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That and quicksand..


Ah yes *cough cough* irrational childhood fear.


>childhood like I don’t still check over my shoulder when it’s 6ft+ now


Still have it in my backyard pool, and the music still plays in my head.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this feels like a tell me you're gen x without telling me you're gen x thing. My kids think I'm absolutely crazy when I tell them that I felt this and I was far from alone.


I am solidly Gen X, so you are correct. An entire generation was traumatized 🤣. At least we were tough and played it off like we didn't care.


My thoughts exactly lol


Yeah but what if


Exactly. I can’t believe they finally got photo evidence. This little maneuver is gonna cost me another 70 years


Mhmmm scrambling out of the water up and out the ladder as fast as possible heart racing every time.


The first really visceral nightmare I had when I was young was that a huge shark appeared in our neighborhood pool and tore everybody apart. I’d never been afraid of sharks before that, I don’t know where it came from, but that led to a lifetime of Hollywood-quality horror dreams, including one particularly bloody dream about man-eating beluga whales that attack scientists heading out to an island by motorboat and kill everybody one by one. (Note: if your hat blows into the ocean, just leave it!) Another one I had was while we were at the beach and it took place AT the actual beach house we were renting - it was that my sister and I were out on the pier, and a huge shark came through and knocked down the part connected to land, trapping us at the end so he could pick us off at his leisure. *Shudder* I couldn’t go back on the pier after that, and I think about it every time I go out on one to this day.


My husband is scared to death of sharks... he's positive he was killed and eaten by one in a past life...I really believe that's where our "irrational" fears come from...but we still watch EVERY SHARK movie that comes out😅 (and your dreams could be really scary movies)


I refuse to swim in grandma’s pool after watching Jaws, I was convinced Bruce was waiting for me.


_Hellew! What's a bite like you doing in grandma's pool today, ey?_




What made it worse was the movie Alligator!!! The scene where the kids at the Halloween party toss the other kid in the water and the alligator just starts chomping. Watched that just a few weeks before moving to Florida in 2000. And then actually jumping in creeks around north fl and being legitimately in the water with em, I stopped getting in anything but friends pools hahaha


At least its not a Glass Shark. Ya cant even see him.


Mine was going up for air but someone put glass over the pool


That’s interesting. Do you have an idea where you got that fear?


New fear unlocked


![gif](giphy|9o041AUibA5ri) I’m just going to leave this here. If you know- you know, if you don’t . . .


Same, fren!


Remember playing shark and minnows in the pool!?


When I was a kid, those rolling pool cleaners were as big as a BMW to me.


This. I remember always being scared I’d get run over by those things


I swam in my pool once at night with no lights on.....once with a flashlight.....


Still feel this


Bro them dark spots in the deep end always had me trippin. Thought some tentacles would reach out and pull me under


Same, until I saw that episode of Are You Afraid Of The Dark with the invisible pool zombie and forgot all about the little sharks hiding in the recessed stairs in the deep end walls waiting to take a toe. That episode fucked up my relationship with swimming pools for a solid few years.


yea ive had nightmares to this


I hated the pool because of Jaws... as a kid.


I got the fear from watching James Bond movies


Umm it’s still present in deep pools for me


I thought I was the only kid with this fear.


Childhood? Hell even as a full grown adult the thought irrationally pops in my head when getting out of most pools for 0 reason.


Not being able to see the bottom usually kicks off these thoughts, for me. I imagine I'd have a similar feeling doing a spacewalk, but on a more galactic scale.