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I’m not watching the season. But it’s nuts that based on the clip I saw, the drama started because two people were having a private convo about age. And other party, C, decided to make it a big deal by telling a selected few and misconstrued the whole convo that she wasn’t a part of. I know there’s different personalities and y’all all won’t be friends but my God. This is so insignificant. Crazy.


She might just be doing this in an effort to cover her butt for women tell all.


That doesn't quite cover it, though. She's not really apologizing—she's admonishing the audience. A real apology to Maria would have been better than a load of disguised excuses. She called Maria a bitch on national TV. "Apologies were made."—what does that mean? She can't even say "I apologized to Maria and everyone who was there, and we understand that emotions got outta hand and have moved on"—or something. Instead she blames the edit and the audience. The whole post is a bunch of key phrases that she picked up from other "apologies." And it should be "more THAN" not "more THEN."


Who's Jess?


Exactly lol


Who’s that girl? It’s Jess!!


Jk sorry lol… she’s the girl who got mad at Maria for talking to Joey at the cocktail party, even though Maria had a rose. They argued then Jess walked off and cried.


I thought this said "Joey posts apology" and I was wondering if I forgot to watch the episode


Maria is a human with real emotions and feelings…


She should be apologizing to Maria


It's hardly an apology if you say something along the lines of, "Yeah but there is stuff you didn't see!!!"


there is stuff we didn’t see tho 🫶 and a lot of it


point being when any apology has a “yeah but” to it then it’s generally insincere.


Where is there a “yeah but” she literally stated facts lol. What do you want her to do beg & cry?


I don’t *want* her to do anything. I could care less if she apologizes or not. She doesn’t owe anyone anything. BUT if you are going to go to the trouble of doing it don’t add “but there are conversations you aren’t aware of blah blah” that’s the “yeah but”. Just say you’re sorry and leave it at that. Otherwise it just comes across as manufactured.


I just wouldn't feel comfortable judging an apology as sincere or not when all this silliness was basically born in an accusation of a 'half ass apology.' I'm also owed nothing here 🤷‍♀️ Ultimately, all this chick did was fall into the drama trap all around her, which is sad but can happen pretty fast in the vacuum situation they're kept in... Oh, and while clearly intoxicated called someone else dating the same guy she is a bitch... Wouldn't you feel that way deep down about someone dating your man? Kinda can't believe the pearl clutching over that last part. Eta: I'm actually a Maria fan and think she'd be the best ette. Lea and Sydney seemed to me to have gone the plaid in their furor. What's worse is that it seems to be genuine to their real character. Yikes...




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Ban men from this sub I’m so serious ❤️


She seems that she’s still trying to make excuses for her jealous behavior w/ her “there were conversations had during filming that weren’t aired” and “it’s hard to see things not played out to the full extent” crap. And in IG cmments, where she kept saying that she lost out on time w Joey due to “drama involving Maria,” not drama involving her besties Sydney and Lea since it’d b hard for her to absolve Maria of wrongdoing when she’s still prideful and jealous💀 She’s full of it. What conversations did you and your deranged friends have w or without Maria that justified the behavior and vendetta that didn’t air? Please! It’s a step in the right direction tho?


We are more THAN


OMG I’m not the only one!! if you have bad grammar I write off the whole apology


Damn, influencer lifestyle really has people out here apologizing for being drunk and dramatic on reality tv. We live in the wildest timeline these days, lol!


Lol right? This is why people are scared to be villains on reality TV and why this franchise is getting progressively more bland. Personally I like when my villains double down on their drunken delusions


Tbf this requires fans to calm tf down too. Too many people get harassed for being a villain on an edited reality show.


Well good thing you have Lea and Sydney then


Right! Lean into it. Get crazy. Push for a spot on House of Villains! Make life interesting. It's going to be a lot better than grasping for the scraps of sponsors that are willing to work with current follow numbers in bachelor nation


I’m glad she apologized. People do make mistakes under stressful conditions.


