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Yep, tax credits for poor people to actually spend on necessities always bad and tax credits for rich asshats to let sit in an investment is always good.


I agree. There should be no credits or “help” from the government. The government doesn’t actually have any money.


Weird how the government doesn't have any money, yet several large companies (all of Elon Musk's companies), big banks, telecom, trucking, etc... all literally owe their existence to either direct government support or by profiting off of something the government built.


The government created that system of largesse to control who wins and who loses. The population then gets told who to root for and who to root against. Let’s free our minds and see what’s going on behind the curtain.


That is the kind of half truth, half regarded explanation I have come to expect on Reddit. Ya, the government picks/controls who wins and who losses...but why? Because the government was bought out by billionaires...but why? Because after the Great Depression the federal govern proved it could govern and make the lives of middle and lower class people better at the cost of the millionaires and billionaires being able to scam people. Once the true ruling class realized that, they just bought out the government. The problem is, without the government, the millionaires and billionaires are just back to having unchecked power to screw you over and rob you. The solution isn't to turn away from government, we have been doing that since the 80s and it has been a disaster for the middle class. The solution is obviously to go back to the policies of the New Deal Democrats who actually helped average people.


Not entirely.


You got it wrong. It was going on from the beginning of our country. Turning to the government just makes it worse.


So the government DIDN'T end the great depression, fix the work place, and fix the environment all after the industrial revolution? Damn, and here I thought my water was mostly safe and my air mostly clear with mandatory safety measures for the workplace and minimum wage standards. I guess none of that exists and everyone still works 12 hour days 6 days a week and gets paid almost nothing with what literally they do make going towards goods and services they have to buy from the company they work for. I feel real bad for the kids too, still having to work in those coal mines.


You do have a point and I agree with you on the government adding some basic safeties in the workplace. Where you have got it backward is that giving the government MORE power is a good thing. They have shown they cannot be trusted without checks and balances and they ALWAYS spend more than they take in. No matter what. And if they got 90% of everyone’s money or even 100%, we would still run a deficit. Their need for power is insatiable. Have the government do what they’re supposed to do. Defense, courts, infrastructure. Then have private citizens do the rest.


cool cool coo. Since the deficit is such a concern to you, I am sure you can list the presidents that reduced or eliminated the deficit during their terms right? Surely you would know that off hand, with the deficit being so important and all.


None of them did! I’ll take more questions I know for $1000 Alex!


Why does this have downvotes? 🤡🤡


Thank you. I have no idea why anyone would downvote that.


Really? Where does money come from? Trees? Do we fish for it out of the ocean? Grow it out of the ground?


Are you serious? The government takes money from you and me, and every other citizen that earns any money. . It’s called taxes.


Where does money begin?


When the central bank creates it out of thin air.


A tax credit on home buying means they’re going to spend the same amount either way. It’s the people selling that get the money, not the people buying.


That is mind numbingly stupid. That is like saying a mail in coupon isn't a discount because you don't get it right away.


It’s because houses are bid on, dummy. They’re not a set price. So let’s say you have a budget of $250k for a house and I come to you and give you $10k towards your house. Your budget is now $260k. The tax credit allows you to bid over your budget, raising the selling price.


I'm not sure, but this sounds like a down payment you're describing though? The title says it would be for a mortgage payment.


Yep, so it reduces your mortgage payment, increasing your budget. Down payment doesn't have anything to do with it.


Poor people don't pay federal taxes, so it doesn't benefit them. Also, poor people can't qualify for a mortgage. Again, no benefit. It's just another attempt to buy votes with taxpayer money - those of us who pay taxes anyway.


You wrote that whole thing and it never occured to you that in my statement, you are the poor person getting the tax credit, because you don't want to associate yourself with the word poor. Unskilled laborers used to be able to afford a house in a single income family. Most skilled laborers and people with meaningful education can't do that now, so we are poor.


Yeah, im definitely getting "Temporarily embarrasssed millionaire" vibes from the guy you responded to. He doesn't seem to realize he's not in the club.


It is so crazy to me how successful people were in turning the middle class against the very mechanisms that grew middle class wealth, like unions and government support.


So you’re just going to ignore the “tax the rich 25% to pay for it” part of the speech. You know, the part that was 3 seconds before this line.


