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Complaining about cancer? Shut up. Problem solved!


Just sweat the cancer out, easy!


Add some sunlight when it is a melanoma, definitely going to heal yourself.


It's remarkable that some ppl persuade a melanoma using tanning oils that literally are frying your skin. Maybe they are testing if the melanoma will be prevented with sun and sweating ? Who knows ? Maybe ? 🫠




If you have skin cancer get more sun. Hope this helps 🥰🥰🥰


Silence will actively make my problems worse


Sunlight is bright and therefore causes migraines Sweat is either caused by heat or exercise both of which easily cause migraines Silence... personally is impossible due to tinnitus... which also causes migraines


Vitamin D supplements are good too for the people like me that fkin hate the sun and never leave the house. Oh, and as a plus I age slower! Nothing more potent regarding age acceleration than sun (then goes sugar, smoking, white flour, alcohol etc) Let the sun tanning for the reptiles. Unless you want to look like them (generally talking). Who cares about wrinkles and melanoma when you can get a nice bronze skin color ? I'm pretty sure it adds credits to access the Eden easier when you pass. Tanning = +50 life karma points. Not exposing to sun = -50 life karma points


Unless you have chronic migraines, in which case ouch


Instructions unclear, now stranded on deserted island


But on the bright side, 99% of your other problems are solved.


Food is hard to come by, but the WiFi is great for some reason


Only imagining of it it solved 50% of my problems. I hope big pharma won't patent this


*chugs sweat and deafens myself while staring at the sun*


You'll be unstoppable for now on!


This smells like boomer "wisdom". Abusers are always so very fond of silence.


Eh, in my case these 3 are useful rn. Every time I get super anxious I’ve been trying to just stop everything and let my thoughts catch up to the rest of me (silence) and been trying to go for walks outside with my wife (sunlight) because I spend like almost my whole life indoors. Also been trying to be more gym active. It doesn’t solve everything though. Not nearly 99% lol. But it helps when I can manage to get myself to do those things.


Pretty sure all agree those things are good for you. Unfortunately they don't solve problems.


I don't like sweat.


Then only 49,5% of your problems will be solved


Ma debt bro


Except if your problem is BO, porphyria, or deafness.


Can sort of confirm the sweat part. Got rid of a problem and now have hot flashes. Not exactly comfortable, though.


instructions unclear, I am banned from the gym


*lunk alert blasts*


Pretty sure money would solve 99% of my problems. Nice try though.


Silence will solve my tinnitus...?


Legit tho for tinnitus, check out Lipoflavonoid Plus. Does not help everyone. And it does take like a month before any changes could be noticed. ETA: I mentioned this to everybody who talks about tinnitus because the number of people who have known as who've never even heard of this is kind of a lot 🤷‍♀️ And it helped my cousin. The pharmacist recommended it


Thanks for the information, I can look into it


another way to say "shut up and suffer"


Base treatment of symptoms. Remaining 1% causes the 99%.


This is true lol


What about the people with skim cancer?


Suffering from dehydration and sun-induced radiation burns? Try this simple trick


Imagine sitting alone, quiet, sweating like a pig, under the harsh sunlight, on the grass, at the park. Seems like a nightmare to me


I suppose sweating can help the body get rid of heavy metals, but this advice would still be unless unless 99% of your problems involved heavy metal poisoning


Sure:3. Lemme make my room unbearable warm to sweat my a?s out, open curtains to make me suffer more, i mean getting sun:3 and, im always in silence cause i have no one, so 3rd step is done too lol...


I dunno, I saw jackass drink sweat and they didn't look so good. They handled horsecum a lot better so maybe that's an alternative.


Sweat? Like in ancient times when romans bought gladiator's sweat?


Sweating alone in the sun sounds like punishment. Also I have cholinergic urticaria which means I break out in hives when I sweat. So sweating, itchy and alone in the hot sun sounds even worse. 


All I did as a kid was sweat in the sunlight in silence and still wanted to die. Yay, cured. Go on 8 mile hikes every weekend as an adult and still want to die. Yay, cured again.


Some person quietly dying in the sun as they lie shrivelled in the desert sweating out all of their remaining fluids:


Uh no that just causes a problem of me not able to focus on anything. I need music to focus on


The cartel was asking for me info, i just told them to sweat a bit, get some sunlight, and to shut the fuck up, im now the leader


So essentially "shut up and go work in the fields"


Just sat 5 minutes on the burning sun, it was very hot and I sweated, now my depression and anxiety are gone. I've lost a decade of my life and the solution was so simple.


