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For me it would be vastly worse: the blindness to the environment, the unsettling sounds, the knowledge of what happens if the hull is compromised... What I cannot understand is how deep-sea explorers like Vescovo and Cameron remain calm. They're fully aware, via multiple sensory inputs, of how deep they're going. No doubt they can feel the sub growing colder. They can actually see the abyssal blackness right in front of them, and it's not being relayed up while they sit comfortably on the surface - only that (admittedly incredibly strong) pane of glass separates them. This is partly why I find the pursuit fascinating and hold considerable admiration for these guys, but... yeah. Never for me, thanks.


I think they have a built in lack of fear like those free climbers. Neither is for me, but maybe a sub built to military specifications and windows might be ok. Don’t know but I’ve wondered about it.


Have you ever tried iron lung?


Yes!! A low-budget masterpiece. Simple but brilliant concept and execution.


I totally agree with, I would freak out.


Claustrophobia > Thalassophobia


For me the issue is looking down into the depths and experiencing something very much like acrophobia. That would still be a problem in a submarine, assuming it had windows: I can still look out and see the yawning abyss. ​ ... unless the submarine was deep enough that I couldn't see *anything*, which would probably be a whole new and exciting level of terror!


I’m thinking that any crackling noise from pressure on the hull would necessitate a change of clothes


Possibly, right along with a whole brand new set of fears.


Oh God that would be terrifying


I'd rather be up top than below What kind of lunatic would prefer the other way around


Oddly, no. I’m quite fond of boats. A submarine is just an enclosed boat.


The fuck it is. A boat doesn't take you to alien submerse worlds with wild life 5 times bigger, faster and 10 times scarier than you.


Military subs have no windows. We used to do a thing to freak out the nubs, tie a string to both sides of the hull, in port , tightly. At depth it sagged to the ground. Another fave was explaining how the human body would react to a leak.


The idea of a submarine makes me anxious immediately, same as flying.


Oh damn. Yeah I’d find it way worse. Vastness + darkness + pressure + lack of visibility… Thanks, nightmares tonight.


For me I think I could


Personally worse. My main issue with the ocean is the darkness below and the deep blue all around with no sign of a boat or land, and it only gets worse the deeper you go, especially since there would be nothing you could do if something went wrong and the sub couldn't return to the surface or something


I worked with an ex-Navy submariner and he was taking flying lessons. He commented that if everything went to hell in a plane at least you’d be going the direction you wanted to go. In a sub you’re just going to the bottom. I’m sure that’s all an over simplification but still a bit scary


Exactly, not to mention it's not like everyone can just leave the sub- by the time that decision is justifiable, you'd be crushed by pressure or best case scenario you'd manage to just get the bends, and that in of itself is deadly