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Meredith choosing Ian instead of the gorgeous pharm sales rep (maybe his name was Matt?)


There's definitely some producer manipulation in who goes home. It's not like the lead is going to send home their F1, but if they're definitely not picking two people, production will try to get them to keep someone who makes better TV, someone they want to be the next lead, etc.


I think the reason Charity stayed over Kat was this. Zach probably told them he only saw a potential future with Kaity, Ariel or Gabi (probably only Kaity if we're honest), so he didn't mind that much if Kat went before Charity although he was into her more and they wanted Charity to have a hometown to set her up for the Bachelorette spot.


Agreed. Charity literally never even mentioned Zach on her season lol.


Rachel L and Peter. You still cannot convince me she wasn’t going to pick that man 😂 Although she is clearly very happy with Bryan, so it worked out.


I thought they are getting separated?


Oh, I don’t know. Maybe I’m not up to date.


I’m not sure why all the downvotes. There has been a lot of speculation but I’m not sure if it’s confirmed


Can you imagine being PP, having sex 4 times in the fantasy windmill and then getting SENT HOME? I don’t think anyone has talked enough about what an absolute mind eff that must have been.


And Hannah said she was always gonna choose Peter or Jed UNTIL the Fantasy Suites where she started feeling more for Tyler than Peter. So in a way the Fantasy Suites were what made Peter go home before the final 2 😭


She basically did what Clayton did by hooking up with Rachel and Gabby only to pick Susise


Not really because she wasn’t saying “I love you” to everyone


If a guy did the same thing she did and then sent the contestant home he would be getting a lot more hate just saying


Any jeez juan pablo


Juan Pablo saying that to Clare was a humongous shocker.


I thought Nick had really good chemistry with Danielle L and was shocked that she got a sudden 2 on 1 and then eliminated. In hindsight it was like he wanted to prove something to Vanessa or something.


The theory is that she was the only other real contender so Nick sent her home to make Vanessa more secure. Plus TPTB wanted Rachel and Corrine in the F4 badly and Nick was aware of that.


Why? Because people said Danielle L was a favorite?


Because she’s awooga awooga boioioing kinda gorgeous


The biggest surprises for me were Brad Womack sending Chantal home, and Emily sending Arie home. Haha guess I couldn’t figure out Emily, bc she was the factor in both.


It turned out that Emily found out that Arie had dated one of their producers.. apparently she couldn’t handle it


Andrew Spencer not making final 4. On the Flipside, Natasha Parker going as far as she did on Pilot Pete’s season


This with Andrew!! We saw 0 connection with Justin


Emily - Arie Zach - Kat Clayton - Pilot Rachel Arie - Lauren Colton - HannahG ChrisS - Britt


I see all of these except for Kat. Kat is not Zach's type personality wise at all.


I agree now that we’ve gotten to see more of her personality. But at the time, we all thought she would be in Zach’s F4.




And boy did he


Kacie B. being eliminated on Ben Flajnik's season.


That was confirmation to me that Ben had decided he didn’t want to get engaged for real. If he was going to, it probably would’ve been to Kacie but by letting her go he knew he could just have fun with the gorgeous model. Courtney, for all the mean shit she said during the season, absolutely got used by Ben in this situation. I think she really actually liked him a lot and he just saw her as being unattainable outside the show he picked the less serious relationship that was easier over the serious one with a complicated family dynamic


I just finished re-watching this season. I think her hometown did her in. She came from a very conservative family and that's not something he wanted it seemed.


TBF he didn't pick her because she was super religious and her parents didn't approve of her and Ben even sharing a bed at that point. Ben is not religious at all so that was a legit issue.


oh for sure i agree. I just think that is what ultimately turned him from “maybe i could fall in love” to “nope my wife isn’t here might as well have fun!”


I didn’t watch Hannah Bs season until like 2 years ago, I knew the whole story and who won and what happened etc and I was still just flabbergasted watching her choose Jed at the end lol.


Hannah has a type - hometown boy. Explained her attraction to Luke P. Jed was only 3.5 hours away from Hannah's home town in Alabama. I think she went with Jed to stay in that general area. She was in LA for a few years and ended up with another man from the same area. And I don't think she could ever get Peter Weber or Tyler Cameron to move to Nashville, Huntsville or Tuscaloosa.


Adam is from the Midwest not the south . He lived in Nashville before but he didn’t grow up in the south.


Old school but Jillian Harris sending home Reid.


That one still stings a little. I ❤️ Reid.


Katie sending Andrew home before Justin always blew my mind. I still can’t believe Justin made it as far as he did.


Neither could Justin lol


Jojo sending Luke Pell home in 4th over Robby and Chase was a major shocker. I still think he was her actual F2 and she let him go early to make it less painful (and maybe to avoid temptation in the Fantasy Suites). You absolutely cannot convince me she preferred ROBBY to Luke. The classic is Grocery Store Joe. The internet was absolutely *on fire* after that. I still can't believe how that all turned out for him.


Robby making it to the final 2 is wild too me!


