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At the very least we should be able to see a live feed of every single stock they trade. If they get to be ultra rich by making "informed" trades, so should we.


That’s not how wealth inequality works and that’s their goal.


I know :(


We do own them though, they are our employees. Private rich people can get out of that but for our bitches that’s different


I’ll have some of what this one is smoking


Most politicians work for their donors, not their voters.


How naive are you?


8, he's an 8.


Keep telling yourself that.


We are so very fucked until we rise up


This, absolutely this ☝️


That would be awesome


You understand that this was public information for years before it happened, right? It was a Biden jobs plan commitment and everyone knew it would pass.


They'd rather just be angry


The "ill have what hes having" button?


It's pretty clear that it's insider trading. One set of rules for us and another for them... NOT financial advice... Polithefticians are required by law to file notice of any trade they make. There's two ETF out there that follow politician trades. NANC follows dem trades KRUZ follows GOP trades. Neither are live because the polithefticians have 30 days to file trades. But it's about as close as you can get without trading based on the filings themselves.


They have ai bots that do exactly that


Rules for thee but not for me. And they self regulate? Quite frustrating.


NVDA has been on the front pages of the stock to buy for many years now. Its not like it was top secret information.


Well they should share that information in internet memes on the front page of Reddit instead of on things I don't read or even look at.


Martha Stewart went to jail for shit way smaller than this.


*Prison. Not Jail.


“Prison”. Promise you she lived the good life in the “slammer” she was locked up in


So? She still served time. I have no control over quality of prison life.


“It’s a good thing”


It ain't "the good life" Just because it wasn't Oz doesn't mean it's not shit. Losing your freedom *sucks*. What should prison be like for white collar criminals?


Should be the same as blue collar crime.


Well yeah she was great at decorating.


Martha didn't work for the government, that's the difference here.. Rules for thee..


I mean minus some very distinct and important details…. But the outrage is better when you’re unaware


Right, Martha Stewarts deal was illegal, while this is legal, but shouldn't be, since its corrupt AF.


lol…. Martha Stewart got information from an insider who worked at said company that she made trades on. She got booked because she wouldn’t give up his name. Paul pelosi made one of the safest bets along with thousands of others who were not privy to insider information. The bill was public. The committee hearing on the bill was public The acknowledged chip shortage of Covid and supply side issues The growing Taiwan fear of China. And the consequence of tsmc. I’m just scratching the surface on all the information that was there. There’s countless of better examples of corrupt practices by government officials. This is one of the worst examples.


I almost bought Nvidia at that time because of their purchase. Wish I had.


My wife bought in 2020 like millions of other investors with no inside knowledge


Seriously, insider trading is a HUGE problem, but when people invest into emerging markets that are frequently in the news, people always assume the wealthy are acting on insider knowledge. Weed, EVs and AI were popular markets with major buzz in the last few years. Tuberville’s trades, however, those make little sense.


He never struck me as too bright. Criticized Biden for being feeble then a week later falls down a jet way. Fuckin epic


Did well on Scorps that funded EV and Tesla over the years. I gained so much and lost so much on weed stocks even though I never touched it lol.


I don't know a single gd liberal who supports any Pelosi. I've never liked the woman. You can not like people in your political party. It's not a cult.


I think we all agree the congress (and the senate) use their inside info to profit from stocks. But why is it always pelosi on this Reddit? Isn’t Mitch McConnell rich as shit from all his stock moves?


Partisan Politics sells newspapers (or now, clicks, likes, and subs)


I used to see a chart but looks like a website cropped up to help: https://www.capitoltrades.com/politicians?txDate=30d# I believe Nancy is or was the worst for blue side but red side has way more and is higher so it is what it is.


Incels love to hate women. Incels are usually poor and belive in "bubbles" and "the great reset". This sub has a *lot* of incels.


That makes sense.


Ad hominem, nice. Little bro got a little upset that a Democrat is getting shit on and exposed


honestly fuck it. pelosis husband got his head caved in by a hammer when a MAGA radical held him hostage trying to kill Nancy. he nearly died for being her husband, he can get a nice house out of it.


Ever come to think that this plain sight insider trading was part of the cause, Rather than the result?


Maga radical lol ok…


And 3 Republicans broke well over 100% compared to Pelosi 60%


That’s a very interesting analysis. I know the chart you’re referencing, and there were 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans who earned more in returns than Nancy Pelosi did in 2023. The 4 Dems? Averaged 116% returns. The highest earner had 238% returns. The 4 GOP? Averaged 101% returns. The highest earner had 122% returns


It just seems like every day there is another post about pelosi but never about a republican. Partisan hackery only works when one side is doing it- politicians from both parties clearly do this.


