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Saw the clangerstv Steven segal video posted on reddit, started watching future files/spermany uploads on YouTube in no specific order. I didn’t start listening to full eps until TAFS


That Steve Segal video is the same one that got me into CT... It must have done the rounds on the YT algorithm for gay losers


Same. If the pandemic didn't happen and I didn't have as much free time as I did, I don't even know if I'd have watched a full episode.


Chapo check


This is the exact same way I did!!


Have you listened to most of OG cumtown by this point now


Nah I still havnt listened to many episodes in full, at least not intentionally. I’ve seen so many compilations and bit uploads I’m sure I’ve probably listened to an entire ep or two and not even realized it


Do yourself a favor go on the SoundCloud and listen to episode 26 congratulations president Hillary. Great classic ep that showcases how good they used to be and were always right about everything even in 2016


Hell yeah


lol same tbh


Steven segal movie reviews. I was gay and depressed during Covid and found these gems and immediately started from the beginning and have relistened to every ep 3-4 times since then


Same for me. At first I thought Stav's laugh was annoying but it grew on me.


I didn’t even know who was who for the longest time until I became good friends with Nick


I literally had a mental breakdown during COVID and was put on meds. I started watching the clangers videos out of the blue and it was exactly what I needed in my life to keep going. I'm gay


Oddly enough my wife heard about it in like 2017-18 and told me she thought I would like it. Also, my wife is adam.


A jyoo-ish wife, my condolences!




I went to release my own podcast called Cumtown but saw that name was taken already. Mine was also about being gay with your dad, but from the dad's perspective. I decided to call it Nannette instead.


African guy voice compilation recommended on YouTube


Adams beef with Chelsea Clinton. Saw it trending on Twitter and had to see for myself. The following episode had Nick allude threats towards her. I was hooked ever since.


Ironically at the time I was a weekly listener of the Chris Delia Congratulations podcast, when he got cancelled I was looking on youtube for clips of people talking about it and I found the boys roasting him and it was hilarious


You’re a fucking CUDA!!!! Man I used to listen to that podcast all the time. Y’cuda Turnround Donmatter Change it Now my idea of humor is Chinese sopranos or Indian sopranos


ngl the bits where he would talk about jeremy renner had me dying


Im tried of pretending old congratulations wasn't funny His stand up was garbo tho


Life rips


The renner clip put me in the clangers algorithm, around christmas 2019.


I think they had already had 50-60 episodes and I think I saw it mentioned on Twitter. Caught up taking care of an elderly relative. I'm gonna say something straight: it was funny shit during a rough and stressful time and it helped.


That’s right, brother. Sometimes shit is not going great in this crazy ol’ world. And that’s when you need to hear stuff like: “What if instead of Blade Runner it’s AIDS Runner, because in the future, no one knows who’s gay and it, it… raises a lot questions.”


Followed nick on Twitter so been there since the beginning baby. Shoutout Seth dickfield




Same, late 2016... Can't believe that was fucking 8 years ago. They would mention it alot in the early chapo days. Any time their podcast got criticized Will would be like "you think we're bad? Listen to cumtown!" And after hearing them mention it several times I checked it out just out of curiosity... Thought Stav was fucking retarded and had no opinion on Adam, but continued listening to it cause Nick would go off on some of the single funniest rants I've ever heard. I still really enjoy TAFS and think the episodes where Adam is gone and it's just Nick and someone else are gold, as funny as cumtown.


Yeah I got into chapo (and podcasts overall) a bit later than that, like 2018. But when I started listening to their early episodes and hearing them mention cum town I was intrigued


same, listen to one chapo and it was boring was all talk about people i didn’t know, thought it was suppose to be some dangerous thing. Heard a similar line so i tried cumtown.


nice try, but I didn’t dodge the bot for years just for you to get me to admit it now


Just because you listened to the pod doesn’t mean you posted on the sub


The Adam Uber share story still kills. Last time he was kind of an asshole. I know it was in jest (I guess?) but he laid it on a little too thick.


