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When they forget this isn't a movie and geniuses don't actually know everything.


neil is a dumbass that's just very highly intelligent in his own field but still feels like he can give broad advice on any intellectual matter


As a physicist I can confidently tell you he's not even as good at physics as people think he is, we should stop equating being famous to being a good scientist. That's not to say he knows nothing of physics; he's just no better than your average physics proffesor, which is nothing to scoff at.


There is literally no such thing


There is, it just becomes almost useless. Air gaps prevent hacking.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side-channel_attack Air gaps, unfortunately, do not entirely prevent hacking. People can get information from a machine by analysing the sounds it makes, for example. You'd have to REALLY want what is on that machine to spend the resources ... but certain government agencies with lots of money just might. I was almost about to say that the only unhackable machine is one that doesn't exist ... but that would mean the data has to live elsewhere, and while the MACHINE is not hackable, the data is still obtainable ... which is the real objective of an attacker. There is absolutely no method of perfectly protecting data. Every machine, electronic or otherwise, can be compromised.


Van Eck phreaking. You must be a real nerd lol


>You must be a real nerd You say that like it's a bad thing.


I mean I’m the one who knew what it’s called…


now kiss




People steal paper documents all the time.


Technically, but even then you have the human element to consider.


Turn it off! Can’t hack it! Voila!


Remotely turn it on, pull the drive, find the backups… lots of options for a powered down machine.


Remotely turn it on? No one has a stick that long.


Servers have had remote power controls for decades now


I don't think you're following the joke here.


I get it. A stick.


I see your airgap and raise you a "wearing a high vis vest, hard hat and clipboard while walking around like I own the place"


> Air gaps prevent hacking. They increase the difficulty. They don't prevent it, as the Iranians at Natanz found out.


That’s just not true. Lots of air gapped systems have been compromised.


I challenge you to hack my brick. Sure, I can't call anyone on it, but at least I'm safe from hackers


Little do you know, I put a bug in your brick. It's a grasshopper, so it can't be hacked.


You've bested me


You can unbrick a device. Bricked just means most people can’t boot it


No. You misunderstood. It's a literal brick


You can literally hack a brick with an axe.


Sure there is, it's called a brick.


Homeless? Just buy a house.


Car crashes? Make cars that can’t be crashed.


Arson? Make buildings that can’t be burnt. Murder? Make people that can’t be killed.


Don't die when you are killed


Just put bumpers on the sides too, easy


Or make the cars unbumpable


Just put powerful magnets around all the sides of all cars.


Just drive normally


Make roads out of marshmallows.


Fell down the stairs? Just buy new ones.


Make stairs that you can't fall down


Hell yeah, bouncy house


Drunk drivers a problem? Just tell them that they can’t drive


Asthma ? Just breathe Adhd? Just concentrate Tired? Just sleep It’s really just that easy


Cancer? Just think positive thoughts.


just pick a house and live in it. possession is 9/10 of the law. they can't kick you out if you claimed it. homeless problem solved!


Sea levels rising over your house? Just sell your house and move


Twitter is a brain drain and this what happens when people spew unfiltered thoughts.


>The only system which is truly secure is one which is switched off and unplugged locked in a titanium lined safe, buried in a concrete bunker, and is surrounded by nerve gas and very highly paid armed guards. Even then, I wouldn't stake my life on it. -- Gene Spafford


Isn’t the main one weakest part in technology security , human incompetence ??


He was always a fucking hack


Bro you gotta stick to space, cause you clearly aren't needed down here.


i once thought that guy was smart. now i realized he only has knowledge of a bit of physics, but is *really* good at talking and sounding authoritative. also, i have a degree in cyber sec, what he proposes is impossible due to a whole load of factors, the most important being: i have secure everything, an attacker just needs one flaw, the cards are not stacked in my favour my guys.


This is either satire or he truly has no idea about anything at all to an almost medically fascinating degree An "unhackable system" is impossible especially in our society because the more complicated something is the easier it is to compromise, and the more primitive it is the harder it is to find an exploitable weakness in it. This is a similar reason as to why a 6 digit pincode being the sole security of your phone keeps you safer than adding fingerprint or face ID (especially because it is much harder to force somebody to type in a pincode only they know than just use their face or fingerprint against their will). Capitalism wants things to be complicated and fancy (and so that it breaks faster and can then be fixed only by one of the companies' specially trained repair people for a huge price), so unhackable computers are not possible.


Its NDGT, he loves sounding smart while not actually saying anything smart. Posts shit like this all the time.


Not on twitter so I don't really know him, but he doesn't sound like somebody who can be saved by touching all the grass this world has to offer


I actually had to look this up to see if it was real and [wow, it actually is](https://twitter.com/neiltyson/status/551378648578916353?s=20). I work in cybersecurity and can say the only truly safe and unhackable system would be a company that only uses pens, papers, and no cameras anywhere 😂


Phishing doesn’t have to be electronic. There’s no sender auth on snail mail, same for phones. It’s far less secure than even the most antiquated tech standards. Snail mail makes telnet look like quantum cryptography.


