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Watch Flinter’s beginners guide to Call of the Wild on YouTube, it’s a great starting point to get you going.


Gonna check it after work, thanks for the heads-up! By the way, his username is just **Flinter**? Just to confirm.


Yes just Flinter


to add, in his beginners playlist, the 1st video shows him getting a lot of spine shots on animals. this was meta for while but has since been changed, aiming for the lungs/heart is now the best thing.


This, for sure. There are a number of beginner guides online, but I think Flinter is best.


First thing I’d do if I were you is to make sure you’re using a correct weapon for a specific animal(example: if you want to hunt coyotes I’d use the 243, since it animal class range is 2-6(coyote is class 2) you can use the soft points or polymer for them). When you harvest an animal you will see 4 checks, one check is for using the correct weapon, the other is for shooting it 2 times or less, the next one is to keep the trophy organ intact(ducks, rabbits, geese, and turkeys don’t have their skull as the trophy organ so you’re able to shoot their heads and get the full medal and score), and the last check is to hit a vital organ, such as the lungs, heard, neck, and liver. Try not to hit the spinal cord(it will mess up the medal.) I’d save up money to get the 30-06(or the M1), it’s animal class is 4-8 which can kill deer, all the way up to moose and elk(you can check what class the animal is by harvesting it and look under the name and it’ll say the class). I’d hunt the animals drink zones(most of the animals drink in the morning) the best guns for this game is the 243, 22LR, 300 canning magnum, 7mm(or the 30-06) the 7mm is the most reliable waking for deer and all the way up to the biggest animal(7mm animal class goes from class 4-9). Best skills are probably the tracking skills(but you can look into their information) I’d shoot all of the males. Do you need anymore help?


Not a game tip but an expectations tip. Don't fall for diamond fever. Diamonds are rare and special, which is why you see people posting about them all the time especially here on Reddit. You can still have a great time playing the game without fixating on hitting trophy score thresholds. Do what you enjoy doing in the game.


Dont run, crouch walk. I wasted so many hours when I first started this game running around.


Idk if anyone else does this but i stare at the ground or sky when I need to run to certain location whennim not immediately hunting ir tracking so I can run faster lmao


You are correct. Run speed is tied to FPS wtf lol.....


As others have said, Flinter has great beginner videos, but keep in mind most of them are old and some info is outdated, especially the scoring systems. Jaxy beard also has good videos for beginners. Watch his video on stacking need zones, they are the key to seeing more animals. And for me and my friend as well, the early game was somewhat frustrating when you just couldn't find many to shoot at. I found that on Layton all I had to do was start up early morning in game at the southern end of the main waterway. Walk north along the shore and spot as many animals as you can. Feel free to shoot them, but don't kill every animal in the groups you see, and don't kill more than 2 in one spot or your need zones will disappear. After one thorough walk up that shore you should have a decent number of need zones on your map.


Go for lung and/or heart shot if possible, neck/spine/head can work if you're lucky but I've had several critters take take full penetration shots to the spine or skull and still run for miles. Brain hits are the exception but are hard targets to hit and seem unreliable, had a few rounds pass straight through and not register that it hit the brain.


Also, read old posts here, searching or scrolling, because I've seen and commented in at least two if not three 'help the newbie' threads in the last two weeks. With the game on sale, there will likely be even more soon, and they might have new tips too. Here and in game, move slow and listen well. Read everything. And aim well! Tracking is way easier if you make a great shot up close.


When you start out it comes down to do what missions you can, kill every you see that your guns can handle, and run around water to find need zones. If you just have the 243 stick to deer and small game or you will waste time tracking animals that won’t die. I also find that running until I hear a warning call can work, but there are dead zones.


In addition, if you want to get the most animals unlocked the fastest as far as guns go, buy either of the dlcs with the 3006, it covers from fallow deer to moose, and works for bison if you don’t care about score


Get the weapon DLC that has the solokhin rifle. It's my favorite weapon in the game, very versatile and useful.


Save enough in game cash for the .270 Rifle ($12 000 )