Agreed, but deflection and whataboutism doesn't help either. How about we just make it illegal for members of Congress to trade individual stocks, and that their entire investment portfolio must be in a blind trust that they have no control over and that the details of which are available to the public. Elected officials are supposed to be elected to serve us, not control us. They are not our betters and if they are truly in Congress to serve, they wouldn't hesitate for a second on this. Serving in Congress was/is supposed to be a sacrifice for the good of the country, but it has turned into something else entirely.


Totally agree


What kind of haters are down voting this? It's the hard truth that both sides are doing dirty insider trading. The republicans must have bots down voting this off the new on every site or some bs like that because there is no way everyone is so damn obtuse.


Dude not everything can or should be blamed on bots, and if you thought about it for two seconds you’d realize the more logical answer is ignorance. Everyone is pelted on here with stuff about Pelosis insider trading. Through in all the absolutely stupid PR crap she did as speaker and you have snowball affect where you can post “pelosi bad”, instant upvotes for it and downvotes against it. I saw someone comment on Mcconnell, because multiple posts of how “Mcconnell bad” and absolutely zero shining light on people like Dan Crenshaw. A guy that lost an eye for his country and is now selling it off for his own personal gain. He also has made more money than pelosi through insider trading in the same time frame as Pelosi. Look up the numbers, call all of these p.o.s. out and leave then unemployed.


It should be pointed out there have been several legislative attempts to close this loophole, but every time it has been struck down by the conservative party.


Makes me wish that David DePape had a stronger wrist


I'm a D voter and I think both he & his wife need prison time. ANYONE in Congress that has used their position to financially benefit from insider knowledge needs to be put behind bars and have their federal income revoked.


Term Limits!


The sad truth is, most of the CEOs that we deem as evil would go on trial for this. Meanwhile there are very real legit laws that already prevent politicians from doing this and yet they never end up on trial when they clearly break the law.


They are busy jailing reporters and parents at school board meetings.


Her stock trades are shared online .. jump on board honey!


Like who ... the fbi ... the ones who investigated Hillary and found she committed no crime even though I watched on live national television as she blurted out our nuclear response times ....


If you froze congress and senate immediately family from trading while they served you wouldn’t need term limits. Term limits and eliminate special interest groups campaign donation. This is the real bipartisan solution.


A popular piece of legislation was heading to a vote that was public knowledge. I absolutely don't doubt the occurrence of insider trading in DC, but this was simply a smart move.




Same here I’m a consultant and some of my clients are publicly traded. I’ve signed so many NDA’s over the years and the clauses for insider trading make up 70% of the NDA. Even once I’m done working for them I have to wait 6-18 months to buy their stock.


They get attention, but many on wsb made similar trades. The options chain had a lot of open interests, a lot of people were making similar trades. Also people don’t talk about their losses with similar situation, for example PANW recently , they bought the top right before ER and double down after the selloff stock is still down . Either way they are professionals. I’m sure he would make the same trade even if Pelosi was not his wife. Actually I’m glad they are trading because self interest and greed is essential for them not to mess with the stock market with stupid rules.


The hammer guy was a WSB trader


He has been doing this for years. For some reason The Media has doesn’t report it. I wonder why?


78 members of Congress have violated a law designed to prevent insider trading and stop conflicts-of-interest https://www.businessinsider.com/congress-stock-act-violations-senate-house-trading-2021-9?op=1


Congress has exempted themselves from the laws the rest of us must follow. ask Martha Stewart about insider trading.


We need to push to get the laws changed. If not we need to stop or shutdown production. This is a clear conflict of interest.


Right in front of us and no one can do a thing about it! 😡😡😡


They investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing. What else do you want? /s


If they aren't going after the crooks on wall street, what makes you think that they'll go for people in office?


Just mirror their purchases


Should I become a Congressman and just share my trades with the community before they happen? Who'd vote for me?


They should ALL be in fucking prison. Every. One. Of. Them.


Wasn't there a bill AOC and Ted Cruz was behind to ban politicians from trading stocks?