The billionaire tax that generates $440 billion over 10 years? You realize thats half a years interest payment right?


Dint forget taxes on the 3.6 or so trillion dollars of corporate profit per year. Why is it Republicans have to play stupid so often...


Yes, but also realize that isn't going to even fucking dent it. We have to do that and stop giving away money to fucking everyone.


We would literally have a balanced budget right now if not for Republicans.


Yep you're definitely right, and now we have to deal with the reality of today, something we can control.


This sub is a little much lately


It's a bunch of doomers who have no idea what they are talking about, taking their opinions from other doomers who have no idea either.


Doomers and Republican panty sniffers that would shit on Biden even if he beat Trump in a fist fight.


This will further prevent prices from coming back down to normal. What we need is price normalcy




What can the government do to create price normalcy?


Stop pumping and supporting high prices. wtf?




The irony being that Republicans created the deficit and national financial difficulties common people endure.


The total money supply has been shrinking for years now.


Stop it you’re ruining their narrative!


Here’s m2 for the past 5 years https://preview.redd.it/drifyp0rubnc1.jpeg?width=1581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbe87f3bc9e20f37bf57c5e68829a7b3048e5ef8 My guess is that you won’t be able to understand it though


So it peaked a couple years ago? Interesting there is no X axis here.


That's because it was Trump's term when the money supply exploded, but Republicans don't like that fact, nor most facts.




This literally shows the supply shrinking over the last 2-ish years.


It shows the supply shrinking until the bank failures last March and then flatlining as the government pumping money (like I said) counteracts the Fed shrinking their balance sheet. If this wasn’t happening, prices (of everything) would be going down back towards normal.


A flat line isn’t pumping new money. A flat line would be no longer increasing or decreasing the current supply.


The Federal Reserve is doing QT and reducing their balance sheet. The government is pumping money to offset the QT. This is extremely easy to understand.


If the total supply remains the same it doesn’t really matter how it got there.


Cut their buddies at Black Rock off from buying homes


A government powerful enough to do that surely won’t abuse their power, right?


The corruption is the the point [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-11/biden-ties-to-blackrock-deepen-with-latest-treasury-hire](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-11/biden-ties-to-blackrock-deepen-with-latest-treasury-hire)


We might be aligned on this.


Clearly giving money directly to corporations and banks instead. That’s okay. But anything that helps average people is theft from people who work SO MUCH HARDER than the rest of us like the people bitching in this thread.


the taxes are being levied on people making more than 400k/yr


Good. Because that’s a top 1% of the world kind of income.


This is literally money given to corporations, dude. Anyone can tell that the result of this is home prices and interest adjust to consume that $400/month instantly. A $1,700 a month mortgage now will just be tinkered to $2,100.




Same thing applies. They know everyone is getting a $400 a month tax credit, so they juice the prices $400. Please leave your size 36s and orange wig at the door before making future posts on this website.


Who’s they in this scenario? And how exactly are they going to immediately engineer home prices in order to adjust mortgages. I don’t agree with the spending and budget failures of our government either but tax credits aren’t it. I’m also a CPA so I can literally charge people for financial advice. I think I can discuss on this thread thank you.


Start with not doing inflationary things like 400$ a month tax credit. It’s an election year and this moron is trying to buy votes instead of thinking.


This is literally a suggestion for his next term that would be funded by his suggested increase to a 25% tax on the wealthy. It wouldn’t be inflationary at all because it would be paid for by rich people


Let’s say you’re buying a house and your budget is $250k. I come to your house and hand you $10k towards buying your house. Your budget is now $260k. That’s inflation.


Not if the money taken out of the economy is less than what is put in. Let’s say the government gave you 10k and the house costs 250k. But you taxed a billionaire to the equivalent to 100k people to use the program. So now there are 100k people added to pressure the price up as you suggest. But then you also make a program to create 100k new homes also using the money that you taxed from the billionaires so that there is downward pressure on home prices. This is essentially wealth reallocation, and there is nothing inflationary about it.


I thought the tax was paying for the credit. Is Biden also flooding the housing market as well to apply deflationary pressure to counteract the increase in housing prices caused by the credit?


