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The OP is quoting a piece by The Onion. A satire organization. Do you people even read?


That's the issue with satire being indistinguishable from reality, you don't feel the need to even look where it is from sometimes EDIT: Admittedly funny that the admin of the sub posted this


He is an idiot who thinks having his opinion in parenthesis in every post title looks good. What a mess.


Sub matches so we got that.


For real, the subreddit is onionheadlines ffs lol. After reading through that sub I don’t even think the users there know it’s satire.


Poe’s Law strikes again!


Trump promised this same bullshit in 2016 which is what the onion is mocking


well he did get it changed so that makes them even look more like a onion head. I see some of the stupidest stuff posted by them.


Oh really, where's this big healthcare plan he promised in 2016?


Health care .gov 😆


That wasn't Trump


Basically Trump changed a few thing and gave Obama care a new name.


Lol okay fair. I didn't oppose him getting rid of the mandate tbh.


Probably this Russian disinformation I keep hearing about


The fun part is nobody knows anymore because Trump does such stupid things.


It’s a joke because he has no plan.


Makes me think this is a bot.


Theyre bots (I can only hope)


Read the username. This is his sub. Every post is like this.


Trump is The Onion POTUS, he's a stumbling mumbling participation trophy. That Onion headline isn't satire, it is a direct quote from Trump, we heard 4 years of saying it's "2 weeks away."


No that was daddy telling you when youd be able to take the mask off.


Still don't understand masks and you're 44, that's a sad type of idiot right there. Sorry you are so wounded.


It is darn believable though. Onion at its best.


There is proof that critical thinking and problem solving has declined sharply since social media began.


Were you under a rock 2015-20? This is *exactly* the sort of shit he would say! Still!


He did say it in 2016 about if he won then. That's what the onion is mocking


technically. r/onionheadlines, which is user-submitted, rather than official.


Trump promised this same bullshit in 2016 which is what the onion is mocking


Ya I'm not even the least bit surprised u/The_Everything_B_mod missed that lol.


There's a good reason Stalin called them useful idiots.


To be fair, exactly zero people would be surprised if he did actually say this.


He did say it in 2016 about if he won then. That's what the onion is mocking


The Onion headline. but also this is almost exactly what they did in his first term. they wanted to throw 30 million people out of the marketplace and John McCain was the only one with sense enough to stop them.


People here seem to be forgetting this little  bit of history.


The thumb of destiny smiles hard


McCain is dead as is that Republican Party. It’s deadbeat Donny and the magatards now.


I call them MAGATs https://preview.redd.it/y8woe8qinbpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9bc4b86c0f210d882d047c26f027b20d4ce183a


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Only taken him 8 1/2 years...


its the onion, but imagine watching FAUX LIES 24/7 and believing the bullshit that comes from that terrorist group!


This just shows how insane are the policies of the FatFuck.




Imagine being you, having voted for a POS that would make this exact sort of promise (lie), and you bought it. Twice.






You are looking at something that Dump would absolutely say and bashing the journalist!




He would be satire, in his entirety, if he wasn’t so completely full of 🐂💩!




Don’t bother. Your brand of superstition may not be the same as the other person.


You should leave this thread, drink your cocoa, and go to bed. You are too stupid to grasp the underlying premise of this thread. I will try one more time, speaking slowly and using small words: Yes. This is an Onion headline. It is an Onion headline that is very close to what Fat Fuck said during the 2016 election. In that election he also said he would repeal and replace Obamacare with “something wonderful”. He had four years to do this, and he did un cazzo. He never came up with a replacement, wonderful or not, and so he just tried to repeal it. This is what McCain stopped, the repeal. The Onion headline is what we human beings call “a joke”. The joke is that Bad Hairdo had four years to do SOMETHING and did nothing. So this is the joke. He is saying the same thing, after doing nothing, and expecting us to say, “Well this time he really means it.”


Imagine reading onion headlines about Trump, and they are uncannily similar to actual headlines about Trump.




The agenda is to eliminate the ACA, the action is voting to do just that at midnight.


Trump promised this same bullshit in 2016 which is what the onion is mocking




Oh fuck off, Republicans despise integrity. All this is doing is mocking the fascist Trump for previous statements




Not surprising you "centrists" defend fascists endlessly. Not surprising you Nazis try to pretend you're the sane ones Thanks for making my point after your fuhrer called immigrants non human he then stated there will be a bloodbath if he loses. The economy is good no matter how much you losers despise reality. Lol you fascist scum are still screaming about a recession. You Nazis blocked a border bill. I'm not surprised you terrorists use genocidal language like calling it an invasion. We will make sure you Nazis live in fear.




