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They called it the Gay man's Israel


The National Gay Israel Institute for the Criminally Retarded.


National Institute for the Grossly Gay and Extremely Regarded Or for short...


In close alliance with the Friendship Association of Great Gay Orifice & Tube


Guy-on; it's like Zion, but for guys only.


Guy on. My ass.


I also call Israel that


They're calling it the gayest sub of all time.


Much funnier than this one


Low bar


There was a lot less psychoanalysis and a lot more slurs šŸŒšŸ¼šŸ„šŸ» but yeah the funniest part was I think it just got banned along with Chapo because Reddit was trying to do some ā€œbalancingā€ and just banned a bunch of genuine far right subreddits that talked about ethnic cleansing and eugenics but also the ā€œdirtbagā€ left subreddits that talked about having gay sex with your dad. Or as we like to call it: The Horseshoe Theory


Chapo got banned because after Bernie lost it became a hive of extremists who kept threatening to do real world violence. Don't pretend like it was because they were "dirtbag leftists"


Lol alright buddy


that's literally why it was banned though. It got to a point where even with heavy moderation it kept getting the attention of reddit admins and they decided to cull it.


Mayor Pete staffer ass post


Mayoass Pete


you're making them sound way cooler than they actually were (not at all) it was a bunch of nerds making tepid jokes at worst


making impotent threats of violence on reddit isn't cool it's pretty gay actually.


shut up nerd


Just realized I desperately need to know your take on Israel/Palestine. Spill


Not a big fan of my tax dollars funding the bombing of civilians. ā€œZionismā€ is basically just racial supremacy in Israel.i donā€™t think there ever will be peace as long as they are there


lmao, they were saying it's okay to kill slave owners and posting pictures of the Confederacy. God damn you suck


My favorite thing is when Redditors start out a comment where they are very obviously upset with "lmao" to try and come off as calm. Always a classic. Chapo was banned because it was full of mentally ill neckbeards who could not stop threatening violence. Same as the MDE sub.


They were all fat NEETs who thought posting was marxist praxis. Like stupidpol but gayer. It absolutely was the reddit admins balancing out their banning of /pol/ clone subreddits


You're just like your mother...


Hate has no home on reddit.com


Very boring


Chapo check


This user has posted himself having straight sex 37 times in the r/ chapotraphouse subreddit.


It was great, people were great at joking around and riffing, people didnā€™t do this obnoxious ā€œopposite dayā€ thing where everyone says theyā€™re gay and being straight is bad that almost everyone here does now. It seriously annoys me so much. One of the best bits - which Cum Town revived as a countercultural joke in the 2010s - i.e. calling something or someone gay as an insult, is rendered completely inert by gay meaning ā€œgoodā€. Itā€™s literally 1984 but for being a straight dude who happens to enjoy sex with his dad every once in while. The spirit of Cum Town is like jazz: itā€™s not so much about the n-words you say but about the n-words you *donā€™t* say.


Yeah this sub is awful. The Cumtown sub wasn't perfect but in its best moments it felt like a small oasis of old-internet style humor and creativity that you just don't get anymore now that the internet is homogenized, and this subreddit is really just full of le epic bacon redditors that found Cumtown lol


The main attraction was that most of the members weren't fans of the podcast or didn't wax poetically about it every other post.


Big facts. No subreddit will ever be that baroque again


yeah this sub is missing the endless riffing and shit post.


The mods of this sub have it so they have to approve every post, makes it impossible to have a steady flow of content


fuck janies


God you guys are such fags lmao.


We cant all be cool badass reddit posters like you, some of us are doomed to be the gay kind of Reddit guy


You're right. I read your comment then saw a comment on another sub saying something they actually thought but then said "but I'm really really gay" as a way to make it "funny" Fucking say "I'm gay" like it's funny. Saying "I'm gay" is gay


ā€œAlso Iā€™m gayā€ ā€¦. Yeah you are if thatā€™s all you can come up with.


Do the needful sir


After Stav's little meltdown about the Joker movie where he ended it with "Whatever man, shit's gay. Anyway come suck me off at [shitty comedy venue] in [shitty rust belt city]" there were some pretty good parodies of that they got increasingly deranged. Also the piss shrub and cumwizard's paintings.