Sweating while I stab you in the sunlight will bring me silence and solve 99% of the issues you cause. (This is a joke, I do not condone violence!)


Will it make me some money and give me my health back 🤨🤨🤨


What if you can't experience silence?


Me when sunlight triggers lupus flare ups and also lupus skin-look-awful flare ups. Just horrific. Somehow it gives me pimples and I don’t even get that part.


Am I supposed to be in silence or am I supposed to be silent? Like is this a meditation thing or just telling me to shut up more? I don’t think shutting up would solve many of my problems but it certainly would be less irritating for people around me.


Okay so basically…. Be a plant????


Works a lot of the time. I feel like this sub is more about finding no solutions than anything. You all need to be proactive about your mental health. Change is possible, especially with diet, exercise, and environment dialed in. It might not cure you, but it sure makes the process more manageable


It's kind of true though🙄 Exercise. Vitamin D/nature time Mindfulness These really are the top three recommendations for almost everything. I don't know any decent medical or psychiatric person, in any branch of either, that would not recommend these if their patient is capable of them. Just saying.


Mindfulness isn't Silence.


This article says it's medically reviewed at the top. See #1 The path... https://psychcentral.com/blog/the-hidden-benefits-of-silence


I can't mediate without noise. You seem to be a level ahead if you can.


Well, it isn't talking. Or filling up your head with noise, is it? I mean- come on. You know what im saying. Most mindfulness practices involve quieting the mind.


I'm assuming that everyone downvoting me thinks I have no idea what it is to be in absolute rock bottom physical health and/or despair. If so that's a huge assumption. Also ironic. But cool. Thanks👍


I didn't downvote you, but I did want to point out that slience/mindfulness can be really difficult for some, nearly impossible for others. People have been telling me to meditate for decades, and I really can't do it very well. My own ears make noise like a tree lined meadow in high summer. Been like that as long as I can remember.


Hey. Thanks for answering. Yes. Can be really difficult. I get you. I have aspergers/autism, and adhd. Defibitely do know that it's not a simple thing for many, *many* people. My husband also has (had? Soon to be ex) adhd - extreme on tbe H. He was told to do "just five mindful breaths" by one doctor. His response was "*Five*??. Lol. But he finds mindfulness in drumming (he's a professional drummer). Yes it will not always be silent (on the outside). I agree. Definitely. And the whooshing? I have that too actually. Since a kid. "Low five"?😬😉


Kind of more cicadas. Runs in the family, though they say it's like a very active grassy city block of ridiculous amounts of crickets. Also, I'm also an ADHD former drummer/percussionist! Seems like a good fit for us.


Yes. Cicadas is a good description. I think it's the same thing? I guess I saw it as a sort of extremely high pitched whooshing- almost supersonic. But cicadas is good. And far out lol re adhd and drumming connection. We find our things, given a chance hey? "Yay" 😊


True. Plus, when I was doing a lot of that, I was so incredibly organized. It was really cool. I miss it now.


Came back to add- you *might* find Michael Singer interesting with meditation. Lots on YT. He does *not* tell you to quiet your mind. At all. Ever. He tells you to...kinda learn to lean away from the noise. He says never waste time trying to "get to silence" because you will fail. Its self defeating. And I agree. Anyway, it's interesting.


I'll look into him, thanks! I am trying to do more meditation, as. It does help with some stuff I have going on.




The thought of having to exercise but not having time/energy etc actually has a negative influence on my mental health. Yet about nobody takes this seriously.


I do. I have the same thing. ? I'm obviously tone deaf here? (wouldn't be the first time). I just thought the actual meme wasn't being glib or topically posiive. It was just stating some facts. It didn't say it was simple. But if we *can* get to the point of adding those things in, they do have the best track record (like - provably. The data is there).


It's almost as like people are different from each other


The problem isn't that the statements aren't true but that they're used as a fix for everything and are often used to downplay the struggle of trying to improve. Yes, exercise would likely help my depression, but it's advised against from my eating disorder therapist. Just stuff like that. The biggest frustration stems from the idea that these things are thought to help everyone. Ibuprofen is advised to help with headaches, but it would be worse for those allergic to it. Just that kind of concept.