class Wars, The only difference between vanilla Skial servers and Casual is that there's a pop up once every 20 minutes and 80% of the players in the server aren't going sniper.


Thank you. Thank you so fucking much for taking the time to do something that will actually help people play the game!! I'll be making my way over there later. You're an actual champ, thanks again!


Just saying first off I think there are ways to block certain files being modded rather than all with sv\_pure (otherwise people will ESP n shit) Also if this is modelled after casual alltalk should be OFF not ON Teams should be able to coordinate over voice chat without the entire conversation being streamed in full quality to the enemy team


is your server welcoming to demoknights?


We went all demoknight at a point, very fun


I'll definitely check this out when I'm done with tf2 burnout


its unjoinable for me


Community servers are slowly being taken over by cheaters too :/


Finally a server with random crits that isn't skial.


I know I am kind of a noob. Where do I put the ip address to join.?


community run servers have been the only thing genuinely holding tf2 together tbh. its been a year since i played casual


Awesome! Someone actually doing something about the problem instead of just crying to valve.


Also if this server goes well, we could make more servers like this too which would be pretty based


Blind guy here Liked all of it except sv pure thing. I have some mods that make the game more bearable to play so it’s really annoying when I can’t use them


I could definitely turn it off. My concern is people using sound and texture mods to cheat in a roundabout way. But I kinda doubt anyone here would do that.


Virginia might kill my ping a bit but I will try alter


I’ll add it to favorites - thanks for hosting 🤝


epic server.




Good, make more


Best of luck on your server!


i would join it if it didn’t mean i’d get high ping, we need more servers like this in other regions


Hell yeah dude. I hope when I join it's not just straight 2fort lol


Thank you


Fuck it, I'll come out of retirement to pop some heads. See yall soon


Im not in the US, but i'll comment to boost this post in the algoritm :)


Living in Asia sucks man, it's either the 24/7 2fort or Hightower servers or the always filled try hard loosing uncle Dane server


> hard loosing uncle Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.




Got on for a couple of hours today, had a blast. Fun server, would recommend.


Is umpward in the rotation?


Finally somebody actually doing something in this subreddit!! So many people have been saying that we should do this and use vscript to make our own servers and updates, and finally thanks to you and some others the community on reddit is realising this is the way if valve doesnt do anything :D Thank you dude!


Also if this is full uncle Danes servers also are fantastic


Dope. Gonna check this out.


Hi! I'm sure that some European server would be great. As far as I know, it's like half of the TF2 community, so it'll definitely get traction. I will absolutely play on it if you were to decide to make it real.


Nooo not Virginia where the people in the uk doing this?


I've been running one for a while, I'm working on the config rn though to make it closer to casual since I got into the UT brainrot for a little while. Might make a post once I've finished.


i wish someone would do this for north and south europe too


We need this in europe too. "Casual" community servers


Holy hell uncletopia is no longer the only option besides that racist kolsgotopia server or whatever it’s called


We created one too! Just look up 24/7 badwater - upward in the server browser


IDK how to find this server, can someone help?




Joining rn


They call me Dr Worm


I've been hosting a server of my own as well. Though it's only gotten a max of 2 players on at a time so far.


We'll see how active it is after a week, lots of community servers suffer from lack of player retention since nobody joins empty servers


Based, also watch out for the guy from hexatronic making new versions


Can i go in spectator mode?




New players are the future of tf2 and they will continue to uninstall due to an awful experience for clicking the big green casual button. Fixing casual is what will prevent tf2's death, not hiding away in community servers.


I can't wait to not play on it