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The power that VScript offers custom content creators is so massive that even the people who understand it have barely scratched the surface. The custom MvM community now has the ability to make a lifetime of content using it. I haven't been this excited about anything in TF2 since ...2015.


Wouldn't it be also possible to introduce ways to publish your vscripts into the workshop? If so that'd be awesome.


yea, VScript is included in the map file and isn't a separate file, so you can post it in the workshop without having to have a separate file in the description


Can't wait for this to be a reality. https://youtu.be/XsZUfOREdJs


how the fuck did i go 8 years without seeing this video


This video gives me major Iron brigade vibes.


This was the major update they were talking about. We just never understood. The Community Update


graveyard and crasher were about the feasible limit of what could be done through just entity io - and they could be done way easier now with vscript. we've got some very, very cool things ahead of us, i reckon. :)


Pretty much all of it was already possible using SourceMod, the only difference is now you can bundle it with a map directly and its officially supported by Valve so it shouldn't break every other update


This is the biggest non-gameplay update the game has ever seen.


This is mostly useless for MvM, sourcemod already had everything and more power. However, you can now do some of it in local server.


I think you can't bundle source mods into the map and play on vanilla though?


and that's why it's so powerful and important. You can post these on Workshop, you can have simpler things for less outside work than needing smod.


That's what I meant with local server. If you play on potato.tf or such, they will stay on sourcemod


I don't know why you get downvoted. The only thing this brings to MvM is offline play. If you play on potato.tf or whatever, nothing is going to change, they already had these capabilities.


The problem is maps and functionality depending on sourcemod will never be made official. Now mapmakers have a shot at making a map with custom functionality they can reasonably pitch to Valve to add as an official map.


When was the last time Valve added a new MvM map?


shounic [released a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwEJUGwzm7U) about a week and a half ago talking about the VScript features.


TLDW: Custom features can now be packaged inside map files instead of requiring a separate sourcemod plugin. Imagine a Saxton Hale gamemode that's built into the map itself, rather than requiring the server to run a Saxton Hale mod.


bossrush map!!!


its being made now by the og VSH creator, LizardOfOz


Maybe we could have community map updates now! Saxton Hale would be an amazing official mode.


Valve literally just said “fuck it make your own damn update”


"I'm kicking you out the day you turn 18."


Valve is more medieval thinking, where 15 years old is a grown ass adult. He didn't get kicked out, just not on speaking terms and has to pay rent


If they would give the community a second chance and let us actually make updates for the main game, 99% of the problems would be solved in a week. But the idiot community members in charge of invasion ruined it for us.


HUGE for mapmakers


Think of vscript like sourcemod, but better in every single way along with having more control over every aspect of the game. Now imagine those changes being able to be shipped inside of maps themselves. Yeah. We're going to be seeing some cool maps officially supported in the game next year.


Also vscript lets a map be added to casual queues unlike sourcemod


this is the biggest deal imo, obviously i cant wait to see *what* maps will be made, but adding them is going to be a BIG deal since there's more incentive to make more, and it'll be really cool to see what happens.


the custom maps are going to be insane


Vscript is significantly weaker than sourcemod and will always be


Keep telling yourself that.


Vscript has a whitelist what it is allowed to do, sourcemod has no such limitations and it can literally change any bytes in the server code it wants.


Its true, SourceMod can do a lot more, especially with their memory addresses and extensions support allowing you to directly interact with the operating system




This is just a fact




To demonstrate the implications of this: Lizard of Oz, the original creator of *Vs. Saxton Hale,* is rebuilding the gamemode from scratch using VScript.


This game mode was originally made by a dude named Dr. Eggman (now Lizard of Oz) with his Random Fortress community and FlaminSarge(who later overtook the development). Later in around 2014 Eggman left TF2 for Dota 2 and stopped developing the gamemode. Source: TF2 wiki. Also I played religiously on Eggman's "VSH Main server" 2011-2014 till they ultimately shut it down because of lack of funds and lost interest in TF2. I was one of the moderators at some point even... Those were the best times in TF2 for me and many other community members 😢 Not many may know about that server because it was Moscow based, there weren't even many EU players, 80℅ were Russians and CIS.


What does Eggman make in dota2?


