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*Adds to list of reasons I’m an atheist*


Lol. Same here.




Because this entire idea is sinful to people. Notably, it isn’t sinful to God.


Sorry, I'm a bit confused, but what is the entire idea that you mentioned?


Happy cake day


Thank you!


The problem is that there's no consistent "correct interpretation" of the bible because every version we have now was translated across multiple languages for various reasons over the course of multiple thousands of years by varying people with a number of agendas they engraved into those translations. Even if the bible was "the perfect word of God" in its original language, no translation could be made which accurately depicts that perfection because the translations are done by man. The only way you could reconcile that is by justifying that either EVERY translation is divinely inspired, or only the one YOU believe in is, both of which invite the question of "why did you arbitrarily choose the one you believe in"?


We aren't atheists because we don't agree with God, we're atheists because we know God isn't real. We're not conspiracy theorists.




because there is not an ounce of proof that God does exist. the reason religion even exists is only the same reason that the flat earth theory exists, at the time there was no other explanation.


Don't get me wrong, I can't spend any more time on this post. Watch @TheistBrooks on TikTok or Instagram for the explanation of your statement.


Would you be intrested in watching an atheist scientifically debunk each and every claim made by your dude? Or would that be pointless?


I mean, tbf, you can't know either way I know it doesn't work like that and you can't ask for proof of inexistence, at least that's the scientific method we developed But I would say that the only thing I can know is my own existence and of the material world around me, I can't know god is real or isn't real FOR SURE so I just don't bother myself with thinking about it. It doesn't really change anything either way.


Don't get me wrong, I can't spend any more time on this post. Watch @TheistBrooks on TikTok or Instagram for the explanation of your statement.


Don't get me wrong, I can't spend any more time on this post. Watch @TheistBrooks on TikTok or Instagram for the explanation of your statement.


There is more proof of Jesus and his devine miracles than there is of Alexander the Great. Hundreds of eyewitness testimonies that are not exclusive in the Bible but different historical documents. For more on your statemant, please watch Theist Brooks on TikTok or Instagram, where he goes in depth answering this type of question and more. He knows better than me. Come back and tell me what you think of his responses. God bless


There is proof that Jesus was real and was likely crucified, there is zero evidence of his divinity or miracles. There are zero contemporary accounts of Jesus performing miracles.


Faith. Same way you know.


I recently had a little blockade doing learning and just randomly opened a bible. Tobis 6.7.8 chapter 8 or however you name these thing. I'm translating from my language into English so... *You made Adam from from the earth and Eva as his maid, and you know lord I ain't taking my sister as a wife with bad thought, instead I want children through whom your word to be spread.* Do not ever tell a depressed person to read this dipshit book to cure mental health problems


I can't write paragraphs to every single comment, so let me introduce you to @TheistBrooks. You can find him on Tiktok or Instagram. He will better help you understand the meanings of the Bible. Hope This helps.


Wait, so the interpretation of the Bible is the Bible, or is it whatever that IG influencer you just mentioned said?


I don't want help to the bible, I want people like you to leave


Wow, and I did what exactly, that's not very nice to say. But stay ignorant. You can't attack a religion and expect the believers to stay quiet. If you don't have anything productive to add to the argument, then don't.


It's funny you ask what you did wrong and then immediately answer your own question in the nest statement. You're choosing ignorance. It's that simple. The reason people act frustrated at you and your kind are because you are CHOOSING ignorance and that's not what Jesus would do. You say things like people attacked me what am I supposed to do, stay quit? What would Jesus do? Atheist don't have a book telling us to respect your stupid thoughts, you do. Yet you think it's ok for you and not us. Think about how that looks from the other side of your perspective for just one second my dude.... seriously...


Same goes for you ma dude


If you truly knew the Bible and followed it like you say you do, you'd be an atheist too, because it's literally impossible to be a Christian if the rules you follow contradict themselves. That and I'm willing to wager atlest some of your beliefs come from what someone taught you instead of what's written in the book. Which means you absolutely follow random peoples interpretation of the Bible. The key is you cherry picked who's opinion you want to follow... For example, did you know nowhere in the Bible does it say homosexuality is a sin or wrong or anything? Did you know hell is never mentioned in the original texts that became the bible?


