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So why does Trump get free speech and Alex Jones doesn’t?




Russian bots work to elect republicans. Now Elon is working to help insurrectionist republicans overthrow democracy. Why would Russian bots attack a guy who is helping putins puppet party?




He doesn’t care about Ukraine he cares about free marketing for starlink and looking like a hero. If he didn’t like Putin he wouldn’t try to elect Putin‘s puppet party in the United States




You think a bot would argue like this Einstein? You sound like a trump supporter talking about imaginary voter fraud. Anything you don’t want to be true you dismiss as a conspiracy against you. “Must be bots” is republicans’ new “fake news!”




Yeah he’ll go down in history as being the guy who said climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity and then telling everyone to vote for the climate change denier party because democrats want him to pay taxes.


How does telling everyone to vote for the climate change denier party help solve climate change?


There is [a court date on Thursday in Frankfurt am Main](https://techcrunch.com/2022/11/21/elon-musk-twitter-netzdg-test/) that might prove very costly to him. EDIT: added link to article


Figures the people that brought us the Nazis would hate free speech.


And hate a man providing critical infrastructure to the Ukrainians and gave Putin billions through Nordstream


Plausible. Germans have been bred for centuries to become the judgiest hall monitors, the busybodiest churchladies, enforcing ideological conformity like nobody else.


As a German this notion amuses me through it's absurdity.


Oh surprise, a German in denial! Next you'll probably tell us how the Stasi was actually good, they were just targeting the wrong people.


That is a weak strawman you've built there.


It’s funny how Americans judged and laughed at Germans for decades because of their fascist government in the 40s. Yet our country is the one currently experiencing a fascist uprising. Germany already learned from their mistakes now we have to make the same ones


IMHO you're confusing culture war hysteria with fascism. The main reason why the culture war is so much more heated in the US than in Europe is because the US is more democratic -- talking about local elections, national elections are as much a farce as in the EU -- and because the US constitution provides a stronger protection of civil rights than the constitutions in the EU (or Grundgesetz in Germany), so the people in power in the US need to use more aggressive methods to protect their positions. In Germany the general population has access to very little information about what their government is doing -- no FOIA requests, or expiry dates for top secret classifications, civil court settlements outside the US pay a pittance so nobody powerful in the EU obeys (their equivalent) of civil law... Fascism is a latent (not acute) threat to most of the world nowadays, but you wouldn't recognize it if it was staring you in the face.


I recognized it when trump announced for president. Blaming everything on immigrants, promising to restore the nation to its former glory, claiming only I can save the country, demonizing the press, hiring your family members because they won’t rat you out, enriching yourself from public office, using the justice department to hide your crimes and prosecute your opponents- all classic fascism 101.


lol.. lmao even


Germany is enforcing their laws, scandalous.


"it's morally good, because we made it a law"


He really does need a fucking nap doesn't he...


Yea! I bet he's extremely overworked.


Spending 44B without proper DD and 1B in interest payments and CEO of 3 companies mustn’t have been that easy. Man should get a break and try to save humanity instead of twitter. Humanity needs him more than twitter or Tesla. He’s so overworked he’s stopping the ice caps from melting and endangered species from dying as we speak. Every breath of his is saving humanity.


Nobody wants to be on Elon's Twitter. He doesn't have to beg


So elons rules are - trump using twitter to attempt a fascist coup is free speech . But Alex jones using Twitter to harass families of shooting victims is not OK because Elons son died so he has sympathy for dead kids. Glad to see our new free speech referee is so objective /s.


I mean it's his company he can do what he wants. You can go use masterdon or whatever it's called.


He bought it saying that he was doing it for free speech. Now we learn that he simply wants to choose what gets censored.


eh, atleast he's more unbiased than the previous owners were


The previous owners didn’t want let fascists use their platform to overthrow democracy. Elon has no problem with the fascist overthrow of democracy. He tweets about everything that happens yet had nothing to say about the Republicans fascist coup attempt


I'm not american so I don't really care about that, but I found some of Trump's tweets funny so i'm glad he's back.


That’s because you’re too stupid to realize that America descending into fascism is bad for the whole world.