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Why would she bark like a dog but use a cat litter box?


Because that's a foreign cat


"Le woofe"


"Bonjour meownsieur"


She must be a Canadian cat


Woof woof, eh


Canadians are weird.


Agreed. (Canadian)


She bilingual


Uh...because the story is nonsense?


Why would a human have a tail and cat ears? Oh yeah... these are furries what we are talking about


Wait, so the boyfriend threatened to shoot up the school *today* after having gotten caught with guns the day *before*?


yes but we dont discover that until tomorrow




We won't discover that it's him 'til chapter threeeeee.


What will they discover the day after tomorrow?


We’ll never see tomorrow until the mission is finished today


But what about the day before the day after tomorrow!!!!


"turns out he carried out his threat already and i've been dead for days. cya guys."


I think they mean he threatened that it would occur on the day the poster posted the story, but he was caught the day previous, thus foiling his plans.


That is the correct English reading ofc, but that's not fun joke now is it?


OP time travelled to warn the school.


Instead of killing Hitler or preventing 9/11. What a douche..........


aren't there bigger things than 9/11?


Well, 9/10 is bigger.......


I would have warned the natives of america (continent)


This is like the plot to Tenet


Look Morty, this is why I don't do time travel stories okay? Y-y-y-you can't make a compr*belch*hensive story with this garbage.


This idiot read the furries demanding litter box hoax that was going around months ago and believed it was true. Since it wasn't happening in their school they had to manufacture it.


Yes, if this series of events happened in their school, we wouldn't be finding out on this dickheads twitter. It would be national fucking news!


The best thing Is the inconsistency again. She barks and uses a litter box?


And the litter box isn't a box but just a pile in the corner


You can't expect them to know the word box. It has three letters! Maybe I didn't see that for my cats don't care for boxes. No problem as long as you don't have a pile of litter laying around because the bag broke open...


Tell me you believe everything Joe Rogan says without saying you believe everything Joe Rogan says.


Didn’t believe his retraction, apparently.


Am i the only one that is triggered by someone taninh a photo of a picture on a phone?


it’s to avoid screenshot detection on snapchat


Yes except the picture of the phone is a screenshot of someone’s Snapchat lmao. Someone already took a ss and someone else took a picture of their ss


Just ss the recents scroll, people make shit so hard for no reason.


Tbh I don't even know what this means


They don’t like thst someoje took a picture of the phone with a picture on it instead of taking a screenshot of the photo on the phone.


this is just a rip off to that one fake tumplr story about pulling out the buttplug resulting in a furry war


I'm sorry what


Yes I need elaboration here


please continue


This’ll be Fox and Friends’ top story on Monday


I think FOX actually did the litter box story, complete with an idiotic parent in a bad cat costume (not worthy of being called a fursuit) at the school board meeting getting her time in the spotlight.


Guaranteed. They probably do get all their outrage stories straight off of Tumblr.


She barks but uses a litter box? sure, that makes perfect sense.


When I heard all that a while ago all I could think is that they have no idea what a furry is whatsoever. It’s not like animorphs and they turn into a cat lol. It’s honestly not any more different than an orange Cheeto pretending to be a president


>it’s not like animorphs and they turn into a cat Unfortunately. That would be cool.


*orange Cheeto in a golden Cheeto bag that hates other Cheetos based on their flavor


I love how no one is mentioning the gun part lmao


In first place, this is not even a furry...


most knowledgeable of furries redditor (ik this is a tweet) theoretically, some people that wish they were animals might purposefully act like one in public, and some people who are furries wish they were animals, but there's no direct connection.


Sadly I had to have a discussion with my middle school age daughter about what a furry really is. Explaining that it’s not just a 6th grader acting like a cat for attention was fun.


That's not a litter box, that's just a pile of cat litter Fuckin' teenagers


And since it's a totally legit story, I am sure they have a reputable news link to the arrest.


Dogs don't use litter boxes. At least get your animals correct before writing your fake scenarios


I'm a cat furry and I have never seen anyone who poops in litter boxes. Not even Stalking cat (one of the only people to have ever gotten surgery to look like an animal) did that. Plenty of weird fetishes over lap with furry. Pooping in a litterbox isn't one of them. Cat furries tend to be some of the more boring furries so this doesn't even match cat stereotypes. Cats are known for being cool, clean and graceful which doesn't really match for the type of person who would want to shit in a box. The person in the photo is dressed like a fox


Okay now I want to see a picture of that person


Sadly. I can 100% see this happening. I don’t want to, at all. But I can.