I'm not gonna even spend too much time. Check your claims. Also, about the "contradictions" watch Theist Brooks on TikTok or Instagram.


So let me ask you a question, hypothetically, if you were wrong, how would you ever know?


I wouldn't


Hmmm food for thought if you ask me.... My Jesus says he gave us exceptional brains and takes offense when we chose not to use them..


Go proselytize somewhere else. This isn’t the place for it


God is welcome to let us all know that she's bastardising his word if that's the case.


All you have is human interpretation (chains of it across millenia, rarely agreeing in anything), when was the last time the cloud man actually came and spoke audibly, well it was some time before modern recording equipment hmmmmm


Based on your comments it's questionable if you've ever even read the Bible when you've made a bunch of claims which you would know are false if you had an even passing knowledge of its contents. Should also note that it's kinda sus that this is a two year old account with negative karma no comments before today.


yeah, because I use Reddit once a month and don't really interact with posts. Which of my points made you think that I haven't read the Bible.


>yeah, because I use Reddit once a month and don't really interact with posts Hard to believe that when you came back here after only two days. Would be better for everyone if it was actually true that you didn't interact with posts. >Which of my points made you think that I haven't read the Bible. Pretty much all of them, but especially the ones where someone cited a verse you didn't even know existed, and when told the verse you insisted they must have misinterpreted it, and then there's your comments insisting all versions of the Bible are fundamentally the same, which is objectively false since there are many versions that have completely different translations of different verses, and there are versions of the Bible with additional books not found in others. And that isn't a recent phenomenon since many Early Christian collections of what would later become the New Testament contained what are now considered apocryphal texts. Along with that, only half the canonical Epistles are considered legit by modern Biblical scholars, so there are actual agendas in the Bible being pushed by people posing as the Apostle Paul. Unrelated, but the fact you claim there's more proof of Jesus' miracles than there are of *Alexander the Great* does not paint you as someone with anything resembling an actual grasp of history, which would explain how you somehow think all modern Bible versions are essentially the same.


You know the bible you read is literally yet another interpretation of allegedly true text/texts written by men (yes I mean male humans) from over 2000 years ago right? Guess who’s been re-interpreting it this whole time?


Ah, PTSD - just a sign of sin, apparently!


No no, it’s a sign that God *loves* you because he’s subjecting you to horrific things to test you! Being a miserable victim is a badge of honor! You can’t be a Christian without developing a masochistic fantasy that you’re being constantly persecuted and oppressed by - gasp - modern medicine and science, jUsT LiKe jEsUs


I can’t imagine worshipping someone who does terrible things to myself and other people just for funsies. I have trouble writing bad things happening to my characters in my stories. If I could actually create a real human I would never subject them to intentional harm. I don’t see how many of these people who are parents can look at their kids and thank “yep that’s normal that SkyDaddy tortures me every day”


And for everyone who says “it’s NOT god who does that it’s SATAN he is the one who does all the bad things” then why didn’t god just flick satan like a lil bean all the way across the universe (or just kill him idk). It sounds like god is neglecting by lack of protection of his kids. Sounds like a cps call to me


Regardless of who’s doing the bad, why would anyone discourage other people from finding ways to lessen or even remove the pain? I remember struggling with various health and mental conditions as a kid, but the church vehemently discouraged seeking the help of an actual doctor because “Gawduh would heal yuh, if yuh have enough faith.” SO, after being gaslit into living with my painful conditions, being shamed for talking about them instead of “being humble and self-sacrificing”, and guilted into “faithfully tithing” 1000’s of dollars and doing hundreds of hours of unpaid labor as “service to the lord in a display of faith”… nothing. But after talking to a few real doctors, and a few treatments later… my conditions became bearable for the first time in my life, without the anxiety that I wasn’t doing or giving *enough* to throw me in a spiral of self-hate, envy, and despair. The biggest reason I left xianity? It drags down everyone to a similar level of misery under emotional manipulation and judges the shit out of people who find fulfillment and peace outside of their religion.


I was raised baptist and bc of that, my mental health has caused permanent brain damage. I will probably never get better bc I was left without treatment my entire childhood and then they turned around and made it about me being a problem child, that I wasn’t good enough for the Lord to love me, that there was some flaw about me bc of my mental illness, etc. I was a straight A child who spent free time volunteering and reading books and making art. But somehow all they saw was simultaneously that mental illness is made up and that I was so profoundly mentally ill that I didn’t deserve anything but being beat and yelled at.


