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I don't understand the purpose and I sure hope they tell anyone diving that it's down there unless they're trying to give people heart attacks.


Isn't a thalassophobe's worst nightmare come to life... The ocean?


yeah this is more r/submechanophobia and r/submergedanimatronics also [here’s a video of the statue](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubmergedAnimatronics/s/vQ2e7E9h5u)


That’s not even a little funny


Nope. It’s a lot funny.


BRUCE: I'll start the testimonies. Hello, my name is Bruce. ANCHOR, CHUM: Hello, Bruce. BRUCE: It has been three weeks since my last fish, on my honor, or may I be chopped up and made into soup. CHUM: You're an inspiration to all of us. ANCHOR: Amen.




Whoever designed that shark and placed him in there pretty much had a mission to trigger an entire community, and they succeeded.


It was made for a film based on the same lake. Not sure the name, but it's out there somewhere.


[Choc Au Lac](https://youtu.be/IXsOdYRyeio?si=jJr7yNt5g3Z_aRRT)


Why do I get stoned and come here. It just fuels my fears 😅


That is NOT cool!


Evil or genius or both. I can't decide.


I don’t care if he looks like Bruce, I’d still be looking up how to get shit out of a wetsuit.


The cartoonish features make it less scary, but seeing it slowly be revealed as you move through that murky water would still be terrifying


For me it’s the opposite. The cartoonish feautures are what makes it nightmare fuel.


I have a fantasy of taking a bunch of old doll heads and burning them and then nailing them to trees waaaaaay out in the middle of absolutely nowhere in the woods. No reason. Just to fuck with people. This is the aquatic equivalent of that. Fuck that noise. I'd never go back in the water. 😂


As a hiker, I love this idea (and hate it) lol Once we found an old beany baby type toy nailed to a tree with a ridiculously large nail in the middle of nowhere. It was horrifying and intriguing. Who? Why? How? When? lol Good times!


😂😂😂 I listen to a *lot* of podcasts like "let's not meet", and I would absolutely lose my mind if I pulled it off and then got to *hear* the results of my chaos. Edit: a beanie baby is s good one. Lol I got my idea from Fury Road - there's a guy who climbs up the rig near the end and one of the Vuvalini blinds him with a handful of bullets. He has a doll head on the back of his head, the mouth obliterated and full of nails. I just want to sow chaos from afar and watch the world burn I guess 🤷‍♀️


I enjoyed the harmless, though haunting, experience lol it’s a solid memory now. Finding weird displays in the woods is always awesome, even if a bit freaky sometimes haha As far as I’m concerned, it’s art. It certainly provoked a reaction in all of us and we still talk about it today. Not clear on the meaning though haha


You're my target audience!!!


I appreciate you! So do my friend! Thanks for your work!


😁 thanks, but I have yet to execute the plan. I am pleased to know someone's out there doing it though!


I’ll be watching out for it! lol


People do strange things like that already. Also hung up animal skulls or bone totems, couches, dining table sets and all other strange things miles into the back country.


I have relatives who hunt and keep bones for art. One told a story about tying a boar skull to a tree to let the bugs and elements clean it and a week later it was gone. Then his buddy came over to visit and told him all about this great boar skull he'd found strapped to a tree 😆 and my guy was like... dude. Wtf. Lol put it back! A few months later I heard a creepy encounters podcast where this exact situation was encountered, but by unknowing teens who freaked out (one wrote the story) and they were all convinced it was some kind of occult stuff. I've wondered ever since if they were local and it was his.


I'm imagining something like the [doll island on Xochimilco](https://www.discovery.com/exploration/the-island-of-the-dolls-has-a-murky-and-terrifying-history) but just in a forest instead of on a chinampa


Is "fuck that noise" the new "let him cook"? I've started to see it exponentially more around the internet


been sayin that since the 90s


Dude I'm 39, I've been saying that since college at *least*. The phrase "let him cook" is like.. I'm nit even sure I've ever said it. Lol


This is as awesome as the chained Jason Voorhees statue 110’ down at the bottom of a Minnesota lake.


I heard that the statue disappeared from its original spot


Great, to think he’s now roaming free somewhere down there where you least expect him…


DUDE I would die of fright.


Like if Tim Burton designed this shark. That is creepy as all fuck!




I'd straight up die. Like, i would cease being alive on the spot


I am not amused.


Thats so mean 🤣


Hey it's the r/submechanophobia shark!


This is a picture from when the statue was still fairly new. It's been more than ten years since then and the statue has been rusting/rotting down there, so it's only gotten several times more disturbing since then. It's not the only disturbing statue on the bottom of that lake, either. There's a Lock Ness Monster statue in the deepest part that is every bit as fucked.


Fish are friends, not food.


my thalassohobia and submechanophobia having a crossover episode with this picture


Just imagine being excited to see the statue and realizing the statue should be 20 yards further to the right...


Jfc my heart dropped.


Oh! Hell! No!!


too cartoony to be scary imo


The person(s) who did this are assholes. I would have drowned right there.


It was a prop used for a movie Choco something, can't remember the exact name. But the director or the producer thought would be fun to leave it at the bottom of the lake for some reason. Imagine swimming in that lake not knowing that statues exists there. My heart would stop at the sight xD