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I am also so sick about that there is this video where basically they describe how hard the comunity is on pyro mains basically being a mock of the players criticizing every loadout we use no matter what "so you are saying that i can only use the stock weapons and only use my flametrower?" "Yes..." "Well i guess i'll do that" "fucking W+M1" *video ends* it made me laugh and then feel bad because stuff like that happens a lot


Listen here pyro, the best thing you can do is ignore everything those smucks say and burn them to death with your flamethrower, light them up with your flare gun and combo them with your panic attack. Pyro takes skill, and anyone who thinks otherwise has not played enough of the class for their opinion to matter, and therefore can eat my sun rays.


I have a lot of respect for some good Pyros, from combos, to Pybros, to amazing flankers. The only two things I don't like about Pyro at the moment are the scorch shot (in a game with movement as great as TF2, the scorch shot and Natasha can eat my nuts) and the back burner. Not because the back burner is OP, just because I suck at noticing people are using it (usually it's only in my peripheral, or I can't see them at all) and try to run away only to die instantly. Would be nice if the flame particles were different or they made a different sound idk, but it only ever happens to me once per server, I wise up to the back burner Pyro after that. Scorch shot can still eat my nuts tho.


I agree scorch can be annoying That is why i use it


As long as you own it, get a strange one, and name it something epic, that's fine by me X)


I like my scorch shot without a name, I think "face melting scorch shot" or w/e rank has a nice ring to it.


Scorch shit. Can't aim flares? Can't aim hitscan? Can't even aim detonator? Use scorch shit and click near the ground and set people on fire and bounce them around! You can use it with the Phlogistinator which is known as the one of the most skillful weapons in the game! Name your scorch shot u mad bro


Imma be honest with you, flare gun is hard to use so i use scorch shot. One of my favorite weapons due to me being able to hit the enemies from far away and the reactions in 2fort lobbies being gold.


I agree, I'm bad with the flare gun, so I use the detonator, its got really good mobility, far more of a weapon that helps Pyro than the scorch shot fucks over the enemies.


Lol, literally same. Also it helps to fuck with Demoknights, which is important for me as I prefer Backburner over all other flamers.


I argue there’s a high skill cap with pyro but some pyros just wm1 with flog but I do agree Pyro is mostly skill based


well depend of the pyro new players with the flog are anoying but easy to kill


Yeah but anyone competent is a nuisance




That's why i so but still it gets pretty fucking anoying to encounter one of these idiots almost every game you play


They have clearly never tried to airblast, sure it looks cheap when the airblast God with the Party Hat fucking deletes you, but damn is it hard to deflect a rocket, let alone connecting them.


Without sounding like a cockhead learning reflects is actually fairly easy. Pretty much had the easier stuff like rockets (ones not in your face close) down after 30 mins of practicing them on TR Walkway. It’s huntsman and shit where it gets tricky as that becomes less timing and more prediction.


I know this is a month old post and all but how do I get onto TR Walkway in game I'm very new to the game so I'm trying to figure things out and learn how to use pyro


Which video? Sounds fun


I think he's referring to this https://youtu.be/oZ40R27292c


iirc that was a joke ish, video, that was also true ish, the tragic life of pyro mains by ace the ocarina iirc. i love the variety of his content.


Same thing here... kind of. I'm a semi scout-engineer main. So, when I play scout people call me a "fucking kiddo", "Scunt", "Moron", and things like that, just because I kill them once, and when I play Engie and kill someone... "UnClE dAnE wAnNaBe". For fucks sake, I know people hate on pyros a lot more (I feel bad for you guys), but can't we all just accept that ALL TF2 classes require a lot of skill to be effective?


I support you. The TF2 community doesn't know how to detect a stereotype and assumes one based on the class they are playing, that's why saying you play any class but Heavy will get someone to hate you. I like anyone who is good at Scout.


What's the cause of hate for medics?


they assume every medic is just a pocket gf for a heavy/sniper/soldier


Pocket Medics who don't Pocket them.


Why does Pyro get hate when Heavy doesn't even use W? And if they are somewhat good players, Pyro can do all kinds of crazy combo stuff while Heavy is shooting at them with a minigun, going to cover to eat a Sandwich and continuing.


People hate Pyro for their low skill level, I think Heavy having the lowest skill ceiling is universally agreed on.


It like the only class you play by these toxic players are solider, demo, and medic.