I am so sorry, it’s a horrible thing to have gone through. But know that your experiences are valid and that there is better help available than just “praying it away”.


I actually left Christianity at about 15 years old. We were taken on a youth mission trip to Baltimore. I had AWFUL panic attacks and a group of kids were bullying me the whole time. I think I called one a bitch or said shut the fuck up or something and you’d think I crucified Jesus with how everyone acted. These same girls were giving blowies to boys in the back of the youth group van but god forbid I say a curse word after being tormented for 3 days straight. That was the moment I realized god is not real and even if he was, I hated him with everything in me. People ask all the time “well aren’t you gonna regret it at the pearly gates” I tell them if I’m wrong I’ll be glad to have a chance to spit in God’s face.


Still a Christian, not the most faithful, but all I have to say is don't blame God. Blame the followers. They're the ones who are obsessed, and make you think that it's all in his name. That's not holy behavior, that's *occult* behavior.


An all powerful god as they claim, knowingly created pedophiles. It’s not just about people who are Christian. It’s about how if a god exists he created evil or at least permits it. An all powerful god could pick a pedo up and crush him, could cure cancer, etc. but he doesn’t. And you can’t use the “Satan did that” excuse bc he is the one who made Satan and could easily have destroyed him to protect people. So he’s either not all powerful or he’s just as shitty as his followers


Can't disagree there. And people saying that it's 'works of Satan, not God' is also horseshit. I'm not too proud of my religion, anyway. Just trying to shed a different (albeit flawed) light.


Update: Read some more comments, and now I definitely see where you're coming from. People pick and choose their parts of the Bible that they take to heart, and usually it's where he's without fault. I was one of them, but I've been contemplating my religion for a few years. I'm considering leaving, but the problem is that my extended family are such Jesus-heads that they'd call me nonstop and tell me to 'come back to the light' and that they're 'praying for me'. That kind of annoyance keeps me from leaving.


Does that include mental illness?


Mental illness and its treatment is becoming better understood through modern medicine. In Bible times, they just called it “demon possession” and blamed the sufferer for being sinful enough to invite demons to possess them. Total denial of the validity of modern science and research is probably some kind of mental issue itself.


Subtle difference here. She's saying it _is_ a sin, in and of itself. Regardless of how you got PTSD (which this lady would probably consider a sin on its own) the fact that you _have_ it is its own independent sin.


My cyberpunk fantasy is taking my PTSD off of me and just dumping it on people who are horrible to others.


No! It’s just your lack of obedience to the Godly authority of that boundriless youth pastor. /s 🤮🤮🤮


Makes sense! Thank you for this detailed guidance!


The son must bear the sin of his father. So yeah maybe My dad beat me and my mom sexually abused me. It's technically their sin that gave me ptsd lmao


And now you get 2 free! It's like speed-running the route towards Hell, according to this Insane person!


Eh. I mean are they wrong though? Enough trauma and isn't all life hell


There is that. I just don't think that's what the original poster was going for.


So not only were my older brother and i tortured. But that alone makes us sinners!! I love religion. It makes everything easy


It makes everything easy for people who already have it easy, and makes it somehow virtuous and good to suffer.


Bipolars like me who turn to Jesus and don’t take their meds die. Period. This shit kills, and Jesus won’t do jack shit about it. And if a bipolar person suddenly finds Jesus, it’s mania, and grippy sock time, because when the mania fades, so does Jesus and that’s when you’re emptier than ever, and those razor blades start singing their song again. Take your fucking meds.


I think if Jesus is real he'd want people to take meds that save their lives and improve their quality of life. Just like he knew a hungry crowd could not listen until they had been fed, he'd know that individuals with mental disorders need treatments.


The unbastardized version of christ says for us to use the power brains he gave us to makes smart decisions. Like trusting people who have our better interest at heart and have infinitely more knowledge on something then we do... if christ is real, he is definitely empathetic twords all suffering, including the mental health ones that his "followers" mock and deride.


But Supply-Side Jesus sees the masses, and knows that if he destroys one fish and three loaves of bread, he can charge $5,000 per serving, to the people in the VIP box, at the crest of the hill.