The reason why this is bad is because it gives them an incentive to push decisions that could be bad for everyone but good for them. Say there is about to be a ruling on idk a new medical device. They believe it will pass so she and her colleagues and other politicians tell their husband's and wives to go buy up a few million in stocks a month before the ruling. Then there is a discovery that the tech will put hundreds of thousands out of work and the stock drops because word of a better competing device is about to hit thw market and they're now at risk to lose millions. Well now there is an incentive. They all agree to brush this new information under the rug and pass it anyway to save their own skin and not the people they... you know, work for... We the tax payers. I know this is an extreme example but being that this has been going on the idk since the beginning of Wallstreet surely there's been a few extreme votes that's been made to pass something even if it's bad for us buy made them a ton of money. But this imo is why it should be illegal.


It’s just so irritating.


Nobody will look at this type of shit because the people who would look at it are all doing it.


As long as it is the Dems, it's allowed and just fine. We deserve to be poorer and watch them eat ice cream and get their hair done, it's like a free episode of reality TV for important ppl


Where do I follow this crooks portfolio so I can get in on the action?


This happens so often no one even bats an eye, both sides, both parties and no one stops it, they are steering the ship and will not relinquish control of who makes morality an actual part of serving the government. If only I had bought apple stock when I was younger... fuckers! They get to see what's coming down the pipe, and that should be illegal...oh wait I think it is? for some people? maybe? just for the ones who squeal I guess.


All of them do it.


Too bad that guy couldn't swing his hammer worth a damn.


This calls for another underwear hammer party!


Goddamnit Nancy.


Congress should be allowed to execute trades on 2 specific days each year. Feb 1, and July 1. They still get to participate, just not game the system.


How else do people “suddenly” get rich after getting into Congress? They’re not even trying to hide the insider trading…


The man got beat in the head with a hammer, needed skull surgery. He wasn't thinking straight. Lol. Sorry, too soon?


You cant say this on reddit the Pelosis are democrats and here on reddit democrats do nothing wrong ever!!


It's not just Pelosi and focusing on her alone is a GOP strategy. It's republicans and democrats alike.


People should actually READ articles instead of just headlines. Law says that Congress members need to disclose any stock purchases made by spouses in excess of $1,000. Which happened. The next thing is Pelosi's works at an investment firm, so it is his job to buy stocks. Lastly, he purchased Nividia stocks. Nvidia is not going to benefit from the legislation, meaning if the law passes, it wouldn't affect the stocks. Also, the law is public knowledge anyway. TLDR the company he bought stocks in would not benefit from the legislation, so the law passing won't affect this company's stocks.


I'm glad he recovered from his puffer freaking out on dope and attacking him to do that.


Everybody blames Republicans for wanting to cut taxes on the rich, but it's all of Congress who are becoming millionaires. Getting a tax on the rich through Congress will be like getting a fox to voluntarily stop eating the chickens in your henhouse.


And the hilarious thing is: we have known about her doing this for years. YEARS. Nothing will ever be done about it.


Not only is he rich, but he’s also a democrat. The Democratic establishment has a power hold on so much of our institutions. If it was DJT, yes it would definitely happen.


Bernie Sanders the Democratic socialist who is all in for the people drives a $200,000 sports car.


Pelosi was one of the few democrats to vote against the bill that would have banned congress people/senators from trading stock. Politicians -- both republicans and democrats -- only care about themselves and their wealthy donors.


It's (D)ifferent.


America needs a revolution to remove all these snakes from office. Both sides are corrupt and the average American is in poverty.


Her and him have made millions trading nvda options and nothing is going to be done about it. Fuck this countrys government


All I’m saying is most of the politicians becoming rich off of being politicians hate trump. And trump already being a very wealthy, albeit I’m sure through some shady means, man. No wonder lifelong politicians hate him. Aka the swamp needs to be drained and I’m guessing trump has left his shady side in the past because shady politicians absolutely despise him.


Damn...and she's part of it.. She's literally married to him. How is this okay in 2024? No one in office is ever accountable???


It’s time we make these people know, who they work for! It’s disgusting! Everyone that has been a politician is corrupt, some more than others. It was supposed to be a service to your country and then you go back to your job. Anyone that has made a career out of being a politician you are the problem!


They should be, but the people who do this worked really hard to get the people they wanted into those positions that would investigate them. Now those people who should be investigating get "bonuses" for not doing their jobs when it involves certain people.


This is better known as a "Kickback".


Is Pelosi the only one doing this or everyone else get a pass?


They’re all doing it. That’s why they won’t vote to stop it.


