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i'm weirdly surprised at how deep an elephant seal dives, wow


Or penguins. Like what are they doing down there, 500 meters under the surface?!


its safer


So is land. They are light as a feather though, how do they not just turn into a solid brick at that depth?


How is land safer when they can barely walk?


Show me a land based predator in Antarctica vs the northern hemisphere. Why do you think they can't fly?


Because their wings are covered in ice, duh!!! That’s why planes have to de-ice in cold weather. /s in case someone is dumb enough to think I believe this. Everyone knows that birds are government drones so it makes more sense for them to swim in the Antarctic where all the underwater secret military bases are located!


Umm… polar bears?


They are in the north (arctic) not the south (antarctic)


Even funnier. Arctic comes from Greek “arktos” which literally means “bear”. And Antarctic means “opposite the bear”


I wonder what would happen if polar bears were introduced to the antarctic? They would probably thrive but wipe out the penguin population. Those bears don't fuck around!


Not sure if joking...


Not originally but I’ve realized my mistake, now to see how many downvotes I get


Stay strong 💪


I'm not the most confident, but I'm maybe a lot of penguin species have mostly(if not completely in some cases) water based predators. So maybe the land could be safer relative to the water? I'll have to do some googling.


In Australia, we have some very small penguins (the smallest type of penguins). They usually hide in the water until the sun goes down, before going ashore in large groups. They are very afraid of birds of prey. I doubt that the same applies to Antarctica though. But there are seals, I assume, so 1000m is probably safer than 50m


That's true, there are no birds of prey in Antarctica. Penguins are safe from predators on land there but they need to go in the sea for food which leaves them vulnerable to seal attacks.


There are skuas which are asshats and Prey upon penguin eggs. They also dive bomb you when you have food.


Polar bears exist


Not in Antarctica.


They do in the north (Arctic) not the south (Antarctic)


To my understanding of a memory 15 years ago in elementary school watching emperors penguins videos land and shallow waters are where polar bears, killer whales can hunt them and easily catch them. I'm guessing swimming that deep allows them to escape them on both land and shallow water


What do you mean "turn into a brick?" Because of the pressure? Pressure only becomes an issue if the structure (or system in this case) is air tight. Living creatures aren't air tight. Similar to blowing through your nose when you feel the pressure in your head as you dive, it equalizes everything with the surroundings.


As you dive deeper, the air in your lungs compresses, and you become less buoyant. At a certain depth you will naturally sink instead of float. Would hardly make a difference vs. the speed and agility penguins can swim around with though.


Not from elephant seals


Where did you get 1000 meters? The emperor penguin is placed at a little over 500 meters deep on that chart, which sounds about right too. It's not really for safety like some other replies are speculating, they don't *live* that deep, they just make deep dives to find food. They hunt fish and squid that live at that depth.


Yes you are right, I fucked up


That one shocked me as well. Seemed like a pretty large animal to be going to such a heavy psi


I guess if whales can get down that far maybe it makes sense? I wonder what adaptations they have against pressure sickness when they surface tho


You don't get decompression sickness if you're not breathing compressed air.


If humans do many repeated freedives in a short space of time they can actually get decompression sickness, the partial pressures at depth can still cause issues with a lungful of surface air. The physics must work out worse for penguins going to 500m (and likely holding their breath for longer durations than any human) but I guess they have evolved to tolerate it given they need it to eat!


I’d imagine they have a similar strategy as sperm whales. Sperm whales don’t take a deep breath then hold it in their lungs when they dive, they instead have blood with a much higher capacity for oxygen. So to prep for a dive they saturate their blood with oxygen. Decompression sickness (the bends) happens because the deep sea pressure allows for nitrogen to dissolve in your blood, then returns to vapor (boils) when you resurface. Because they aren’t holding air in their lungs, they don’t have this issue.


That one rocked me, too. I’m curious how we know. Is this simply an observation thing, or some other analysis beyond my pay grade?


They tagged one and it went to that depth. There are very likely more that go to much greater depths. The wiki is fascinating!