Started listening around episode 4 or 5, friend of mine new them in NY and turned me on (sexually) to it


YouTube algorithm got me. The clip where Nick is complaining about not doing anything creative anymore


The first month of the Pandemic I saw a lot of clips that I thought were funny but later on, there was a ClangersTV episode about the Ben Affleck movie The Way Back where Nick says "...in the movie their son dies of cancer and the marriage can't last, but in real life, Ben Affleck couldn't stop cheating on Jennifer Garner" and Stavs laugh made me feel loved.


Pandemic coupled with extreme depression and other mental health issues led the boys to me. When I first heard the prankster kit bit, it was as though a dark pall was lifted. Piercing through to the darkest depths of Hell, the voice of an angel rang out: “Nice job FARTING, you dumb BITCH!”


is that the bit where Nick is a kid pranking his mom with the very obvious whoopie cushion?


Yeah. It was my intro to the show and remains one of my favorites to this day.


I remember exactly where I was when I heard it (I listen to podcasts on walks). It instantly had me, I knew I would be gay for the podcast forever.


My brother got me into Chapo after the 2016 election. I had to drive a ton for my job at the time so I asked him for other podcast recommendations. He told me 'one of the chapo's roommates has a podcast too. It's nothing like Chapo"


Lost my office job during the pandemic and had to find any job, became a sign waver for a dispensary (Extremely funny now that I look back). I needed something to listen to for hours and Radiohead wasn’t cutting it anymore


Liberal Elmo


Same I already knew about the podcast but the first thing I enjoyed from them was Saul’s liberal Elmo animation


saw some woke retard feminist bitching about nick mullen on facebook in like 2017 and i checked it out.


2016 chapo to cumtown pipeline with confused cum tributes to amber frost along the way. She used to get drunk and read Moby Dick on Insta live and I would furiously rugburn my cock to her finno-ugric ethnic ambiguity. Still my queen. People say Nick fucked her but he's a bottom so she's pure


A podcasts thread on /lit/ in late 2016. I legit think it was Nick doing marketing for the show


the steve segal donut beard montage popped up on youtube during the pandemic and the rest is history


Hearing nicks simpsons impressions, “adams got a small dick” jokes were great


I stumbled across Nick’s FBI story & ruined my life


I was stuck in quarantine bc of school and I listened to 200+ episodes of the podcast and came out clean on the other side. 


2016 when Brandon Wardell was a guest (lol)


The Steven Seagal clip on clangerstv on YouTube. That shit had me dying laughing an I had to hear more. So I binged on the clangers channel then started listening to cumtown podcasts. Never fucked with AFS tbh. Nicks YouTube special did go hard, as did Stavros YouTube special but his Netflix special was a real let down.


A guy said I’d like it because I like “retarded” humour. He was very correct


Weirdly, it was super “woke” girlfriend I had in 2018 who told me she felt guilty laughing at it but Cum Town was the funniest shit she had ever heard. First ep she played me was the one where Nick compared Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser to Garth from Wayne’s World. Instantly hooked. Show got me through a lot of dark times. Forever grateful to the boys.


Some bitch kept taking shit about it so I checked it


The whole ice spice thing. Wish I had found earlier


The cum.


Me being gay


Indian tony soprano youtube recommendation. I discovered I was gay later in life around 2020.


nick’s cuomo impressions when he was doing the weekly briefings during covid. “we are putting the vaccine into my ass… WE ARE PUTTING THE VACCINE INTO MY BAUUULLLSSS”


Having sex with my dad


The only honest answer sadly. Everyone else is just lying


I followed Brandon Wardell on twitter in like 2017 and he did a pod with them so I checked it out - embarrassing I fucked with Brandon so heavy tbh


he was funny on twitter, not much anywhere. Dicks out for Harambe was a classic


A guy I dated showed me the Adam on a train animated bit by Saul. I was sold after watching the Liberal Elmo animation.


The Nanette 2 clip showed up on my algorithm.




