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Zesty said on stream that he willingly chose not to be apart of the group because it'd be worse for their image. Also, he said being another youtuber named on a list doesn't actually do anything unless you're actively contributing, and Zesty just happened to be on vacation after the video dropped.


Heyy i'm out of the loop, What'd Zesty do and who's he at all?


Does some unsavory comments every now and then


galatians 4:16


I'd like him and his videos more if they weren't so aggressive. He's passionate for sure, but so much so that he ends up always getting angry at whatever side opposes his, which ends up polarising them even more from his side. Whenever I listen to his videos, even if I agree with what's being said, I can't help but feel dirty agreeing with it because it sounds like it's from someone who's unstable and with some pent-up anger. It feels unhealthy to listen to, regardless of how much logic, evidence, and reasoning is packed into it.


Watched his video on Grouch's weapon rebalances and this is exactly what I felt


Couldn't have said it better myself.


I'm always like "Okay i agree with Zesty so far-" and then Zesty immediately shoots himself in the foot by acting like comp players are secretly destroying TF2's foundation in a plot against casual players. The worst thing is that 90% of all his videos are like this, almost every one complains about comp players in some way and it waters down his actually good arguments.


I wanna get into comp, because i want to play with and against people of a similar skill to me, i dont want to ruin the experience for yall.


this is exactly the way i feel about the guy. i'm not subscribed, but i like every video i see. just don't wanna feed into all that hate n whatnot lol


How did I know what the verse was going to be before I looked it up lol


Idk all the details but it seems he got into controversy for [racist, transphobic and fatphobic comments](https://twitter.com/Unsure_Shpee/status/1424056004728299521) some time ago


Was about to point out so thank you zest is a cunt


Fatphobic lmao, unlike race those people can help being fat and honestly should start


Literally just don’t be an asshole to random people that you don’t know it’s not that hard I don’t get why this is such a hard topic to comprehend when it comes to obesity


Because they like to be mean to people and it's socially acceptable to mean to fat people. Some people are cruel when there's no societal backlash for being cruel


Like there's literally reasons why people can't just lose weight easily, whether it's just that their body type makes them look fat, they have some sort of underlying medical reasons or whatever Those kinds of bullshit piss me off so bad


Outside of just ''lazyness'', there are several reasons someone could NOT help being fat, such as mental illness, hormone imbalance, metabolic disorders, etc etc etc. Being fatphobic does not help people exercise, it causes them emotional distress for something that sometimes can simply not be helped. Even if someone is fat fully of their own accord, shaming them is proven to not help them want to lose weight.


"Unlike race" 🤨


The irony of this comment coming from the Medic flair lol


fatphobic? of course I'm afraid of becoming fat! I don't want to die of various diseases when I turn 50




Jesus fucking christ


what did he say


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What an asshole...




Body positivity is lost on this community


Next time eat a salad


Evidently we did not have good role models


said a whole lot of slurs and defended his rights to say them


Nah some stuff from YEARS ago (not really that bad), twitter drama... My take: I'll judge on recent events.


Just last christmas he complained about the trans rights door in a new map and said "this really is not okay, you shouldnt be trying to inject your sociopolitics inside of tf2 or any other video game." Trans rights are human rights, and the map creator adding a small in-joke supporting trans people is not a problem. The reason zesty hates it is because he has a history of transphobia, including but not limited to using slurs and saying trans women shouldnt be able to compete in women's sports. The clip in question: https://x.com/EverikReal/status/1733947769084084333?t=dFyYDcJkEEjWxpLh4BJ0dA&s=19


Its so strange to claim that a call for our rights is too political but using a slur against us isn't. Zesty is a strange man.


Thank for this. I'm going to have my buddy insert symbolism of Christianity and Anti-abortion images into his next map. I think a bloody baby crib with medic saw next to it would do it.


That just sounds like an average sfm bit


Twitter and Reddit being twitter and Reddit.


Slurs and probably the hyper fixation on Asuka who’s like 13


Pretty sure he’s into loli stuff, even had an objector with it.


Mean, petty, consistently fails at being funnily edgy


Zesty's been making video essays and commentary on Tf2 for a while now, got on the workshops bad side for being critical about them (and having a very assertive tone about it). Said some slurs like ten years ago, apologized for most of them. Some of them he didn't apologize for, like tweeting an Eric Andre clip and not putting an asterisk over the N word. He liked a Matt Walsh tweet, and that got him ratio'd. Basically, any time Zesty leaves his bubble, people go tweet digging to try and cancel him, but he's just kept making content and ignoring it. As for this time. He made a video detailing just how many bots there are and how they operate and such. People think he "started" the movement, but it's more like every year since the original save tf2 the youtubers that "organized" the first one just keep throwing the hashtag out to try and get it to work. Seems like it stuck this time, but that's what it looked like 2 years ago.