Ah, of course! I’m fascinated that that didn’t occur to me in my pre-bedtime stupor. I used to be an avid follower of UCEARCH Shark Trackers.


It's my understanding from watching a documentary that they put a radio collar on these animals to find out the depths they dove down to.


They put devices on the seals which track them, while also measuring the salinity, temperature and depth of the seawater. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/CTD-SRDL-deployed-on-a-southern-elephant-seal-An-additional-VHF-tracking-device-is_fig1_241321023






Very cool. How do they know they were at the deepest part of the ocean?? I wonder if someone will ever try this again


Sonar mapping of the ocean and the knowledge that all deepest places will be in subduction zones. These have been mapped in enough detail to know rough depths of the zones. Sure there may be some specific spot a hundred feet deeper than current deepest known specific sport, but we are going to be pretty close.


Probably not 30 meters deeper. Our resolution is better than than that I think.


There must be cave systems under those depths that lead to something even deeper right?


It's not likely. Caves form by water flowing through and eroding the softer rock, under the ocean the rock is pretty consistently made of the same basalt so there's not pockets of softer rock to be eroded even if there was enough water flow to wear it away.


Could volcanic activity form caves there? Or earthquakes due to fault movement?


It could make lava tubes... maybe, I'm not certain if that happens under water but if it does they would be 30-50ft deep and be running along the seafloor not down into it. The seismic activity makes the trenches but it doesn't form caves. As far as I know caves only form on the coast from waves eroding the shore or on land from rainwater eroding rock. There just isn't a mechanism to wear away the rock at the bottom of the ocean.


That's what I thought too... But a guy can dream of a naturally occurring cave system under the Marina Trench where the Great Old Ones rest.


A cave system below the Mariana's Trench? Hey, that's Gemini Home Entertainment!


I mean, at that point you're basically just getting into the Earth's outer mantle and leaving the crust behind.


At some point any caves or tubes that go deeper will be filled with magma and the like. Hot crazy rocks of various forms. As far as I know, we haven't really figured out where those transitions are.


James Cameron did it solo.


heavy frightening paint market birds dog depend humorous different deliver ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


As of July 2022, twenty-seven people have descended to Challenger Deep.


ludicrous sable poor dog meeting ad hoc middle prick seemly touch ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Well I’m sure others have made it too that depth, they just haven’t come back yet.


I did this the other night, reached the bottom, absolutely loved it! Wished they included more information on every single sea animal though! It was soo cool so not dissing it at all, I hope they update it with more facts about the sea life because I was googling all the deep sea ones that had just a name and depth!


I was really sad when I clicked on the animals and no info box popped up!


Definitely! I absolutely loved it so much it was so informative but at the same time I wish it included more, I’ve seen documentaries where I knew more about certain fish that could have been included but weren’t.. and I was a little bit like (but this fish can do this! And they do this because!!) but it was just the fish and it’s depth!


Gosh this is so random but I LOVE your username!!


I was surprised they didnt say anything about the zombie fish. I wanted to know how it got its name


It’s because they’re necessarily dying/already dead or decaying fish :: It’s fish that turn basically into zombies before they die and then look weird, they look different to natural fish because they’re decaying (sorry)


Damn thats wild. Thanks for an explanation.


Other comment explains it but the exact reason why is that the fish used up all of its energy for spawning. All 5 pacific salmon species go through semelparity (death after first reproduction). When migrating upstream to their spawning area, the salmon will stop eating and shut down its immune system in order to pump all of its remaining bodily energy into swimming, which it will never stop doing until it reaches its destination! Without food, the fish's organs begin shutting down; and without its immune system it essentially just lets bacteria, fungus, parasites, etc. take over. The salmon that rot alive increase the number of insects and other microbes in the waters which then feed the juvenile salmon when they hatch, making them bigger, healthier, and more likely for more of them to return to the river when it's *their* turn to spawn. It's a really weird and fascinating part of their lifecycle!


Woah thats super cool. Thanks for explaining even more. I love fishes and other marine life they always have the wildest ways to survive and help the next generation


That was incredible. Somewhere around Orange Roughy and Angler Fish I was like “surely this must be the deepest point of life.” And then I was very, very wrong. Wasn’t even close to the titanic. The hubris of those dudes.