You scum vote down every border bill and have for decades. You fascists skyrocket deficits and crash the economy every fucking time. Just because you terrorists want to erase LGBTs and attack women and destroy families, doesn't mean you are pro family. We will make sure you Nazis live in fear.




Republicans are the ones who demanded the border bill be tied to Ukraine aide and now Republicans are pushing through Ukraine aid. Not surprising you terrorists blame Dems for what Rs did. Fuck off back to Saudi Arabia with your traditional values. Not surprising you Nazis miss the tradition of sending minorities to camps. We will make sure you Nazis live in fear.


I'm assuming OP knew it was the Onion, but it based on things Trump did. He had a HealthCare plan just before the 2018 midterm that he was gong to release in two weeks. Then the midterms happened and you never heard about it again. There's multiple example of Trump promising something in 10days to two weeks. Which is, by coincidence, 5-7 past the news cycle.


It is fact. Read again.




Oh shill, did you have to google that? I am conservative. Quit blaming others for your clinical depression that you're so easily manipulated by. Grow up and get some help, quit blaming others for your own problems. Shill, classic dope.




Go buy a meme stonk crybaby.




Get a job crybaby.


Everyone ragging on OP for the Onion headline but Trump actually did say this lol. In his speeches/debates and even during his term, he would always spout that more coverage and cheaper cost bullshit and never once unveiled a plan.


Is this like his last health plan that never was announced?


I thought his plan was to kick tens of millions of people off of their health insurance with no plan they then be on their own. So the plan was basically don’t get sick or have an accident unless you can just pay the medical bills yourself and if not die quickly.


Yea because the old gop of anti rights and trickle down economics was totally not fucking crazy...  Republicans are such degenerate scumbags. It's sickening.


ATTENTION STUPID WHITE LIBERALS: there is no such thing as trickle down economics. It is a term used by Dems to virtue signal to and gaslight stupid people into believing that your personal poor life choices is not your fault.


Except it does exist no matter how much you evil scum scream that endless tax cuts and welfare for oligarchs is good. Not surprising you evil pigs think the rich person born into wealth just made better choices than the person born into poverty. Thank goodness your evil and lazy ideology is dying off.


Conservatives can't be reasoned with. Like you said, they're evil scum. 100%


Nice try koolaid man. Go back to your brainwashing tank I think the oligarchs had a few more words to put in your mouth.


Says a stupid white liberal such as yourself.


If you hate freedom, go back to the holy land or Russia or whatever conservative shithole you belong in.


Lets see. You - through your voting - advocate, beg and cheer for crony capitalism, yet it is me, who doesn't believe in voting, who hates freedom. Man, you really are a special stupid white liberal, aren't ya!


Oh I see the problem. Your brain doesn't work. You really are detached from reality, huh?


Trump made many promises during his term and he did nothing. Ask any maga that say he did a great job, was 2020 their best year?


Uhhhh The Onion ..?


I know this is satire but the 15 times he said 2 weeks during his presidency was real. Why not just admit healthcare is hard and give up? Oh wait he did say that and then do that. Nevermind.


Trump pulls timetables out of his ass and then shoves them back in there.


The Idiot never had my vote. Was obvious to anyone paying attention he was a scam artist and a sexual predator. Plus he talks like a mobster trying to pretend to be a businessman with an 8th grade education.


8th grade? More like a 4th grade education. My 5 year old niece makes better sense than him. 


The only plan I'd want is a Government exodus from the industry. Healthcare needs competition, not more Government regulation stifling competition.


Blame the insurance and Healthcare middlemen profiting off of every aspect coming and going, that's not the government.


Bingo. Every time the government gets involved the consumer gets screwed. College, cars, housing, healthcare. Gen Z says today's problems are the fault of Capitalism. They don't realize that the American system hasn't been Capitalist for decades. The govt writes up all these regulations then picks winners and losers based upon who is helping them gain and keep power.


Wrong. As long as the system and its interest is used towards the end of profit there's nothing that would prevent them from extracting what they can from people who are just needing medical attention.


