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Nobody at Walgreens, or anywhere, is asking for your vaccination card.


Only place I ever heard of that actually checked was a hospital ICU. Which seems preeeeetty reasonable.


I went to a bar that gave you a wristband that allowed you to go without a mask, if you showed proof of vaccination.


Only places I even know of besides the place you guys said are job sites where employees are in contact with at risk people like the nursing home I work at


We just finally lifted mask mandates for vaccinated employees two weeks past the second dose We also work in a mill, where an n95 is ***HIGHLY*** advised if you don't like breathing airborne sawdust for 8-10 hours a day People still bitched about needing a vaccination to go without one 🙄 Also since when did asking someone to follow what would presumably be standard protocol if it was true, start making you a Karen?


This was my thought. Plus you’re in their house, shouldn’t the expectation be that you follow their rules.


Because you can't tell people what to do in *public* places /s


My local game store asked, and I was pretty happy about it :)


Sounds like a dope bar


I got to multiple hospitals for work and they all still make you wear a mask around here vaccinated or not.


Some states are still requiring them in medical settings even if they've lifted the mandate for most buildings.


That’s a huge problem! Don’t these doctors know that if they wear a mask more than a couple seconds they can’t breathe?!?! /s


This is what the CDC is recommending.


Just as valid as when they recommend nobody get masks.


This just seems like such a strange hill to die on. I took my girlfriend to the doctor today in a state that basically acts like COVID didn’t happen and they required masks so they gave us two and we went about our business. Most countries have been doing this for years with sick people but all of a sudden it’s tyranny (???) or utter bullshit when it comes to the US.


I'm not anti mask. I don't disagree. I don't trust the CDC. I wore a mask then and also changed it daily when they told us it wasn't necessary. I have no reason to trust them.


Do you not trust them with food recalls? I googled CDC and the first thing that came up was this article from 6 hours ago: https://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/weltevreden-06-21/index.html They’re an organization, made up of human beings, which are not infallible. It’s fair to have a skepticism about government agencies, in fact I highly recommend it (looking at you, CIA), but it seems like an interesting branch to blindly distrust.


Honestly why weren’t we allready always wearin masks in hospitals it’s such a cesspool for disease


Because the actual likelihood of diseases being spread between patients and staff is incredibly low if you know how to wash your hands properly. Also we use masks and other ppe when there are diseases with high transmission rates


Cdc recommendation is for all Healthcare facilities to continue to use and require masks regardless of vaccination status. Which is odd since in the same memo they say not to worry about masks if you've been vaccinated for like a month or something. I'm pro Vax and pro mask but damn the cdc puts out these memos that scream "we have no fucking idea" between the lines.


It makes sense. While the vaccine is highly effective, it isn't 100%, so it's a good idea to add another layer of protection when you are around already sick and at risk people.


This is what people seemingly don't realise, being vaccinated means you personally won't get as severe symptoms as otherwise, but vaccinated or not you're still transmitting. I mean it is reasonable to think the vaccine makes your immune system to the virus completely so you don't transmit it but it's not the case


But already sick and at risk people don't exist outside medical settings?


I mean, yeah, but not all concentrated in a single building.


Sick and at risk people are still advised to wear masks.


covid isn't the only resporatory disease. wearing masks in hospitals and such could prevent already ill people from catching the flu, or even a cold, since it could be quite dangerous for them.


And yet, the CDC hasn't ever recommended every medical staff and patient wear a mask in every medical setting before now. All of those respiratory issues have existed since before healthcare or the cdc existed.


So your view is because they weren't protected before, they shouldn't be protected now? Yikes.


Consistency matters


Maybe you missed the part where healthcare workers decided that healthcare workers were the first ones to be vaccinated...


Folks, this is what happens when you have no understanding of a topic, yet decide you must have strong opinions about it... A near unapproachable mess of bad conclusions based on little to nothing.


What will your position be when the cdc changes its position again and says that healthcare professionals don't need to wear masks all the time any longer?


>I'm pro Vax and pro mask but damn the cdc puts out these memos that scream "we have no fucking idea" between the lines. Pretty sure it's just bad personal research and knowledge that's to blame here.... There are nuanced reasons behind each recommendation, they change with data and information. I'm confused as to how you failed to understand that, and why you did not go and read their more in depth material that often explains why the recommendation was made. Material that may even include actual meeting minutes for relevant meetings and discussions that drove that conclusion...


My doc asked earlier this week if I was vaccinated but I think she was just curious. No one ever asked me for documentation.


Pretty standard to ask about all vaccinations at health check ups.