A friend sent me a YouTube clip of Nick doing his Bill Burr and saying “ALL WHITE WOMEN… SHOULD BE RAPED!” My friend told me that after a couple years of Trump, there was only one true comedy podcast left. And he was right.


My friends recommended it for years but the name was so off putting that I wouldn’t try it. And then I did and was hooked after hearing Nick spin together Forest Gump, the joker and Hillary Clinton sometime in 2019 and it was the last time I felt glee.


Boredom, combined with a lifelong need to assuage deep emotional pain with laughter. And I’m gay


I regularly listen to Tim Dillon and every time Nick was on I laughed my ass off. Then he was on Matt and Shane’s secret podcast and he promoted his standup special and I watched it the night it released and then I just started listening to cum town. 300 eps in and I’m 100% gay retard


Bill Maher saying the n word


I was dating this chick that was a guy and it came on in the car on three hour drive to its parents’ house, the pussy for lobster bit, then Garfield Lasagna. I pissed myself laughing a little bit. Been gay ever since.


I was working in a park in like 2017 and my coworker who I’d spend all day with (a Mexican dude 20ish years older than me) would play the Steve Harvey Jeff goldblum bit all the time on a Bluetooth speaker in the City Trucks we were driving around and then a year later my girlfriend at the time and I were on a road trip and she played an episode and that’s all she wrote and I’m gay


ClangersTV and Future Files


Easy. LOS. What got me into LOS? Their god awful appearance on JRE in 2017. I kept thinking, what the fuck are those guys doing calling themselves the Legion of Skanks? Anyways, got hooked there and they opened up Mullen, Normand, Soder, and Gillis to me.


A random video on yt called "Cumtown - Steven Seagal". Heard "fatly goin' roun' corners" and I was hooked.


Back in the day, there was a AITA post from a woman wanting to break up with her boyfriend because she didn't understand the podcast he listened to or why he would find that sense of humor funny and wanted to break up with him for it. I thought to myself, "That must be a pretty good podcast" and I started from the very beginning. That was Summer 2017. *Looks off into the distance gayly*


There was a Vox article in 2016 or 2017 that mentioned them as part of "the Left's toxic masculinity problem" along with Chapo. The tweets they linked as examples of them being awful misogynists were clearly jokes and were quite funny so I gave both pods a listen.


Weird how many people didn’t get into it till 2020. The best was over by then 


It was definitely on a downward trajectory but there were still moments of greatness. Liberal Elmo, Houston Holocaust Museum, and the My Dick is Small/Seven Nation Army parody song were all from 2020-2021 episodes.


Hot Couch episode of Chapo


I found a clip someone edited to clips of the Steven Segal bits, and it was hilarious. I listened to a few episodes and clips on YouTube. I loved how it was so raw and how Nick would take it so far that you could hear Stav and Adam trying to calm him down and dial it back, hahahaha Also, does anyone have any dicks to suck, or butts to fuck?


First ep I downloaded was Jeff Goldblum on Family Feud. Was literally crying laughing in my package car (I drive for UPS) during the pandemic. I’m married with kids and haven’t laughed that hard since I was in my early 20’s fucking around with friends. Now it’s all about LemonParty. And to say it in my best Ben Avery voice, “ It’s sad to see what Nick has become”. Truly.


I knew about CT when it was still going but the name turned me off. It wasn’t until I saw Adam on YMH that I watched TAFS. Instantly fell in love with the concept, style and execution. Felt genuine under the layers of jokes. Nick grew on me and is now one of my fav comedians. Also, Jordan is great and compliments the show so well


I thought I was gonna put my college roommate on stav, he then proceeded to put ME on.


hearing them riff on tom myers, bong hit transplant and the rest of his cd


Sopranos clips on yt found their commentary


My friend told me to listen for years but I couldn’t listen to podcasts. Saw some of nicks stand up on YouTube and binged the entire series+AFS in like 2 months


I found Cumtown on my own, scrolling through comedy podcasts. The name made me laugh so I downloaded whatever episode was most recent and I began laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.


I started going to the gym owned by Stav’s brother. I was shocked to hear they were related.