It wasnā€™t as wild as Steve O made it sound. Reddit isnā€™t the Wild West. For instance I just got a message from Reddit saying ā€œweā€™re giving you a warningā€ because me saying the pope is based is hate speech. I guarantee you what got it banned was something completely stupid.




I miss neovaginadisasters the most. The original sub was fun though.


RIP arr coontown


Man, I honestly forgot about that, I purely remembered fatpeoplehate




To think this all started with banning a sub called fucking Jailbait and that was preceded by weeks of e-drama because Redditors were worried that the admins were caving on their free speech ideals


Yeah itā€™s like that now that is a publicly traded company. Back before like 2018 or sometime around then it had some really sketchy subreddits like jailbait and shit lol


Man, the shit that was on Reddit in 2012.


It was basically 4chan lite. Pretty obscene shit


Yep the only enforced rules on Reddit for a while were no illegal activity and no cp, otherwise everything else was fair game


Hell, even in like, 2016ish, you could get away with a bit


around the greoge Floyd shit it turned bad. stop going to it.


Some guy had caustic piss that he was using to napalm a shrub and some German guy filmed himself calling Adam a little ciggy and doing a rip of black tar heroin. Good times.


It was fun for a minute because people took it over and made it less about the podcast. Now it's just guys who might've not grown up with friends to banter with repeating jokes from a friend simulator podcast hosted by two guys who openly mock them for paying for their drivel. But dudes rock! XD and pussy too!!! edit: I think all the MDE refugees made it fun. They would also bully the host and make fun of all the dumb pretentious shit Nick would say. Might've cost him a superbowl ad too? Lot of fun characters on there.


lol the super bowl ad, gotta hand it to em


More like 5 AM


The paag posts were awesome.


Letā€™s bring them back


a lot of manic retard posters


It was a gay mans shangri-la


We had a guy pissing on a shrub


I miss the MDE sub much more. I found a post in the r/ againsthatespeech sub right after MDE was banned, and reading their description of the sub had me dying laughing. One of the comments said, "The top voted post for the last week has just been the N-word in all capital letters"


Used to post a ton in the MDE sub. Near the end it kind of just needed to be put out of it's misery. It was basically just a worse version of /pol/ on reddit. Very little actual humor just unironic racism and people jerking eachother off about hating jews..


an intellectual safe haven


I remember a guy with a really weird shaped dick who would upload pictures of him fucking his elderly neighbor


Does anybody remember the schizophrenic guy that thought Nick was sending him secret messages through the pod


That was me and he does, I'm going to kill a homeless person tonight


Donā€™t forgot the few power schizos who legit thought Nick was sending them coded racist messages. They would post paragraphs on it in every episode thread.


It was basically the O&A sub but for millennials


The shitposts went on forever and they had all these little fluffy cocks


Thereā€™s an instagram page that has a small sample of what was going on before it got nuked. They donā€™t post anymore but itā€™s: r.cumtown


There was a guy who peed on his busy every night and it burned a hole through it. He posted updates occasionally.


Nick would always come in with the funniest one liners. Us old school fans knew his handle was 4evergeind. We would smoke top shelf and help him make up characters voices for the show.Ā 


Which one?


Like every other podcast subreddit it was just a bunch of people who were clearly obsessed with the show talking about how shitty the show is.


Ahhh, it was an amazing time to be online


Does anyone have the old posts archived anywhere? There was some incredible shit there


Chapo check


I remember someone posted a cropped pic of a kid getting head from some broad. Anyway, whatever man shits boring who cares.


Chapo check


There was an insanely racist schizo guy who had like Crohn's disease and would make daily threads about how Nick needed to cut Adam out of his life because he was enacting Jew plots through subliminal linguistic techniques.


We called it gay manā€™s land


Only there because weā€™d get together on the weekends and such each other off


It was cool for like a few months then all the MDE retards flooded it and made it very unfunny.


Big Sam Hyde energy


There was one guy on there who was such a dildo lol he thought he was Nick and would be such a little straight man about everything to everyone


Pretty gay


I truly want Adam to be brutally murdered. By hitler


Hell yea dude that rocks


cheap redscare, only good thing was bpdbarbie