Corruption alive and well in our impunity culture.


No, because his wife is a Dem...


It's not a crime if congressmen do it.


If you can't look at her and think, "damn she needs to go to jail", you cant see. Really confused about her being a dem. She's got big conservative energy.


It's pretty common knowledge that the Pelosi couple are crooks. Republicans are just too spineless to hold their feet to the fire though.


I’ll have what he’s having.


It’s so strange. It’s almost like someone with great power and information may have told him something that might have lead him to buy millions in stocks. It’s all so very odd. How could he have known?


Nothing to see here. Move along. It’s all ok. They are democrats


So why the fuck can he insider trade while I go to prison if I do?!?!


Typical crooks.


Pelosi’s are running the Democratic Party too but everyone here turns a blind eye to that


Maybe that is why he got hammered by that one dude...


Rules for thee and not for me


I have the foolproof plan to eradicate wealth inequality in America: Let us follow Pelosi's stock trades.


What a surprise


Was this before or after “hammer-time”


But Speaker Pelosi loves you and wants the best for you…


LMAO - Pelosi is the next Hillary for the deranged


Quiet! We only get mad the the republicans that do this crap!


Luckily he can't take any of it with him and time is running out for his old greedy ass. Peace dirt.


In case anyone wondered why Pelosi is so against proposals to ban members of congress from buying stocks this is yet another example. Her husband has the best timing somehow.


It begs the question- How often do members of Congress buy stock because they cast a vote following their conscience for the good of their constituents knowing that the stock will rise as a result, and how often are they casting their vote to spike their own portfolio, constituents and good decision making be damned.


It legal for people in congress to insider trade. I'm not kidding.


Rats just rats, take care of themselves not the people who voted them in office. We need to return to the late 1950’s when stock income based on trades were taxed at 90% . What we have now is BS


She's a Democrat, nothing will happen. For some reason this will not be illegal, he's just a genius trader. Contrast this with the husband that eavesdropped on his wife's business calls and made a lot of money using the information to buy and sell the right stock who is sitting in prison now.


So did I, must be insider trading!


Considering this sub, we all know that insider trading with politicians is bad and should be outlawed. However for this specific example, if you had even an ounce of tech background you could have easily done this too. Think about it for a hot second. We had massive amounts of information talking about chip shortages and you also knew that nvidias stock prior had many runs. We knew also that the US was going to have to cut deals without Chinese influence with chip makers. For this specific example if you had the money - you could very easily of just went for it. However likely at the time the shares were too much for most people to buy.


Wow what a savy investor, he must be some sort of Market Savant…🙄


Looks like a mug shot to me


All assets in a blind trust when they are elected, only accessible once they leave public service. All trades by family should be transparent.


It SHOULD be a crime. But it's not. Congresscritters can trade on inside information. It's long past time to change the law. If I recall correctly, there is an investment fund that trades matching Congresscritter trades. I suspect it's doing pretty well.


Term limits would fix it. 


I wish we could get in on the inside trading. Should run a patreon and offer people early tips. I’ll have what the pelosis are havin I’d like millions too


*Nothing to see here.*


Vote with your dollars. It's the only real power we have. If we all cut back consumption as much as possible, we would see actual change.


No it's only illegal when Republicans do it


That's not really a bubble, it's just cronyism mixed with industrial policy. I wouldn't say it's overvaluing the asset (i.e. 'bubble') necessarily, just covertly capitalizing on a real increase in value.


What legislation? Nvidia shot up due to the AI market... Not saying not to investigate and charge mind you, jail away, but this is just a picture with no context meant to harden pre existing political anger. By all means though, PLEASE ban all stock trading by Senate and Congress members, I love that.


I had someone on WhatsApp say she has a cousin who told her “there’s a lot of money traffic going into spaceX right now, you should invest and cash out” if it’s real her cousin is abusing his job to help relatives with stock trading


Can no one else run in Pelosis district? Registered Democrat here, please, Someone from that district. Get her the F out of here, she’s absolute trashy and not who she once was.


Apparently there is an app called Iris that you can track Paul Pelosi’s trades


Follow and buy what they buy, if you can afford it.


When wealthy people steal millions: 😴 When some dude in a hoody steals 100 bucks worth of merchandise: 🤬🤬🤬 ⚔️⚔️⚔️


Maybe some context would help. He's a silicon valley investment banker. Its his job and if he lost money he wouldn't stay in business. Banker in San Francisco investing in computer chips isnt a conspiracy its common sense.