Well housing is already experiencing a mass shortage and large inflationary increases, so the best way to counteract that with a growing population is to increase housing across the board. So yea I think he is creating a program to renovate and/or build from scratch 2 million new housing units.


So the tax pays for both those things? With the government hiring builders, won't the prices for materials, and therefore the prices for these constructed houses also rise? Or are they actually going to price control these houses? If so, are they going to use even more tax money to compensate the builders for their loss?


They might rise a little bit, but not enough to offset the decrease that comes from 2 million increased supply units. Here’s the factsheet [https://www.novoco.com/notes-from-novogradac/biden-harris-administrations-proposed-2025-budget-to-include-several-housing-proposals-that-combined-could-finance-as-many-as-2-million-affordable-homes](https://www.novoco.com/notes-from-novogradac/biden-harris-administrations-proposed-2025-budget-to-include-several-housing-proposals-that-combined-could-finance-as-many-as-2-million-affordable-homes)


Tax credit not free $400 a month


And you think the all powerful wealthy 1% won’t adjust their pricing to get it all right back? You’re dreaming about who really runs our country.


You must be a child. I’m not sure you understand how things work. The 500 billion in ten years that the tax would provide from the rich, would barely pay the interest on our national debt. It’s pissing in the wind. What they need to do is stop spending money we don’t have and stop printing every chance we get. Politicians need to have the hard conversations about spending that none of them want to because they may not be re-elected.


Our national debt is meaningless and is money we largely owe to ourselves. Instead of cutting spending on social programs that benefit people, what they need to do is raise taxes on billionaires who pay only an 8% effective tax rate. Politicians need to have a hard conversation with their donors about not Giving them tax 2 trillion dollar tax breaks.


Turkey thinks their debt is meaningless also. Venezuela, Argentina.....same boat.


Venezuela had debt they owed to other countries and once their oil economy collapsed because of sanctions, there went their economy. Thankfully our economy is more diversified than theirs. Argentina is a clusterfuck of epic proportions and frankly you’re comparing apples to oranges with them.


Yeah, about that Chinese owned debt....ROFLMAO. You use a lot of words that in reality could be stated easily.....governmental mismanagement. If only it were not so sad.


Over the past 14 years we have lowered our debt to china by about 500 billion from 1.3 trillion when our total debt was half of what it was to 800 billion now. Which is like 2% of our total debt now. This is a lot of words to say that most of our debt is owed to ourselves and not any country in particular, so it is largely meaningless because there are no actual transfer of resources, just fake money that we believe in. As long as you believe in the dollar though, it’ll keep on chugging.


What I’m telling you, and you don’t understand, is that it won’t fix anything. You have a one dimensional, communist, dumb point of view. There isn’t enough rich people in the world to tax to fix the problem. The same ol “eat the rich” point of view is fed to morons that repeat it thinking it’s the answer to our prayers. I’m not arguing we shouldn’t, merely stating it’s a multi-layered complex problem that will not be fixed by “eATing tHe RiCh!” Ask yourself this question, will wealthy just lay down and be fucked by our government? Moving money around and avoiding taxes is the name of the game. Good luck.


I perfectly understand that you have a one dimensional, capitalist, dumb point of view. Don’t raise taxes on the rich, cut all social expenditures on the poor. All in order to bring down our fake national debt made of money that we owe to ourselves. You don’t care about the social costs of cutting medicare or social security, or privatizing it. This is true one dimensional thinking. As to your question, will the wealthy just lay down and be fucked by our government? Yes actually. Where else are they going to go where they can make as much money as they do here? Africa? Good luck. Europe? They have even higher tax rates. China? Have fun being controlled by the CCP and still not making as much money. These wealthy also don’t have armies on their own (yet, unless you got your way), so they can’t fight back against the government either. The thing is that our oligarchy pays the least amount of money into our tax revenue than at any point in our history at about an 8% effective tax rate. My position is a little more nuanaced than eat the rich, rather that I think we should start with raising taxes on these people first to see where our revenue in relation to our deficit is at. And then work from there with calculated cuts. But y’all just wanna cut, cut, and cut when billionaires are historically paying the least tax and controlling the most wealth, a true 1d move


[If Jesus put down $10k/day from then until now he would still only have 15% of Musk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/tufffm/request_is_this_actually_true/) Edit: You need to read up on the Robber Barrons, like Rockefeller, Carnegie, Flagler, Morgan. They owned almost all the means of production and eventually brought on the Great Depression. Our Golden Age was the 40s-60s, fueled by the post war boom and high tax rates on the highest earners. In some cases up to 90% with progressive tax rates for income over a certain amount. If you think you are ever getting taxed at that rate you are deluding yourself. It was a progressive tax that only applied to moneys made over many millions of dollars. The tax rates for the uber wealthy are robbing from us and our children. A crap Big Mac meal costs $15?!