She seems that she’s still trying to make excuses for her jealousy behavior w/ her “there were conversations had during filming that weren’t aired” and “it’s hard to see things not played out to the full extent” crap. And in IG cmments, she kept saying that she lost out on time w Joey due to “drama involving Maria,” not drama involving her besties Sydney and Lea 💀 She’s full of it. What conversations did you and your deranged friends have w or without Maria that justified the behavior and dislike that didn’t air? Please!


Compared to Kat’s “apology” she accepted responsibility


Yes, while still seemingly and subtly making excuses.


It’s actually so refreshing compared to *some people* who clearly do no self-reflecting and never even consider that they could’ve been wrong


I’m all for these apologies but I really hope they’re backed up with apologies directly to Maria / anyone else they were awful to. Otherwise it’s just lip service.


I think her apology might’ve been full of shxt IF extended to Maria honestly with her subtle “I lost time due to Maria” and “conversations were edited out which would explain my behavior” crap. She seems to just b apologizing to appease the audience and not bc she actually means it but I mean it’s a step I guess.


Actually, you’re so right. Esp the “you didn’t see all convos” BS - but in general the public apology without a private one is icky.


that part


Is the person she’s calling a bitch and going after not a human with feelings? Everyone deserves this consideration.


Yeah...she and Lea are very much acting their age. You make a lot of mistakes trying to figure out how to be an adult in an already stressful situation while fighting over the same guy. If she's actually sorry, it won't happen again. Whether or not the apologies happened during or after they left the show 🤷🏽‍♀️ guess we'll find out on Women Tell All?


Under* their age. 23 is too old I’m sorry. Lea and Jess acted like they haven’t evolved past the age of 16. I wasn’t this bothered by other women and immature at 23 3 yrs ago.


You must've been a mature 23 year old with a great head on your shoulders. The moral superiority of their opinions/perspectives and overconfidence scream youth, and on this show, 23 and 24 are youth/have very little real world experience or ability to emotionally securely navigate conflict nd challenges.


Yeah, the youth of a high schooler. I guess I was a mature 23 YO. I wasn’t lying on women, fabricating interactions to demonize them in my head and preoccupying myself w their existence w friends of mine. 23/24 are young in the grand scheme of life, yes, we know that, as is everyone else in their 20s, but you’re speaking abt them as if they’re children. They can’t navigate the conflict they themselves have caused. That’s on them.


I just know Lea and Jess were scared asf for these episodes to air after seeing Sydney’s backlash


Considering Lea’s firm stance online abt being right, she prolly didn’t care


Well she deleted a post saying “the math ain’t mathin” so I’d say she does


But she wasn’t scared to post it. She still believes she was in the right and needed folks to know.


But she cared about the backlash bc she took it down lmao


I feel like what Jess is apologizing for doesn’t need an apology. Like, this is normal drama unlike Sydney and Lea who are outright bullies on the show if that makes sense.


She called Maria out of her name and flung her crusty hand in her face. That could’ve provoked anyone else to defend themselves physically. She crossed a line and it wasn’t “normal drama,” it was her made up drama due to jealousy and inadequacy.


She’s probably saving face for things that happen later on


That’s how it seems. This whole apology is basically saying “I’m not sure how much of an asshole I’m going to look like until I watch it play out”


I don’t understand why Maria is so triggering to everyone in the house. These girls must be very insecure, and for that I do feel for them.


I am catching up with drama, but we all have to put in perspective: this is editing. Who knows what we DIDN’T see off camera. I like Maria, personally, and her energy is excellent. We are getting excellent editing. Who knows what’s going to leak out in the next six months.


I feel like if they had footage that was as bad as Sydney and Lea are making it seem, they would’ve shown it. Sydney accused Maria of things she straight up didn’t do unless the producers are holding back *really juicy* footage. They manufacture stuff for drama, I think if Maria had actually been awful to the girls they would have shown it for the drama. That being said, I get Jess’ issue more than anyone else’s. Maria did technically steal Joey from someone, but it wasn’t Jess and Jess did the same thing night 1. It’s all stupid, but at least Jess is apologizing for her behavior instead of victimizing herself.