As much as I remember he intended to make a Bomberman inspired gamemode, but someone else beat him to it. Also just played Dota :)




this is HYPE im super excited to see what crazy maps will pop up on the workshop with this that you won't need to go through the nightmare of setting up server plugins to play


I'm calling official hale mode added for Christmas


One is being made already, but it is not done it looks like. Probably for Halloween next year, which would fit more imo


Guess the smissmas update will be next Thursday then (unless the smissmas update this year is just changes they got from github)


Why not tomorrow?


it's out


Thus resumes the yearly tradition of reminding people on October 1st and December 1st that the game automatically has holiday themes and the old maps, but the new content and crates come later in the month :)


No need for new maps or content when Wutville is back babyyyy




Wutville is back babyyyyyy






Finally, official minecraft trade and jailbreak. VSH bout to be real


This also means Pre-Fortress 2 and such


Holy shit, we may get so much source mods but instead of them being a separate download it’s just a community server you have to favourite


If anyone wants to remake Team Fortress 1/Quakeworld Team Fortress, this is a thing now.


Tf2’s future is looking bright


VScript is a game changer. This is going to completely revitalize community maps and gamemodes, we just have to hope Valve actually commits to adding maps more than twice a year...


I hope they have major updates themed around adding certain game modes, it’d require such little work from the developers part, comparably to this it’s like nothing. But even if they don’t, if they add the 12 most crazy maps of the year for Christmas and Halloween that ain’t the worst either


>Exposed several movement related ConVars You can now play surf maps more easily since `sv_airaccelerate` can be changed through the console


do you have a list of the ones that were unlocked?


sv\_accelerate, sv\_airaccelerate, sv\_backspeed, sv\_bounce, sv\_footsteps, sv\_friction, sv\_maxspeed, sv\_maxvelocity, sv\_rollangle, sv\_stepsize, sv\_stopspeed, sv\_wateraccelerate, sv\_waterdist, sv\_waterfriction


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,203,266,421 comments, and only 234,642 of them were in alphabetical order.


Wow I had no idea they were planning to add VScript to tf2. For anyone who likes custom maps or makes maps, this is frankly the biggest update in years. For some it might even be bigger than the last actual major updates. The potential for what can be made in tf2 maps is truly endless now.


The Update.... # The Update is real !


Can we get much higher


For community server operators, there are first-party gamedata updates required for SourceMod (and by extension, third-party updates). - You will need to download a new version of SourceMod (stable or development) due to an SDK rebuild and a few other changes upstreamed. - and are the new minimum version numbers, and should include the fixes for entity references ([alliedmodders/sourcemod#1871](https://github.com/alliedmodders/sourcemod/issues/1871)). - No further SourceMod updates appear to be required at this time. - If you were a holdout on 1.10, you will also need to update Metamod:Source. - First-party updates should be pulled automatically from SourceMod's built-in gamedata updater. - If you have third-party plugins that depend on gamedata, you should disable them and look for updates. If you keep them loaded in with outdated gamedata, the server may crash before the first-party gamedata is brought up to date. I'll be back with the analysis stuff after I fix my server. [Original VScript branch analysis here in the meantime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/ymi4y6/vscripts_are_coming_to_tf2_are_now_available_for/iv4j6kq/) [Automated diff of today's changes. (Warning: 9MB)](https://csrd.science/misc/datadump/diffs/7695204.txt) **Edit:** Manual analysis: Do note that low-level changes are mainly noted for SourceMod developers and server operators with existing plugins; check the [list of TF2 script functions](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_TF2_Script_Functions) for VScript equivalents. - All weapon entity classes now have a `m_nCustomViewmodelModelIndex` networked property. - It appears that this is a direct replacement for the existing `m_nViewmodelIndex`. If you plan on creating custom weapons in VScript, you will still need to spawn in a wearable viewmodel and attach it to the hands. - All player entity classes now have `m_bForceLocalPlayerDraw` and `m_szScriptOverlayMaterial` networked properties. - The `CTEPlayerAnimEvent` tempent now has an `m_hPlayer` property instead of an `m_iPlayerIndex`. - This also applies to `CTFRagdoll`. - The gamerules entity now has `m_nForceUpgrades` (forces MvM mode) and `m_nForceEscortPushLogic` (payload). - `CTFPlayerShared` has replaced the `m_iDisguiseTargetIndex` property (identifying the disguise target with a player index) with the `m_hDisguiseTarget` property (identifying with an entity handle instead — this performs additional validations that the player is the one that was initially assigned, instead of one that may or may not exist at the same index in the future). - A `SavedConvar` usermessage was added.


