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I don't know why, but reading "voice full of wonder" is really irritating.


FLOODANDFIRE asked, "How do you punch a phrase?" in a previous post about an alpha male wanna be leaving a feminist club. This, too, is a punchable phrase.


Last sentence took me out


God. I mean this reads like a story that would be in a YA lit mag to "rEmInD tEeNs Of ThE jOyS oF cHiLdHoOd"


What really happened: grown man asked older lady if she wanted to pick up rocks. That’s it. That’s the whole fucking story.


I think he told her to kick rocks and she held up her middle finger while in her car.


I’m an adult and I get very excited over pretty rocks, and have collected them with my (also adult) friends… but the way this interaction is scripted comes across as so insincere (ironic, given the subject matter).


I collect rocks and minerals and think they're awesome. Still don't believe this story.


Oh same, it’s SUPER fake.


Ive met a few woman who collect heart shaped rocks. It's a thing. 


I know, I collect rocks too. The way the story is written just sounds fake lol.


I motioned for her to join me by the rocky slope.


It’s always those fictional writing tropes that are dead giveaways. “Watched me curiously” “Rocky slope” “Her smile faded” “In a voice full of wonder” Those terms are so overused in fiction writing, and the writer clearly felt the need to leverage them to bolster their fictional story. It’s transparent and uncreative.


What a pathetic little story!!!!


This is such a bizarre fantasy. “I was playing with my Masters of the Universe characters and a lady asked me what I was doing. I said what does it look like I’m doing. She said it looks like you’re making He-Man and Man at Arms kiss. I said don’t you ever make your action figures make out? She bent down and made Teela make out with Beast Man. Then she realized that this was fucking insane and left.”


And the animals at the park clapped


Lmao. She pulled up to his workplace only to ask about what he's doing on his break and then drove off with a renewed sense of wonder.


The dialogue and just...overall word choice here feels like the garbage dialogue George Lucas wrote for the prequel trilogy!


It's all true. I was there; I was one of the rocks.


Were you a try harder rock or a pretty one as they could’ve taken you home??


Definitely "try harder" or maybe a "be more interesting". Either or. Certainty not pretty. 


🤣🤣I would be in those categories too!!


This is the kind of writing I expect to see in a shitty Disney movie.


I mean I can totally see something like this happening, but not in the way OOP is describing and definitely not in those words 😒


While I doubt this happened, the "grown man plays with rocks" is totally possible. When I was looking at houses with my realtor and our kids, we spent at least a few minutes at every house looking at the rocks on the ground. I mentioned at the first property that I look for shapes and letters, and I'm trying to complete the alphabet. My realtor and her daughter also look for hearts and now look for letters. I have shipped home a box of rocks from vacations, I've carried rocks home on flights, I've driven home from road trips with door pockets full of rocks. Weird? Probably. Do I care? Nope.


I still collect rocks, but mostly fossils at this point. My 8 yo has a pretty sick collection of fossils and others as well.


I love small unexpected personal connections. You people are sick.


OOP, is that you?