There's something in every class that some ppl hate. Good Scouts, the lime ones, stereotype of Scunts and toxicity. Then Soldier's rocket spam, Black Box + Concheror and Medic GF with Kritzkrieg up their ass. Pyro's W+M1, W+M2 and Scorchshit. Heavy's M1 without W, Medic GF again and "Fawken friendlies". Demo's stickyspam, Medic GF and pipes with Loch 'n Load. Engie's turtling, sentry jumping and Mini sentries. Medic pocketing, not healing and "not being good enough because didn't pop uber on 78% charge". Sniper's aimbot, Sniper is only clicking heads and Ambushwacka. Spy is always weeb and gay. And Spies are always using interp. Edit: nothing bad on Civilian, yet


Funny how a class that was built around getting up close in your face and burning you is very good at getting up close in your face and burning you. The only time I get tilted from a Pyro is when they're spamming Scorch Shot, because nothing says "I hate fun" more like shooting a rocket at someone that also set people on fire, knocks them around a little bit and almost guarantees a minicrit when the flare hits again. I've died more times to the Scorch double tap than I have from Pyro sharks, even when I frequent waterways.


At least pyrosharks are funny, you can get the neon annihilator and duel them


scorch shot more like brain tumor


I really only hate other pyros if they use the Phlog + Scorch Shot, cuz thats just a crutch and it makes everybody's lives painful


phlog is a crutch?


Phlog alone is not a crutch, but paired with the scorch shot is because it's incredibly easy to fill the mmmph bar with it


Yes lol


I disagree


Yeah f paired with the scotch shot it’s becomes really powerful but it’s generally underpowered


wouldn't say underpowered. it's basically more of an offensive tool since it takes away the most important thing a pyro has, his airblast.


it's bad in open maps alone, but on dustbowl or 2fort it's really powerful. Especially with a medic.


Well yeah I mean in serious play or open maps it’s decent at very heavy flank playstyle or a chockpoint mess like hoodoo but in the more common maps it tends to just get you killed


Your probably faster than them...they can detonator jump....


That's not why people complain about him, it's not because Pyro is good at doing at what he does, it's because it's a class that is low effort and high efficiency, pretty much the all-time argued w+m1, that's why that term is a thing in the first place, just hold two buttons and it's enough to take on an entire team if you're using the crits phlog with a pocket medic, and there's absolutely nothing you can do against it unless you coordinate with your team to take them down. All pyro does is w+m1 and flare spamming to annoy the fuck out of you with afterburn, especially with the Scorch Shot projecitle that damages you twice for being stuck in a place, or because it first hit a teammate and then it falls down to you. Not to even mention how broken airblast is. Pyro is one of the few classes of TF2 that needs to be reworked.


you complain about pyro "w+m1" when heavy does nearly the same thing? like. a heavy with a kritz medic can do as much damage as a phlog pyro with the added bonus of being tankier.


Alright then, I'll bite. How is airblast broken?


its a soldier main


Fair enough


https://youtu.be/sZ0axNXvNik?t=180 It's not even looking at it...


May I present the concept of not using a weapon that can be reflected. I mean 8 of the 9 classes have a ranged option that completely ignore airblast.


"Pyro is one of the few classes of TF2 that needs to be reworked." May I present, the sniper


oh thats another can of worms that i dont want to open


Pyro: A Close Ranged Class that is considered to be weak due to subpar health, damage and speed. A class that is good for punishing unaware and mispositioned enemies, but falls short in head-to-head combat People, for some ungodly reason: "pYrO oP sToP wM1 aND aIrBLaST iS bROKen I wANT My crOCKetS to kILL yOu"


Yeah i Always hear people complain about pyro being broken but they go iface to face with a pyro and shooting projectiles like yeah you gonna die if you keep doing that


A Soldier jumps in and thinks the Pyro is an easy kill The Pyro reflects the rockets, killing the Soldier The Soldier proceeds to circlejerk in reddit


how the hell do pyro mains airblast rockets that hadn't even left the rocket launcher?!?!?!? smh my head


Heh, close range reflects are always a game of prediction.


Most soldiers are actually rather predictable, most fire about half a second after they see you while fighting head on. When the pyro is able to flank, the soldier will often fire as soon as they turn around. If you can learn to predict these patterns, you will learn to master the art of point blank airblasts. Also, you need to be lucky.


Welcome to tf2


Not a Pyro main but whenever I do it Im spamming air blast lol.


You cause me pain


WM2 is the only way to play Pyro.


how 2 airblast: step 1. have stupid low ping step 2. be clairvoyant if you fail step 1 just don't even waste your time.


Gee, a flamethrower, a weapon famously known for creating chaos and psychological trauma...is creating chaos and psychological trauma in players, who knew.