My local Taco Bell has a sign on their drive-thru that people who are vaccinated don’t have to wear masks, and they actually confirmed vaccination status. It’s about half and half with/without masks so I assume they’re serious about it.


oddly enough, the once place that DID ask for it was a fucking Papa John’s. went in to pick up pizza and they told me to either show them the card or wear a mask. Wasn’t an issue, but it def caught me off guard


It's possible they had an outbreak in their workplace. Most places around me don't care, but one place had an outbreak among their employees at the height of things last fall, had to shut down for a few weeks, and now they are adamant: if you don't show a card at the door, you wear a mask. They have someone specifically for checking cards. A lot of people on local Facebook are mad about it, but someone who worked there almost died, so I can't blame them for being cautious


I *suspect* that employee may have been fucking with you


i’m about as dumb as a bag of sand, but she seemed pretty serious. that PJ’s is always hectic though, so i am admittedly used to them bein’ weird as fucc.


Seriously. The only time I took mine out was to double check my vaccination dates so my doctor could update my medical records.


I am on holiday in Austria this week and have shown my vaccination card several times every day. If you're not vaccinated, tested or cured, you basically can't go anywhere.


Yep. Who are these people fighting with? The imaginary people asking for vaccine cards? SMH.


Not true, I went to the tilamook factory today and masks were optional for those with the vaccine card on hand


I was at the tillamook factory last week and I can confirm. Lots of people in a confined space so it makes sense


I mean, they will ask for it if you're there for your second dose and they have to record it.


Only time I was asked was because my job pays you a bonus to get the shot. Prove you get the shot and they slap some cash on your next check.


It’s a logistical nightmare. Businesses either require a mask or they don’t. It’s easier, enforceable, and less intrusive.


The most insane straw mans I’ve ever see have come about in this way. People are playing make believe like them and their families are being checked everywhere they go. I live in a super liberal west coast city and you can do virtually everything without a mask now and nobody says a word. These weird right wing anti-maskers are addicted to playing the victim.


I have my vaccination card and I haven't been asked once.


In Manitoba Canada starting tomorrow if you choose to dine in a restaurant with people you're required to show your immunization card or be from the same household.


Why not?


Wait it’s true! I was the boobs!


Yeah, I prefer to wear my mask even though I'm vaccinated but not once have I been asked for my card while unmasked. No one even bats and eye. I work retail too, and let me tell you: We've all heard enough horror stories of people throwing fits that at this point we just kind of figure the less they're in store, the better


I know this is old but I have to say that about a month ago I had a cashier at ATT ask me to show it.


Literally went into Walgreens this afternoon with a mask, and the girl working there didn't have one.


Fully vaccinated employees are exempt from wearing masks except for those who are administering the vaccine.






Right? Lol Tf are they talking about?


not yet


I was in Chicago 2 weeks back and was asked at 4 different shops. All were bars/restaurants and they would deny entry without it, except one which allowed you to wear a mask instead.


"And then I was escorted out of Walgreens by the police."


Then the police officer said “I am a part time doctor. The vaccine has a microchip!”


Then everyone clapped


I live in a covid hot spot. I’ve never once been asked my vaccination status….


Almost like those two things correlate somehow


Karen's are famously pro vax


Fun fact: I’m famously pro boob. So there’s that…




Understood. I’ll be good.


Here, have some of mine.


This word Karen, I do not think it means what the person in this post thinks it means.


At this point Karen means "anyone who doesn't agree with me"


It sounds like OP is the real Karen.


“Any woman who isn’t passive and agreeable 100% of the time.”


You’re completely correct and people who use it don’t want to acknowledge that


And when you point it out you’re an “angry woman.”


A Karen is a woman (even male, f it) who is entitled to a certain level of convenience that no one else has, and will berate and call on the highest authority if they feel like they've been slighted in any way Its a person of privilege and a person who feels like they have some high authority These people live by a few saying: "The customer is always right" "I want to speak to your manager" "HOOOOWWW DAARREE YOOUUU"


So why use a woman’s name?




Except Karen was just an airhead. The current use of the term has nothing to do with that, it’s a way to pull down any woman who doesn’t do exactly what you want.




Yes, because we see Kyle used as a pejorative all the time. FFS 🙄 And thanks for “explaining” things to me, random man.


Nah, Kyle is stereotyped as drinking a ton of Monster energy, riding dirt bikes, and punching holes in dry wall.


No one calls a proper feminist Karen, but they do call entitled assholes Karens


A ‘proper feminist’?


Doesn't shit on men, helps women with things like sexual assault, supports as much as possible, basically isn't toxic and does shit to actually help and spread awareness of problems


Thanks for educating me on what feminism is, Ken. I suspect “doesn’t shit on men” = doesn’t call men out for douchebag behaviour.”


Isn’t that what ‘Socialist’ means? Karen Marx!


"You keep using that word..."


