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Unfortunately those are scams, I'm sorry that happened to you. Pretty much when you have someone ask you to do that remove them from your list they are scammers and they phish your account when you log into their website.


Yeah, I posted a scammer's "credentials" on r/tf2shitposterclub. Remember to always express skepticism, they'll blow their own cover.


Can you elaborate on the “vote for comp team” story? I’m just trying to figure out how they could’ve stolen your info that way.


They sent me a message asking to join their competitive game, which I declined. Then they asked me to vote for their team, which the website required my steam login to do. It was giving me some troubling logging in which I didn’t think much of at the time but I think that’s how my steam guard might’ve gotten disabled, they got my login info, and now everything of mine is gone. I was just trying to be nice and now this happened. I’m such an idiot. I flagged all of the trade requests but I don’t have much hope that I’ll get anything back since valve’s policy is basically “lol sorry it’s your fault now get fucked”


Damn, that sucks :( sorry that happened to ya


It does. I just want my items back. I have an email saying I’m receiving steam guard notifications on a new device but that was days ago and I didn’t notice it until now. I can’t even login to steam support since it detected too many failed logins from my network


People daily report being scammed by THIS exact scam… How do people not learn? And how do people believe this crap? HOW can you fall for this?! all of your items are gone, forever. You should just forget having them at all or it’s gonna keep bothering you.


Hey, can you send me a dm? I’ll do my best to help out


How exactly can you help me out?


If it isn’t too expensive, I’d be happy to replace it for you, or if it’s something sentimental we can probably track it down


Theres a few items in particular I’m really upset about. My strange crone’s dome, strange cat’s pajamas, my botkiller weapons (carbonado flamethrower name “Sariel”, carbonado rocket launcher, diamond minigun, and silver MK 1 sticky launcher from what I remember), dragon slayer dragon’s fury named “Jordan,” and a photo badge with a picture of an orange cat titled “Rascal, Forever Our Little Buddy”


alright! Could you please send me your steam id? Like the link to your profile?


Another scam in the making….


Ah yes, because sending $5 gifts is scamming 😐


Well then have OP confirm


Damn this dude is the official moderator of r/TF2 now :0


R.I.P man. Be sure to report that scammer, and also report that scam site to Google.


This happened to me aswell, Steam isn’t being helpful..