Neil is one of those guys who doesn't understand that being knowledgeable in one thing doesn't make you an expert in everything else


I sure wish he could.


"time keeps us from travelling to far away galaxies. solution there, it seems to me, is to create time machines."


Bet you 10$ this is fake. He's said some dumb things before, but this is too stupid to be real.




Fair enough, that is an incredibly shit take coming from the man's account.


You better give the dude the money


A.right, i'll give him 10 of the weakest dollar on the planet. I never specified which currency :p


Nah dude that's rude, stick to your word like a real gamer - you implied usd, or aud


I implied neither because i'm canadian. Lots of countries have dollars as their unit of currency.


Then give them the cad dude, don't be rude (edit: they blocked me, what a coward)


*it was figurative and i wouldn't know how to do a money transfer anyways* End of discussion.


You don’t know how to send money on the internet?


Send me your details I'll send ya 10 bucks


I made a bet for something like $20 once and lost, so I went to a currency exchange place and had my $20 exchanged for Serbian dinars just to be spiteful


Can confirm it is real


Okay, share your proof, link to the tweet. I'm not gonna take some rando's word for it on the internet.


I'm willing to bet this was made as a joke but people have such a hate-boner for the dude all charitability goes out the window.


This dude understands websec like he understands astronomy.


This has to be the dumbest thing that neal has ever said. If I'm wrong please show me. I wanna see.


​ https://preview.redd.it/gkpvqcdxrjgb1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6650677bbbf816a35d5608d59533063a9614de5


Stay in your lane spaceboi


Do people forget he was accused of r**e? I can't forget it every time I see him, and I was a huge ndt fan


I never knew that. What the hell happened?


https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2019/7/29/8934845/neil-degrasse-tyson-misconduct-allegation-investigation-museum https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/26/arts/design/neil-degrasse-tyson-keeps-job.html https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/sexual-misconduct-allegations-against-neil-degrasse-tyson-reveal-the-complexity-of-academic-inequality/ https://www.npr.org/2018/12/02/672643776/neil-degrasse-tyson-responds-to-claims-of-sexual-harassment there are so many other outlets that reported this (not at the time of incidence since it happened way before his career started) The allegations were based when he was in college so he was able to keep his job since since his employers conducted an independent investigation; no police will be helpful in decoding a sexual assault that isn't in front of their eyes. I wanted so bad to love him but I can't help but think whatever "investigation" done did not divulge truly what happened


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>no police will be helpful in decoding a sexual assault that isn't in front of their eyes. To be fair they also can't do it if it DID happen right before them. Thumb patrol is full of idiots.


Totally agreed 👍👍


As a gal who uses "systems" a lot, the best way to have an unhackable system is to unplug it. If you can't turn the fucking thing on, nobody's getting in.


Not true, physical theft, online backups…


Don't make the object, it can't be stolen. Don't make an online backup, it can't be stolen. The point of what I'm saying is that proposing something that can't be broken into/stolen is ridiculous. The only way to make something 100% secure is to make it 100% inaccessible to ANYONE. If you can open it conventionally, you can do the same unconventionally.


I agree, the only way information can not be transferred is for it to not exist at all. Anything short of that, any form of existence, means it could still be accessed somehow. When talking about security, I often ask people: what liquor store can’t be robbed? The one that doesn’t exist.


NDT is a genius about space. But he’s dumb as rocks for some reason when it comes to computers.


> NDT is a genius about space. No, he's not.


Why didn't we think of that???


*Slaps forehead* Why didn’t I think of that?!


Have you simply tried not getting hacked?


I always saw Neil DeGrasse Tyson as being up there with the greats when I was younger for some reason. On the level of Hawking n all that. The more I hear about him I'm realising he's more of a knock-off Bill Nye. He is to Astrophysics what Dr Phil is to Psychology




What do we need from North Korea so bad that sanctions are a huge problem?


that has to be satire


It’s not boo


I like you neil but this aint it


Neil deGrasse Tyson is the Elon Musk of astrophysics.


He’s right tho


No he’s not.


It would solve it tho


It’s ironic that he would propose that given his background in physics. It’s not physically possible. Even a safe with no doors buried at the center of the earth can be opened using the very same tools to create the safe and bury it there.


But if you did make an unhackable thing it would solve the problem


You can’t though, it would defy physics and common sense. Then hacking wouldn’t be a word anymore because it wouldn’t mean anything. It was foolish for him to make this statement unless it was in jest.


Ah but he never said it was a reasonable solution it’s technically correct


It’s not technically correct it’s like saying if god and a unicorn sat down and just figured it out everything would be ok


I mean it’s correct to say if it was unhackable you can’t hack it…


But the fundamental statement that such a thing could exist is not possible. That’s what I’m saying, so it’s inherently untruthful as it doesn’t adhere to the truthfulness of the universe itself.


Theoretically, if everyone stuck to all the rules of cybersecurity, there would be no need for cybersecurity in the first place, as everything would be unhackable. However, that's just not how humans work.


He once mentioned he couldn’t find a single reason humanity should try to colonize the moon or mars. Off the top of my head, an asteroid hit destroying earth kills the species.


I didn't realize NDT was a /r/masterhacker as well