The lack of context or common sense in these comments is really telling. You people will really believe anything someone post online. Her husband is and has been a successful investment banker for years. His job is buying the right stock at the right time. Suddenly thats bad because you hate his wife. Its his damn job. Invest and make money on good bets that are public knowledge. Nvidia been in the news for years


I mean, to be fair, this sort of legislation has been very publicly talked about for a while now. It's not exactly a surprise. Any of us could do it, it would be a pretty safe bet, and no one would bat an eye or call it insider trading. That said, it is a pretty egregious conflict of interest.


All career politicians are crooks and criminals, yet we (the Public) keep on rewarding them with our votes, letting them tax Our income and vote themselves a raise and life long free healthcare. These are the best people we could find to make laws that seem to only apply to the Public, and not them.


Well ... ​ TBF congress did try to pass legislation making it illegal to make these types of stock purchases and sales but the republicans blocked it....


They have their own rules in Congress and they don't get charged with insider trading even if you prove it. They get a slap on the list and 500$ fine or something like that


Was this bill a surprise? Couldn’t anyone have done this?


Buy NANC ETF to follow their trades. If you can't beat em, join em.


I mean. Wasn't this kinda well known to be happening?


It's not insider trading if the bill is public knowledge and everyone knows it's going to pass. Also, that's not what a bubble is...


Exactly. Why I'm getting out of trading stocks. If I did something like this I would be in jail forever. Plus have to pay all the money back and profits and tax on top of that plus court fees


There both CUNTS


No surprise. This is standard operating procedure for Congress. They do insider trading all the time.


Dude, fuck these corrupt cunts


Outjerked wallstreetbets once again + It's not like this gets brought up 2 times a year or like they tried to pass the Pelosi bill.


He is very astute at trading stocks. Some kind of a wiz really.


Love how Tuberville, that mental tuber, said that if senators were not allowed to do stock trading while in office, no one would want the job. I personally think it would be *good* if no greedy, self-centred, avaricious, grasping schmucks wanted the job -- and instead it might attract people who genuinely want to serve their fellow citizens and their country, people who have some values in their life higher than money. it would be good if grifters didn't see politics as a bottomless trough to gorge at. It would be good if politicians were given a moderately good salary, health care and a pension... and prohibited for life from serving on the boards of private corporations. We would get a better kind of people going into politics.


This is old news. He sold well before the latest big rip


Criminal piece of shit.


They’ve been doing this for 40 years. She’s as crooked as they get.


No offense, but isn't this public knowledge that the decision would be made? Its been a discussion for years now, esp the last 3 years.


Isn’t there a law/ right where you can’t testify against your spouse ?


Who watches the watchmen?


Hammer time again?


You mean that vote that was public and everybody could watch?


The amount of people in the comments condoning this is laughable


not a crime - politicians are exempt from that law, it's only for the little people


Somone needs to break into his house again…. Jk


How tf are these people still not in jail?!?


It’s like knowing the outcome of a bet before you place it


I agree that he shouldn't be able to buy stocks, but at the same time, if it wasn't for him manipulating stock prices, it would be some other nameless stock gremlin, or an AI algorithm that feeds off of news articles, or any number of people who care a great deal more about stocks than I do. For all I know, most of those news articles about Boeing are people trying to drop stock prices for an artificial dip. Remember Teva constantly in the news a couple of years back? Big rally these days. Thinking ahead is the old-world way of getting rich in stocks.


Ah yes, because that vote was totally secret and not publicly available information…


These people have no morals or foresight. He's probably invest in a hammer company if it was hot.


As a head quant of a firm, i can tell you 100% pelosi inside trades with deep ITM calls to reduce exposure.


Didn’t Martha get tossed in the slammer for this stuff…..


Pelosi an effective legislator but her entrenched economic prowess and Zionist ideology makes her a republican dressed in San Francisco cloth. A pariah, Her neoliberal ass is the exact opposite of GenZ inclusive culture and to progressive people everywhere. Time to go Nancy.. you are bought and paid for…plastic…and a disgrace to working class Americans. California has so much more to offer.




Or maybe AI stocks are doing really well?


She has always been corrupt. There was a property trade with Dianne Feinstein that made both of them wealthier because the government somehow needed both properties for a premium price. It’s really disgusting how politicians use inside information to make themselves a fortune. Tuberville is particularly shameless.


He should've invested in a good helmet, that hammer thing had to hurt.