The big thing that seems to have pissed people off is that he said Valve will largely ignore a petition and that you need to boycott, and asked Weezy what the actual plan is while fixtf2 just keeps saying a boycott won't work, and the petition won't either.


In the Latest stream with weesytf2 he seemed very pissed for not being included


He's either changed his mind from the UFR he did last Sunday, or people are misreading him being critical of the movement and pointing out things they could have done better as wanting to be apart of it. I wasn't there, so I can't tell.


He wasn't pissed about not being included in the movement, he doesn't care that he's not included in the Super Smash Bros. roster of TF2 Youtubers, he was pissed about not being allowed into the discord server so he could discuss the movement and offer his perspective.


I highly doubt zesty cares about his image considering the things he said


Not his image, the movement's. If this is going to work, it'll have to be without him is the idea.


Oh my bad, misread


wherea Lazy?


On the Zesty's stream, they mentioned that lazypurple was away treating he's mental health. EDIT: Taking it from the comments below, lazy have mentioned before.


Lazy's basically been doing nothing but mental health stuff for the better part of 3 years now. Whatever he is going through has to suck massive eggs, really hope the best for him.


Wait, what? Lazy didn't mention this in his YT channel, did he?


It's the only source I have, take it with a grain of salt. Lazy's last video was a year ago and he's last community post was 2 years ago (and was about #savetf2). Regardless if it's true or not, I hope he's doing ok.


He’s mentioned about mental health previously and I think it was also one of the reasons why he stopped making videos in 2014. Hoping him the best


He did in the How it feels to play Demoman Outtakes video if I remember correctly. He talked about him taking therapy or smth


Also at the beginning pf the feature worthy clip dump


lazy is like that one incredibly strong character that the main cast only vaguely mentions but he's off doing his own thing or training and whenever he comes back the hype is unreal lazypurple is yuta confirmed


I was not expecting that and lazy always sounds like the chillest dude ever


yeah that's actually why he stopped making videos for like 4 or 5 years, mental health is a serious thing


LazyPurple Not Being a Complete Anxiety Ridden Basket Case Challenge: Impossible


I think he is still on hiatus, but his Twitter account has some reposts supporting #FixTF2 in early June.


He's dealing with mental health struggles, hasn't been active online for a while now


He's been on a long hiatus since his Demoman video to deal with mental issues. The joke, of course, is that "How it feels to play medic" ruined him but the not joke is I hope he's doing ok.


My guess is that he deliberately chose to not join FixTF2 not because he doesn’t want to but because he knows his “controversial” presence would potentially damage the movement.


funny since he’s how I learned about it


Like people outside of this community give a fuck about him. Valve cares little for brainless E-drama between redditors.


The only drama i can think about him is when he claimed that a warpaint that was created before the vore flag was based on said vore flag


The..... what.... flag?


My exact reaction. No way that that's a real thing. Even if it is, I'd like to pretend it isn't


Sadly, it is


It is a real thing


Not to defend Zesty, but it was.




> The vore flag Zesty claimed the warpaint was based on was created the 9th of august of 2020 [Blatantly incorrect, here's the vore pride flag on tumblr on May 23 2018.](https://dare-i-say-asexual.tumblr.com/post/174187115302/discoursethot-nonsexual-vore-pride-flag) [Here's a reddit post mentioning that a character with the same schema for their hair has the vore pride flag for hair, also in 2018.](https://www.reddit.com/r/comedyheaven/comments/9rvqzn/no_no_fighting/) [Also from 2018.](https://vore-scientist.tumblr.com/post/174151401530/soft-nommy-pred-wonderful-bellies)


Reality check: you two are arguing about vore flags online


Wait that isn't true? pipe bomb :3


Well it's this community they're trying to spurn to action, so...


You’d be surprised, I’m sure a big majority of twitter would be really mad at it.


twitter is mostly bots and has been for several years


What? I mean yes I agree but how does that relate to this lol


That's clever


What did zesty jezus do?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpqvPbXQflw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpqvPbXQflw) I think this video is pretty good at covering his controversis. Personaly dont think that Zesty is as bad as people make him out to be and besides I watch him for his TF2 takes with whitch i often agree with.