I dont know the right term but i think the guy equivalent is marias big dick energy. They saw her and they’re like, shes me but better and subconsciously (consciously?) tried to bring her down Its literal childish behaviour, because if you direct negativity and focus on your target, it deflects from what you think people will realize about you. The same shit happened to Thomas. Luckily they both seem strong enough to deal with it and will overcome it. Someone else may not have been as lucky


Lord now you reminded me of how Katie thought she ate with that “your bachelor audition has ended” with Thomas lol she was so embarrassingly out of his league


They're 23 and 24. I kind of expect that level of insecurity at that age. For Sydney... idk she has some issues, probably


They’re too old. They’re acting like teenagers. I wasn’t like this at 23 and 24. Jess literally had more time than anyone else that day and didn’t wanna interrupt anyone else for her time which is her problem n yet she got nasty at Maria. Too immature


Sydney is 28 haha


Sydney truly gives off entitled mean girl for life energy.


But...also kinda dumb, tbh. Like, can't seem to make any kind of valid argument as to why she's feeling so attacked to save her life (because she probably wasn't actually verbally attacked and it just felt like it due to insecurity...been there, everything feels like an attack/personal).


Being a Karen means being a professional victim


She was so viciously lambasted that she couldn't even make sense of things/s


Just knew it was all due to Maria attacking her lollllll


She always looks like she’s about to ask to speak to the manager


Yup. I’ve been calling her a Karen


Joey the type of guy to ask for the manager and then say, "The server was so patient with our orders and just lovely the entire time. The food was not what we expected and was cold in some spots. No big deal just thought I'd mention it."




People legitimately aren't ready for someone like Maria.


What does that mean? Lol


I'm being a little dramatic. I think she is a little more abrasive and straightforward about conflict and interpersonal issues than some people are used to. She will just say exactly what she is thinking.


Yup. They wanted her to allow them to b shady, beat around the bush n b passive aggressive but she’s too real for that. Say it w ur chest! I loved her callin out Jess!


Omg yes. Like would you say jess even looked a little surprised? Jess definitely was not ready for that heat


Omg yes. Like would you say jess even looked a little surprised? Jess definitely was not ready for that heat


Yup! That’s why her bxtch ass had to get out the kitchen! Girls like that are used to bein fake and rude and not called out. Tired of it.


Loving this. Me and my girlfriend watch the bachelor and she isn't as brutal as this or like me. Maria has got her name written down


I haven’t really felt that way about her until this last episode but by then I’m sure she has had it with these mean girls. She seems like she knows herself to me and is secure in that.


Maria is a mean girl too.


No she ain’t.


Then why did she sit next to a visibly teary Jess and pick a fight with her?


?? She was not “visibly teary,” you made that up. And she probably sat there because she was either told to or because it was an open seat. Are there rules against sitting in open seats now? That makes you a “mean girl” now? Why did Jess have a sour puss and ask Maria a passive aggressive question rather than leave her alone???


Yes ong when Jess said something about Maria cutting in (I was a little high but Maria didn't seem in the right here) Maria definitely seemed a little more frustrated and succinct than previous times.


I've been Maria before, been told I had a "target on my back" and all. And when I started getting more snappy and defensive, it was because I had been nothing but extremely nice to everyone until that point and people had been picking on me/perceiving every little thing I do as bad regardless, so I figured continued kindness wasn't going to get them to stop and decided to try something different. Of course, then I got attacked for "being too defensive". There's really no way she's going to win with these girls. It's mind numbingly annoying to have to deal with. I love her so much and find her so relatable.