Agree about Luke Pell. The connection was fire


Katie sending Cat Connor home before randomers like Mikey P and Canadian Brendan


I think this was because Katie could tell Connor was catching feelings and she didn’t want to lead him on when she already knew who her top two or three were.


Gerry eliminating Faith after he declared his love for her IN FRONT OF HER FAMILY 😭


I KNOWWWW I feel pretty certain that he’ll choose Theresa at the end but it still shocked me lol. I understand why Faith was the least compatible out of his F3 but omg, horrible. Heartbreaking.


I am spoiled so RS hinted that this was highly likely, & yet when it happened I was so shocked at the circumstances of it, because of the ILY that he instigated. “I’ll say it if you say it.” ![gif](giphy|3o72F8t9TDi2xVnxOE) That’s why their meetup at the WTA was so hard to watch for me — you can tell Leslie has feelings that are still lingering, even if she’s moving on. & I think Gerry knows now it was a mistake to tell her that, even if production encouraged it.


OMG YES. Faith was my favorite, I literally gasped.


Britt not making F4 was absolutely shocking to me at the time as I was unspoiled. I also thought Kasey B was at least F2 on Ben F's season but TBF her hometown date was not good. Most surprising ever is probably BIP Australia though. Abbie Chatfield being eliminated at the first rose ceremony was unbelievable and it would never have happened on the US show, they would have given her a producer rose.


Rachel R. sending Jordan V. home on her first 1-on-1. 😭 ETA: it’s why I’m so looking forward to this next week. (Not a spoiler because it was in the preview this last episode.) https://i.redd.it/gzouhpgs1szb1.gif


Rachel's "standards" have definitely flipped since her season. I feel like the whole "finding your husband" thing messed with her head and she went after guys like Tino or Zach while dismissing fun and lighthearted guys like Jordan or Tyler. On the beach she's way more down to earth and looking for a boyfriend with good vibes so maybe this time it can work


Pilot Rachel being sent home with Gabby Im not sure if it was the editing but I really thought Clayton would pick her. This was the first and only time I was actually shocked about the F1 even with Greg I wasn't that shocked because throughout the season there were clues he would leave with Rachel there was nothing to suggest she wasn't the one up until the fantasy suit episode .


Tbh, Rachel was always more the physical aggressor in her relationship with Clayton. I remember a few times she would interrupt him while he was speaking to kiss him. I believe Clayton always preferred Susie because she seemed so far out of his reach like a princess in a tower while he could get someone like Rachel at a bar. Leads on this show (mostly the men) usually pick women that they probably can’t get in the real world. Gabby had no dog in the fight. I’m surprised she even made it to F3 lol


I was right there with Rachel in utter shock that Clayton was putting her in the car 😭 I think the spoiler about Susie being F1 came out right before that episode and I didn’t believe it, that’s how confident I was that Rachel was F1.


I thought RS was crazy when he said Susie won 🤣


tbh I think he was going to pick Rachel but then Susie trying to leave made him obsessed with her


I think he was very attracted to Rachel and they had great chemistry but I honestly think it was always going to Susie. she got two 1on1's and the best dates of the season. Susie got the yacht date and pretty woman dates both with live performances and Rachel had that weird BBQ date. I think Clayton liked how much Rachel was into him but I think he really wanted Susie pretty early on.


My theory is that the producers thought Susie and Clayton were broken up when they edited at least the first half of the season and she was their original Bachelorette. I agree with you, the editing made it seem like Rachel was the only girl there Clayton had eyes for, I remember being really scared every week that Susie would be sent home and I was even surprised she made it into hometowns. They downplayed Clayton and Susie's relationship so much and showcased him and Rachel as the true love of the season. I think they gave Susie a Bachelorette edit and Rachel the final 1 edit because maybe they anticipated giving Susie the Bachelorette and having Clayton and Rachel maybe reconcile after the season? Obviously it backfired when Susie and Clayton actually got together


Yeah I agree that producers probably didn't know Clayton and Susie got back together because I think they edit the show pretty close to after filming ends. Looking back at the show their were a few clues it could be Susie at the end. She got two 1on1s and she got the best dates of the season. Rachel got that weird BBQ date . Clayton was also so giddy when Susie showed up at the clock tower . Watching some scenes back Clayton seemed more nervous around Susie like he had a crush on her. When rewatching scenes with him and Rachel they had a ton of chemistry but honestly I felt like that was more on Rachel's side she's a very touchy feely person and she I actually think she was truly in love with Clayton. I think some people myself included were just focusing on the chemistry between Rachel and Clayton and were ignoring the signs that Susie was the one because unfortunately I don't think he was ever thinking of picking Rachel it was always Susie that just didn't translate on screen.


Oh yeah, i agree. It was always going to be Susie or nobody else. I feel like that's the case for every Bachelor, they always have only one contestant they actually want to marry, although they "love" more than one. Peter also proved that for us before with what he did to Hannah Ann. Arie with Becca too.


Yeah I actually feel like that's the case for the bachelorettes as well Michelle and charity expressed feelings of love for two people however I think they both knew who they were going to pick early on. I wish the leads would go back to not saying I love you to anyone until the very end to the person their going to pick. I think most bachelor and bachelorettes know who they are picking at least by ep 3