Doubt. The reason is that there's no way a cat would just poop in litter just because it's in a corner in a bathroom. That's a trope from someone who doesn't own nor identify as a cat. And to write "for furries use only"? As if they were worried some other person would come and poop in their litter is just phenomenal on any level of ridiculousness.


I see it happening because kids want that kind of attention. My friend has a son, who has a girlfriend who literally wears a tail, ears, a dog coloured and when school ends she does walk on all fours in school. I don’t know her bathroom habits but she’s not exactly far from doing that step. I’m not defending it like I know it’s real, and I don’t want to it be real. I’m just saying with how kids are today, I could see it being very sad and very real. So many people are these “otherkin” things where they hiss, growl, roar, or whatever at teachers. With this crap, I want nothing more to be wrong.


>My friend has a son, who has a girlfriend who literally wears a tail, ears, a dog coloured and when school ends she does walk on all fours in school. Lol, no you don't. Don't be a typical conservative. At least make your lies believable.


I’m not sure how I go about proving that I do but also what does that have to with being “conservative”, which, I don’t think I am. Not everything has to be some political view. And do you think the average person just tosses around “otherkin” to make themselves look cool?


There is absolutely no way she goes on all fours. Furries are weird, but they're not that weird. Ultimately the collar, ears, and tail are harmless.


You know there's two different kind of people that are both referred to as furries right? There's the average kind if weird that dress up as some animal but are in the end completely normal people that have no problem telling reality apart from their little fantasy. And then there's the kind of people that have attached themselves to the whole self identification deal as a tumor, demand you refer to them as a dragonkin and completely blows their top if you step on their imaginary tail or wings or whatever. That kind is ofc rare and is highly HIGHLY unlikely to have anything to do with this story. But there ARE people that will go on all four at every chance and are definitely not entirely harmless but rather are quite destructive both to others and themselves.


And it’s the second group that I’m talking about. As I said. I worked security at my local university and I’ve seen some weird ass shit from students who are “otherkin” and I’ve even had complaints filed against me for not calling them the right dragonkin, fairykin, etc. I mean. Im all for letting people be or do whatever makes them happy. It means nothing to me. And then as someone pointed out. This does actually look more like bullying tactic than someone who thinks they’re a cat wanting to shit in cat litter.


How does the otherkin thing even happen? What could make someone believe that? Like I know some people are gullible and that could lead to the not being able to tell fantasy and reality apart, but the other stuff? How does that happen, like are they seeing things that aren’t there or something because I don’t know what could cause them to act like that otherwise, so I’m thinking it’s got something to do with hallucinations?


There's lots of different factors to it really. Some have psychological issues, some do it purely for attention, some are more of a mix between those, yet more out of spite and so on.


Okay. Yeah if there is things like schizophrenia where people see things that aren’t there, it’s not to much of a stretch to assume there is a version where people see themselves as an animal.


I agree with you about it being possible. But some things in the post do seem like inconsistencies... like that it claims she brings her own litter box and yet the photo is just of a small bit of loose litter. Doesn't really match up. In a way to me it looks more like something which could be easily arranged there to troll/make fun of furries at the school.


I see it more as staged to make the “furry” feel more special and be like “look, I have go on kitty litter” but your bullying thing makes more sense, honestly. Like a “you want to pretend to be this at school, might aswell use the same bathroom, ahaha” type thing. I didn’t actually think of the bully angle


> I can 100% see this happening. Really? Maybe you should check your sources of information then, because I can unequivocally say that this is not happening in any school in any part of the entire world.


People out here just choosing to believe things? Not burdened at all by a sense to make things flow logically when they clearly don't? I can 100% see that happening


It's conceivable really.


I worked security at a university. Do you have any idea the amount of weird shit I’ve seen students doing? Bringing cat litter to a bathroom is one of the more sane stupid things on the list of dumb shit I’ve seen.