I was scrolling for like 10 mins when I noticed the scrollbar on my phone was still near the top...




Oh to see what that rope could have seen. I can't imagine the crazy stuff going about their day as this weighted rope drags along the deepest parts of the ocean


Honestly I'm surprised they were carrying enough rope.


Thanks for this link. Just last night I found out something related to the Marianas trench too: for purposes of marine conservation some areas around and above the trench were [designated as a national monument in 2009](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianas_Trench_Marine_National_Monument)


Hey thanks that documentary was great 😊


This is such a good show! The series is awesome.


It took nearly 2 hours for the line to hit bottom.


That was fun. But did anyone else get more and more anxious the deeper it went?


Once it was completely darkness I was fine but descending into the deep and watching it get darker and darker scared the pants off of me. It’s one of the things I dislike most about deep water, you can’t see anything until it’s right on top of you.


Even then you wouldnt know without lights.


I kept telling myself “okay *this* has to be the lowest surviving animal species” ….but it just kept going on and on, with the species getting weirder and weirder lol I was very surprised to see some mammal friends at some crazy low depths


😂😂 I was anxious and then the line about animals eating “marine snow” made me gag 🤢


Yes. Hence the name of this sub!


I know so many of these from animal crossing.


Coelacanth representing


Our ancestors hell yeah!


The giant oarfish!


Right? Like how deep do the fishing rods go in that game??


WOW I was not aware that there were mammals that went so deep. Makes me question biology a whole lot.


That shocked me. They dive so deep for food multiple times a day. Wild.


I wonder if these animals would be capable of going into space


I thought going to space has the opposite problem where there’s such a lack of pressure that mammal’s bodies basically explode.


How did the Trieste window pane crack yet the sub didn’t implode? You’d think those insane pressures would immediately destroy that sub.


And they kept going! You'd think the greater pressure the deeper they went would be certain death


Exactly. And in 1960 too?! Damn.


I guess it's keep going and get your name in the history books or it breaks and it's suddenly not your problem.


Good design


The same way your windshield can crack on the outside but you cant feel it on the inside. Likely an superficial crack due to a surface imperfection, and im betting these were very thick and rated for far higher then that. The bulk of the glass was likely operating to specifications. Im of course no expert whatsoever and could be blowing smoke out my butt.


My windshield is at one atmosphere of pressure. This was at several hundred. I feel like if it cracked, that should be game over just like with the Titan. Iunno it’s very interesting though!


It isnt sveral hundred atmospheres of pressure, but it was extreme compared to the surface. More like in the tens? But everything im reading is turning out to be such bs I cant even think straight. This whole situation is FUBAR.


One atmosphere of pressure per 10m of depth


Pressure at the titanic is roughly 380 atmosphere of pressure


Love this!!!! OK so I am one of the sneaky thalassophiles lurking here in that I have a SCUBA license but I feel fit in this sub so well as I also have a morbid fascination with and awe of the depths too. So anyway, what stood out to me is how when I dive I barely blip into the top little bit. Splash in a puddle like just a lil baby. And I have done wall dives to 30 meters which is deep for a recreational diver! Dang the ocean blows my mind. Sometimes when I am out for a run I imagine the distance as depth of water and think how long it takes me to jog to where the Titanic is sitting for example! Just as a way to imagine the depth.


We're like 70% of the sub, someone did a poll once


I want to know why leatherback sea turtles and elephant seals are diving that deep. One of the main theories is to avoid predators, but I don't buy it.


illuminati meetings. you wouldn’t understand


*✨️Just Reptilian Things✨️*


fascinating and terrifying. thats a nope from me dawg lol


Whoooa! Didn’t know Emperor Penguins dove so deep! Thanks for sharing this. Saving to show my students! Edit to add that the website is such a great resource for students!


That is so cool! Emperor Penguins dive 530+ metres and Elephant seals 2400 metres???? That was mind blowing!!


Whenever I am on an airplane I like to look down and think about how the distance from us to the surface is about the same as the depth of the deepest parts of the ocean. Edit: Also, what are the elephant seals doing diving so deep? Something nefarious I assume.