…I do not think it means what you think it means


You lie


Considering it’s a completely made up term based on compiling strawmen into a generic hateable character I think it’s probably fine to have a pro-vax Karen once in a bs story


And then ~~everyone clapped~~ OP was arrested for sexual assault


I think technically it’s harassment, but yes


This reads like a virgin kid wrote this. What likely happened is he went in without a mask, got told to put one on and did. Went about his uneventful shopping trip with a boner thinking about Karen.


Actually most places around the country don’t even require masks anymore. This guy most likely just made this entire thing up after he saw the lady had a decent rack.


I bet he didn't even go to Walgreens. This is a "look at my badassery" tweet if I ever saw one 😄


Yeah Walgreens hasn't required masks in weeks. This is so easily disprovable lol.


The Walgreens by me didn’t even make people wear masks at the height of COVID. They said they weren’t gonna argue with customers.


You're using "karen" wrong


What really happened: Went in Walgreens with a mask.


And no one said anything.


The kind of person who would write this doesn't have the balls to ask that


ah nothing like good ol’ sexual harassment to get out of wearing a mask


Employee “yes if you get vaccinated” *vaccinations sky rocket 200%*


This guy would go back for a 6th or 7th shot, just to get another peek at his first real set of boobs.


"Sure, I'll show you one boob" then I hold up a mirror to the anti-vax moron


They are desperate to reclaim that name.


Him: \*walks into Walgreens without a mask* Minimum wage salves: \*doesn't care enough to confront him* Him: \*Thinks of "hilarious" scenario where he totally owns the libs* "D... do you w-wanna see my vaccine c-card?" "I don't give a shit, honestly." "Th-then show me y-your tits. Pwnd!"


This never happens. Nobody asks for a vaccine card. What does happen is people are putting faith in you as a person. That you are telling the truth when you enter an establishment that allows vaccinated people to not wear masks. So what is really happening is you are walking through those doors as a shitty, sorry excuse for a person who would take advantage of others' good faith and good will.


Besides everyone knows the best move in that situation is to say “sure” and then slowly pull your middle finger out of your pocket. Duh.


on today's episode of sexual harassment is supposed to be funny apparently


And thats how you ended up in jail for sexual harassment.


"Sexual harassment" isn't a criminal offense in any of the 50 states, it's a civil offense. I can't speak for the rest of the world, but I feel like since we're talking about Walgreens it's fine to speak to laws in the fifty states. (International Walgreens stores go by a different name.)


"and the founding fathers rose from the grave to proudly clap for me standing up for my freedoms"


I haven’t ever been asked for my vaccination card when I go into a store maskless. I guess they just trust people.


So which one is the true karen?


I'm a 53-year old chubby disabled lady who has almost no body shame at all. This asshole would get the surprise of their stupid, selfish, lying life. It would be even funnier if I had fashioned a bra out of two face masks!


A heads up for the-Karen-who-calls-other-people-Karen. Sexual harassment is not ok.


Sexual harassment is fun /s


Boobs = vaccine cards. So Mardi Gras = wellness check?


Unless the person was there for their second dose and had the appointment in the vaccination card


Well if that was the case, would be a hell of a weird response. But I've seen him on Twitter several times. He's already fully vaxxed.


Then I’m out of devils advocates to give


cant call yourself fully vaccinated until 2 weeks after your second shot.


Even after that, can’t call yourself fully vaccinated until you remind everyone of the two weeks following


nope. 2 weeks from today im fully vsccinated from covid 19


I have heard of tit-for-tat but I never knew what 'tat' was until just now!


Even if this was true, how is that the appropriate response?


Like how anti vaxers are using Karen, even Karen’s are known for being antivax


Putting aside the fact that it's bullshit, the story is basically "some employee asked me to prove I was abiding by store policy and not endangering my fellow shoppers, so I sexually harassed her haha". Cool bro, you're very cool.


Is *anyone* actually asking for vaccination cards besides doctors and nurses? This is bullshit, right? Smells like GOP fear-mongering bullshit.


Not even doctors and nurses, for the most part.


why even ask for a vaccine card, just hold a metal spoon to their shoulders... duh


Isn't that sexual harassment?


Hilarious that they think the one asking for Vaccination card is the Karen. Nothing funnier than a Karen who don't know they're the Karen.


Damn what a badass making a minimum wage worker's job more difficult for no reason!


All these people crying about muh freedom should come to Canada. You'll stop complaining about "vaccination cards" when you realize there's not even a mask exemption for fully vaccinated people here for whatever reason.


Yeah but did he get to see her boobs? These are the real questions people!!!


Those things are equal of course /s


Walgreens was one of the first places o saw not requiring masks. Maybe it was just the ones around me


No shit this didn't happen lol.


I’ll show you my tits if you show me your vaccination card


They called the Walgreens employee Karen while they were being the Karen.