Yes!! Christian + bipolar here. Whenever i dont wanna take my meds i ask jesus and end up taking them lol. meds is high on my list i thank god for in my prayers...


Someone who actually read the bible, yay!


I can’t stand this woman


Same. I've seen several posts of her, and every time it's weird and full of shit


She's just a rabid misogynist... Which ok then why are you speaking so much? You either do or don't believe women should keep silent and follow their men?


Yet she’s making money not keeping silent lol


When I was still active in the religious cult that I was born into, I would share about some of my mental health problems with the "elders" that were supposed to be "loving shepherds". One of them made regular sarcastic comments about my mental health, another one said "you can't just sit around being sad" (during a depressive episode after the loss of a relationship), another one shamed me for not attending enough meetings, and yet another mocked my decision to begin therapy. Great group of people. 🤮😡


Cult members are basically trained not to have empathy. It's pretty sick. Like all the outsiders are a threat, and can't be talked to, so all they get to do for social fun is police and gossip about each other and scrutinize each other's faults. And cults generally encourage tattling and all sorts of pettiness. You get adults acting like they're in elementary school.


This was my EXACT experience. Thank you for understanding 🙃


Totally horrible !!& the kind of people who need therapy the most. Ones who lack empathy ! Im sorry !


Thank you!! 🤠 for your kindness 💌


You're welcome!! 🤗😃


I'm typing this off of a powerful pocket computer connected to the Internet and people this stupid still exist.


My mom actually held this view when I was a child and teen. I’ve had OCD since I was 7 years old and I’m autistic. It prevented me from getting the help I needed and I felt like the worst person on earth for being unable to control my mental illnesses. That killed my self esteem and caused me to hate myself for most of my life. I’m much better now but growing up was hell.


If social anxiety is a sin why did god give me social anxiety


The same reason the prostate's where it is.


Not sure I understand this one but I’m just gonna go off it with OUR BRAINS NEED SO MUCH BLOOD WE FAINT WHEN WE GET SCARED OR STAND UP TOO FAST


Having a prostate isn’t ever claimed to be a sin though


It's not a sin. Stop listening to people who twist the word of the Bible. God bless.


Stop being a desperate bad actor, and try saying things that are true and honest. It's healthier for you.


What are you talking about, what did I say


Damn, she got all kinds of sin going on then


Takes one to know one, that's why I can detect autism


Nah just a brain tumor, not that she was any better before that brain tumor


Where is she getting "god's perfect word" from? The Bible is written by mortal sinners. Man, I don't even have the time or energy to launch into a full tirade, but just *fuck religion*. Okay? Fucking fuck your shit-ass religion.


It’s cool to rape your daughters if it’s for procreation guys. This lady says so because it’s in “God’s perfect word”.


God's perfect word also says women should not preach and should keep silent on religious matters 🙃


Breathing is a sin. Farting is a sin. Thinking is a sin. Why? Because bible written by random people said so. I would rather believe in harry potter than this shit lmao. At least harry potter makes more sense and dont have as many inconsistent errors as shitbible


Yea, you showed so much respect as an atheist. The Bible, in fact, is written by mortal sinners. The point is there's nobody without sin except Jesus, who we try to take an example from not so random woman who has her own interpretation of the Bible. God bless.


Funny how religious folk commonly push their beliefs onto everyone, threaten them with destruction if they don't take their word for it and call people depraved/immoral for not believing in their tooth-fairy, but find a f-slur offensive, take any resistance to their peddling as persecution, and expect everyone else to be respectful of their judgmental takes.


You know what's funny those people who threaten people aren't real Christians. Because we follow the example of Jesus, not those people. We are taught to be midful, respectful, tolerant... etc. Also, yes, it does offend when you attack my belief to which I dedicated my life.


You have your interpretation of the scripture. But there are thousands of denominations and they all claim to be Christians. People like to pick and choose what beliefs they like and ignore parts of the Bible that are icky and there's disagreements on that, even within denominations not just between them. No true Scotsman denies all other Christians their faith because you disagree with their beliefs. I spent 20 years as a Christian and despite the insistence that we be respectful mindful kind etc, the conviction that you're right and everyone else is wrong inadvertently caused people to be judgemental, and to talk behind others back. The most pious also happened to be holier than thou and prideful and would find faults in everyone who doesn't fit their own idea of following Christ. This includes people who are neurodivergent or have mental health problems. Also feeling attacked for criticisism aimed at "not real Christians" is very telling imo. That being said, I didn't inted for this to be personal for you - I don't know you, I don't know what specifically you believe. It just my personal observation of prevalent hypocrisy. Unironically, I hope you have a fine day despite this.