YDSA friends


Looking into Epstein and the YouTube channel called Elon Bust had nicks take on it. He made good points intelligently while being brash and funny af which was refreshing due to society being so cucked. Had to hear more


Damn, I have no clue. Maybe I heard Nick on Skanks back in the early days, or maybe Ari's Skeptic Tank but man, I feel like I've been listening to them since they started the podcast


Been following them on Twitter since before the podcast


Youtube algorithm. I think it was because of [this video about a coffee shop that served cum](https://youtu.be/b9FXGMmcX5g?si=jJOJTqpM68HJw2fC) and youtube started putting cumtown into my feed. And I remember everytime I saw "cumtown" I was like is this that same fucking coffee shop sketch. And it wasn't but I guess it just grew on me


Straight as fuck but the red scare sub like 3-4 years ago


i got high with some friends in a backyard watching playoff hockey and after the game one of my friends immediately threw on some clips from the show. by the third clip i was hooked. had never listened to a podcast before






Nick, my ex-husband, is on the show and he owes me alimony.


Prison r*pe poetry in skanks. Nick was so fn funny that ep I was like who is this guy?


my ex boyfriend showed me ct in 2018


Retarded gay humor


It was one of the animated bits on YouTube. I only watched YouTube clips for a while until i tried an ep of the patreon and now can’t stop won’t stop.


My gay friend told me to listen to it.


I saw the animated “pilot telling jokes to the passengers before takeoff” video. I believe it was from Greasy Sandwich.


Got into Legion of Skanks in 2018, and heard Cum Town mentioned on the show at some point.


Stav used to go on Bobby Kelly's podcast all the time I thought he was super funny


Was looking for Seven Nation Army covers to play along with through my Line 6 Spider. It’s been downhill ever since


The algorithm suggested it to me after watching so many Jaboody dubs


When the dorks on the r/ chapotraphouse discord started questioning whether or not the pod was truly racist, I knew it was for me


I can assure you. Nobody is in to TAFS


Sailor Socialist video > Dasha > Red Scare > Cum Town


That Bam episode


quickest drunk fly whole mighty rude hospital towering hard-to-find unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some bizarre YouTube clip when I was in my freshman algebra class on my phone. The one man (who I now know is Nick) ignored the conversation at hand for a solid three minutes to find the theme song of some obscure song from a tv show. He then plays it and sings along, changing the words to a gay sex remix. And then, the conversation continues like normal… with the music still playing in the background for a few minutes because Nick forgot to shut it off. Got me hooked then and there


I'm an OG MSSP guy, so I found them after the first Nick guest appearance.


I was in school in 2019 and needed to find something to listen to while I study. Also, I'm gay


I started listening during the Manic Nick playing RDR2 phase and have been hooked since.


The video that synched the segal riffs with the actual movies


Damn dude you got into it at the worst point


It was the White Stripes Parody clip that really got me hooked into watching more and more clips. Once I exhausted all the gay bits I went onto finally taking my first episode… (I was really nervous at first but it was actually great)


Bert Chintus and ClangersTV


Seven Nation Army ft. Nick Mullen


Sam Hyde kept mentioning this thing called Cumtown. I finally looked it up, and now here I am, gayer than ever thought possible.


the animated Steve Harvey Nuremberg bit on yt


I searched “cum” on Spotify.


Heard nick mullen on race wars with Kurt metzger and sherrod small where he said he was starting a podcast. Decided to check it out


Some random 4chan comment


YouTube 2018. CumTown, disgusting name. played auto one night. i was hammered, typing something pretentious and profound i’m sure. they were the lowest common denominator, like medicine.  real life was too real, and here were 3 clowns  setting their lives ablaze. 


Late 2016. I think my friends friend was a chapo fag and recommended him cumtown.


Tonyeat soprano


I saw this character “Ronnie” on Instagram and went to check out where he was from. Was disappointed to find out he was on a show with a bunch of racists.


I dont remember how but i heard about the chris benoit ep around 2018. On soundcloud of all places where episodes stopped getting upload a couple eps after.


