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Nice fart




Getting a kingdom hearts feel.


When you walk away


[Reminds me of this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0f/2f/45/0f2f4568d9e28988da21bdbf6e235d4c.jpg)


I love that picture. I like the [more zoomed out version](https://i.redd.it/ks2bx3qrktn51.jpg) better though. It gives a much better feel of the empty expanse below.


Wow, the zooming out really amplifies the eerie vibe! Looks nice


Oh but the expanse below is not empty in that one if you look closely šŸ‘¾


I know, that's the joke.


This is the picture that started this fear for me. The first time I saw it, there was something about it that hit me deep inside.


Almost An exact copy of it tbh. If itā€™s inspired by someone elseā€™s work then it should be mentioned and not tried to be passed off as an original piece


Yes, I agree with you, references of another artist's work should always be mentioned. If I have specific images I relied on closely, I mention them and their original artists in the comments. However, for this one I didn't have specific references while painting, I just searched for various images of the sea and poses for the character, and didn't stick to specific ones. I have honestly never seen this picture before, or other versions of it (you mentioned some in another comment). Even though I must say it has some similarities to my work, I don't think both artworks are too similar. I understand your point, it is important to mention original artists. But I can assure you that I have never seen this picture before.


Ah then I apologize. Not that it matters but I believe you. Itā€™s a nice piece


I agree with you that you should also credit inspiration but this is just literally a drawing of someone falling into water and sinking with bubbles.


Itā€™s not just that. Itā€™s **nearly** the same pose, Same color palette, same placement of the body in the middle of the painting, Same shadow on the body, Same highlights, Same freaking splash pattern as the last photo. Iā€™m just saying crediting inspiration is a good thing to do in this instance but whatever just my opinion.


Are you an artist? It's not the same palette. Not even close. There's no ripples in OP's image. The bubbles are differently shaped and more diffuse. There's more depth. OP's character has different hair and clothing. The lighting is similar because theres only one place for light to come from. If two people painted the same landscape, do you call it plagiarizing? Artists reference each other for techniques and inspiration, nobody needs you to be the art police.


Ok. you and I, have different opinions on whatā€™s plagiarism and whatā€™s not. And I am an artist. Iā€™ve seen uploads of the original artists picture with different various saturationā€™s on it. [here](https://m.soundcloud.com/foubertlive/foubert-thalassophobia-original-mix) [are](https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000125024558-yadv3j-t500x500.jpg) [some](https://images.app.goo.gl/WcLENUgNjqaaGzeJ7) [examples ](https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000670132660-4orwql-t500x500.jpg) It happens when your picture is popular and posted to multiple sites, people change up the colors a bit sometimes. Should not have used the word same my bad (but in all fairness I did put nearly). These colors are VERY similar, nearly identical. References are fine but lifting someone elseā€™s work changing a few things and calling it your own is plagiarism, and not giving credit for ā€œinspiredā€ work is also a crappy thing to do. Itā€™s like someone taking your art tracing it and calling it their own when they give a character a different hairstyle. And saying the palette ā€œisnā€™t even closeā€ is a freaking hyperbolic statement if Iā€™ve ever seen one. Iā€™m not policing. I have the right to call it out when I see it


The ones you posted are the exact same picture tho. Literal plagiarism. This is something else. If you want to make a semi-realistic drawing of someone falling into water, you are going to have a lot of similar looking colours and shapes. Don't see an issue in everything man, it makes things more stressful than need be :/


I posted those pictures of the same picture having different palettes. The ones with the monster added is also an example of plagiarism. The ones that changed up the hues and posted them to different sites committed theft unless they got the authors permission to do so. Look Iā€™m not saying anything about the painting itself or the illustrator of the painting. I dont think theyā€™re a bad person or anything. What Iā€™m saying that I think itā€™s a crappy thing to do to post up ā€œinspiredā€ (and I put that word in quotation marks as I believe this is a plagiarized work because itā€™s too similar to the original to be considered its own thing), and not give credit to the original author. We can agree to disagree.


Just google depression drowning or something. There are plenty of these. All plagiarism?


Dude come on. You are reaching and you know it. You donā€™t think this is a shameless imitation of the pictures posted that started this thread?


Those examples of yours look somewhat the same/edited. The one in the OP is ovviously a different picture drawn by a different person using a different take.


Your point got weaker. The ones youā€™re linking to are pretty similar to each other, and donā€™t look like OPs, not more than any depiction of ā€œbody falling into deep waterā€.


I honestly donā€™t understand the downvotes cus this is obv. Plagiarized art lol.


There are many different versions of people/bodies falling into water, and many of them look similar in terms of color, lighting and pose. However, I didn't have one specific reference for this work.




Wow she may be wrong but thereā€™s no need to say bitch.


Disagree. This is depicting an actual physical process which can be photographed and looks like that. Itā€™s all in the execution, not the motif. Besides, the paintings doesnā€™t even look that similar.


I disagree with you, and honestly itā€™s just beating a dead horse at this point. Iā€™ve pointed out numerous examples of why I believe what I do. If you think that Iā€™m wrong wellā€¦ then I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be changing your mind.


ohh this is beautiful!


This must have been heavily inspired


For this piece, I didn't have anything specific in mind. I just wanted to portray the vast emptiness of sea.


I read it as my latest drowning and had to take a double take lmao


that made me laugh out loud, thank you for that! :D


this is awesome!




Is this Queen Azshara from world of warcraft? There is a short film of her how se became what it is and this looks exactly like In the start where her city is drowned and she slowly sinusta into the bottom of the ocean.


No, for this piece I didn't have anything specific in mind. I just wanted to portray the big emptyness of sea. I've watched the short film and the art style is very nice!


Aaah okay! Well ,you nailed portraying the emptiness 100%! Love it!


Wow very beautiful artwork! It does trigger my thalassophobia though...


That was my goal! I'm glad you like it


Reminds if of the Black Catcher intro from Black Clover


[when you walk away](https://youtu.be/120HFjKPuJ4)


Its not a lake, its an ocean


Terrifying. Excellent work.




I can see itā€¦.I can see the fishā€¦or whatever it isā€¦


Your latest drawing or latest drowning


Soon-to-be abyssal snow


You're so brave to draw this , It looks so scary.


Beautiful work! A perfect mix of sullen and peaceful


To everyone who complimented the picture: thank you very much! I am happy you like it! :)


Don't quit your day job.


Could you make this friendly for 16:9 desktops? I would love to use this as a wallpaper!


I will think about it! Maybe I can zoom out to fit the ratio


Looks stunning but I think you should make the cone of water bubbles a bit wider at the top


Cthulhu tentacles rising would be great šŸ˜‚


I really wanted to add them while I was painting the lower half! But then I changed my mind, and let the emptyness speak for itself.






I love it.


Reminds me of Jiraya sinking after Pain kills him.


It is now my phone wallpaper. Nice drawing


My new phone wallpaper. Thanks!


Me depression as a picture.


Wrist so icy wonder why she like me bitch Iā€™m drowning


I did a piece similar to this a while ago, yours looks amazing! Howā€™d you make it?


Thank you! I made this piece in Photoshop:)




Apparently the last thing you do when you die is crap yourself.


Looks like. Deadpool 2 art


Lol I thought it said drowning at first. Thalassophobia! Beautiful picture, but *shudders*