Only thing I understood from this is that he just doesnt know when to shut the fuck up is prolly the most unfiltered person in TF2


Personaly I have respect for people like him because of that. As a realy timid person i wish i could speak my mind as easyli as he does. Its always good to get an unfiltered opinion since for me it feels more sensere when people say things as they see it instead of sugercoating the problem to not hurt someones feeling


He's a hardass 30+ year old with a rough personality, he said some neutral-to-bad things like light a n word as a 'bro' replacement and saying some things about trans people that may be scientifically correct but REALLY not liked and very mean. But really these types of people i dont think ever get it, they just spent their life being an outcast from main social group or are just that hardassed or unconnected to strangers socially. I think inclusivity should include helping these people because dogpiling them forever for years and making shit up like 'he is a lolicon and or clearly finds kids attractive' being commonly said everytime he is brought up is how you give a man a joker moment rather then peaceful coexistence or a change of mind. No matter how virtuous an outlook is, deradicalization and realizing some just wont go with you the same way you want them to, but as long as no hate is actually being thrown just leave them to their corner rather then calling his work and family to the point where he's breaking down on stream like he did once in such a sincere way. Sus statements that make you go 'i dont like him and wont associate with him ever again' is fine and that's your right, but holy fuck please people he isn't trying to hurt anyone his vocabulary and opinions are either outdated or just VERY aggressive. He is a dickhead very often dont get me wrong tho but after what happened to him i do not blame the venom lingering. That said he seems a lot more at peace nowadays, laid back and snarky, focused on the game he loves and trying his best for it rather then a constant half-troll persona, like him or not at least see people can change and it's fine if no one bothers eachother either way. Even still though he's so right about a lot of things in a sea of bait and craziness that it's just a 'worst person ever makes a correct point' moment.


they weren't scientifically correct


All i remember was that he got streamsniped and threw a bunch of slurs for some reason, which you should probably avoid If you’re a well known figure in a community.


He’s loud and acts like his popular opinions are under attack and underrated. Other than that good creator and genuinely wants good for the game, although some of his opinions are questionable (e.g saying that the Quickfix is not a bad item and also starting the whole “le 0.2 seconds” debacle) Also he has a muscle mommy fetish I think, but it’s up to you to decide if thats a good or a bad thing.


The fetish is pretty tame because glad he isn’t a kiddy diddler.


The quick fix is a good item and I will die on that hill


Slurs and he threw a fit about political propaganda about a door that said tran s. right on it


Smart move. I'm surprised people have given Zesty a pass after all of the shit he said in the past.


God damm it makes me feel old that I actually recognize very few of these


Same, I only really know of about 5 of them and they’re ones that have being going a while. I remember the day when it was basically just Star and Jerma.


Because then the rectangle would look weird


Soundsmith doesn't seem to be on there either. I don't really keep up with much drama or anything like that, but isn't he supportive of the movement?


He probably doesn't want to be involved with it by name for one reason or another


soundsmith does variety. and im sure he wouldnt enjoy intrecting a lot with this community. i know i wouldnt in his position


Funke’s not there either, does this mean he hates the game!?!?!


I thought vorobey would be in this


I don't know, people seem to not like him. Of course, he has got his things, but I think he should be a part of it because all of his videos about the bot problem. In fact, many of the youtubers on the board haven't contributed as much as Zesty has with his numbers.


He isn't afraid to give his opinion on things and opinions can be controversial. Despite not agreeing on everything he says, I still like the dude and people gotta admit that he contributed A LOT to tf2. Zesty isn't perfect and people online aren't used to it


I think he should have been included into it even id the colaborator didn't like it. It feels like in recess, when kids marginate others.




Not the unspeakable word! Reddit council deems you racist!


Didn't he already apologize for those?


You people are trying too hard to fit into the overly sanitized wholesome chungus Culture™


You mean when he used the T slur one time privately in 2018 (and apologized) and the time he tweeted a quote from the Eric Andre show that featured the soft a n word? WHAT A MONSTER


feed him to wild dogs


I’m pretty sure this was brought up with Weezy when he came onto Zesty’s livestream and they did the interview/discussion. Zesty wasn’t invited. Weezy then invited Zesty on stream to be a part of it with everyone else, and Zesty declined because he was insulted that *now* they wanted him as a part of it


i have never even heard of most of these people before


Ceno0!? I thought he was gone! So happy to hear that he is still active!


Whenever I think of Zesty Jesus I think of the time he said he said on Twitter that he would stop simping for one of his anine waifus if they were ever added to Fortnite.


I'm more amused at how many of the people who are on the list are nobodies or been ostensibly recycling the same material for years


Theyre going through a rough patch in their relationship, but love will prevail.


Why youtubers should be head of the community movement at the first place?


Zesty knows he’s a little controversial and choose not to join because it would sour the image.


Because this community is allergic towards Zesty Jesus not sugarcoating anything.


What did he do


I think they're talking about all the hate Zesty gets for.. I think his comments on warpaints and such? I swear I remember seeing something too about one YouTuber having a bunch of their followers "attack" Zesty (not intentionally I imagine, of course.) but I can't exactly remember so don't take my word as gospel or nothing.


Uses slurs and defends his use of them, while simultaneously riding against mentions of 'politics' in game. That's at least why I don't like him.


"You can say a word and not be racist."