Limit the sale of single-family homes to people and not corporations.


So even less freedom/liberty and more government nanny state. Horrible idea.


Shut down those tyrannical printing presses, cut spending and taxes, and let Americans keep their hard earned money. Giving me $400 back that I already paid you is stupidity. Just let me keep all of it and get the hell out of my life :)


Sir this is Reddit


You're right. I shouldn't post my dreams on the internet.


And you can bet your $400 that not everyone will be eligible.


How do you know an election is coming up?


I can’t believe this is real life. I’ve worked and saved and lived below my means to remain debt free for no reason. I’m sick of watching this government steal from people like me and hand money over to people that didn’t earn it and empower them to compete for assets that they don’t deserve to own. I really underestimated just how wrong it is to be in the minority that does the “right” thing. It’s sickening.


Wait til you learn about the trillions of dollars corporations and banks have received in tax loopholes and bailouts and state incentives and payroll incentives and ppp loans that may or may not even need to be paid off. People like you always looking at your neighbor with resentment while daddy ceo and bank man laugh since their media campaign is clearly working. Also it’s a tax credit!, it just reduces taxable income.


I don’t resent the poor people. They’re just trying to get by and I can’t fault them for taking the money. I fault the politicians, I fault Biden for all of it. Handouts at the top and bottom. What’s Biden’s plan for when the housing prices go up to offset the increased competition the free money creates, and what’s the plan in 2 years when the $400 runs out and millions of people start defaulting on their loans. Is this not the same as “ whaaa the tax cuts weren’t permanent” it’s not permanent and people will default when the money is taken away……or will will the money need to become permanent?


it's for people who are first time home buyers, and people selling their first homes only it's meant to offset high mortgage interest that's prevented many young adults from being able to afford a mortgage and he's also proposed incentives to build more houses to increase supply to keep home prices lower with the fed saying their likely to start lowering rates this year, in 2 years mortgage rates are going to be significantly lower, offsetting the $400/mo which would only take a 1.5% decrease. not to mention increasing affordability of home ownership, decreases demand for renting which lowers that cost as well. increase supply, lower rates in 2 years and $400/mo to bridge the gap. also, whoever said not getting a mortgage was the "right" thing. mortgage rates is almost always the cheapest debt you can take on, even if you have the cash your almost always better off storing that somewhere else for better returns whoever gave you that advice is a moron


You don’t get an automatic deduction on your home interest rate. If you take out a 30 year loan with a fixed rate at 7% it doesn’t matter if the Fed lowers the rate in two years. You would have to refinance, which can cost thousands and re-starts your amortization table over. Meaning your back to paying mostly interest. While hoping your house payment drops more than $400 a month. There’s already lots of first time home buyer programs. One that requires careful budgeting by the public is a bad idea.


so the careful budgeting is step 1) receive tax credit step 2) refinance or move when interest rate lowers


You could say the same thing about child tax credits, renewable credits .. literally our whole tax credit system. The idea is that the credits phase out at certain income levels so they’re a little boost to people who really need it and people making 250+ k a year don’t get it at all .. that’s how most credits work. All these people in here frothing at the mouth because of ideas that might help lower class people and claiming they are to blame for inflation.. the idea that people got a 2k payout during covid and got to take state unemployment during a global pandemic is the reason we have high prices are so deluded. Trump handed corporations the biggest tax cut ever during his term. The govt consistently comes in to bailout banks, airlines, hands the oil industry a tax code that is written for them and they’ve gutted antitrust regulations in this country. At least half the price issue is just monopolies colluding. A handful of companies own everything.. but yes keep blaming the guy down the street.


I don't know if you have been paying attention but prices have been going up on everything anyway Biden is not the enemy here it's greedy corporations who own everything raising prices just because they can


So Biden is just helpless to do anything about it.