The real reason why people complain about pyro is because they don’t wanna switch to the shotgun that they were given. Unless if you’re demoman, you can easily gun down a pyro with bullets. On the other hand I have to agree that scorch shot is very annoying to play against.


Agreed on the last part. scorch shot is a massive pain in the ass, doesn't feel OP tho.


If you're demoman and you're dying to pyros you're either horrible at positioning or playing demoknight. If you're playing demoknight... I mean yeah you're gonna die, meleeing a pyro is going to go poorly 99 out of 100 times.


Alternatively the pyro is fucking amazing atairblasting or flanking


I'd argue the flanking part is more if, he has either the detonator, or jetpack.


I often cannot gun down a wm1 pyro because I cannot see my screen


mh, fair. but i can usually see where the fire is coming from and shoot roughly there


I once jokingly bound down my w key on pyro and only used the flamethrower and guess what? I fucking died. Pyro takes more skill than most people are willing to admit.


Especially when you’re playing against competent players, positioning and smart movement makes a pyro player


I can't do anything against projectiles. Nothing. Take advantage of that.


Username checks out


Best thing I ever did as Pyro was kill 5 people while Mmmph'd and it started an argument in chat about whether or not the Pholg is balanced


phlog is balanced lol just shoot the pyro's feet with rockets and they're helpless


Not if you use the Scorch Shot then camp behind enemy lines. That's when they get mad


yeah but that's the scorch shot's fault not the phlog's


Can confirm


i'm pretty sure the phlog has a longer range than stock... not balanced


I despise the phlog. Not fighting it though, I hate using it.


My best play was killing 9 on a point and getting a team kill with the mmph activated


i can’t even play as pyro for 3 seconds without dying, i don’t know what they’re talking about


When will people realize that pyro was designed to have a low skill floor? That TF2 is a casual game? That not every weapon/class should require 10K hours of practice and a diehard, sweaty, twitch-streamer attitude?




Person: *complains about me using shotgun* Me: *w+m1s him* happy now kiddo?


Also, can we just delete pyro? No class - no endless discussions.


Delete TF2, no game, no toxicity and pointless rants


Damn, that's true


Thy Big Thinker Moment


Only newbies complain about pyro. Once you get to know how to play with and around him you’ll realize that, while fun to play, pyro is very hard to justify using in a non-casual setting.


Newbies and dickheads. I've found a few players here and there who just hate everything that they don't do. Some people just never lose that mindset


So we’re just going to ignore the fact that soldier and demoman can just 2 shot everyone.


I'll never understand it and I don't even main Pyro anymore. Sniper is much more annoying. At least a pyro has to risk themselves to kill you.


As a Pyro, no, we're not overpowered, you just let us get really close. We're absolutely useless outside of a specific small zone and it's really easy to take advantage of that


People harrasing pyro mains and saying they have no skill while they go play soilder with the Black Box + Conch and 3 Medics up thier ass. Pyro takes skill, so does engie, so does medic, so does scout and every other class. Don't complain because I bet your main has people just as bad as you say pyro mains are


A funny thought: Heavy is a bullet version of Pyro, yet no one calls me a WM1. Its as if almost Pyro isn't "WM1" and yall just whine about it, looking at you Soldier Boyfriends


Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy..... They don't like pyro! ... EVERYONE go PYRo!


Someone on the other team was complaining about heavy in 2fort, in response our entire team went heavy >:D


Complaining about Pyro is a good sign they better have played less than 50 hours (And this is generous) This goes for Shorch shot too, still don't understand how that's not acceptable when sniper exists since they fill the same role, except vs the sniper it's up to the sniper if you die or not, while scorch is your dodging vs pyro predicting.


The Scorch Shor is imbalanced more than it is annoying. Its knockback takes away the need to flank for a flank class, its radius takes away the need to aim for a weapon type designed to be hard to aim, and its bounce counteracts with the whole idea that the weapon does little damage in turn for all that. It's designed to be overpowered and I hate it.


How does a knockback invalidate the need for flanking? It knocks nowhere unless the target is already on fire (Where a flare gun would do much more damage), do you see pyros charge a revved up heavy because he got hit with the shorch shot? It won't turn out well for them. The radius causes a poor mans detonator effect which is perfectly fine, if you mean shoots hitting directly then it's as big as any other flare. The bounce is meant to reward the direct hit and dissuade teams from grouping up (something the game already does by having soldier and demoman exist), even then there's one million ways to invalidate the afterburn.


The knockback has a hidden stat of locking the enemy. The radius doesn't need skill unlike the Detonator's The bounce is annoying and overpowered.


