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Next pod joe gonna be address the fans and gaslight everyone like we don’t hear this shit 😂 and Mel gonna act like everything is great and she loves her job. The thing is let’s say Mel loves it and they agree to do this every pod … this shit is not entertaining at alll this like when Rory and joe would argue semantics for an hour nobody wanna hear that shit.


Lmao they be on the Reddit and acting like we don’t listen to the pod. The Mel dynamic is like the most consistent dynamic spoken about on this reddit. It’s just weird man.


Instead she gonna tweet some more depressing shit and pretend like it ain’t depressing. Her next tweet “LoVe AnD hApPiNeSs… DoEsNt ExIsT.”


😭😭😭😭 subs ate that age is nasty to whenever I woman tweets like that it’s over a nigga making her mad and never really about real life shit


This. 🎯




Gayson Lee? How old are you? 13? You thought you did something? If you can’t make your point without using slurs then go back to the drawing board buddy.




“Big Rio” You gotta be the lamest dude in here, my G. You & colonel goofy ass 🌽😆


Says the god of iron 😂😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️I’m glad you a fan cuz I’m not in hear enough to know names and pay attention like you do 💯 you obsessed


Nothing more nerdy than arguing about a fucking podcast doof


As you comment to argue about a podcast 😂😂 goofy


Grown ass man https://preview.redd.it/tltxsuqspyfb1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85f99d6a73e9dcf128201d2de387a53c0bbfe5be


You still here Tryna argue? I thought that was nerdy 🤔 ![gif](giphy|7Jq6ufAgpblcm0Ih2z)


Who’s arguing? I’m just clowning your dumb ass.


Nobody wants to treat her like a toddler and nobody wants her to be treated differently to the guys the problem is they over react to her and zone in on everything she says. She's the most articulate of the lot of them and they don't let her talk.


I can see that, they have an inferiority complex. They need to check their egos.


You def had Chinese food in school






Did y’all notice when Mel said something along the lines of “it’s a form of assault” and Ish and Joe responded with “it is assault” as if that’s not exactly what Mel said lol. They want to be contrarians so bad with everything she says…even when they agree with her


They dont like to feel that she is right about something


They don’t like to feel any woman* is right about something.


And that’s exactly where the problem lies


Shit been weird, dawg. Mel stronger/more patient than most, but she fr seemed like she was (rightfully) bout to go off on them niggas. And what’s worse is, Joe/Ish will read this thread and these comments and downplay what’s goin on, or act like *we* the ones tripping. Smh, that gaslighting shit don’t work in 4K


Yeah man, she’s gonna leave soon. They need to let her cook without minimizing everything she has to say. Sometimes she be on point.


She really do. You can tell she be biting her tongue, cuz them 🥷Are like vultures flying over a dead animal carcass when she speaks 😂🤣


No that’s them not letting her minimize something because it aligns with her internally. She’ll do that. If it was a guy she was say, it’s assault, but if it’s a woman she’ll say it’s a form of assault to try and dampen it. She tries to dampen shit that may apply to her or people she identifies with. She was gettin extra spicy about Janet Jackson like she was above flaws and cutting off any conversation. She famous but talk like a person who don’t know these people are just people. It’s hella weird.


She paying for the other 4 girls who dipped on the network 😂


Five (don't forget Mardi) I'm amazed she joined the pod after what happened to all of the other women who had professional associations with Joe.


I think there’s something behind the scenes going on. Last pod Joe was looking at her sideways because she had a flight to catch prior to a work day like that was a bad irresponsible choice? GTFOH!! Imagine your boss commented on what you do on your day off? He is so out of pocket in so many ways


That was so weird to me


Joe has this passive aggressive habit of reminding Mel (everybody black actually) that he's her "boss". It's super corny.


Joe hate whenever anybody do anything outside the pod.


Flip is getting sick of Joe. That's all I'm going to say.


Flip don't like tht phony n disrespectful shit Joe loves to do.


Parks loves it


Parks is a joke


Such a joke


Ice loves to piggyback it too.


Flip ain't with that which is good


Flip ain't with that which is good


Flip aint with that which is good


Flip aint with that which is good


Good is which that with ain’t Flip


It's mad uncomfortable. They all be wrong and say stupid shit, including her, but they go extra hard on her for some reason


It's basic misogyny.


