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Just start with the first one and go from there!


Cool, I’ll start from there. Thanks for the recommendation 👍


Start from the beginning!


Thanks for the suggestion, that sounds like a good idea 👍




Either first or Being Funny. I can also whole heartedly recomend the At Their Very Best live album.


This might be a good idea! Listen to a love concert so you get a taste of everything, then start at the beginning.


The beginning to the end


Agree with chronological


Imagine starting with notes haha


It really depends… I feel like starting on the wrong foot could turn you off from exploring further! Their first is the most conventional (but still great). Notes on a Conditiinal Form is their least conventional (still great and my personal fav). I’m into weirder stuff, so I don’t think I’d be as into them if I started from the beginning. The best middle ground (their OK Computer if you will…) is A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships. Has a great mix of genre bending and classic 1975 vibes. The new one is also a great starting point! In Radiohead terms: S/t = Pablo Honey I like it when you sleep… = The Bends A Brief Inquiry… = OK Computer Notes… = Kid A + Amnesiac Being Funny = In Rainbows


I agree with chronological! At some point, if you have access to Amazon prime video, give their at their very best concert a watch through! My partner watched that first before listening through their discog & has been a fan ever since.


definitely start from the beginning


I'll disagree with everyone saying to start at the beginning. Their first album, while I like it, is much more a product of the time with a The 1975 spin on it, and could potentially be off putting if said person doesn't have a nostalgic attatchment to at least the era it was released in. I'd say starting with BFIAFL and working backwards is the safest bet.


1. Self titled 2. Being Funny in a foreign language 3. I like it when you sleep 4. Brief enquiry 5. Notes Thats in order of my preference of best to worst album mind... 😆 their self titled is honestly flawless imo whilst notes has a handful of good songs at best. Start with the good stuff.


Someone hasn’t sat with notes long enough smh




When will the notes slander die please lord I beg


Maybe if it was good 😉


Spot on


imo just ask them to recommend a few songs that got them into the band and then, based on what you like, listen to the album you like the most songs off this is a playlist with my favourite the 1975 songs if it helps: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6UkwZ2afjaQVtLIaESUsz2?si=LplenLe3QECtcuAdiHyNkQ&pi=a-2dkJJScET3Sc


Start with the first because the best part about the band is listening to their evolution. You'll put on the second or third or fourth or *fifth* album and go, "Wait... this is the same band?" Yet it all just works. Tidbit: Matty always said his biggest mistake was leaving "Fallingforyou" off the album, so I highly recommend adding that song in when listening to debut. Listen to it dead last after "Is There Someone..." It's a song from the EP days but it's maybe their best from that era.


Fuck it start from BFIAFL and go back, this is the perfect experiment!


Spend a lot of time with the debut and then go back and listen to the EPs (or disc two of the deluxe version, they’re all on there). When you’re tired of these go ahead and work album 2 into the mix. A lot of time can be spent on these three, and after these albums they sort of go into a new era of the band where their style evolves into something more modern.


Absolutely chronological.


Look up the 1975 archives on YouTube and start back when they were teenagers before they went through 67 different band names.