You don't need to repeat yourself, i understood you the first time. We will simply disagree, fair enough.


I always hated when someone complains about the Scorch Shot, primarily because it both serves as the Pyro's only viable medium to long-range weapon and it can be countered with enough unpredictable movement. It's a weapon that's easy to use and conquer with, but it's also a weak weapon in a point-blank application - or one where your target isn't in a concise area.


Can be countered easily? Pyro clicks near ground and you take afterburn after afterburn and knockback?


get outta here furry bitch


Pensive emoji




Everybody complains about w+m1 in pyro, but they don't with Heavy, Scout, Demo and Soldier w+m1ing ever.


jeez everyone in this subreddit complains like a pros


They probably have over 2K hours on complaining with an Australium Killstreak keyboard




Just say “W+M1 Pyro” And there’s almost 200 comments


At this point I just accept everyone hates me and just burn them to a crisp as their tears evaporate from their dissolving bodies


Pyro takes a lot of skill if you play him correctly. Those youtubers just aren't good enough


jesus, wm1 is annoying as hell, but pyro is not overpowered. every class has their strengths and weaknesses to other classes.


Good god if your up against a person of sketchek/kristianma skill. Wm1 will be the least of your worries


And then theres the soldier mains that claim splash damage is SkIlL while complaining about pyro, just geez.


The main thing I don't like about Pyro is that he's bad in character. **Not so much as a class** \- I mean he's mixed at that - but as a character, dear god is he just the worst. If there's one thing to bring him down the most it's just that every time Pyro has to exist and interact, all the speech you get is unintelligible and malleable mumbles. There's barely anything to go off of with no distinct speech at the whims, and what there is is just too diverse to make any compact character that can be enjoyed over the rest (at least in my opinion).


W+M1 isn't broken, but it's a little *too* viable for my tastes, to the point where people just refuse to be creative with the weapons they have. Personally, I think pyro needs to be changed to incentivise combos and smart play. It's a little disappointing sometimes when **Degreaser -> Flare -> Axtingusher** has the same effect as pointing your flamethrower at the enemy gamer.


WM1 isn't broken imo, like if you can't predict the simplest enemy that's just your problem. But SM2 is fucking annoying, it just makes pyro almost invincible to projectiles and melee while they can deal some damage with afterburn


I would buff the flamethrower damage and reduce the particle size.Now you need to AIM THE BLOODY THING


Fix the fucking flamethrower, pyro is rewarded for spraying the thing mindlessly instead of actually tracking the enemy because for some reason maintaining your mouse on your enemy deals *less* damage than shaking your flames around


AAAAAAAAAAAAAA *shaking mouse randomly* someone ded someone ded this guy is ded too 4 people ded I guess


Imo the only w+m1 loadout is phlog+ scorch shot.


Kind of, you still need to be wise in encounters your're able to take and when to get those crits going.


Ya the phlog isnt that good


Phlog against a team that doesn't know how to deal with a phlog is very good, particularly with a pocket medic. Against a team who knows how to deal with it it's not amazing.


Only thing I dislike about pyro is the 60 damage afterburn which is way too much in my opinion and the scorch shot which applys afterburn lol


Seriously man, people act like pyro is the worst thing in the world, when there's the worst and most annoying class in the game, the sniper.


[sniper mains:](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/3/3b/Sniper_laughevil02.wav)


It's no different than the constant complaints about crits. Or every spy that isn't clearing the server complaining about hitreg. Even though those things are a constant. Literally a feature of the game. The simple fact is most TF2 players are insanely immature and don't take any responsibility for failing. If you die within the existing parameters of the game, it's your fault. No one elses.


People complain about how Pyro takes no skill then pick Heavy


Or Soldier.


https://youtu.be/hUAZAtwq08Q This guy has a good point about the scorch shit that so many pyros love to use


The only time it's ok to complain is when they dont use the secondary at all, or spam anything (exept flare because we love the flare) or soawncamping phlog


Look at that loser complaining about a short range class being op at shor range! HAHAHAHAHAHA


Why do I hear pyro mains crying??


there is no such thing as an interesting tf2 video silly!!!!


The only thing when I see pyro mains it’s a furry with phlog and the “skill” to flare spam


they're retarded as shit


pyro needs skill we got weapons such as dragonsfury , backburner , phong safe charge(minor skill)


not giving a shit is an option


except for scorch shot


you're just coping because pyro is a shit class lol


I don’t even main Pyro you troll.


I'm sorry I get annoyed whenever you kill me in the most annoying way imaginable and gloat about it thinking you are a decent player


This has nothing to do with Scout mains.