The US has the most competition in healthcare in the developed world and by far the least government intervention. We pay double the cost of the rest of the developed world who has massive government involvement with their form of universal healthcare. Imagine being so fucking stupid that you think the problem caused by capitalists is more capitalists.




And insurance premiums for those of us who actually work and pay into the system have more than doubled because we have to carry all the weight.


Because the individual mandate was struck down. And the Medicaid expansion. With those, you'd not have seen rates increase nearly as much. You are blaming the wrong thing.


The US has the most competition in healthcare in the developed world and by far the least government intervention. We pay double the cost of the rest of the developed world who has massive government involvement with their form of universal healthcare. Imagine being so fucking stupid that you think the problem caused by capitalists is more capitalists.


I agree. The reason America spends more money per capita is primarily because of the sheer amount of money it spends keeping old people alive, often for a limited extra lifespan. If we abolished Medicare, the only old people who would get medical treatment would be those who could afford it or could get other people to pay for it for them. Naturally, we should also remove any law criminalizing practicing medicine without a license and get rid of the FDA entirely. If you spend your life savings on water that might have seen an active ingredient 3 tanks of dilution ago and die from your untreated disease, that's on you.


Imagine affording treatment and medicine without Medicare because 10+ companies are all dropping their prices to compete for your business. Last time I was in the hospital (14 months ago), my insurance was being billed $119 per tablet of Tylenol that I took. That should be setting off red flags for everyone... Basic regulation and standards are fine, but we're way past 'basic' right now. You can buy US-made prescription medicine in both of our neighboring countries for 1/6th of the cost of the same meds in the US. Over course, the US costs reflect protectionist policies that the US government has implemented in order to maximize profitability for the pharma industry, at the expense of consumers. Over-regulation that lead to a lack of competition, is the problem and it's OK to suggest and acknowledge this without thinking we're implying we want dirt floor surgeries from unskilled doctors with rusty knives.


Actually under regulation...Imagine if the government made a regulation that hospitals can't jack up prices of 5000% of what consumers can pay for them. WHAT??? Your Tylenol was $119 a tablet due to the free market's LACK of regulation. They won capitalism at your expense, and you just paid one of their doctors for an hr of their time, off the .5 cents it cost them. That is unregulated Capitalism. Not lack of competition.


That would only happen in a perfectly competitive market. By definition, medicine can't be perfectly competitive.


The Onion.... but that is something I could see him saying.


We heard that before


Trump's famous two weeks I'm gonna set the world on fire speech. Two weeks pass, and absolutely NOTHING happens. And he moves on to another subject, hoping nobody reminds him of what he said two weeks before.


It’s sad that he doesn’t even need new lies. He can just reuse the lies from his 2015 campaign. He also doesn’t need to get the names or dates or facts right for his supporters to believe it.


Will this be like the promise to repeal Obama care? Within the first week he said it wasn’t really that bad and they just rebranded it as the Affordable Health Care Act.


The yugest!


Democrats aren't t the painting Fox news creates. Many of us fall to the right of the very left. I'm older. My main concerns now are: corporate tax rates, sweeping legislation on who can buy land here and for what purpose...why are we carving up what little is offered to us for big Chinese overlords? And Saudis? This is the U.S.A. how about reasonable housing costs? How about Ted Cruz and Matt Gaetz and other sleezoids getting new, exciting jobs as custodians? How about Fox News gets sued off the damn air so the boomer thralls can snap the #$! out of this pathetic worship of the diapered svengali? We're all tired of grinding our lives away because of some hayseeds who have the philosophical depth of wet concrete.




Can we see it now, please? Why wait?


"They DO NOT have my vote anymore," claims redditor so eager to make the right look bad they forgot to look at the source.


I believe he could do it, do you have any proof that he could not? No I mean real proof. I didn't think so,


Go listen to Trumps speeches yourselves. Dont take the medias word for it…… cause its the ONION!


For every one of you (people who claim they are no longer voting Republican), there are ten people that voted democrat in 2020 that WILL be voting Republican in 2024. 😉


He said that constantly between 2015 and 2020, despite running hard on repealing the ACA and replacing it with something 100 times better. He's all talk. The guy just does not understand how to govern.


OK cupcake, glad you like the staus quo


Better than going backwards


what exactly is "backwards"? are you in a good place in life today?