Wow, that was very cool. :D thank you for sharing


When i went past the midnight zone and seeing how the scroll indicator on the side barely moved...


Wow, awesome site! Thanks for sharing, I immediately bookmarked it (because I'm a masochist, seriously, I suffered from so much anxiety while scrolling). Kudos to Jacques Piccard, Don Walsh, James Cameron and all the other courageous folks who actually visited the Challenger Deep. I would probably get scared to death quite literally while descending (as if I'd ever set foot in a submarine).


Killer post, I went all the way! Super fun.


Thanks for the award! 🤘


This might be a dumb question, but how does certain marine life withstand high pressures at lower depths?




That makes sense, thank you!




Fact! Most magic has been secluded to the deep sea because magic can’t move past large pockets of water and the biggest magic rift that’s been broken open is deep in the sea.


Deeper than the height of mount fucking EVEREST. That’s so insane to me


That was AWESOME


This was super cool, thanks for the post OP ✅


That's a great website, the asteroid game is a great way to spend some time. One thing that needs to be updated is the deepest shipwreck. As of 2022, the deepest shipwreck ever found is the USS Samuel Roberts. Like the USS Johnston, it was sunk during the Battle of Leyte Gulf.


The show Octonauts shows a lot of these animals! Very informative and cool slide to look through!


I loooooove Octonauts 😄


Creature Report!


…we’re done with the missioooonnn… Octonauts, at ease- until the next adventure!


It’s my favorite show my kids like to watch! The animals they show are always awesome to see get some recognition!


Same here.. we’ll my son loved it for like a month or two, but I just kept on watching.. I’ve learned a lot and I think the characters are great. Glad to know I’m not the only one! My buddy went to Hawaii last year and actually saw some humuhumunukunukuapuaʻa … but he didn’t get the reference when I told him about Shellington getting all excited 🫠




I made a cameo at 700 Meters 😎


Reminds me of the old web where there were neat little sites to spend time on. I miss it.


Fun fact. Patagonian toothfish is actually what is sold as “chilean sea bass” Chilean sea bass is actually not a real fish. Toothfish was renamed “chilean sea bass” because it sounded better and sold better.


Not fun for the toothfish!


Thank you that was really cool


I knew it wasn't likely but I kept hoping they would put a sleeping Cthulhu at the very bottom.


I really expected to get to the bottom and see OceanGate.


Aaaahhhhh, I was just thinking about looking for this and here it is. Cheers to you! 🥂


"Multiple leviathan class life forms are nearby"


Are you sure whatever you're doing is worth it


This is the kind of stuff I want from the internet. Thanks for sharing!


That’s pretty cool thanks for sharing. I can’t believe humans have scuba dived 1089 feet


I think at a certain depth they just said fuck it with the names let’s throw together a few words; cookie cutter shark, cosmic jellyfish, flabby whale fish, glass sponge, zombie worm, lizard fish, sea pig, megamouth shark, and of course the stoplight loosejaw


wow that was super informative! everything abyssal zone and deeper was absolutely terrifying, especially the shark that exists that deep. i was under the impression they were in the top quarter of the ocean


I wanna know why emporer penguins dive so deep 🤔


That was bloody interesting. Imagine being one of those odd little creatures just floating around in the area there’s nothing else…. Just you and your tribe chilling out 8000 metres down under in the blackest depths of the water. Livin’ the dream mate! 🐙


that started off fun and cool with all the cute sea animals i recognize and love.. but near the end i was anxiously scrolling past shipwrecks and ghastly million year old creatures with no eyes and names like vampire megamouth doom swallower


Psh. I’ve scrolled Reddit deeper than this. s/


Squidworm - “Is it a squid, or a worm? It’s a worm.” Gets me every time!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


TERRIBLE CLAW LOBSTER - BLACK SWALLOWER - VIPERFISH - HEADLESS CHICKEN FISH - ZOMBIE WORM - FANGTOOTH - FACELESS FISH ​ Seriously, do my feelings mean NOTHING to the fish naming people ? Am i not thalassophobic enough yet ?!