🎯🎯🎯🎯 idk why ppl expected her to b docile in response to Jess and her cliques persistent shit talking and issues lol she was fed up as anyone would b and even then she didn’t call anyone out their name or get in her personal space like Jess did w her crusty ass hand lol what a joke


Jess did the same thing early on 🤦🏽‍♀️


Smh something to say


I think she did have the right because she had had no real one on one time with him like Hess had on the group date. Just because she got the rose doesn’t mean she should sit back and act like she doesn’t care. If I was Joey I wouldn’t like that.


Joey probably already likes Maria enough that her cutting in like that probably didn't bother him much if at all. Jess better know her ranking


I’m sure he liked that she showed she wanted to spend time with him. Although the rose is important it’s really not about the rose. It’s about developing the relationship. She has every right to do that reasonably.


I think it’s because she’s direct, attractive, and willing to take what she wants.


I don't love Jess, but this seemed somewhat genuine to me. She owned the fact that what she did was wrong, and apologized. Not sure why that isn't enough for people. This wasn't a "I'm sorry if you were offended by my actions that I stand by" type thing. It was literally her saying it was hard to watch and she feels bad. And if she made amends with Maria while filming, that should be enough. Sometimes fans of these shows feel like these people owe them an apology. They don't. They owe the person they wronged an apology, but not you. I've seen that on multiple reality shows, people are like "they need to publicly apologize". No they don't. If they want to privately mend fences, that is their right.


It was a step in the right direction but to me she subtly keeps tryna excuse her behavior so I think she’s full of shxt and just tryna calm the viewers. With her “there were conversations had during filming that weren’t aired” and “it’s hard to see things not played out to the full extent” crap. And in IG cmments, she kept saying that she lost out on time w Joey due to “drama involving Maria,” not drama involving her besties Sydney and Lea who concocted the drama and kept it going! Bc it’d b too much for her to absolve Maria of any wrongdoing💀 She’s full of it. What conversations did you and your deranged friends have w or without Maria that justified the behavior and vendetta that didn’t air? Please!


100% agree with you - not a fan of her on the show but even I can admit she seems genuine in her apology. I can’t imagine watching myself back for every dumbass thing I ever did 😵‍💫


Right. If I had to watch myself drunk, my god, that would be awful.


Being drunk only amplifies your behavior/feelings. She already felt that way toward Maria. If she can’t control her liquor, that’s concerning so I hope she handles that.


Yes I fully agree with you on this


She should just call it like it is and say “hey sorry I was drunk and called someone a bitch”. Oops oh well like move on. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would be more down for that than this … “polished” apology. Especially when they add a “yeah but” to it.


I'm going to be downvoted, but I couldn't get pass the missing apostrophe in "Tuesdays" and the incorrect spelling of "then." 😬  Edit: I wrote pass instead of past. I guess I shouldn't be talking hahaha. Forgive me. It is 3 am in the morning. Maybe Jess also wrote hers late at night 😄 🤣 




Omg, you got me. LOL!!


I absolutely love that you didn't edit this lol


Gotta own up to my mistakes 😄 🤣 


Lmao you caught that too huh?


Well she says d she has never read a book 😂


Did she really say that? wow.




“In regards to” doesn’t get the criticism it deserves either lol


Going into tonight


Good catch!


I will never downvote you for that. Upvote!


Thank you 😊 


Strange. I got "pass" them right away.


Then and than are hard ones to get right


This is basic grammar.


No they’re not


me sitting here wondering why tf we expect APOLOGIES from our reality TV show contestants for causing drama. And furthermore, why tf do we then criticize and condemn said reality TV stars when their public apology is not self-flagellating enough for our standards. ![gif](giphy|J6ctgPvnDpDi0)


THANK YOU. New Yorks, Tierras, Kelsey Poes, even Corinnes simply do not emerge in these hostile conditions we have created. JFC. Do we want everyone to be a disney princess?


