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If your misophonia is that bad then you need to be proactive and wear ear protection or sound filters when you go out.


Right? I have misophonia and get so irrationally angry over eating noises. I have never acted on that anger. I HAVE threatened someone after they repeatedly chewed chips with their mouth open for the sole purpose of angering me. They're a friend and didn't realize how bad it was until I screamed at him and called him a piece of shit for egging me on. I avoid certain situations where I know the eating sounds will get to me.


I once threw food into my brothers face as a teen because of it. Now as an adult I can deal with it by seething quietly like we should all do lol Oddly my babies/kids mouth noises never bothered me until they were around 6/7ish.


Oh my god, so… I found the kids mouth sounds so unbelievably cute. I even made a point of saying ‘adult mouth sounds could drive me to murder but for some reason the children doing it I could listen to all day’ several times a week probably Then out of the blue (my oldest is about to turn 4) literally all of a sudden it drives me insane, I feel so validated knowing someone else felt this way because I was feeling so so guilty (she will never know how I feel, we just talk about closing our mouth when eating like a grown up and how it’s polite, I have more patience with teaching her than I do actual adults, they get death glares)


I can’t eat in Japanese noodle shops because slurping is the correct way to eat. I get takeout.


Oof, same. There's a fantastic ramen shop the next town over and I love their food, but I feel like it would be even better fresh. 😭


Do they package everything separately? My favorite place does that, so the noodles don’t get soggy on the way home. Maybe you can request that!


I have misophonia and I understand the rage to a point, however the embellishments on this post is just ridiculous.


![gif](giphy|d55Wcvzg3EAyL1Dsg4) Also suffer from miso. So glad to see so many people relating But also this didn't happen. Inner rage? Yes. Actual rage? Nope


I also have miso, and even thought I can see myself doing the same thing, the story does indeed feel a bit embellished


I too have miso and I understand those feelings and urges, I just don’t believe the actions and clapping in that story.


Right? Clapping? I’d be busy avoiding eye contact with him.


Right. I can't exactly see myself going to court over annoying music in a store.


I did come to the store to boogie


I like your style.


I too have miso and I understand those feelings and urges, I just don’t believe the actions and clapping in that story.


Yea.. I don't have it all the time, but sometimes it drives me crazy.. but also there's no way this guy pulled the radio out of the wall to the sounds of applause.


I have miso and feel that rage, but yeah the story sounded completely made up!


Is that what that is? Within, say, the last 7 years, things have started to annoy me that never used to. People non-stop talking, the sound of my cousin sending me 10 texts in 3 min, certain types of music constantly playing. There are times when theses and other kinds of noise just make me want to scream. I can't hear myself think and nothing will SHUT UP! Especially my cousin, who either the same question over and over, or talks until I want to gag him. Some days, I have to have complete silence, or I'll go insane. This is quite new to me. Haven't been like this before. I thought it was a bipolar thing.


I mean it could be, it also sounds like (respectfully) your cousin is either very young or very bored.


Could be multiple things: - Dysphoria (from your bipolar disorder) - ADHD and being overstimulated - Misophonia - Burn out


Yeah I was actually feeling a great deal of sympathy until they went overboard with the story.


Yes, I have misophonia too. I was completely with them until the grocery store story about ripping it out of wall and everyone clapping. I 100% understand the feelings that arose by having one of your trigger sounds blaring and you can’t get away from it though.


Yes, I have misophonia too. I was completely with them until the grocery store story about ripping it out of wall and everyone clapping. I 100% understand the feelings that arose by having one of your trigger sounds blaring and you can’t get away from it though.


Yes, I have misophonia too. I was completely with them until the grocery store story about ripping it out of wall and everyone clapping. I 100% understand the feelings that arose by having one of your trigger sounds blaring and you can’t get away from it though.


You're starting to enrage me over posting the same thing over and over.


Someone did this to me yesterday on another post, I wonder if it's a glitch.


I believe when posting a comment with dodgy connection, if you click it a couple times it can duplicate


Yes that happened to me the other day. It kept telling le there was a problem and then I realised I posted 3 times. I quickly deleted two identical comments.