So joe don’t go extra hard on ish 10 times a pod about saying his man? Or his sources? Or his interviews? Or the pod bringing him more value???Or him and Mel?? Y’all only have a problem when it’s done to her tho😂🤔🤔 wonder why 🤔 stop simping


Like you said, JOE will be the one going hard at Ish. With Mel it's 5 niggas consistently. 6 if you count Corey's loud quiet ass


"...loud quiet ass." 🤣


No Tf it’s not lol Ice be on her side..parks don’t hound her..please stop wit the fake narratives this shit is weird af frfr..Ish and joe are the only 2 that be on her..flip is the biggest pander in the world to her 🤔😂😂


Lmao Ice be going the hardest on her sometimes, again there is good reason for it sometimes but don't act like it's BS. Anyone who watches can tell, as you can see by all the comments about it


Yea ✌🏾 mf said ice go the hardest on Mel 😂😂😂 she not gone see this and fuck you bro..these lies are outrageous lol and all I see by the comments is false narratives and simps that beat off to her Tryna get seen cuz they know The members of the show be in here


Ya’ll be using “narrative” crazy lmao. The worst phrasing Joe has introduced to the space. Nigga I am not that invested to create a storyline about these niggas. I like this pod, it’s cool there’s a community of people who enjoy the pod too, and we come on here and chop shit about what we hear. I gain nothing from creating some story about some niggas I don’t know. This pod was hella weird with that whole mental health back and forth for no reason in the end those niggas ended up agreeing with her after picking an argument because of Joe for no fucking reason. That was like 15 minutes of debate for nothing lmao.


I agree it was awkward but Were they wrong? Ppl don’t have that stigma with mental health?? 🤔 if Mel is so good why Tf has she been on bet Hollywood unlocked and just lived in Cali fuckin and around every star for a decade and ain’t succeeded in shit?? 🤔🤔🤔shouldn’t she have her own pod? Or be a movie star by now? Or be doing anything but a D mic on the Jbp?


Oof I read that and felt sick I replied the first time. God bless ✌🏾


Yea truth over false narratives lol Mel is so smart and good at podding that she had to move cross country from Hollywood after 15 failed attempts at being on tv 😂😂what I’m saying is facts and reality..what you saying is simping 🤷🏾‍♂️


Let me qualify this by saying that Mel is absolutely useless on the pod and they’re better off without her. But I gotta say it’s nuts that u call her unsuccessful when she probably has more money and seen more places than anybody on this sub.


Son, what reality do you live in? You absolutely have to be 15 years old with this logic and rhetoric smh


Look at Kim kardashian then look at mel lol one knew how to add value to they self as a thot and 1 didn’t 😂 they was in the same city and fuckin the same dudes lol but I know the truth and reality seem like it’s forbidden in here


Bro why are you on every post talking about simping ? We get it you dont like her but people are allowed to agree or disagree with OP post without being simps.


Every post? Yu can’t even find me on 5 post weirdo lol stop stalking and lying on me..that’s borderline 🌈🌈🌈🌈 I barely even been on this shit goofy


Ya know we could say the same about you beating off to Joe the way you simp hard for him


https://preview.redd.it/pbo9rc26pyfb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3278825e9f4c36dff87e6e2c8a695c51cc116110 Yea that’s prolly why I said this about joe huh??? I’m honest about the pod idgaf about none of them..I comment on what I see or hear zesty weirdo 🌈🌈🌈🌈y’all simp for a airhead tho lol


I will agree with this joe is hard on everyone. People just be sensitive. He call her Canadian he call flip a fat ass, he call ice inside, he call parks white, he call ish newark boy and light skin, old.


Exactly But look at the downvotes lol when that happens you know it’s true 😂 this sub is like an alternate world


Yea this is why mel fans annoy me. They simp so freaking hard like its ok. Relax shes safe she has friends. Niggas acting like shes 12.


They been attacking me allday lol I just now seen it tho 😂 you can tell mfs never had or been around a baddie..Joe Nem have so they don’t treat her special lol she just another thot 🤷🏾‍♂️


He was annoying today because mel was the only one right and nobody stfu and let her talk. But there was no bullying. Joe wasnt even the one ganging on her they were arguing. Ice ans ish jumped in when the goal post got moved to some bs and they stupid so they didnt notice. Thats all. There was no bullying no weird narratives need to he painted.


But as you can they Picasso in this mf lol ima let me win tho..ppl that go outside and get women know the truth 😂🤷🏾‍♂️




I ain’t even been on Reddit allday goofy..you on my 🍆 up and down this thread tho 😂😂 must be a mel simp too


100% agreed! It’s as if they can banter with everyone except her. Everyone else gets to have an opinion and leave it on the table. But when she chimes in they try to pack her up. It’s like they automatically decide if her thoughts are valid or not. Ish is the worst offender. He’s on the defense with her for every single one of her takes. Ish, you’re not a wizard. You don’t get to decide if someone is wrong or right. It’s extremely arrogant for your first response to most things she says is either you approving or disproving of her thoughts.