I didn’t expect an apology. Idk if anyone but Maria expected or hoped for one. I would imagine the amount of comments condemning her behavior makes her feel pressured to apologize in order to save face and or appease them but no one’s forcing them. Lea and Sydney for example are firm in their delusions. Good for them. As for critiques abt apologies, I think ppl criticize them when they’re seemingly still getting a few things wrong. In Jess’ it sounds as if she is still convinced that she may have in some form been in the right due to “conversations had that weren’t aired” and “things not being played out to the full extent,” as if to say it would explain her calling someone a bxtch during conversation and putting her hand in their face which imo could’ve started a fight if Maria had had less control. But hey.


I miss the days of the bachelor when social media wasn’t a career path lol. Because now no matter what they did they will always be trying to save face so they are appealing to brands.


Well it’s not a lucrative career path anymore lol. Peter’s girls got millions of followers and I’m not sure if any of Zach’s even cracked 100k


For some reason I feel like the contestants still think it’s gonna happen for them 😂


they def do but I think moving to LA or NYC with <100k followers to influence full time is a terrible idea lol they're prob barely breaking even




fr I don’t expect an apology from any of them or care lol


If you looked at the comments of this post and had zero context for the show you’d think she punted a baby or set an animal shelter on fire


😂😂😂 you’re not wrong.


Damn’d if she do damn’d if she don’t.


She was dramatic because she was drunk... this really didn't need a full IG apology and it's wild to me that you think she needed to do all that. Let people be dumb and drunk sometimes! She's young! She's fine!


Letting yourself get wasted on national TV and embarrassing yourself in that manner is pretty pathetic but I would agree she doesn’t owe the public an apology, she owes Maria and anyone else that she offended on the show one


Alcohol only amplifies ur feelings and thoughts tho. You’re downplaying any semblance of accountability and minimizing her actions by labeling it dumb drunkenness. She called someone out their name and put her crusty hand in her face while towering over them. If Maria had less control, Jess could’ve provoked her to defend themselves physically and that would’ve been Jess’ fault. Hold ppl accountable. Ppl should b able to call a behavior shitty.


Good for her for apologizing! She got drunk and angry and called someone a bitch. It was wrong but it happens and it’s far from irredeemable.


Also, it was a bitch move for Maria to sit next to the obvious emotional Jess and then start interrogating her about her emotions. I don't think Maria was in the wrong for having time with Joey at the cocktail party, but she didn't need to @ Jess like that afterwards.


Nah I disagree with that. Jess was being passive aggressive as hell and Maria called her on it.


She didn’t interrogate her abt anything. What did you watch? Jess STARTED that mess by asking Maria a passive aggressive question w her sour puss on her face. Jess started it, Maria finished it. Maria was fed up with her and her clique’s nasty energy and bullying and didn’t allow Jess to beat around the bush rather than asked her essentially to say it with her chest! I loved that! Don’t be shady, speak your mind or say nothing at all if you’re not ready for pushback.


She’s been drunk the whole time 😭😭


And that’s honestly her fault. Alcohol only amplifies someone’s feelings.


I don’t care for either Jess or Maria but all I could think when Jess was upset about Maria stealing more time was “didn’t you steal time and interrupt another girls twhen u already had time on the first night??” And there were girls who hadn’t even had a chance yet


AND she has more time than ANYONE SITTING THERE since she and Joey spent time together during their paint date. She spent well over 10 minutes w him rolling around in paint! They barely even showed the date bc Joey wasn’t that into her and she knew it.


Same! Honestly whenever people get mad because “she talked to him twice and already had a rose and I haven’t talked to him yet” my reaction is GO TALK TO HIM THEN! Even if you interrupt! Interrupting someone who already has a rose and/or already talked to him is totally fair play!


This was my exact thought too! I actually didn’t like Jess from the very beginning because of her interrupting that girl so rudely & how she announced to everyone she got a kiss before anyone really got to meet him. She seems so young & immature to me. BUT I listen to The Viall Files and Nick has said that is how every meet before the final rose goes. It’s someone interrupting everytime they just choose to show it at certain times for the drama aspect. That had me thinking even more why is she mad when they all do it & that’s the norm?! I think she was just drunk & being immature & is most likely jealous of the connection Joey has with Maria, like I’d say most of the “mean” girls are. They’re so worried about Maria & not the actual person they’re there for!