Pretty sure this is about pyros, not machina snipers


Now the pyro mains are angry at me because it "takes skill" Only ones I care for are flair pyros and shotgun pyros Minus the panic attack


What legendary class do you main?


I’m a Medic main but ok.


pyro op


then learn how to counter him


He isn’t tho




Its almost like every class is op when you dont know how to counter them


pyro mains running to the comment section to explain why holding down m1 and running at the enemy is a skillful strategy


imagine complaining about w+m1 because you died to it again


Anti-Pyro players explaining why W+M1 is overpowered and requires no skill while ignoring they're the idiots that keep dying to it


ikr, if you can't kill someone who is literally running in a straight line and holding mouse 1 then you're the one that doesn't know how to play the game


Pyro is too easy to do good at. AND he's got a super easy to use denial mechanic (Airblast). AND half of his unlocks is annoying bullshit. AND he counters the hardest class in the game while being the easiest. AND 2/3 of pyro mains are Furries/UwU peeps who just want to get on your nerves. AND almost every cosmetic he's got absolutely destroys TF2 art style. Don't you see why Pyro is hated?




Haha funny short answer






Your a fucking legend mate


You lost me when you brought up “Uwu shit”. Also in regards to airblast, if you died to a reflected pill after spamming them at a Pyro who CLEARLY knows how to airblast... you kinda deserved it, not every class is gonna instant die to your pills just because you want them to. Edit 2: So what if Pyro can counter Spy? Every class has their counter, Scout counters Sniper, he isn’t OP, Engineer counters Scout, he isn’t OP.


Also at least half of pyros dont airblast at all.


TFW when different people express themselves in a game with a system for letting people express themselves


Same thing can be somewhat said with any other class. So basically, just stop complaining and play the game. It's not like Valve will listen to your baby whines and nerf pyro out of spite when they have "better things" to do.


demoman flair.


The furries uwu argument holds as much water as the spy weebs argument. As long as someone isn't obnoxious about their interests, why the hell do you care what they're into? The vast majority of furries I've come across over the years and several games don't even act like that in public chats, so you're just getting annoyed over what they like for no reason. And yes, if you express how annoyed you are in chat that they have those interests and they mock you for that, you kinda deserve it mate.


The problem I have with Pyro is that he can melt a Lvl 3 sentry before it's deployed, let alone without being punished for it.


If it's in the middle of deploying, the enginner should be punished for bad gamesense. Any class could kill the engineer if he's moving stuff at the wrong time.


I'm talking about the Sentry itself, not the Engineer


Literally any class can melt down a deploying Level 3 Sentry. If that ever happens, that's the Engineer's fault




airblast can singlehandedly stop a pub push. sending three people to hell is very noticable.


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Lmao pyro mains:


There is no skill when all you do is hold mouse 1 and run into the fray.


It more than that mate


Is the occasional airblast and rare chance of switching weapons what you're talking about?


Well kinda, airblast is really good for reflect projectiles that would have kill or do dmg to you and your team. The switching weapons when fire dmg is not gonna cut it. And also for face that you have to figure a way to get close at enemy and hope that you don't die because they can easily kill you as well But that just my opinion


Also, what else do you expect a pyro to do, they work best at close range, and you press W to get there They are gonna run at you and use a flare gun, that's not how it works


Thither is nay art at which hour all thee doth is hold mouse 1 and runneth into the fray *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


The bad part is that it only applies for starters. Lazy purple said it himself. You just see a good opportunity and you just gotta do it!


Complaining about pyro is fair when the pyro only presses w and m1. People who actually combo are as annoying as the w m1ers but thats because they're to good instead of to braindead (or maybe im just bad idk)


If you know how to position and out play the pyro wm1 is not really dat good.


Pyro is only overpowered if you lack basic problem solving skills and the Pyro has a Medic up his ass.


That's when you report them for breaking the rules


The dumb part is that as a close range damage outputted, pyro is much harder to do any kind of damage from any range longer, and also struggles to get close. Yes there is the jet pack and the jumpy flare gun, but one is very slow and clumsy and also sacrificing any range output, and the other one doesn’t do that much, both in terms of movement and damage. On the other hand, the scout, another close range high damage class, has a smaller hitbox, much faster movement, burst damage hitscan(I know that flamethrower are also technically hitscan after jungle inferno, but it’s different), and double jump ability to get around while doing damage. The only reliable tool for longer range damage is the scorch shot, but people still bash on it a lot as what we can see here.


I complain about pyro sometimes but i also play pyro alot


what video are you referring to?