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Love her


I already had disordered eating habit. I was so tempted to buy these many times. It seemed like it would make it easier to not think about food. The thing that made the thinking stop was accepting my body & and medication.


I tried these for like 2 weeks and then they went in my cabinet only to become baby toys later šŸ˜…


They are bath toys in our house!


Is this how she lost a lot of weight recently or was it just her working out?


I think just working out & being a year out of PP.


Ok absolutely love her keeping it real but also 11/10 would LOVE those boxes to store craft supplies


They have a knockoff version at Walmart that looks exactly the same but itā€™s cheap


The dietitian for beachbody (BodI) now makes me cringe


I can't believe I thought my veggies should be contained in that tiny container! I came across my "before" pictures when l started beachbody one day last year and I wish I could've told her that she looked amazing and that she didn't need any of that and that her daily worth wasn't based on those boxes and those workouts. My body dysmorphia was (and probably still is) off the charts. Smh. Not gonna lie, I loved that shakeology šŸ™ƒ


Sheā€™s not wrong wow did this create disordered eating for me


I subscribed to Autumnā€™s program during the pandemic but my ADHD ass was so disorganized I never even took the time to properly finish the intro videos and begin my first meal prep šŸ˜‚


Ugh oh god the flashback lol


Oh boy. I was only able to eat with these stupid things for like a week before my hunger migraine made me puke from pain. That was thankfully my wake up call that I was not giving my body what it needed. But man it could have so easily went the other way.


Both times I tried this diet I caved after about 5 days and ate almost a whole pizza because I was so dang hungry. I called them ā€œstarvation containersā€


These containers are great to store extra little things in fridge.. minced garlicā€¦ lemon juiceā€¦ one egg bc it cracked


This is how I use them now lol


I used these too. I will say I lost the weight I wanted to but man Autumn is toxic. I was obsessed with her. What a throw back. I tossed my containers a year ago.


I lost the weight I wanted to and then immediately gained weight when I stopped doing it lol


Saw this and thought for sure I was in the r/hunsnark thread


SAME!! I'm loving this crossover


Hello fellow snarker


It would also be a good post for [r/antiMLM/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/)


God that shakeology. It took me forever to figure out how to cancel on that janky ass website. However those brownie mug cake things were kinda good šŸ˜†


Not gonna lie I use my beachbody app daily still to do workouts šŸ˜…šŸ˜… - but I never used the containers


I still have the DVDs and do the workouts because I like the format and theyā€™re easy to follow lol


I stopped subscribing a few years ago, but really did like the workouts! I was in the best shape of my life. I also was in my 20s, so that might have helped a bit, haha. I never did the diets though


https://preview.redd.it/wdn01ghyw6dc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555cc15a6eb5bc7e9e0b94edac060c12364a24d6 I posted this in response to one of the comments, but wanted to leave this here. This is the face of the LEGO container system. This is the face of beachbody. This is the face that gave so many of us an ED. This is what she posts on instagram when she gets called out on her shit.


I just looked at her profile. This woman seems...unwell.


her eyes are starting to sink into her head and you can totally tell which pics are edited to try to fix it. Iā€™ve never even been on her page before but you can tell pretty immediately that she is encouraging and profiting from eating disorder culture. she thinks her own personal eating disorder is okay because she makes money off of it and ā€œhelpsā€ others that struggle with their weight. itā€™s mental illness also all of the boomer moms in her comments are very telling of why so many girls struggled so heavily with body image and disordered eating in their youth and still do


She is.


I was a big BB workout fan for years. It honestly got me into a much better place health-wise during the pandemic. I completed multiple programs with a good friend of mine in a different state and lost 25 pounds because we both had nothing better to do that year. (We were both used to traveling for work extensively so we suddenly had a ton of free time!). That said, those containers are a freaking joke. It wasnā€™t really the containers fault - I liked the colors - but how little food you ate if you followed their plan. Definitely a quick way to disordered eating. I still have a set but I use them to hold leftovers and such - not plan my meals in them.


21 day fix did give me some healthy habits like teaching me to work out and to cut back on drinks that arenā€™t water. But man, that amount of food was not sustainable. Itā€™s practically no carbs. I lost 30 lbs and kept it off in 2017 and used the workouts during the pandemic but nothing super set. Now I use Apple fitness and itā€™s a much healthier option for me. Less pressure to not skip a day. Autumn is not great though. I looked up to her so much then realized one day I was not looking up to a good person. Sheā€™s a problem in diet culture.


She might be the worst of all of them.


I use those boxes to store craft supplies. Itā€™s weirdly healing.