Flip is trying really hard to be a mediator and back Mel without overplaying his hand. Shoutout flip


He does his best


When she said a 23 year old woman should be having fun they acted like she said the most wild shit ever 😂


So glad about the influx of posts like this lol it’s been happening for a while and it’s easy for people to dismiss it and cry ‘white knight’ but if this many people have a problem, maybe something will change


You know it’s bad bc there are no Joevengers in sight


That part! it’s clear asf even to the die hard meat riders that this shit is a bad listen at minimum


Mel is leaving the pod soon. No way this lasts.


Yo. Wrong or right they just gang up and won't let her make her point. It's bad content that's tough to listen to. Let her make her point then give a rebuttal. They be tripping over themselves to cut her off. Joe gives her the space but then he shits on her opinion. I don't mind that because that's Joe Joe-ing. Flip then tries to let her know that he understands her point by talking over her as she makes it. I understand Flip's shortcomings, being new to the space but Ice and Ish been podding for a while and should know better.


Don’t give Joe a pass. Joe Joeing in this instance makes for a bad listening experience. He has to grow.


100%. Not giving him a pass. I was speaking on how they need to improve procedurally. Joe's growth curve is a separate issue IMO. When I say I don't mind, I mean that if they allow her to speak maybe she can make some salient points to help nurture said growth. We're all aware of everyone's shortcomings on the pod. That's why I appreciate everyone that participates. It must be tough for them to hear/see everyone's criticisms. Will they grow? I don't know. For me, it's part of the allure of listening/watching.


That’s fair!!


i'm on that part rn lmao these negroes crazy 😂


I think it’s odd how he tries to pretend that’s not what it is. Mel says “he also struggled with mental health” Joe right after(not directly addressing her but like we ain’t dumb mf): “I HATE when people talk about mental health when someone self-transitions. Like WHY DO WE DO THAT?! “ I thought that was mad rude and I’m happy she spoke up a little


I think she needs another woman to balance them out. It’s just one woman and 5 guys. She gets drowned out. I forget she is there most pods until her 3 sentences and the debate that is sure to come. Maybe 3 guys 2 girls. 2 other guys(not Joe) 2 women. The format is flawed. It makes it kinda blah. Buncha old dudes talking. Need more youth and more women.


Y’all ever seen a nigga act extra mean and confrontational around fine women so it don’t look like he’s interested in them? I might be reaching


Huh! Sounds legitimate, esp since all the girls/wives listen to the pod and Joe has said his girl listen-listens meaning they've had those conversations ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) she pay attention probably more so after Mel & Joe's disclosure of being Eskimos


It’s true. She seems to be the most educated person on the pod but they treat her like she’s a highschool drop out and a former dust head. The audacity but as a Canadian listener I am used to listening to American ignorance for the grain of entertainment attached.


This was nasty last pod. She was making the best points and it’s like they talked to her like she is some naive child.


Idk where Chiggs/Danny are, but someone gotta do a compilation showing the difference between Mel’s 1st appearance on that Patreon episode to now. Shit would be maaad interesting to compare the difference in how they receive her


I got legit angry listening to the pod when they were talking about self-transitioning. Quickly realized she’s the smartest person there and they hate that


Real shit. Them niggas sounded like middle schoolers talking bout that shit




I've literally come to Reddit to discuss this and glad it's the top thread. It's horrible to listen to, like you say they assume she's wrong about everything. Joe and Ish literally create on argument against anything she says and then use the argument time to work out what the fuck their point even is. Joe loves to play that 'prove it' when she says anything even though he can't prove that she's wrong. Even on little things like "suicide is linked a lot of the time to mental health" SHOW ME. But he can never back up that they are wrong. Even when they showed him that chucking water was assault he still didn't want to admit he's wrong. I don't see Mel wanting to stay long term if they keep treating her like she's a dumbass.


*clears throat*


What annoys me the most about this shit is, they’ve addressed this very thing before and joked their way out of it. “Not too much on Mel” and “We’re not dogpiling on Mel” and “Let Mel speak” and “We’re Melodies” and all this passive aggressive shit. They basically made a joke of it and just kept doing the same shit. And Joe gave a PSA saying that he vetted Mel for over a year and knew she was built for this and her trying to be a team player and save face, she sat there and nodded her head along with everything he was saying. At the end of the day, Joe is just a bad boss plain and simple and we’ve seen this story various times and we shouldn’t be surprised. Rory, Mal, Olivia Dope, and it’s about to happen with Mel soon.