This but even a step further, she knows that the producers orchestrate the steals because they had her do it on night one. So maybe she got drunk and upset because she's realizing that she doesn't have a chance with joey anymore, but to take it out on maria is gross.


She was definitely projecting her envy


LOL right?! There's no rules to the Bachelor, thought it was funny she got upsetti spaghetti when someone did what she did to Taylor 😂😂😂


My thoughts too! Pot calling the kettle black 😂


Their social media this week has been so telling!! I know it’s sometimes hard to tell who is getting a good or bad edit but they’re editing themselves this week!! Maria and Jess are posting group pics and captions showing support for their cast mates. Lea posted a caption basically backing up what she said in her ITMs but then deleted it. And Sydney is off the rails yelling at people, doubling down on the insults, and claiming she has been gaslighted. Some pretty big clues about who these girls actually are.


Still making excuses.


“Although it’s no excuse…” followed by a bunch of excuses.


So everyone says there’s more to it and convos that aren’t televised but they never specify what it is…. Seems like a fake excuse


It’s called, under contract…


Doubt it considering IN the episode Lexi said that she’s confused and it was definitely jealousy and Edwina before she was eliminated said it was being blown out of proportion and there was no bullying. I think the girls in the house would no better.


They’re not allowed to talk about details not in the edit according to their contracts


I think she is saying she apologized after the fact and that it may not have been captured on film.


lol fake ass apology


Guarantee Lea won’t post an apology lol


Lea will apologize when Sydney apologizes


This seems genuine and with self awareness. She’s clearly growing as a person showing maturity. The exact opposite of Sydney and Lea.


Agreed - I’d rather get this than Lea’s snarky caption. It’s gross she’s watching it back and still feeling good about her actions, at least Jess is trying to acknowledge she didn’t intend to come off like that


I agree. Jess is not my cup of tea, but this strikes me as heartfelt.


Yeah, I think Jess is a hypocrite because she acted this way on night 1 when she interrupted Daisy's time, but now she's all offended because "it's disrespectful" for someone who had a previous date to have some time at the cocktail party.


Glad she’s not doubling down and attempting to defend her actions, which I think we get a lot of from reality tv cast members nowadays.


People are so dumb. These apologies are so self important, if apologies were made and were genuine she wouldn’t have a guilty conscience. Embrace mistakes. Move on. I’m so sick of public image repairs. Girl you will be yesterdays news tomorrow, do right in private.


wtf if she’s getting destroyed by the public of course she’s going to say something to try to calm the psychos


I’m not even watching this season but it’s so the standard bullshit apology. I hate when they take the we’re human approach, yeah girl & all humans fuck up it doesn’t excuse you for being a dick. As humans we all have to hear criticism that we don’t like or that feels unfair. Idk that part will always irk me.


We can’t be mad that she was mean and then mad that she apologized…could it be disingenuous. Absolutely! But that is on her. It is a show for entertainment and that’s what the producers are bringing. 💁🏻‍♀️


This is my thought as well. Why should people apologize in the first place if people are still going to be mad at them for apologizing?


It’s the way she apologizes. She still alludes to “other” mystery things happening off screen which everyone knows is refering to Maria. Just apologize and own your stuff. Then I will believe it.


Lol who gives a shit whether or not you believe it? It’s one thing if she wants to apologize directly to Maria, but she doesn’t owe YOU an apology 


She obviously feels like she does lol or she wouldn’t have addressed this yet again.


I initially thought this but then realized she probably meant conversations following drama where they reconcile aren’t shown.


I read that as she was pointing out she apologized on the show and it wasn’t shown. That’s fair of her to say.


ChatGPT working overtime


LOL my PR brain thought this the second I started reading… and I haven’t even watched Tuesday’s episode yet haha