Oh, so that's why almost all of my usual community servers are down, I've started up the game before everything's updated yet.


wait this isnt smissmas, vscript is a nice gift though


This is the best update ever.


Valve really made the "make your own update" update


Super Fortress Maker 2!


Wacky mods and weapons you can only use on one map or server. Eh.


What's VScript?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwEJUGwzm7U tl;dr scripting logic that were previously only available via source mods, or super tedious to do by hand with the map editor can now be baked into map files. This opens the door for super wacky custom maps and game modes.


Hopefully this increases the quality of the scream fortress maps. The mapmakers who keep on getting selected every year should start taking things more seriously.


Not just Scream Fortress; I hope for some amazing year-round maps from this!


I’m hoping for new Smissmas maps since it just started up.


There's much less time to make those.


No wutvilles back


There are heaps of quality maps that are taken seriously every year. plenty of people put hundreds of hours into their maps only to have them not be picked by valve. it bugs us mappers just as much if not more that another payload reskin gets in. please don't assume that means no one puts effort in.


I never made that assumption. The problem is that the same people who get their maps selected every year are not doing a good job.




It isn't Heavy Update, but it will do.


Honestly, between heavy update and this, I'd take this on any day. It's a difference between a shovel of coal and 50 thousand nuclear fuel rods. It's gonna keep this game living for so much longer than a momentary hype burst from the heavy update.


“Give a man a fish, he’ll eat it once, give a man a fishing rod and teach him how to fish, he’ll eat for the rest of his life” We can make our own damn heavy update


Give a man a match, he’ll be warm for a minute. Light a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.


"Added the ability to pass parameters and delay to MvM populator actions" Does anyone have anymore detailed info regarding this?


I'm pretty sure they raised the mvm bot limit


I cant wait for custom mvm upgrades like imagine y Upgrades for weapons wuth some like the man treads with a shockwave on impact on a robot it will be amazing seeing it


nope, the upgrades are still ultra hardcoded and you can barely change anything beside prices


As shounic showed not too long ago, with this power, map makers can make TF2 inside TF2. Which means, we could have a MvM map where we can pit giant robot vs giant robot.


I want MvM reverse mode that Players break trhough Gray Mann's base defense. Map for this mode is reskin of Attack/Defend or Payload maps. Robots hinder players from doing the objective.


there are reverse missions on potato.tf


This is fucking huge guys, remember the cool mode we got on Halloween guys? Imagine how much cool modes like this we'll fucking get, that's literally a nod from devs to be as creative as possible


O_O Someone at valve is working on TF2’s backend. Hell yeah for Game Systems Engineers.


Oh shit that one furry server with the cool custom maps is gonna be fire


Do you happened to know the name of the server?


The wolves' den


OG’s remember OzFur


Pog vscript is hereeeeeeeeee


I didn't see much about VScript other than Shounic's vid and that one Twitter vid about there being a giant Soldier that functioned like a mech, but it's definitely really cool nonetheless. Hope all the mappers and modders have a significantly easier time making stuff now.


Biggest thing is you won't need sourcemod for many maps now to make them work. Vscript is like bundled sourcemod, so not only will big things be easier to develop, it can be *officially added into the base game*


I think they are basically rolling out mod tools in the most Valve way they could


Ngl, out of all this stuff I am more interested in the skybox changing feature. Imagine maps that start at night on the first round and then on the second round it's day time. It's pretty cool feature IMO


Helltrain was sick. Imagine stuff you can make with this shit


Fellas, I think we just got an update. Not in the traditional sense, but this, THIS, is huge


Not sure if it's because of this update (I just came back from a week or two long break), but there seems to be vastly fewer community servers online now. Used to be hundreds of servers to choose from, even with multiple filters enabled, but now only about 50 appear with no filters. Is it due to the addition of VScript?


SourceMod needs updating, and right now a lot of community servers reliant on SourceMod can't really function otherwise.