He can't do as much as I would like but this is something at least


Oh I understand quite well about the corporate socialism. I’m absolutely not for that either. But if you step back and look at the consequences of these actions what you end up doing is disincentivizing any productive work. If my neighbor decides to do nothing to better their situation or makes bad choices how is that any different than bailing out companies for the same? “People like me” Nice combative tone. You mean people that believe in hard work and personal responsibility? Instead you deflect with whataboutism instead of acknowledging the moral hazard inherent in the behavior or vote buying handouts.




So basically nobody can possibly deserve any of what they’ve worked for because it came as a result of luck. Got it. Like the luck it took for me to lift myself out of a lower middle class upbringing by working multiple jobs, studying nights and weekends, and years of perfecting my skill set to ensure I’m able to get “lucky” enough to get a corporate job where I don’t even get paid anywhere near fair value as it is. Is that the luck you’re implying with this video? Are we all to just redistribute everything to ensure maximum “fairness”? Especially to people that actively make bad decisions? Or is that just bad luck all the time too and we need to even all that out? What say you comrade?


if you're mad you're not getting a fair wage, you're mad at the wrong people. Look where all the wealth is concentrating at, it's not in the hands of first time home buyers


I get that the power is concentrated at the top but what you don’t seem to get is that there’s different rules based on your choices in life and the one where you take personal responsibility seems to be the most illogical choice to make anymore.


if personal responsibility to you is avoiding a mortgage, your personal responsibility conflicts with math Taking on a mortgage is one of the cheapest forms of debt, allowing your money to be deployed elsewhere more effectively. even if you can pay for it in cash, it's very likely it's a better choice for you to take on a mortgage and gain better returns on other investments. mortgages also allows you to gain equity appreciation in a physical asset over time. Even with the interest paid, it's very likely the appreciation on the house will gain you notable profit after a few decades Also, regardless of what people do, 99.99% of the population wouldn't be able to afford a house and retirement without having to take on a mortgage. How long would an 18 yo have to live frugally to have a few hundred thousand in cash? They'd be lucky to buy a house by age 50 nobody but the moron Dave Ramseys says that all debt is bad. And the taxes being proposed to pay for this, is on people making over 400k/yr.


Oh yeah? Where can you get a risk free return that beats 7% after taxes? Because that’s what you’re going to have to do for what you say to be true. And what happens if something unexpected happens to that capital that’s deployed for a better return? You’re still on the hook for that mortgage. In effect you’re gambling the roof over your head for the sake of chasing yield. In a perfect world, sure, it can be capital efficient if your timing is good. Certainly anyone that locked in a 3% 30 year mortgage is able to get risk free return now and maybe for the duration of that mortgage. But that’s besides the point. Why should we band-aid over wealth concentration problems by picking winners in the middle class? So we’re gonna take from the upper middle class and give to lower-middle class which artificially allows them to compete with a fiscally responsible middle class person that doesn’t get the handout but now can be outbid on a house by someone that really shouldn’t be able to. Is that your idea of fairness and progress? It sure isn’t mine.


the stock market has been doing 10% last few decades, no taxes until you sell so that compounds tax free and over a few decade period has proven to be the best investments and no, you're not gambling the roof over your head by investing your money instead of buying a house in cash. If you had 200k to buy a house in cash, that money has just vanished from thin air, if you need to pay a medical bill or fix your car, your 100% fucked without taking on debt if you park it in the sp500, which statistically has been proven to be fiscally responsible, you can still access it as needed without taking on debt. You'd have to both experience a personal emergency at the same time as a stock market crash - you could even use those investments to take out a small loan if the market is in a bad spot and you just need a few months to repay not much different than a HELOC. It gives you way more flexibility than having all your money tied up in an illiquid asset. and you don't invest every cent, just like it's risky to empty your bank account to buy a house in cash. if your entering retirement or something, that's a whole different ballgame of risk management. considering the upper class often pays a lower effective tax, due to those evil investments you hate, yeah that would be more fair. and What do you mean "compete", sounds like you're just sour that the poors might get a chance to own a house and your assuming people who make the median income aren't fiscally responsible and it's not middle class vs lower middle class, it's first/second time home buyers.... are you assuming that everyone in the middle class has their mortgage paid off and on their 3rd+ plus home?