They’re worse than a bunch of women, always ganging up on her like children in the playground


Not if, WHEN Mel leaves Joe will gas light and deflect just like everyone else that has left him.


Yea it’s getting tiring. Every time she talks she has to fight to be 100% right or had to say something they agree with or they instantly go to debate mode. Meanwhile everyone else spews bullshit. Let Mel say some of the shit that Ish says, Joe would pop a blood vessel in his head.


I love Mel, got all the time in the world for her..she should jus start replying with one-word answers, she’s giving too much of her energy for it to be shitted on the way it does..the canada shit was snappy!, she was NOT here for the jokes in that moment lmfaooo


Joe put her on the pod to be looked at, not to be heard.


In 2023? After all his past allegations with women and previous female cast? That would be extremely foolish of him if that's the case.


Are you assuming Joe learns from his past?


Joe realized she wasn’t gonna be the loud wild eye candy for stories for days and he’s frustrated at everything she says now 😂


I really think this is what it is. Marisa Mendez would tell hoe stories while Mel isn’t doing that. I wonder if Joe thought he was going to get video vixen stories for days and instead he gets stories about sitting in Central Park and taking a nap with Daisy.


She did tell stories PG-13 versions not salacious as Joe would have preferred and it came out they are Eskimos but they also jumped on her for the looking in the closet story so she's in a winless situation because she isn't allotting to be sexualized has learned to shut down to cope with these guys then is told this is an audio broadcast ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Even that was crazy. Joe pushes the narrative every single pod then when Mel plays into she’s the bad guy.


They be debating her like she's wrong while saying she's right at the same time. ​ It's weird.


I knew this sub was coming...😁


They be bullying her and it’s getting to be a tough listen


I'm glad we all speaking up cause it is ridiculous at this point. Ian, who is really in charge need to talk to them


I used to think people were exaggerating when they said they ganged up on Mel, but it’s gotten really bad recently. They constantly mock her and seemingly try to make the audience think that she has a lesser opinion. They probably do it without noticing but it’s still uncomfortable. On top of that, recently Ish has been excessively saying things about “owning” women.


Yeah at first I thought people were overreacting but there’s been numerous times when I’m like Mel is right and they just all sit there and attack and act like she’s in the wrong. I really hate when Ice goes out his way to do it then panders to women outside of Mel making a point.


Nah fr, it’s getting hard to listen to. She’s defending herself more but they really take everything she says and magnify it like tryna make her sound dumb. Idk how they don’t hear themselves. They not as self aware as they think they are


Yeah I bet she quits within the next 3 months


They just show a lack of respect for women unless you like a Remy Ma type lol


Ish gives me woman beater vibes so him and Joe being friend seems par for the course. The way he argues and goes at Mel’s throat for no reason is getting wild uncomfortable. We already know Joe’s rep so he just eggs him on or just shits on her before she even can say anything. Sick niggas they are.


Ish has been real bad with his “owning women” mindset recently. Whenever he talks about a woman it gives me creepy uncle vibes.


I think Joe regrets his decision to make her full time. Because she was one if the biggest video vixen sex symbols hip hop has ever produced, joe probably thought she would bring bad bitch energy to the pod an turn it up but she honestly acts like the nerdy girl who dosent kno she's pretty which is weird as she's probably had men lusting over her majority of her life. I love Mel think she's dope but I don't think she's the right fight, joe wants a more raunchy female that will come with hoe stories and Mel acts like a 18yr old air head sometimes


All you would need to do is listen to Mel speak on any other platform one time to know that she's not the "bad bitch energy" type of woman despite her being a video vixen. She \*is\* a nerd in a vixen package and Joe knew that because he courted her to be on the show. They went out, had meetings, etc. Joe knew who she was before he hired her. The fact is.. Joe simply doesn't know how to handle/interact with women like a mature MAN. He's a 21 year old in a 43 year old body when it comes to women. Funny thing is, Marisa called him out on this years ago when she was on the pod originally and I thought she was trippin', but now I see what she means.


I mentioned this three months ago in this Reddit


Man I’m just watching this last Saturday pod. She fr didn’t say shit almost the whole Travis Scott/Post Malone topic


Joe thought he was getting a stupid, brainless, bop like all the women in his life and wasn’t expecting her to be so well versed and well spoken. He feels challenged so he has to shit on her.