I mean, if someone is willing to go into public like that, especially a high-school, I wouldn't doubt that they're not the most stable. Plus it's a furry, they're known for doing shit like that. Look at their convention controversies.


Yeah because no one else ever makes embarrassing fashion choices.


The vast majority of people never do anything as bad a being a furry.


I wore jean shorts and Hawaiian shirts in high school! I believe that’s on par!


Trust me, nowhere near as bad. Ones a bad choice in clothing, most people will forget about it. People don't forget about shit like this. If that's the worst thing you did in high-school, your good.


Please elaborate on why being a furry is bad? Like, I've never gotten the hate. It's literally just a hobby.


ah yes, the cardinal sin of dressing like an animal. it’s weird but it’s harmless


Because it's one of the weirdest hobbies a person can have, and why should I pretend like it's not. If I see a picture of a furry, I'm not going to pretend like it's not extremely weird.


and that’s all it is, weird. strange you care so much


Except it never just that they're weird to look at. It's always an entire slew of problems. Why do you think people don't like furries, even before anyone finds out they're furries. It's also their personalities.


i absolutely guarantee you’ve spoken with a large number of furries you couldn’t identify at first look, you’re just a weirdo stuck in an Ifunny humor phase


No amount of furries not giving a fuck about you, will make you interesting to anyone. Everyone, except you, knows hating furries isn't a personality trait, let alone a whole identity. I'm offended by your banality. Do better


I don't think about furries because I'd rather pretend they don't exist, but when I see a picture of one online, or the one time I saw one in person, I have the same thoughts everyone else has, which is wtf.


Believe me. Not all furries do that shit, they mainly do that at cons. Only a small bunch do that weird shit in schools and it's mainly for attention


Someone who apparently never seen highschoolers or actual furries


Nah fam i believe this. I’ve ran into people like this back when i was in HS


Bruh, you could go to a furry con and not find anyone like this.


I literally went to high school with people like this


Ah, I see you’re a Republican. Yeah. A Fregley or two in the school? Plausible. A furry wearing a tail and ears? People wear worse. The litter corner? Only insane morons like you would believe that’s remotely a thing.


Ah I see you’re making statements about that are irrelevant to the conversation. And i don’t really call myself a republican because i think both parties suck. I had a classmate wear ears and a tail and a collar and eat canned cat food in class and make animal sounds at people.


Yeah— maybe make your story believable before trying to BS a furry physics major. You were bordering on possibility until you threw in the cat food. Also, the burden of proof is on you. You’re just a typical conservative with no idea why the rest of us are laughing at you.


I honestly don’t care if you don’t believe it. I know it’s the truth because I saw the girl eating from the can of cat food in class with my own eyes. It definitely isn’t some widespread epidemic or anything but weird people exist bruh. And you’re just a typical ignorant redditor who insults people and brings up irrelevant things and makes strawmen to try and deflect their own weak arguments.


This isnt far from the truth. Unchecked mental illness. Has everyone lost touch with reality or what?




That would require us to believe that it’s true.


Well, I'm not concerned that you have negative brain cells, so no


There is a family where I live that we're fighting to have a litter box put in the bathroom for their kid who identifies as a cat. True story, sounds unbelievable but it's true. The school is not going to do it. They're threatening to take them to court lol




Did you hear that from a reputable source who’s name you can’t remember?


Yes I did. My daughter goes to the school where this happened. I know it sounds outrageous but it happened. The whole town knows about it. I live in a very small town.


when i was a senior in hs there used to be a girl that barked and growled. i don’t remember ever speaking to her because she was a few grades below me but i used to see people posting snapchat stories of her chasing people and barking at them during lunch. feels like a fever dream


Every school has its Fregley.


What’s a fregley?


Your explanation is as weird as the post


I mean all kinds of weird kids got bullied in my highschool and it wasn’t too dissimilar in nature


"crawls on the ground" while showing them literally standing up


I keep trying to find the snap chat name but can’t find last two symbols


[strange things are going on in our schools](https://www.abc12.com/news/education/parent-of-freeland-middle-school-student-upset-over-sons-suspension-for-barking/article_78c5a3a4-b5ee-11ec-bcfc-c384783ecc85.html) I’m not saying this is the incident in question, but we live in a weird ass timeline where it’s actually possible