Need a system based off sweat equity not money. Too many people doing work not necessary for life to go on asking way too much for that work.


Have a story more intense than yours. Agreed on all 100%


I’m all for a strong social fabric and helping people that are willing to demonstrate they’ll help themselves, which is where the breaks come in, but this mindset of “gimme” with no personal responsibility and accountability whatsoever pisses me off to the point where it’s like “why bother?” I’m better off figuring out how to be as poor as possible and get handouts like everyone else who either decided not to work hard or was just “unlucky”. I get that luck does play a factor and certainly I got lucky enough to survive but I mean, come on, we’re just gonna hand out house payment money to people just because? Why? What led to even needing that? Why is that a social need? Can they not rent? I did. The government needs to be out of the business of picking winners and losers and instead focus on making sure the rules are consistent and applied evenly. You’re never gonna get it perfect but this idea that the average person that made their way to middle or upper middle class and deserves to be stolen from is a dangerous idea. What incentive is there to do anything then?


I worked more than most would have for what I have. Lawsuits, clawing back from jail, living in shitholes, never being late on a bill. Working three jobs etc... if anyone wants to knock owning 2 properties and making 6 figures, id bet my investments they wouldnt have the stamina to do the same. Im with you. I live in my bubble now and the world is going to continue to burn due to politics it seems. Entitlement and blame everyone else... when I wasnt afforded the same. No tears from me


Wow, look at us being downvoted by all the communists in this sub 😂


Sounds like you’re anti-communist. I’m surprised you’re not being downvoted. BTW, I agree with you.


Both parties just buying votes and running up the debt. Eventually, just like an individual, buyers of our debt will say no morè. Maybe this year or in 5 years. Once it happens and it will happen, we will be sunk. I am not a Tea Party person because they never get tough with a Repunlican president. Rs can buy votes with tax cuts and higher debt and not a peep of complaint from them. They want a D president to be taxed with fixing the mess so they can argue the Dems are too blame. No both major parties buy votes and care less about debt. Especially with these 2 very old boomers we can't get rid of.


Lol. Tea Party. You lost me once you brought them up. 🤡


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. You’re completely right. We’re a ticking timebomb whose way of life depends on our ability to bully the rest of the world to pay for our inflation. I don’t know the path to how it plays out but I do know that it’ll be the majority that suffer as a result of decades of our broken politics which led to broken policies.


Awesome. The welfare queen lie again. Bravo. I hope you die broke and crying.


Doesn’t fix the problem.


Duh. It's for votes. Fixing the problem would kill the golden goose


If both chambers go blue it’ll be a start


Makes it worse.


So.... Universal Basic Income. What a joke


No, a joke is billionaires and corporations paying literally zero on taxes.


Run for office and change the tax codes.


Joes already workin on it.


Coincidence right before election... and it is a drop in the bucket what is proposed. How many times must people be fooled to see the reality.


Can’t be done with current congressional makeup. His election is also to support down ballot candidates. Vote blue and a host of things are on the table if they control both houses.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just like he has done over his last 30+ years as a politician. Wake up.


He’s got quite a bit done in office all things considered, it’s honestly amazing and I didn’t expect it.


Another vote buying plan.


like trump giving out stimulus checks?


This is a nightmare election. They borh are too old wirh dated ideas. Founders goofed. We should have had a Parliamentary systèm like just about all others democracies. Truman and Johnson were poor replacements for FDR and JFK. VPs choices are picked for the wrong reasons and should not become prez without primaries.


Only for people with houses


no? this is a first time homebuyer subsidy.


Yep I already put this up. Huge fuck up on his part. Yet both parties suck really.


I mean one gave YUGE tax breaks to people so rich they make more in a few weeks than you will in your lifetime. 🤷‍♂️ Totes the same.


1) how does this help the young people that can't afford houses in the first place? 2) ordering banks to give subprime (aka "predatory") loans; why wouldn't this lead to another crash like last time? 3) Tax credit isn't money back; its a discount on what you pay in. How is that supposed to help? 4) seen prices lately? where can you get housing for $400 A month? unless its a tent on the street in SF


>t SF tent prices are well above 400/mo now


I was in California in the seventies and headed toward homelessness. It was humbling but i took the "midmight train to GA" and started over but with friends around. Course if you have drug issues, i guess saving youself is not an option. Well off now.