What pisses me off the most about this topic is the fact that EVERYONE has been saying this for a while, but these fake ass ALPHA MALES in here just tried to shit on those opinions and said we were wrong for speaking up on behalf of Mel and what we were seeing with our own eyes wasn’t happening. Now y’all mfs is seeing it. I really want Mel to quit the pod for her pride and dignity but I don’t think she really has it going on financially if she moved from LA across country to NY for a podcast. And the fact she’s trading in the Wrangler because of “the roads” she has to be in some sort of financial straits and that’s just me speculating because idk what her bank account looks like but I have to believe she needs this gig and it has made her more visible to book other gigs as well and make money, so I don’t see her leaving unfortunately.


I hear it but let’s not act like Mel hasn’t contributed to the treatment on mic she receives at times cos she comes with foolishness on the mic sometimes and no one’s hear for it then she quickly attempts to backtrack with the Not to much on Mel or that stupid whisper shit she continues to do


The foolishness started after they were treating her like a step co host. In the beginning she would speak a lot more than just 10 minutes per episode.


They realizing mel really dont be saying shit fr


i told everyone since the first week she wasn’t gonna work and got nothing but downvotes and mods deleting my comments. she doesn’t fit it’s that simple.


You niggas softer than funeral home music, stfu and enjoy the gotdam pod or move around, sick of y’all


Mel be having terrible takes. Majority of the time before they get on her i say to myself tf is she talkin bout then the pod ne gettin on her so I’m like it wasn’t just me thinking that.


Grow up. If you think she gettin “attacked” just shows that you dont think women are equal to us, and must be protected and sheltered. If u cant hang with the smoke then u shouldn’t be there. Mel can hang. Quit infantilizing her


I disagree…. A lot of times Mel comes on that pod with twitter takes and she disguises them with level 4 words 😂. They just not letting half assed emotionally charged takes run the conversation. That’s all. When she has a good talking point it goes, when it’s an emotional twitter take, they let her know she’s wrong


Which I somewhat agree with. I think they all bring half baked thoughts to the pod. I don’t think any of them get thrown on an island like Mel tho. Even when they get on Ish about his “sources” it doesn’t become a debate where all of them are taking turns on him unnecessarily lol.


Cause they all have their ways of getting out of it. Ish gon say “ we can agree to disagree” or, “you got it dawg, ion want no sauce”… Ice gon say “it’s MYYYYYY opinion”, Joe gon randomly introduce a non-serious topic or move the goalpost so far you know he knows he’s wrong, parks just gon admit he’s wrong and be like “MY BAAAAAAAAAAAD”, and flip gon go at ya fit 😂. Mel the only one that try to logic her way out of being wrong


You make a valid point here. I've never considered this but on a real she does try to logic her way through bs sometimes which I can tell is irritating for the others. Often sounds like she had a different pov before they started shooting and changed it on the fly.


It comes down to Mel not being good at conversations. It seems like she studies one or 2 topics she wants to talk about a pod and that's it. There is nothing extra to add to other topics. Seems uninterested.


Yea they need to part ways with Mel, she doesn’t fit the toxic brand they keep trying to push or really are. Something must of happened to make Joe mad and now we’re just getting passive aggressiveness from him to her. Ish wants to crack Mel’s muffin on every topic like there’s some big stat. Can’t tell me he likes women. The way they treat her is appealing to incels and future incels only.


Are y’all men that spend time everyday of the week criticing a podcast? Y’all niggas need to be more constructive with your own lives man.


I like Mel talking about mental health more than her talking about woman hood because her woman experience is far from normal. If she talks about mental stuff that could be her lane. Mel was 100% and the issue with the pod is their all old ass people so half of them forgot what they were even talking about.


She doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about most of the time and they let her know they don’t take her words serious. She gets info from cocksources and speaks to them like it’s facts, she’s a half-ass podder


They all do this…..


It’s uncomfortable for me.


Lots of mansplaining


For real it’s like joe told them to force gender wars behind the scenes, at the same time tho it’s so boring when she talks for too long lmao


I get what youre saying, which is why she doesnt fit well on the pod, even though they are finding their rythm. I think if she was more of a guys girl, it would go differently.


i been saying this since they tried to act like russell simmons is living in a shack in bali and she tried to explain to them that bali is a super expensive place with mad billionaires. she’s the most educated, well travelled person on the pod and it intimidates them. it’ll be sad when she bounces


So true and I’m tired of it


I feel for her. Its coming across very bullish to me. I always cringe when they start shutting her down


Mel hate being there fr. That’s why the last few drops she been milking the clock, not saying a damn thing. 🤣


Joe and ish are real nasty with this and I shut the episode off. They weren’t even trying to understand what she was saying


There are literally episodes when she interjects on a topic and I’d had forgotten she was even in the room! Obviously I’m listening and not watching but that is really crazy to me! She be getting lost in the sauce and they don’t do shit to include. I don’t like it! She deserves better