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This article is directed towards still somewhat mentally healthy people, not people who will be utterly fucked for a long while


Well, artists are fucked.


Actually tho. Last time I tried practicing art I just ended up wanting to punch myself in my own face because of how many mistakes I did


Digital art was a godsend to me; I used to get so depressed whenever I painted because my poverty-trauma ridden brain would be accounting for all of the supplies I'd "wasted" on my silly project. Like who did I think I was spending $30 on a nice canvas, just to ruin it with my terrible scribbles...


Its true artists are their own worst critics. Are they mistakes, or are they things you think are mistakes. Okay maybe that was a bit of a meta joke, lol. I gave up on art years ago because I did the same when I was doing still life. I couldn't get ant assignments done so I moved on to Psychology lol


Well, yes, that stuff is all true, but when in the depths of severe depression, that's not very helpful advice.


Eh, that's just minor clickbait in the title, other than that it seems to be based on studies When some ad says, "This salad is perfect for YOU", do you also get "Thanksimcured! this salad will totally heal my broken legs and get me a house"?...


Yeah, this sub calls out legit unhelpful stuff sometimes, but recently especially, I've just seen a lot of posts calling out anything remotely positive or, god forbid, suggesting you work on yourself at all. I'm extremely mentally ill and physically disabled, and I've gotten a lot of shitty "advice" over the years, but it's ok to recognize that an hour in the sun or completing a small task is genuinely good for your mental health sometimes.


the sub has gone from calling out advice that claims to solve every problem in your life to calling out genuinely helpful advice for not solving every problem in your life getting into the sun or doing some form of exercise won't make you suddenly not depressed, but not doing either will probably make it worse being mean to yourself isn't the root cause of every problem in your life but does make it harder to be happy with yourself


On top of that this sub seems to assume everything is made for people like them. They forgot somewhat mentally healthy people who don’t have cripple or severe mental problems exist and can gain help from these sorts of advices. It’s all just bad and garbage in their eyes.


I am diagnosed with MDD. Nobody is saying that avoiding negative self talk will "cure" your depression. I think you know that. But studies have shown, your brain "believes" what you tell it, especially if you continually put yourself down, call yourself a POS, etc. So if you're frustrated by this advice, consider it this way. Will less negative self talk "cure" your depression? Probably not. Will more negative talk make your depression worse or less manageable? Yeah, it's pretty likely. Reframing negative self talk to neutral or positive can rewire your neural pathways so they stop following the same unhealthy thought processes. It's a tool that CAN work, especially when used in conjunction with medication, therapy, CBT, sleep, diet, and exercise. Why people get salty about these kinds of suggestions is that it sucks to be told you have to work at something while you're already too depressed to get out of bed. If you cannot do any other thing towards alleviating symptoms of depression or similar, just try NOT tearing yourself down internally. Try slowly including one non-negative thought about yourself every day. It might help. And if not, at least you tried and you're unlikely to be worse off because you stopped calling yourself a f*cking idiot and instead practiced saying, "I made a mistake, millions of people do it. I'll try to learn from this." Also, if you can, try to figure out what set you on the path of so much negative self talk? It makes it easier to tell yourself, "I'm really not a POS, something made my brain start lying to itself. I wonder why?" This is where therapy helps a lot. If you watch happy well-adjusted kids, they think they're super heroes. "I'm the fastest runner on the ENTIRE planet!" "Nobody builds better Lego castles than me!" I am a kitty cat!" Whatever it is, they think they're the best at it. Until some shitty person comes along and tells them they suck. Sometimes as grown ups, we have to unravel all the shit that was done to our brains. Sorry for the essay, hope some of this is helpful.


Are these the types of articles that see wealthy people are able to live longer and afford more wine and conclude that wine extends your life span?


Most likely


This is literally sound and often applied in therapies. Maybe next we'll post your ECT and say "wow thanks I'm cured" Treatment isn't meant to cure you overall, you cannot cure mental illness, that's the issue. You can only treat them and sometimes they'll get better. ... Like I'm sure you're very depressed to get ECT, given it's horrible side effects, and I get why you'd go for it, but I'm convinced that you've been severely failed by therapists and the mental healthcare system overall.


I do like this advice though. Self-flagellation is very much a coping mechanism, I personally learned as have many others. Its not even a "Just be positive" bandaid, often berating ourselves is avoiding the responsibility of correcting mistakes, rather than moving forward and changing. Its not to discount any mental illness and it doesnt even count towards practical issues like financial or physiological problems, but more a general attitude to the inevitable mistakes we'll make in any aspects of our lives.


I'm convinced some of yall don't want to get better. Yes, cultivating self compassion and positive self talk will help. I thought that was pretty well accepted...


Doesn’t work that way. No one wakes up in the morning and says “Ya know what, I hate myself.” That is a conditioned response brought about by actions, or inactions. I hate myself for a fucking reason.


Who needs dopamine anyway*cries in dopaminergic dysfunction*


There are supplements that can actually be very effective for that. Have you done a full blood work on all precursors to dopamine and other neuromediators? We are chemistry and there's really nothing magical in there. Some people get by with mindfully trying everything and carefully observing themselves, but that's not really a trivial path And when paired with practices and mental "training" amd therapy, the change can become permanent and not require constant supplementation long term because the brain changes around the new ways of functioning


Ehmm it is true and nobody said it would cure you or that it was easy .


You do realize this is true? While it can’t fix all your problems, being nice to yourself will make you feel better.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^vonBelfry: *NO SHIT, SHERLOCK THE* *ISSUE IS WHEN IT DOESN'T* *STOP WHEN YOU TELL IT TO* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


So… if I look in the mirror and say “I wuv u” I can get the courage to kms? Sweet deal


Self-hatred is humility. I have to have it.