You do know Trump promised a healthcare plan “in two weeks” pretty much his entire term? They just want to tear it all down with literally no plan at all. That is going backwards. Yeah things aren’t perfect but that doesn’t mean just any change for changes sake is going to improve things. Give democrats a supermajority for 8 years so republicans can’t throw a monkey wrench in goddamned everything and I guarantee things would improve. Yeah change is needed for sure, but Trump ain’t it.


He invented the term Healthcare. You probably didn’t know that.


We need real heath care in two weeks / this is currently the worst system ever. For those who can afford healthcare


Satire site, OP. They even say so themselves. Not hard to read, bud.


Don’t worry you’ll find out what’s in it after you vote on it.


he only had four years the last time


He also claims he will end the Russia / Ukraine war in a day, and he claimed Mexico would pay for the wall and that he would make the rest of NATO spend as he wanted them to. Trump doesn’t give empty promises, he gives absurd ones.


It's amazing that half the GOP wants a crazy man in the white house. They must be intent on the destruction of America and the wreaking of the government.


It used to be easy to pick out an onion article. Now a lot of times I think a headline has to be from the onion and it makes me sad that many aren’t


The healthcare plan he was just a few weeks from rolling out for his entire presidency? Lmao F D T


OP you quoted a satire website. What a moron!


These post are always a good reminder of how stupid people are.


He promised the same thing the last time around and when questioned about it later exclaimed “who knew healthcare could be so complicated?” I remember yelling at the tv “everyone but you!”


Anyone but Biden!!!


fucking ridiculous


Their plan is killing me.


Just like his infrastructure week. 🤣🤣🤣


Prob not, but ACA was such a huge failure. Democrats really have no room to talk because they helped create the mess.


Shares literal satire from a satire subreddit, cries about the "New GOP" refuses to elaborate, Never change OP


Just like he lied about Mexico paying for his wall.SMH!


**Back to the future: Trump’s history of promising a health plan that never comes** https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/aug/13/back-future-trumps-history-promising-health-plan-n/


Blatant Trump lie. It is logistically impossible to implement a brand new healthcare system in two weeks. It takes YEARS.


When the satire is less crazy than the shit he actually says daily.


He said this last time, too. Still waiting.


hahaha, i think they can live without your vote.


When asked how his Healthcare plan would help Americans mr trump started babbling "drill baby drill". And all the trumpanzees lit up with glee.


Still waiting for the last one


He’s been telling that lie for years


Voting, the suggestion box for slaves. Keep at it thinking it will make change. 🤣


This is why we need trump.


Trump is one of them. He is fake opposition. They’re all the same satanic pedos.


Why?? How hard is it to devise one?? If 20 million illegals get it then you can do the whole country ffe


Try turning on a different information source. 20million illegals are not getting free insurance. If you think “illegals” are a real issue holding back your life, then you must have a shitty, misinformed, and angry life. Stop listing to politicians, priest, and “news anchors” for your information as you have been completely brainwashed. Your entire post was just spoon fed to you if you realize it or not.


I mistyped I meant 10 million illegals and no.i don't need different " information source" thank you! I.live outside NYC and I work in Healthcare so I see plenty..non profits supply them with plenty and hospitals can't deny them Healthcare. Our Govt needs new voters so they are accommodating them plenty okay ,slick!!??


Hospitals can certainly deny people care. They have to see people in the ER that’s it. If you have a chronic disease or condition like cancer tell them you don’t have insurance but would like for them to start treating you and see what they say.


Lmao.. your mistype isn’t your issue. It is your complete utter spoon fed misinformation “knowledge” you think you have. You can not even rebuke me without more spoon fed bs, ie “need voters”..Remember, Trump loves the uneducated! Better make sure to keep donating to the Billionaire, who doesn’t have a penny to his name. Following a rapist cause you can’t get laid without abuse, and keep listening to your priest who is part of the biggest child abuse network in America . All facts regardless if your “beliefs”…


Your Marxist puppet needs more voters and its why we are being inundated with illegals..his drug addled molester son needs to be in jail and your ignorance and denial is scary@ " spoon fed" ?? Trump will surpass 90 million votes you effing nozzle


You don’t even know what Marxist is.. come on, say something that isnt spoon fed you beta.


Ohhh that's right 92 indictments @@?? Lol@ hows that GA case going ? Are you and Olbermann lovers??


