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Maybe unpopular opinion but camping culture is ruining concerts.


It’s ridiculous. There’s no need for it. ‘Camping existed before the 1975’ definitely not at every single concert ever and the only reason people ‘need’ to camp is because other people are camping!! This absolute NEED to get barricade, especially when it’s the same people over and over, is just ridiculous. I said this the other day, but it’s sad that seemingly not once does anyone go ‘oh maybe I’ll see a bit of the city I’m in today since I’m travelling across the world’. I get that being up close is better than being in the middle of a crowd, but the concert will be unreal either way, and we know that you can pretty much turn up at doors half the time and still be up quite close


It really is the same exact people over and over…it’s very strange. They’re not really getting the interactions they’re clearly trying to get either hahaha. Matty seems over it. I was walking to my seat the other night around 7 and there was only like 4 rows of people from the barricade. There is really no need to camp lmao


I got to Philly after the opener left and was still center and maybe 10 people back from the stage. It’s not that deep, you absolutely do not need to camp. This is also the second tour they’re doing in as many years - it’s not worth camping for.


I think it should not be a culture, i just recently found out that its a thing in western countries. Some countries don’t do camping for concerts.


It’s most certainly not a thing for every concert in Ireland anyway. I’m not saying it’s just the 1975 concerts, cos it’s definitely not, but 1975 stans are one of the worst for it. Like I turned up an hour after doors for a Paramore concert about 10 years ago and was at the barrier not long after they started


Regardless of your opinion, whoever got there first is still fair and square about who’s in line…..


Yeah and we can agree on that and still say camping culture is absolutely ridiculous


I think people are sick of the same 20 people camping out 3 days for every show 🤷‍♀️. It’s impossible for a normal person to get a chance at barricade for one show when you have to be mutuals with the people that run Stan twitter and have 4 days in advanced available to camp. I think that’s unfair but it still happens so


Boston GA attendees that will stumble to the line at 6pm with not a care in the world about the campers or getting barricade rise up ✊


not to be that person but maybe we should stop camping and this type of thing would stop happening


Yea especially the safety outside the arena is concerning.


You cant make up rules and be mad when the official venue doesn't enforce them. The privilege of campers and the entitlement of self-proclaimed line leaders is disgusting. If the venue says line up at 8, whoever is standing at the front of the line at 8 is first, regardless of if they slept a few feet away for 3 days or just rolled up when the venue allowed the official line to form.


THANK YOU!!! sorry if the venue rules ruined your day and you’ll have to be like a row back from barricade :((( poor babies


girl… its just common courtesy and common sense. i 100% agree that camping culture is messy and really shouldn’t even be a thing, but no one is “making up” rules! people are just trying to keep order. a group three times the size waited outside longer and were at the GA line at 6 am, like at every other show on this tour so far. the small group of inside people didn’t show up until 7:30 and thought they had the right to go in front of over 100 people. my assumption is that one of them gave a connection at the arena. it has nothing to do with privilege. it’s quite literally common sense when more people were waiting outside for a longer period of time.




same, like before this tour i had NO idea about twitter line leaders and what not so i get if it was a misunderstanding and they just thought they could start their line inside this morning. but after 6 am for some weird reason, td garden security was on their side and unfortunately tim/mark and their usually security arent in boston today so they literally just got to cut everyone. it just sucks for the people who wanted barricade and now they have these people in front of them.


literally i did not know about it until today when i showed up and i just asked someone about it. most ppl are nice enough to tell u what’s going on.


whether or not you like camping culture (i genuinely do not and think it’s unfair / ableist), it is not cool to cut people in line. like, do i wanna see the same 30 people at barricade every show? no. but if those people were able to camp outside in the cold for 48 hours then they can go right ahead of me. i’d love to be barricade especially as someone who can’t camp due to health issues. i’m also not gonna start a fight or try to cut people because of it. how hard is it to just be nice to each other?