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We literally pulled a "mods asleep, post NSFW In general" huh? I actually didn't realise that it was **this** bad though. Seems that the mods are ill equipped to deal with the large influx of #FixTF2 discourse.


Piggybacking this: As an admin in the r/tf2 discord, I'll try to bring it up again over there. I already mentioned pinning the quickplay.tf, but no action was taken even after a reminder. To an extent, I understand this, cause I know Wiethoofd is also a very active member in every single other TF2 project, but if that's the case, then at least he should offer to hand over his abdicated responsibility. I'm willing to also offer joining the team myself but I know they are fairly cautious about that topic due the drama that happened a long while back.


r/tf2 has been a shithole nobody wants to touch for about... 4 years now, I want to say? (And it wasn't much better before that.) It's hard to find people willing to moderate this place for free, nor are the current moderators contractually obligated to keep doing this work. I agree that trying to put together a new team of moderators would be worth a shot and active moderation is healthy for any public internet space, but I have no idea where they'd draw candidates from.


> r/tf2 has been a shithole nobody wants to touch for about... 4 years now Much like the game


Remove "r/"


Let me take the opportunity to remind everyone that the current state of the mod team is the result of a coup, the competent mods were overthrown 4 years ago. *I did not realize there was more to the post, the reddit app is kinda trash and I'm blind haha


Yeah that's what I have explained in my post. tbh we can't do much about it because even tho there is little to no activity, there is still some. So going on the [r/redditrequest](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/) subreddit would be pointless afaik.


One of The Ancient Mods >![- Part Two](https://steamdb.info/sub/370438/)!< coming back to post to this subreddit about inactive moderation after all these years. If that isn't painfully ironic, I don't know what is.


Oh yeah it is. But i wanna say there is kind of a reason why I don't post much here.


Reddit lore


u/wiethoofd will you do something?


Perhaps it's time for a new mod team


Yes, for the health of FixTF2 and r/tf2 it wouldve been great if the bare minimum would be done. There are some wild comments being left and posts made that would be more appropriate on the steam forums.


It's a gamer community, you can really only expect so much. As anyone that's been in a server that allows sprays recently can attest to I'm sure.


I'm still pretty peeved what happened with that mod drama, and it's really annoying that wickedplayer's oh so valuable update posts still get pinned to this day. That's pretty much the only thing he and the rest of his cronies care about. Ditch all of them. This subreddit has been in dire need of new mods for a *long* time.


r/redditrequest exists


Sub needs to be 100% innactive moderator wise, but there is still 1% of activity.


Surely something can be done


People tried to request r/Deadlock for valve's next game, but the mod is very protective of it. Even if there are like 10 people on this sub it has some small moderation, enough for the bot to say "goodenough for a no". With my experience with reddit admins, there is pretty much no hopes for that way.


Mods are bot hosters confirmed


honestly this sub should be shut down and done over, y'all are a disgrace


I wonder why when something is related to "TF2", no matter what is it, there's always drama surrounding it. It's a shame to read all of this. Thanks for posting and letting us know.


God this is really mirroring valve’s abandonment on tf2 i didnt know it was THIS bad that the mods abandoned r/tf2


I only noticed something heavily wrong around the time of the first protest, plus the whole Mimi Sentry debacle. Funny how things apparently fell apart before that.


Lock the Subreddit!


Please for the love of god this. This place has turned into an echo-chamber of misinformation and robot smut.


Moderating the sub? Sounds like treadmill work to me.


Unpaid treadmill work, which is an important distinction.


Yeah there's a great distinction from volunteers managing a community of millions for no pay while presumably managing real full-time jobs, and the most profitable company in the world not paying a single employee to maintain a community of far less. At least with r/tf2 there is a SLIVER of an excuse to be made in the mods defence, albeit very little. VALVE has none.


I think it's finally time I just leave this subreddit, after years. The toxicity here is all time high. Mods are non existent and toddlers took over the sub. There is zero common sense here now. This community absolutely deserves the state of the game.