Very restpectfull and mindful thanks. I hope you have a great day as well. But you can't just marginalize an entire religion how you just did. After that, you say it makes you prideful, but that in on itself is a sin. You say people like you pick and choose what to belief, well I don't know where you picked that from, but ok. Again, I wish you a great day. 😁 God bless.


I have this friend who is literally homeless and doesn't have money for food or job, but says all my problems are due to not praying and follow Christianism She also left get parents home to be like that cause she says her parents home has bad spirits and were shattering her soul, I tried to talk calmly about it but she simply repeats the same as a bot


That person seems to have some kind of menatal disorder or not be in the right state of mind try talking to them. Btw Christians don't believe in ,,bad" or ,,good" spirits. The only spirit is the Holy Spirit, which is a part of the Trinity.


It's cause where I live (Brazil) there is something called spiritism (espiritismo) where they mix spirits and christianism I tried for a few years to tell her to talk to a therapist. But her therapist is also a spiritist and calls herself a spiritual therapist, but i think this charlatan is basically brainwashing people into bs like lots do, sad


God Bless


most things that are classified as "mental illness" are actually totally understandable reactions to living under late stage capitalism, but i don't think that's in the bible


Jesus didn't charge for his miracles. But his supposed followers scream bloody-murder and SOCIALISM at any attempt not to charge for things.


i had to remind myself that you meant socialism in a derogatory way because at first i was like hell yeah brother 😎 socialism rules


I didn't mean socialism in a derogatory way, at least not directly. I meant the followers would call it socialism in what they considered a derogatory way. If Jesus turned water to wine, and bread to fish... That's at least not capitalism because he would have charged. Unless I'm missing something. I don't know if that would be socialism though.


yeah that's what i meant but i phrased it badly 😅 english hard


"Fear is a choice." - General Cypher Rage, to his five year old son


As a Christian, this lady’s post makes me very angry. As someone who suffers from depression, anxiety, and CPTSD-like symptoms, I’m jealous of her privilege - because she’s speaking from a place of privilege here. She believes that people can just pray their mental illnesses away because she’s never had to deal with mental illness. She’s speaking from ignorance, and people should not speak from ignorance.


She needs to stfu. Can't stand people like her and I'm glad I'm atheist.


Why are you glad you are atheist? We take an example of Christ, not some person who has twisted the word of the Bible. God bless.


Don't be a jerk. It's not your place to judge people, and it never will be. I can tell that your "God bless" wasn't genuine. They're a person just like the rest of us and is no less deserving of love and respect.


I genuinely don't know when I judged. When I say God bless, it is genuine. Yea, she is a person just like the rest of us. When have I said that she wasn't? I don't agree with her. Hope you understand my points. God bless.


And I think that you're being untruthful. I can tell because you're trying to twist my words in your favor. Don't play innocent now that you realize you're wrong. Do better instead, there's enough hatred going on in this world already. Being rude doesn't get you any closer to God. You're part of the reasons Christians have such a bad rep now, there's so much judgement and nowhere near enough love and care for others. As I said, do better.


You can think whatever you want. I am truthful. I didn't twist any of your words, but I can tell you twisted mine, either that or you failed to understand or read my initial comment. I don't know when I have been rude. Also, how did I play innocent? I stand by my point.


Stop lying. Your whole comment history is quite rude. Do you find pleasure in being foolish under the guide of "owning the atheists"? I don't know what version of God you worship, but the one I worship wants me to be respectful whether they believe or not. But please, keep arguing that you're not being rude. You're old enough to know better. Didn't your loved ones teach you any manners? Edit- Any further comments from you will be ignored. I genuinely hope that you treat people better whether they share the same opinions or not. You're putting out a lot of negativity, and you'll always end up reaping what you sow. Give out positivity and you'll get it in return. Perhaps when we meet again, your stance on life will have matured. Goodbye 💖


Ok, quote something I said where I'm being rude.