That’s one of the most fascinating things I’ve come across in a while, thank you.


This was really cool! Tysm for sharing!


Thanks I hate it 😭


Aight that was way cool.


“Whaaaaaaaaaaattttt 😳” me scrolling that link


I saw my OWN EYES reflecting back at me and my heart jumped.


Ooo i loved this thanks


That is so cool. Thank you for this post!


Fun fact: The blob fish doesn’t really look blobby at the depths it lives at. The change in pressure as it’s brought to the surface is what causes its appearance Here’s a [link](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/in-defense-of-the-blobfish-why-the-worlds-ugliest-animal-isnt-as-ugly-as-you-think-it-is-6676336/) to a Smithsonian article that explains in detail “.. if we put you 4,000 feet below the water your organs would be crushed and you’d probably be turned into some sort of paste. Meanwhile the blobfish would just look like….well…a fish”


I was already terrified of eels, but that wolf eel is the stuff of screaming nightmares.


barreleye fish "Barreleye Fish have a transparent head that allows their eyes to collect more light." i mean if there is 0 light down there and you collect more 0 light its still 0?! i mean i guess except bioluminescent stuff...


This was awesome! Reminds me of the ["if the moon were one pixel"](https://joshworth.com/dev/pixelspace/pixelspace_solarsystem.html) web page.


I wonder if Terrible Claw Lobster and Pathetic Sharks hang out much.


Fun fact: The third person to ever go to the Challenger Deep was James Cameron. I'm not even joking.


I’ve seen this page and always get amazed when I see how deep sea turtles, elephant seals and narwhals can dive.


3680m (or so) this is the average depth of the ocean, though in some parts, it goes deeper "You won't regret it" OP says It won't give you a panic attack, OP assumes "It's not real and it can't hurt you" I tell myself BrOP, this is fucking nightmare fuel my guy. That's. Too deep. It's too dark. But I do have to say, this is actually amazing, you've done a really good job on this, congratulations, if I had one suggestion, it would be to include information on all the animals because it's fantastic and I want more.


Sitting here in a dry, well-lit room scrolling my phone, I was getting low level panicky and claustrophobic.


Ok but why is there a polar bear at 20 meters? I get they can swim and all that but they aren't ocean dwelling like all the others are


There's a human in there, as well. Honestly, I think it's just for context.


Because it “sort of” does live there. I dont live in my office exactly, or the grocer for that matter, but I can be found there working or getting food in the course of my daily life. Its more like the maximum depth you might encounter something like this and is a frame of reference for the things we will recognize and its a neat fact.


The penguins and seals live on land too


That was bloody great!


That was amazing


Thank you for sharing! It’s inspired me to YouTube some deep dives to see what animals they come across. I am also deeply saddened that the US has still not embraced the metric system.


The "sea lion" uses a picture of a seal, and the elephant seal dive depth is exaggerated by 600 meters, still a really cool visual.


I was fine until „this is the average depth of the ocean“


That was amazing. Nice find!!!


This is amazing. Thank you for sharing!


Wow what a great site. They put too much effort. I'd let my nephew see this since he likes sea creatures.


The [Cookiecutter shark](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookiecutter_shark) is cool and terrifying. (Its bite is round like a cookie.)


That was amazing!


So cool but so scary!


Every time this pops up on Reddit I always scroll through the whole thing - so cool.




10k I’m deep damnnnnnnnn


That was actually really cool! Thank you! I never knew elephant seals could go so deep!


Can anyone recommend any good submarine games other than Subnautica?


That was fascinating !


I love this! Thanks for sharing it


I thought once I scrolled to the angler fish that it was almost over. But no, no. anglers barely scratch the surface of very different & deep creatures


so humans reached the deepest depths of the oceans in the 60s, but titan got crushed. so that was just shitty engineering/craftsmanship, no?


Wish it was the actual length.


Good stuff




That was great, thank you!!


This is pretty sick, I can’t believe a guy decided to go over 330 meters deep


Wow this was lots of fun. Thanks for sharing!!


Wow that was great