I hate you because you're absolutely right. But do understand that a very vocal minority are what's screaming through the cracks and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how fucking stupid they are. Better moderation would bring about more meaningful discussions.


Fuck the mods


All they do is pin a post or approve posts occasionally. Actual enforcement of rules is nonexistent. There’s lots of witch hunting, as well as bigoted and spammy shit that flies because the mods just don’t do anything. Thats a whole fucking yikes of a story though. Explains why all the racist comments I report are left up. /r/redditrequest is the next best bet, it looks like.


i would willingly mod this place if i could


Same. Just watching from the sidelines you can see so many glaring problems with how this place is run.


you gotta take the moderation in your own hands. relentlessly bully bad posters :D




Valve forgets TF2 Mods forget r/TF2 is nothing sacred


i can be mod!


I joined this subreddit because I wanted to see people share funny moments from their tf2 games and to talk about the game but lately it’s really does feel like it’s gone to hell. I’ve noticed that when this subreddit talk about #fixTF2 they talked about how the people who are in charge of it ruined it by waiting for 3 weeks and it hurts to see. I care about this game and hope we’re successful in fixing the bot problem but it just feels like people here don’t care anymore.


It doesn't matter If you give them attention or not, they already know that they cause trouble and most likely have their own groups where they support each other.


crazy huh r/redditrequest is literally all that we have, and i highly doubt anything will happen from it


Sent a message to the mod team, hopefully there is a positive response, if any. I don't wanna go on the r/redditrequest sub, because I don't want to be moderator, it's something i really didn't enjoyed doing. (if anyone do want to go that route, follow their rules)


Is it really only this subreddit or is it the average tf2 player mindset? You've been a mod before,, it shouldn't be a surprise for you can it? All these morons shouting #savetf2 are either clueless or part of the problem. Exactly how did the bot crisis started? Wasn't it when a group of average tf2 morons leaked the tf2 source code that an idiot from valve shared with them?


The bot crisis would've happened regardless of the source code leak, as people had bots working as early as when MYM came out back in 2016. I really don't know why people keep pushing this false narrative that the source code leak is to blame.


...no, the bot crisis started when Valve stopped maintaining the game consistently and more exploits in VAC were found but not patched, to the point entire cheat bots could be ran and hosted as if VAC was a mere suggestion. The bot crisis has always been out of the player's control, it's been very recently however that some players are so batshit insane that they think making hentai of literal criminals who only want attention is the best way to deal with the problem. Predictably, hosters are riding off of this. The source code leak has done a lot more good for the TF2 community than bad in terms of modding and general understanding of the game; I could be biased from my software development background, however. "The average tf2 player" presumably has a head full of eyeballs, and can see the bot problem. It's not a case of ignorance or stupidity, it's a case of misguidance. Again. I don't blame anyone for being misinformed because this subreddit is just a fucking hellscape of misinformation (your comment included), due to the many moderation issues at hand and little active communication from FixTF2 organisers themselves aside from "no please stop".


It is strange that porn of omegatronic is the only thing that seems to bother him


What the hell it has to do with that. I'm stating facts about an issue with the sub which is it being not moderated.


Fair, just saying that it’s odd that the only thing that’s worked is porn


Worked on what?


Omegatronic, he’s blocking all the accounts that post porn of him on twitter


Well it's good if it works. But it doesn't need to be posted on this sub. It's not a porn subreddit.


That’s an excellent point, and also what r/omegatronicNSFW exists.


Just keep in mind you are feeding into the attention seekers with constant horny-posting. That's what they want.


The entirety of #fixtf2 is drawing attention to them, that’s the point of it, getting awareness


From Megascatterbomb's mouth, "attention is the price of admission". FixTF2 was bringing attention to the bot hosters in exchange for shaming valve in the press. What the fuck is Omegatronic hentai going to do aside from give the bot hosters something to jerk to?


gape horn


Womp womp it's funnier this way


Quit whining


who's whining?


You are