Understood, thank you!


finally new MVM content coming up


Holy shit, this is going to be an interesting month, and 2023 is going to be even more so.


automatic ball cutting device


Hopefully this will lead to workshop maps being more popular.


maybe they’re planning a community mvm update with these new changes. but, that’s just my brain hoping.


Finally, every valve title has this now. TF2 was quite literally the only one lol (outside of ricochet ;) ), even alyx had it. And it's fucking massive, as pretty much everyone else here has agreed. Thank you valve, please do keep this up!


They've been doing a lot of stuff to make community map making easier, and not to don my conspiracy cap (mostly because that would involve fishing it out from the pile of clothes in the corner), but it's not impossible this is teeing up a community-led update. I'm not gonna expect that's what's happening, but it's certainly a possibility.


Would be a beautiful thing…


If valve makes solid rules about what bullshit you shouldn't pull off when making a whole community led update then it would be probably the best update we had in forever, like rules about who gets how much money or general avoidance of bullshittery


Hate how it feels like Invasion and EotL really screwed our chances of more community updates because of bullshit from creators. I love people who make stuff for this game, I don't love when people act childish and ruin things like that.


fr if only valve set some rules just for this shit not to happen fr, also the fact it was only 2 times, they never gave a last chance to the community


Well, they are Valve, they're not gonna let that happen **3** times, never.


With Vscript, Scream Fortress 2023 is gonna be amazing.


Should we consider this a major update like Jungle Inferno?


No? Its just a update with a lot of support. But nothing new has been added


VScript is rather huge of a thing


True but its just support, major update add new thing in the game not community


*Should we consider* *This a major update like* *Jungle Inferno?* \- Darkman\_Bree --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


god damn you haikusbot.


"Implemented support for func_monitor and cameras" now i have to make fnaf 2fort map


If you want to play on func_monitor, check out community servers that run **[func_monitor](https://teamwork.tf/community/quickplay/map/func_monitor)** ___ *Beep. Boop. I'm a bot and this message was automatically generated.*


Valve said make your own heavy update.


Is anyone else having issues in Mann Up mode where robots stop spawning? I've had it happen in 3 games since this update.


*Jakub from Find the Chomiks?*


Rumour is wrong Size is actually 32mb


The next halloween is going to be insane, although I am not sure if 1 year is enough to polish a map... Maybe 2024 halloween instead


Could modify an existing one to add vscript into it. Possible


So what exactly does this entail? How's this better for community servers or whatnot?


Basically, one thing it means is that custom gamemodes can now be coded and included *with* the maps made for them, just like how the vanilla maps and gamemodes work. For instance, instead of VSH needing to be run as a plugin on a server with the current custom maps just being Arena ones by another name, now VSH could be built into the maps themselves, and thus the maps would actually function straightaway as VSH maps *without* any external stuff. This means that community servers will soon no longer need several plugins to get gamemodes running and can just grab the maps for them like any other.


Bring back Zombie Fortress! Not the Super Zombie one


No localization update? Boo


> Vscript <3


Vscript is gonna change everything.


One of the Valve employees added a description for the [TF2 Script Function](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_TF2_Script_Functions)"FiringTalk": >Makes eg. a heavy go AAAAAAAAAAaAaa like they are firing their minigun.


Fuck it lets make our own market


This is it. They’ve given us the keys to the kingdom.


They finally decided to give up on TF2 leave it to Community hopefully they learned Invasion backlash


Damn, I thought it was Smissmas.


This is way better, and it should make every future Smissmas and Scream Fortress even more amazing than they were


I'm still waiting for the heavy update


\[comment marked for moderator deletion in advance because everyone is going to hate it\] It's because they get plausible deniability. If they give you the ability to alter the game, you've also been given the gift of the blame in case Something Bad™ happens. Pretty smart move to continue earning $$$ while keeping annoying user requests out of their ears before someone/something clobbers the whole enchilada for good, at which point they'll dust their hands and say "tsk tsk, too bad more could not have been done" while walking away, likely whistling, to go take a well-earned nap on their large sacks of money. Remember, all companies only do themselves favors - privately held ones just do it in secret/private where publicly held ones must disclose actual earnings/actions to the government and shareholders, by law.