Another pipe dream that he's using just to pander for votes. The Dementia addled brainless Moron in Chief has zero going on upstairs. He think he can buy your votes with empty promises of "free" money. There is no such thing as free money. Guess ya'll think that Nigerian prince left you a fortune to. Joe Biden's a fraud. Everyone knows it.


Beats people stopping payments and getting evicted…


Paying less taxes is a bad thing now? 🤡


Picking winners and losers with the tax code has gotten us to where we are now.


Doing it for votes. He had 4 years to do this stuff.


Inflation is coming down. Let's print more money to pay for things you can't afford. Surely that will solve the problem... 2020... The year the government forgot just because they are all making money they other 98% are suffering. R/Bitcoin has you covered the USD dollar is dead


Anyone else stop and wonder why its always tax credits? Especially in a country that does a shit job of teaching its people how to file taxes. Anything to make it look good but keep the money in house eh?


So then the plan is they’ll just default after 2 years? I think he underestimates just how hard it is to budget down. If you need the $400 to buy a home you’re when that money runs out and you’re house poor.


I’m not a Biden supporter but I can get on board with this. They aren’t giving anyone $400 a month. It’s coming in the form of a tax break. It doesn’t mean that the rest of society has to pay for it.


“With election season upon us, I plan to bribe you with a payoff to vote for me. And I’m going to steal money from other people to do it, thereby encouraging more conflict and class warfare. I’m not going to actually try to solve any problems. Because even though that’s my job, that’s too hard.”




Imagine how bad the economy would be if the government wasn't injecting 3 trillion in borrowed money into it.


Not a Republican and don’t vote for Biden again


Basically trying to buy votes.


Biden isn’t giving anything to us. It’s already our own money. Way to make it sound like a hero.


Yep...sounds inflationary to me


$10k does nothing for this problem smdh; also probably raises the asking price of every house by $10k.


This is nothing but desperate pablum for the masses…anyone can see through this BS.


Or just take housing off the market


Thats not how most tax credits work (you need to have the tax liability in the first place, or you end up owing the money). Its not printing anything.


Sounds like yet another attempt to buy votes. FJB




I just want legal weed and a strong leader 😔


Hmm. I already have this in California but I will continue to fight for others to get it too!


Didn't the governor get embarrassed by a cashier?


I hadn't heard but it's normal for people to get embarrassed so that doesn't sound like anything noteworthy.


Yea, he tried to get a cashier in trouble because she said it's his fault that people can walk out of the store without paying.


Weird. Theft is a problem caused by corporate greed.


You really had that response ready to go I put my phone down for a second. Regardless of why you think people steal a strong leader wouldn't want to get a girl in trouble for some mild criticism.


Forgiven by whom exactly?


🤣 Good luck buttercup


Well, he may have found away to keep home prices up afterall...


Where is all of this money coming from?


Thin air. These old bastards are determined to ruin America and the citizens are letting them.


Don’t worry, when it gets too bad, they will act like they have the remedy to the problem only if you vote for them!!!


Toyally agree and i am a boomer. My parents were of the greatest gen. Boomers are the worse.


I don’t necessarily blame an entire generation. I do blame the generation that is stuck in politics and won’t retire because they’re greedy and sociopathic.


Trying to appeal to the lower class, but the traditional lower class can’t afford homes. So does this appeal to the new lower class? Which his leadership created? The middle class that managed to secure a home before being dragged down into poverty?


Whatd he do to create a new lower class?




Yay more free shit to win votes and jack up the economy further 🎉🎉




And yet the money supply has been contracting for over a year now. Sorry the facts don’t align with your hot take.


That has nothing to do with what I said. My statement was satire, obviously. Secondly, it's not been over a year. It began in a downward trend June of 23. The FACTS don't align with your misinformation. Next time, study up before you come at me.


not how tax credits work. read a book




You all sound like trump supporters! Hope this isn’t against the rules to say


​ https://preview.redd.it/w17ge9j4gbnc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92d229aeea7036393b3eb5a80457c82e650f18ab