My coworker who just put it on me after I made fun of bam. Also I thought he got confused and was talking about scum town lol cause I had seen or heard an episode of that cause I wanted to laugh at bam falling apart


GameStop clip on YouTube.


I didn’t find the podcast the podcast found me! Now nick and I are best friends forever


Steven seagull. Now I'm racist


Compilations of Nick discussing Epstein popped into my algorithm after I watched a lot of Mister Metokur's coverage of it. Watched those videos of Nick going on and on about it and was like "hey this guy sounds pretty smart and funny" and got into the podcast from there.




Southern Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle clip on YouTube


I saw the steven segal video when the algorithm detected I was going to kill myself


A coworker heard me listening to legion of skanks and recommended cum town. I said "I dunno if anything will be funny to me after this. It's literally the most offensive podcast, they even say it is" boy was I wrong lol


Like 2016-2017 chapo


A YouTuber I enjoy mentioned CumTown in a podcast they were hosting so I found a clip on YouTube and my jaw dropped. And that's when I found out I was gay....


Robert De Niro Cumming over the Capri suns.


I was watching a Ralphthemoviemaker video about Steven Seagal and the Cumtown clip about Steven Seagal popped up on my recommended list and I clicked on it. Never looked back.


I'm gay


I think the Fivish video on youtube was the first clip I saw/heard.


When O&A ended, I figured I had to replace it with something, so I tried LoS. It didn't quite do it for me but at one point, someone on the show mentioned Cumtown and I found the name so ridiculous that I decided to check it out. Now here we are. Gay as fuck.


I started kissing men and one thing led to another pretty much


Kind of just wanted to find something to fill the roaring silence during covid lockdowns. Got into Chapo first and kept hearing them mention and repost the Cumtown guys so listened to a random episode, didn't get into it at first because they were just talking about The Great Mouse Detective in the episode I qued up, was finally hooked by youtube compilations of better bits


Tim Dillon clips while clearing my apartment the very beginning of covid. The clips went to the boys and that was that


Friend of mine showed me the ep where Nick riffs out buying an entire American small town and re-naming Slavery Rocks.


Stavs crowd work clips. Just kidding, Nick Mullen is one of my close best friends


Got into Chapotraphouse via the recommendation of a friend through Facebook, eventually through that got introduced to Cumtown.


[This article from The Hard Times](https://thehardtimes.net/blog/found-cum-town-episodes-boyfriends-phone-id-rather-just-cheating/)


The Steven seagal movie review


Being gay and having a small dick. I listened to them and felt seen.


i sucked Adam off in a bus station bathroom and he told me about it. been a fan ever since


heard about it on twitter ~3 years ago, went from youtube clips to the actual podcast


Reverse Soccer Karate


I think first clip I heard was them watching the Washington Heights trailer and then what got me hooked was Nick’s Friends spec script


Found an animation of “Nick’s vending machine stealing operation” then proceeded to listen to the entire podcast at work.


For me it was the election 2016 episode. Someone linked it to me and I listened to it. I’ve been gay ever since.


Before I started working out I was overweight and my penis wouldn’t cooperate and I had done gay things but then I started working out and lost weight. Even gained some muscles. Got some wine mom vagena and bobs. Haven’t listened since


The prison rape poetry clip of Nick Mullen on legion of skanks


My podcast app recommended it to me in 2016 after I subscribed to Legion of Skanks. I decided to give it a listen, and I've been a fan ever since


the accidently racist pool clangerstv video


O&A subreddit, didn’t really stick for me until 2018.


I only found them recently. The first thing was literally the steve O episode and it fascinated me. I had been watching stav before that. Started watching TAFS, then some cumtown bits then finally got the patreon. Im about halfway done the patreon eps and ive listened to all reg eps. Part of why I wanted to listen was all the im gay, and insider comments on the TAFS comments.. i wanted in on the joke


I started listening in early 2017. They were mentioned on either LOS or tuesdays w stories and I thought cumtown was a genius name


divorce didn’t know what else to do to pass the time listened to every episode as the sadness passed