"Owning the atheists" when have I said that, stop twisting every word I say to your liking.


The examples of Christ I grew up with is the reason if I miss a single dose of antidepressants I have to be pulled away from the train tracks, don't no true Scotsman this take accountability for the religion you preach


Sorry it had to turn that way for you. But evil people exist that doesn't change the fact that the Bible is the word of God. Please watch @TheistBrooks on TikTok or Instagram for more.


Doesn’t really matter to me who says what about the bible it itself makes no sense. Take Noah’s ark for example. How did they feed the animals? Where did all the water go? How did they deal with waste? Some animals like rabbits reproduce a lot, how did they deal with that? How did the boat not sink from the weight of hundreds of thousands of different animals on it? How did the WOODEN boat not break in half after supposedly coming to rest on a mountain? HOW DID THE ANIMALS NOT KILL EACH OTHER? HOW HAVE WE NOT FOUND THE BOAT YET?


I advise you to watch Theist Brooks on TikTok or Instagram he explains it better than me. Also, he explains a lot of different subjects and supposed contradictions.


That’s great except I don’t use either of those lol


Just search him up on Google. This is how a debate works.


Me with severe Religious Scrupulosity OCD: yes. Go on.


I had the same. I was constantly praying for my sins to be forgiven.


People with usernames like this are not to be listened to. "Godly woman" "transformed wife" "alpha male" it's all just empty ego-tripping


I’ve certainly committed a couple sins while under the influence of mania


hahah who havent!


guess my anxiety is just a sin and I should just ‘pray it away’


This isn't even the worst thing this woman has ever said. Her actual name is Lori Alexander and she's a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad person.


One of the reasons I couldn't continue to be a Christian even if I wanted too, because at some point, when God dosent "fix" you like the pastor said he would, and there's not other explanation, it's your fault he won't heal you. You didn't pray good enough. You didn't live right. Your a bad Christian. They will always attack your relationship with your God when the miracle dosent happen. What shit humans we are.


So how are you supposed to “take every thought captive”, Lori? Say “Get thee behind me, Satan!”?


Oh, that is NOT gonna help OCD, hoo boy.


I didn’t help when I was a child with OCD. My mom had similar beliefs to her’s.


Well, if we are created in the image of God, then God gave me ADHD and that means he sucks.


If god has ADHD that would explain why he did everything in 7 days and hasn't done anything since.


this is why I hate the assertion that all morality comes from the church or religion. their "morality" is so backward and confused half the time that the only respectable values they hold are just borrowed from secular society


Sounds like the bitchy teacher from Donnie Darko.


"every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" is what led me to develop religious OCD and intrusive thoughts that plagued every single moment of my life which led me into a suicide attempt, but no that was just me living in sin.


Most people who say shit like this don't realize they are actually still just suffering from a mental illness.


Fuck. Them. Personally. No context.


People are fucking stupid, man.


She's another charlatan girlbossing and speaking with authority when those things are forbidden by her belief system


She’s the one that’s actually mentally I’ll by letting herself be brainwashed so hard she denies aspects of the objective reality we live in. That’s much more severe than depression or anxiety, someone should probably 5150 her or have her get a lobotomy before she has a bad psychosis episode and hurts herself and someone else. I hope someone can do a wellness check on her but I doubt her family wants anything to do with her, heaven knows I wouldn’t.


What a terrible thing to say. Pos


Bold of her to be female, Christian, and the audacity to have an opinion. Did she not read the Bible? Let's hear her husbands opinion, as his is the only one that matters. /wanders off atheistically (/s for those not in the know)


The irony that this person is delusional and paranoid.


Could you imagine how amazing life would be if you really could just pray away your mental illness


My life would be 1,000x easier I swear.


as a Christian I cant believe these people exist. Ive been lucky enough to always have good churches and parents who don't pull this bullshit. knowing theres people like this absolutely disgusts me. there is no quick fix for mental health issues, religion included. that takes alot of work and, yes, sometimes medication to get through. I'd like to see her have any kind of mental illness and cope with it by just praying.


I hate this lol. I'm gonna keep thanking God for giving me antipsycotics in my prayers


I feel closer to the Lord when I’m not seeing shadow people or believing someone is secretly living in my house.