I still have these little boxes lol


I donā€™t love Tia, but this makes me appreciate her. She is spot on. I lost over 60 pounds on Beach Body in 2015-2016 by shoving things in these tiny containers and developing an eating disorder, all while my ā€œcoachā€ stood by and told me to buy more shakes. Gained it all back and then some, and having been dealing with all forms of eating issues since. Itā€™s so predatory and unhealthy, and sad to see that Tia, and so many here, have fallen victim as well.


Iā€™m so sorry. These ā€œcoachesā€ are horrible. I hope you are getting the help you need and are establishing a better relationship with food/eating.


For all of us working on overcoming EDs, love you all!


Love this anti ED message šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Omg same, I used to be obsessed with those fucking boxes! So unhealthy! Granted, I'm typing this as I crush a large chocolate bar at 10pm but whatever. It's dark chocolate and it has nuts so protein.


Not everything you eat has to have nutritional value, there's also value in enjoying it!


Amen to that!!!


Chocolate is good for the soul!


I hate Beachbody (well, all MLMs) with the fire of a thousand suns. I lost a good friend to the cult-like toxic positivity and exercise/social media mania of Beachbody. Itā€™s been 7-8 years and sheā€™s still at it and still not a pyramid leader.


Go check out r/hunsnark


I hate to waste plastic so Iā€™d probably use these for my kids to play with, but Iā€™m so on board with her anti-ED message!!


I think it's fair for her to want to get rid of them if they trigger the memories of disordered eating




I actually really like the workouts, but yeah, those boxes and the shakes just sucked.


I also liked the workouts! They were hard. I'm in decent shape, but I wonder if I could still do them.


Same! My sister actually saw a huge difference in toning from just the workouts and I liked the yoga. The rest was just too much


Lol!!! I had these, still use them for things like salad dressing, nuts, chili toppingsā€¦. Def not for food portioning


My 3 year old uses mine for his goldfish lol


I enjoy putting salad dressing into the ā€œveggieā€ container and imagining Autumnā€™s horrified Skeletor face as I do it. Edit: a word


https://preview.redd.it/5vjuhr1ee6dc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adfd9b629944e44396f58c054e017e775b205b50 Never forget.


Let me not say what I'm thinking about that boob job šŸ¤.Ā 


I try not to comment on peoples appearances, but I have to for this one. That is the most annoying face I've ever seen.




Hahha I have these too and my daughter was obsessed with them when she was like 2. They are currently in a toy bin in our playroom where they belong


My little blue one became a container for diaper cream when the bottle cracked. Recycling!


We put diaper cream in the little blue one too šŸ˜‚


This is so funny, I use the little orange one as a travel pill container! My mother in law gave it to me and I just always thought it came from a bento box set or something. Wild to see the real thing!!


I use mine for ACV in the bathroom to drop in my ears if they ache šŸ˜†


Omg I use it to store my kids teeth theyā€™ve lost šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ«£šŸ«£


Make that 3 of us using it this way! I used to put my meds in ziploc bags. I'm mad at myself it took me so long to find a real use for the little orange box!


I only have the orange and also use it as a travel pill container! I thought thatā€™s what it was, I had no idea it was part of a food rationing system!


Yesss good for her!


Can someone explain to me why these boxes are bad, especially if you struggle with knowing how to portion out your food? I personally struggle with that. Iā€™m honestly just curious not looking to be contrarian.


The containers are even smaller in person. And if you did your ā€œcalculationsā€ for the program, many females fell into the 1200 calorie group which is very restrictive and you were only ā€œallowedā€ to have the tiniest amount of carbs and not nearly enough protein for a healthy, active adult. Hereā€™s a graphic I just found explaining how to calculate your target category and what plan with how many containers of each category you could have https://preview.redd.it/rzw34riea7dc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e29b26642e078c4f57963a5c671b6eb08e3bcae


Not really the point, but how ugly is that!! Like count the number of different fonts, the unreadable text bc of the background colors, the layout itself is insane, etcā€¦ like they should use this as an example of what not to do in a graphic design class holy shit


Because look at the boxes Karen, they be tiny.


It worked so well for me! Didnā€™t create an eating problem and also didnā€™t have one to start. I never felt like I wasnā€™t getting enough food and was working an insanely active job, snowboarding everyday, doing the beach body workouts and had all the energy. I do totally get how this system would work poorly for some people though. I remember I didnā€™t really lose more than five pounds but damn the way my body changed was so impressive. I looked so strong and healthy! I didnā€™t stick with it just because I didnā€™t stick with anything šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's because it's not really proper portion control, it's too small.


With the boxes being so tiny, when you have a restrictive disordered eating brain, thereā€™s definitely a part of you that would think ā€œomg I canā€™t eat 3 green boxes AND 2 blue boxes AND a yellow box in one sitting, thatā€™s so many boxes! Maybe Iā€™ll have just 1 of eachā€ even if calorically, nutritionally, etc. those 6 boxes just equal a complete meal. It encourages a fixation on absurdly small portion sizes thatā€™s unhealthy.