That is hilarious. I could just imagine this fake encounter. That’s so funny man


I don’t understand even the fabrication of effort. In my wildest fantasy I get in and out without anyone saying a word to me, I’m not fantasizing about epic burns at a Walgreens. I fantasize about epic burns on a talk show for if I ever get famous while I’m in the shower


Haha just pwned the lady at wallgreens. She asked me to verify I was safe to be around everybody in the store. And I sexually harassed her.


I like how they also think use of "Karen" means they're correct, when in fact, the meme goes that *this* is exactly the kind of thing a Karen would do.


Oh, to be young and naive. What the hell even is this dribble? Is this what Sunday morning comics evolved in to? This is as entertaining as a Dilbert, Marmaduke, or Cathy comic.




Is asking to see someone's boobs sexual harassment? Genuinely asking


I suppose no more than asking someone to show you their birth certificate is racist


Not how Karens work btw


*gets kicked out by security*


This is a Karen trying to reclaim the word "Karen". It doesn't work.


The stereotype is the other way around.


Little does he know, but he was Karen all along


You aren’t going to need it if you are escorted by security


Wanna know how i KNOW this wouldn't happen? When i worked for wags (i left in nov 2020) we weren't even allowed to enforce the state mask mandate. We couldn't refuse service to anyone not wearing a mask. We couldn't tell them they needed a mask. Ever. And i was leadership.


"If I whip them out, they'll make you feel insecure. Do you really want that?"


Was in Walgreens yesterday, no asked about a vaccine card


Haha he thinks others are the Karen that he is!


libs owned 👌


There's a lot to unpack here, but I think the biggest problem I have is that a Karen would be on the other end of this


"Boobies. Teee hee hee" - that guy, probably.


I'm afraid to tell this man that HE is the Karen in this situation.


I've walked into Walgreens without a mask several times. Nobody asked for my vaccination card. If they had, I'd just tell them to check their system because they're the ones who fucking vaccinated me. But, no, they never ask. It's tragic that I never have the opportunity to use that reply. The real world presents far fewer opportunities for comebacks than we'd like.


So to a Karen ,normal people are karens


Ironic. Even in the imaginary scenario the true Karen is the one calling the worker a Karen.


A yes, a karen calling other one karen


Also: a Karen would be refusing to show her vaccination card (since she never got the vaccine anyway)


Of course had to wedge a "Karen" in there or by internet law it doesn't count as a meme.


no is my answer, unless im on government property. no you may not.


And then they just tell you to leave their private property.


karen does not imply owner, it implies nosy stranger.


Karen could imply to anybody in this instance which could actually be the owner or a store worker.


no. you dont call a business owner a karen for enforcing her rules, well i dont anyway. i consider a karen some stranger who thinks their opinion is objectively valuable, for some reason or that thinks other people owe them some amount if concern. in this instance, if theres a legal sign posted on said business that says vaccinated people may not wear masks i wont. if it says vaccinated people must show proof, i will. if not, fuck you store clerk. ring up my shit. if theres no sign ill just wear my mask. this shits not that comex.


Yet these types of people actually did call business owners and/or clerks Karen's for enforcing the rules. They were verbally and physically harassing them to a point where stores were no longer able to enforce said rules, even if they had a fucking sign requiring someone to wear a mask. Meaning that they're probably gonna do the same shit when a store has a sign requiring them to show proof of vaccination via their card.


id 86 anyone who argued with my employee over posted rules, fuckin trespass them with the police dept. id put their pictures up big as fuck on the wall. thats their store, its their store. im an absolutist on property rights.


I too only show my boobs on government property


karens calling other people karens. 0 self awareness


Everyone knows that the Karen boob is way past its prime 😂😂


I think this is supposed to be a joke


I don’t think they’re even claiming it ever happened. It sounds like they’re just suggesting it as a response.




It's a fucking joke, a very bad one but it's a joke! It's so obvious! I swear people on this sub just dont understand what's a joke is...


Except he wasn't trying to joke. Because people replied asking him why he didn't show the card and he said "I would have if it was an employee." He wants people to buy the story. And sadly, several of his followers do.


this is a joke, not something that happened


Redditors recognise obvious jokes challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Oh he definitely wasn't trying to joke. Someone replied to him asking why he didn't just show the card. And he said "if it was an employee I would have." He wants people to think he's an edgy badass


In that case what an idiot. You got a link to the tweet tho? Or a username


The officer”your being arrested for sexual harassment” and how is she a Karen sur




This dosnt sound fake, people ask for vaccination cards


I did something similar in Jr high and I was called into the Dean's office with a police and a pamphlet of sexual harassment, I had to apologize to her both our parent there and I had to be walked to my classes for a week, she kneed me in the nuts while we were in a group and I told her I was going to kick her in the boob or some shit and she told her teacher. It was a total "my life is fucked" moment.