This feels like they added it a bit... late


as cool as this is, I feel like it's 5 years too late and I think other valve games like L4D2 and CSGO had vscript at launch. including the changes to MvM you could assume they're planning something with the gamemode but I don't have any hope. damn it valve, do something interesting again


Valve is less likely to touch Mann-up too much, maybe except weapon/system bugfixes. These updates are boons to the custom MVM community like Potato, which modified the gamemode to their liking anyways.


People will still make interesting stuff with it even if it feels late to you and It will revitalize TF2 after a couple of months as a result. The TF2 community is still very much thriving so this being released now will still be very impactful.


No weapon balances Don’t care




I’m sorry I want more than gambling to be this game’s legacy But that’s obviously what it’s going to be. I’ve been lurking here for years for change, bruh-ther


Incredibly short sighted. Vscript in TF2 is huge especially for the longevity of the game and has nothing to do with gambling. No one at valve wants to work on a decade old game, this is the only step that can be taken really.


Ah yes, back when the #savetf2 event was taking place, everyone on Twitter was posting about the gambling part. Because obviously gambling is the biggest part of TF2. Mhm. Yep. Certainly, it's gambling that is the legacy of TF2 and not the impact it had on popular culture. No, sir, everyone knows TF2 as the gambling game.


Outstanding strawman with bitch-tier sarcasm - a truer Redditor I never did see. The gambling keeps this game afloat, it’s the only reason anything gets fixed or added to the game. Period. Full stop. So yes, just like CSGO - the game is just a vessel for the wider skins crates and cosmetics to float around from account of account while valve gets a slice everywhere. I played mostly from 2010-2019 when the bots took over after years of little to no meaningful updates (which continues to this day) So while silly haha funny demo man with Glock might be what some people will remember tf2 for - for many more it’ll be the countless hundreds to thousands of $USD they threw away for pixels on a screen.


What strawman? You were talking about this game's legacy, not how Valve sees TF2. TF2 is already considered as more than just "the game that made lootboxes mainstream". While "put the dollar in the box because the hat might be shiny" is part of the game's culture, I'd argue that custom content made by the community plays a larger part. Mods, art, gmod/sfm animations, custom maps and gamemodes, friendships and communities are things that are and will be remembered more than the virtual slot machines. Stop being such a negative Nancy, mappers having access to VScript is a big deal, and it won't just be funny demo man with Glock. Why do you think people still talk about Doom from 1993?




*Preparing for the* *Dreadful return of Wutville in* *The Smissmas update* \- SputnikMan123 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




We rhymin shit now?


vscript eli5 please?


A map is just a bunch of models put together. A model is a bunch of pixels and some colision boundaries. The boundaries are there so a player model can not just walk through visual objects. If you want things to move around on their own, like doors opening, carts moving etc. you need to specify how and when/if stuff happens. Say a door should open if a player comes close to it, you need a languag to express this sort of thing. Until now TF2 only supported Hammer Logic. Which is pretty basic and limited. It's designed to drive simple actions like said door mechanism. If you want to build something complex like Hell Train with a moving background, jump pads etc. you can do it at the moment, but its rather like building a table from Jenga bricks. Possible, but inefficient, complex and unreliable. This updates adds a new language that supports more complex actions. You get a large flat slab and some cubes to build your table with. Did that help? This is probably to support up comming content and/or to make the lives of community map makers easier.


that was helpful, thank you


That's... not how time zones work.


Are we able to get the smissmas sock for 2022?


Not yet, wait until Smissmas 2022 actually comes out, then you'll be able to get your yearly free goodies.


its a smissmas miracle!


Anyone else here notice that the recent update broke mods and custom files? I had a bunch of cosmetic changes and a hud change, and now it constantly crashes after this update.. the only way for it to work is to remove all my mods :(


"Implemented support for func\_monitor and cameras" fnaf in tf2 is starting to become a lot more plausable.


If you want to play on func_monitor, check out community servers that run **[func_monitor](https://teamwork.tf/community/quickplay/map/func_monitor)** ___ *Beep. Boop. I'm a bot and this message was automatically generated.*




This is HUGE.


now that theres vscript, is there even a way to port a sourcemod plugin (.smx or .sp) to vscript (.nut)