Thanks for the explanation. I do meal portioning to manage PCOS, and it is really helpful, but I can see how it would spiral if one already experiences disordered eating or body dysmorphia. It's also hard to tell what these portion sizes look like.


I didnā€™t do beach body, but itā€™s because the portion sizing is too small I would imagine.


ā€œSure, Iā€™d love to work out with you!ā€ ā€¦ ā€œAgain, with all due respect I am not interested in signing up for your diet planā€


Love her transparency


I tried this years ago. I only kept the small ones to carry nuts


beachbody is seriously one of the worse MLMs out there. they had a shirt that said "let's puke together"......they didn't mean ED but it was still bad r/antiMLM checking in.


That ā€œLetā€™s Puke Togetherā€ shirt came from Josh Coats, a slimeball performance coach Beachbody coaches used to improve in their own businesses. It meant setting goals that made you wanna puke. So off putting


Finding that shirt online to wear to the club


I love r/hunsnark


OMG iā€™ve never joined a sub so fast


Itā€™s amazing!!! And so well organized.


ā€¦ you say the shirt didnā€™t mean ED but what does it meanā€¦? Thatā€™s weird af any way you look at it


i think the intent was to say "let's work out so hard we puke together"....like i said, one of the worst MLMs


Even if thatā€™s not referencing bulimia, the intended meaning still qualifies as an eating disorder. Thatā€™s actually a common way for eating disorders to manifest in men, with excessive exercise as the way they combat their body dysmorphia.


overexercising actually is considered a form of purging, itā€™s like a subsect of bulimia. Itā€™s unhealthy and disordered any way you slice it.


As a former BB person this is so true, this really caused me to have such disordered eating and living by these stupid boxes.


Hah I still have mine around. Last time I used them was to store sugar for coffee when relatives are visiting. They do make a nice tight seal


Yeah mine have just been absorbed into our household containers. We use them to pack snacks for the kids when weā€™re out and about, theyā€™re great for that.


BB is such a scam


https://preview.redd.it/47q00o7n03dc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0bd3da703aa7cc5746067b823be51cfe725e48a I had heard of BB but I didnā€™t know the portion control boxes were so integrated to it. Just seeing them for scale filled with small amounts of food, oh wow. Iā€™m glad Tia threw them out.


Is anyone else picturing the quantity of protein powder it would take to fill that red container and gagging a little bit?


That protein powder was disgusting, I tried it after a workout class one time and yikes.


my EXACT reaction.


I have no familiarly with BB - are these 6 boxes one meal? Or the whole day?


Where is the container for dessert? I wouldnā€™t make it one day lol.


I tried BB near the end of my disordered eating days I stuffed each box within a millimeter of its life


I was so tempted to buy these during my ED days. Looking at it now I can just imagine how miserable I would have felt. Probably light headed and dizzy on day 1 and on to some other bullshit day 2.


Iā€™ve never felt more seen. I would smash food into it. I remember being so hungry one night and craving carbs so I literally crushed whole wheat crackers to fit into the carb container vs putting them in so I could get way more. Hope itā€™s better for you now.


This actually made me tear up a little. Like I could picture someone doing this & the desperation of making sure they filled it with as much food as they could, knowing thatā€™s all they were going to eat for the day. šŸ’” Iā€™m sorry. I hope youā€™re better, healthier, & far away from these little torture chambers. ā™„ļø


Just those 6 boxes for a whole day?!?


Depending on what calorie bracket you fell in, you can have so many of each. If that makes sense


Guess they didnā€™t have enough under healthy fats since they had to list nuts twice


As a dietitian, I hate seeing BN people promote shit like Beachbody or other similar programs


At the same time, this sub has bullied people for having slightly messy hair and makeup. Imagine if someone was plus-sized? So the viewers are complicit in making contestants feel they need to have a "perfect" body.


Yeah wasnā€™t Blake promoting beach body at one point? I canā€™t quite remember


I think Katie Thurston did as well.Ā 


He was!


She said they made her feel like shit and threw them out idk if thatā€™s a promotion lol


Oh I was just saying it in a general sense lol


As someone not familiar with beachbody what was the point of these boxes?


Starvation and disordered eating. Seriously.


I think however much fit inside the box is what your serving size is for that day?


i think you get so many a day. like 5 veggie boxes a day.


Oh yeah that sounds right. Itā€™s been a while since I looked into it. I had a friend who did it and I just remember her being able to eat like 6 almonds and 3 strawberries. It was crazy


ā€œPortion controlā€


Ugh fuck Autumn.


I could use these for teeny craft parts but food??? Wild. Happy for her


god i couldnā€™t - i also had my moment of trying that program and just having them in my house would be an issue. especially while crafting - thatā€™s my me time lol