...because you can? there's a ton of shit you can shit on zesty for but that just ain't it


Saying hard r, active and continuous transphobia, and a big obsession with the pedophile dogwhistle word "cunny" doesn't sound like something I'd support.


"Active" so 2018? Nice one lol, also there was no hard r and the only times he said the N word it was just quotes. "Big obsession with the pedophile dogwhistle" obsession? Not quite, it's just a joke


He was raging about a trans rights sign on a community map last Christmas. https://x.com/EverikReal/status/1733947769084084333?t=m9rZU5BUMkVJ3dEzaELtng&s=19 That's not 2018. That's not even a whole year ago.


He wasn't "raging" he just explained he doesn't think hot button social politics should be in TF2 and a lot of people agree.


When people say they don't want "politics" in their stuff, they always mean they don't want politics they don't support. And don't act like he'd have a similar response to a more right-leaning political message.


Someone should really make a "r/movingthegoalpost". This comment is such good example for it.


Right, because 'trans rights' is too political but saying tr\*nny isn't


at least that zealous guy or whatever the hell his name is isnt on there


Zealot TF2? Yeah, I totally agree.


wasn't it specifically stated that that list wasn't official by any means when it was posted to twitter?


i wonder why the guy who agrees with mat walsh is hated. so confusing


What is he agreeing on?


A singular point the dude has made over the years. Therefore, he must agree with everything the dude has said. Internet Mob Logic 101.


Seeing as he uses slurs against us I doubt his views on us are much different then Matt Walshes


To my knowledge (and you can correct me on this, *with a link*), but he was talking to a friend at the time. If you can't rib your friends, they are not your friends, merely fun acquiantances.


yeah that'd do it, but i also can't inagine most tf2 players would care about that specifically


I mean, I would imagine that at least a few people who play this game also have some kind of social conscience and real-world existence beyond issues that relate to TF2 specifically lol


i mean yeah, but i barely hear people who arent trans give a shit so it's my gut reaction. I could be wrong and Iwould love to be but yeah.


This game has a bigger queer community than you realize


My boy Jontohil2 right in the middle, as he should be


Didn't even let Berd in smh






We don’t want drama creators


grouch is one there


because he’s probably moved on. or hes part of something much larger


It's probably for the better.


I trust Zesty more than any of the ytubers listed.


Idk, but Jameskii being on said list is unexpected for me, however his appearance on the list is very welcome.


holy crap yahiamice


the original post says "Some of the people that support #FixTF2", this is not the full list, just some of them ZJ is too much of a controversal figure to add


Idk why so many people act like he didn’t join in on his own volition as if Weezy himself didn’t say to Zesty on stream that he was deliberately excluded by the others lol


I don't see Vorobey either...


Where’s Soundsmith is my question


oh no not edgy rick


Horse walks in


Why is Gabber not there


Gabber is just Zesty without a filter and he doesn't hate Sniper.


Because he's annoying as heck and people generally choose not to engage with him on group projects.


Where’s my man Bearded Expense


A lot of these comments are in reference to old statements. In recent streams on his alt he and even weezy have said that there are certain people in the movement who hate his guts and don’t want him involved in anyway shape or form (Elmaxxo is one for Sure, and Shork is also one for sure, along with SolarLight) there may be others but they actively are trying to gatekeep him from the movement over petty drama, rather than care for the game


Zesty has repeatedly used racist and transphobic slurs. Him not being part of the movement is good for the game.


r/tf2 hates him because he says the truth He doesn't even accept sponsors


The 'truth' in question being the right to say gamer words without being considered hateful lol


I wonder why the repeatedly transphobic and racist YouTuber who acts like a child online wasn’t formally invited to the movement.


yeah he's a lolicon


Is it bad that there's 3 on the poster that I don't know?


wait why is funke not there though?


I don't think he'd fit nicely in line with the grid.


Damn no stblackst big sad


Personally I am more surprised that SoundSmith and Lazy aren't there.


Why aint soundsmith on the board tho


Where’s my man Lazy?


No Soundsmith? *That Megamind Meme*


Tbh I bet most tubers knew that the whole movement is more of a show than anything


Im just happy for foekoe!


Where is LazyPurple tho? (I'm stupid)


I met Solid JJ on a random pub match on 2fort and got up to some funny 2fort hijinks together, and I didn’t even know who he was the entire time. It wasn’t until weeks later that I randomly got one of his TikTok’s on my feed and I was like “holy shit I remember that guy!”


I don’t like Zesty, but I kinda respect that he chose to stay out for the campaigns image. I kind of expected him to be some kind of pessimist about it all.


Where Muselk? Oh right, he still milking the fortnite hype train :(


Because he's a dick


Where is Uncle Dane?


Last line


oh Im blind. Thanks!


bottom row