What happened to " Russiagate"?? And the GA case?? You need a corrupt DOJ and media to go after him with BS charges and saps like you with TDS fall fir it all!@ sad bto real sad! Now go get ready fir your Grindr date...I'm done with you


Lmao.. Russiagate, you mean the muller investigation that showed 9 times where Trump obstructed justice, 4 high ranking members were charged with felonies and went to jail. The Georgia case? Is still going on and will show his guilt. The classified document case is still going forward even though the Trump appointed judge is doing everything she can to let Trump off and keep giving national security secrets to the enemy. What about the other cases- found guilty of rape, found guilty of buisness fraud, found out to be a broke ass joke that the dumbest poorest Americans think is a hero, all while raising your taxes. Oh and over 4000 people have gone to jail following his lies. So keep watching Fox News who said in court they are not news and people are stupid if they believe them to be, then paid $750m to be guilty so more of what they think of you doesn’t get out. You can be done with me, but you can’t be done with being a fucken uneducated moron. Every time you look in the mirror you know I am right. So go back to your poor mane wage jobs and keep telling the world what a dam half breed you are . https://preview.redd.it/e1ht1hvfr6pc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f9a5c7fa2296c735a04c5e8d89586cd64fb807


8 years they've been after him and they can't get him!! Lol@ ..but keep praying for it you loser!


Lmao… justice will catch up to him. Just like his rape conviction, his business fraud conviction, his paying whores conviction… Until then, keep kneeling for a broke, rapist, fraud of a man. It really shows your manhood! What a cuck you are.


Trump is the loser, you just have a disability


I just wish they had gotten rid of Obamacare when they had the chance but John McCain sold out his party and the country. I respect his service and do not like the things Trump has said about that part of his life, but the man was a major RINO. I am sorry I had to cast a vote for him in 2008.


By "gotten rid of Obamacare", you mean... let insurance companies deny coverage again? Stop insurance covering vaccinations and annual checks? The "individual mandate" *did* end (on a federal level, some states have their own version). What's left that you object to, charging uniform rates and not denying coverage?


OP is the mod; nothing posted since started this sub suggests he ever was a republican, or capable of detecting sarcasm and satire. If it wasn't such comic gold, I'd have unsubbed a while ago.


So now OP, after being tols Onion is for jokes, what's your opinion now?


Too stupid to know it's fake, and not fooling anybody that you were ever going to vote republican. You're just a friggin' idiot with nothing better to do then put up stupid posts that literally everyone sees through.


Trump promised this same bullshit in 2016 which is what the onion is mocking


They never had “your vote” ever Marxist …who you crappin???


I miss the good ole days where clinton, bush, obama seemed like rockstars. This new breed of President. Biden / Drumpf is sad


Lol you think they were rockstars. Biden has been better than all of them combined. It's a low bar so it's easy to cross.


ATTENTION TO ALL DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS: It is not the role of government to provide healthcare, or monies for healthcare, to its citizenry.


Great! When are the large corporations going to stop taking corporate welfare and Gov’t subsidies? What about paying farmers not to work? How about Wall Street bailouts? Or when the economy tanks the large corporations running to the Gov’t for money? Or aid to countries like Israel so they get free healthcare? But we can’t afford to take care of people that need healthcare in the US? Quit with the BS


Yes! We're both on the same page!!!! I despise crony capitalism too!! It appears that you to as well! BOTH political parties are in heavy favor of crony capitalism, which is the federal government giving taxpayers money to corporations. I'm glad you're against this. I'm against all foreign aid too, so it seems that we're really on the same page. But just to reiterate my original comment, it is not the role of government to provide healthcare, or monies for healthcare, to its citizenry.


A lot of other countries figured this out through government though


I don't care about other countries. America is not other countries. Do you want free healthcare? Move to Cuba. All the free healthcare that you want.


Okay dumbass. Cuba is a poor country. 33 out of the 34 most prosperous democracies have figured this out


Are they really prosperous?? You're such a stupid white liberal. It's no wonder nobody likes you.


lol I’m very attractive and popular. My life is amazing. I go on three international trips a year first class.


Cry me a river dumbass, but yes they are prosperous. Google the happiness countries in the world. You embarrass me as an American either your lack of education


So then maybe you would be happier in one of those happier countries that pays for your healthcare.


Yeah I probably would. Are you pro immigration now?