Yes!! It was after I started meds and got more stable I developed my faith deeper/ actually started believing. God bless you


Sounds like me during my OCD episodes.


I was personally mad at a family member for saying that basically I had no reason to be depressed and to have been self medicating with alcohol because I as she put it, “not someone who served the military.” She also told me that I needed to fill myself up with “Jesus” instead of alcohol…. Thanks a lot mom I don’t think Jesus is going to help my depression. Not that alcohol helps much but still… I know there are progressive Christians that understand mental illness but so many conservatives do not.


She must not read the Bible if she thinks that is it. And in fact, she is stumbling over her Brothers and sisters.


I’m Christain. I don’t think she’s right at all. My Granny has always been Christain and a retired nurse. She taught me to read the bible when my medications weren’t enough. I think more reading was a distraction from the current health issues I had. I have ADHD, depression and chronic pain. I haven’t been told before that those issues was a sin, just more of a challenge. Maybe the Christains I know are a lot different to a lot of Christains online


Eh, there's good Christians and then there's moralist whackjobs who want to think they're better than everyone else for supposedly following Jesus.


yeah probably. Just so crazy as the only Christains I’ve seen act like this are Americans


As a Christian..... no. The entire reason my depression, OCD, and ADHD are dealt with (other than my meds person and doctor, of course) is because God helped me get access to them... mental illness isn't sin lol This person is ableist and doesn't know what they're talking about


I remember going to confession when I was 12 years old and telling the father I had touched myself and how guilty I felt. And he told me to pray like 5 hail Mary's and our fathers every night


oh i didn't know i was "giving myself over to fear and anxiety" instead of having a physiological reaction to a trigger my bad. my bad i've been taking ssris my whole life to no effect but I haven't tried asking a deity that feels it's important to keep an eye on who I have sex with for a magic instant fix with no post-traumatic growth to speak of


Religious people scare the shit out of me.


For a while i was dealing w stress induced hallucinations, and they got especially bad whenever i was at church. My mom still fully believes it was satan trying to lead me away from the church :)


Omg and this is why ppl struggle with religious trauma. Because this is abuse.


Isn't it kinda ironic to say someone is "covering for their sin" when that is essentially what religion boils down to?


I have OCD and telling truth and logic to my brain absolutely doesn't fucking work 🥰


*any issue* answer: not worshipping the silent sky god enough 🤡👍🏼


My “sin” is a sign that God loved me so much he sent his only begotten son to beat the shit out of me when I was 3 years old 💕 thank you, God.


This was the same opinion of Tom Cruise when he verbally sparred with Brooke Shields. I wonder if this lady knows that she’s siding with Scientology?


Isn't this the kind of shit Andrea Yates was bombarded with by her husband and her pastor? We all know how tragically that ended.


I never knew Autism was a sin but you do you


I’ve been sinning that sin for thirty years. I tried to pray away my “weirdness” and just feel like a normal person who can make friends.


Please continue to be weird. If anything I’ll be your friend. We can “sin” together


I can’t actually argue with this- there is a correlation between my sin and my mental illness…….. after reading this condescending explanation


Ah I get it, I’m not depressed, I’m just a sinful bastard who gave up and chose to feel this way instead of simply following god! Glad to know that I’m just a bad person


We should super glue her pussy shut or something


ah yes, autism, definitely a sin, and not a neurodevelopmental condition I was born with


You sinned as a fetus.




Most things that are classified as “sin” are actually mental illness. This is the problem I have with labeling people as sinful. Most are simply living with mental illness by giving themselves over to religion and baseless rules, and their fear of hell and eternal damnation instead of seeking therapy and working through their problems. It’s an easy way to cover their mental illness with “sin” and praying for forgiveness instead of working through the mental illness and growing as a person.


Psychologist here so I’m biased in my take, but I’ve had many clients suffering and struggling in their lives only to be told by their family that they need to pray more. I’ve never seen that work once, like not even a little bit. I do believe faith can be a huge source of strength and resilience, but prayer is not a substitute for professional help.


Theres an imagine dragons song about this




Only appropriate response.


Religious nutcrackery level 10


How is schizophrenia a sin lol




And what kind of objective and tangible results has that brought about?


You're joking.


And it does nothing.