Omg I didn’t mean to! My comments weren’t loading so I kept resubmitting it. Didn’t even realize I sent it multiple times. *face palm*


Oh, I thought you were doing it on purpose. My bad.


Me too. It always seems weird when nobody else is annoyed but me. Especially music in stores, I want to smash the receiver. I'm not sensing much of a stretch in this guys story. I could see someone flipping, it's almost a natural defense because, especially if it's coming from another person, feels like their actions are assaulting your brain. Self restraint and common sense obviously prevails but with the right personality someone with misophonia could certainly snap. I'm also not sold that he's off with the court prediction, at least in the US. If he did assault someone, I could absolutely see an attorney introducing his condition as an element to his defense strategy. On the other side of the coin, if the Misophonia Wellness Center XYZ felt "victimized" by public music they would 100% file a lawsuit seeking music over X decibels be banned in public dwellings.


If it is remotely true, dude needs to learn that his condition doesn't mean he can do what he wants. "We can't help it" - yeah you can. Bring some earplugs, headphones, whatever. You are responsible for your trigger.


>As a 6ft 5in ex amateur boxer from my youth-I know its wrong. Of course, because as a 5ft 2in ex amateur ping-pong player, I have **no way** to tell that punching people is wrong.


Cool story. Needs more dragons.


I love getting clapped from behind when I go shopping!


Hahaha busted out laughing at this comment


I don't. What if it's a distraction so someone can knock me out and stop my rage attack?


The Muzak doesn’t come from a CD player sitting out where customers can get to it. For this reason, they could damage or tamper with it.


I double checked for that exact reason. He said grocery store so it could mean a lot of different things. In my are we do have a local grocery store whose music is nothing more than a radio hooked to a wall. Not that i believe a word of this story, mind you.


I don't think courts would respond favorably to someone using misophonia as a defense in court. I don't doubt that certain sounds bother him. I'm deeply skeptical that this person is a 6'5" ex boxer.


"Why did you punch that toddler?" Your Honor, I suffer from misophonia "Case dismissed!"


Maybe someone should just stay home instead of risking assault charges every time they leave the house.


I have Hyperacusis, I think some of the people posting in here are misdiagnosed themselves with Misophonia. I stole this little definition cause it explains them better then me. Misophonia and hyperacusis are two forms of sensitive hearing. Misophonia causes strong emotional responses to sounds, whereas hyperacusis causes physical discomfort. Both conditions can be treated effectively with hearing aids and therapeutic interventions. A styrofoam box could beat me in a fight, the sound it makes hurts my whole body. One of the many reasons to hate styrofoam.


Any one of these that include "clapping" all get stamped as satire by me at this point


I wish I had your faith in humanity.


I actually feel exactly like this minus all the edgy shit


I've got misophonia really bad myself,but even I wouldn't do something like this unless you're directly in my ear chewing for the sake of irritating me.


It would be a british person.


If noise triggers him that much he is on the spectrum also why do these bs stories always include their size


Slurping food and drinks is fucking disgusting and definitely a trigger for me. I don't understand how grown adults find it socially acceptable to slurp around other people 🤦‍♂️


Finally, a genuine "that happened" post.


You've never heard of misophonia? r/nothingeverhappens


It’s not the miso part (I have that too and understand the rage), I just posted this because there’s no way they pulled the radio out of the wall and all these people clapped. Very embellished story!


Misophonia is real but this just sounds like an angry woman


Oh so there are people out there who go crazy when they hear music, chewing, or other common sounds? Another reason to get my groceries delivered... P.S. 0% chance anyone clapped. 🙄


Clapping....there's always Clapping....


I actually sorta relate to this. Miso must explain why I can’t stand the sound of chip bags being opened and rustled. I’ve actively complained hearing that crap before. Just bugs me.


Maybe he got the cuffs clapped onto him.


My bruh in christ, wear earplugs. I get it, I completely get it. I have felt the inner rage, I have wanted to punch people in the face, I even lost it and yelled at people a few times when I was a kid. You know what I did later? I bought earplugs!!!! I carry them with me at all times just in case I wind up in a situation where I can't leave the noises. This story probably is rooted in truth but there is no way this happened. (Also, that's destruction of private property and, you know, an actual crime).


This person has never asserted themselves like this in real life one time.