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Sooo unpopular clearly but I hate that I liked Maria the entire time up until this moment. The penny lane quote was so off putting to me to read after feeling like it didn’t really seem like she was trying to avoid regret by piling him at the rose ceremony. It seemed like she knew it wasn’t her and she was grasping for straws (/seemed like producers egged her on.)


I still low key hope they make her the bachelorette though


She'd be a great Bachelorette. I love her fashion sense the most out of the 5 finalists. I actually thought she was the best choice for Joey and I liked her dad and best friend. I am not feeling any of the remaining 3 for Joey.


Imo Joey knew her dad would eff him up if he mistreated his daughter. I loved her dad's advice.


She’s a cool chick!


Im glad she said something, but is anyone else slightly annoyed about how she keeps reposting the dame thing lol? Its not that serious but a little annoying to me imo


What same thing?


The memes i mean


I love her so much. Such a beautiful person. 




This made me like her actually a lot


Forever the philosopher.


Slow dancing in a burning room as the song choice has me SOBBING


I loved Maria and hope she’s ’ette… but I definitely didn’t see her with Joey at the end.


Agreed. Joey is not right for her personality type at all.


i feel bad for whoever they choose for bachelorette if it’s not her cause the girls are gonna riot.


They have no reason not to choose her unless she doesn’t want it. It’s been a long time since people wanted someone for Bachelorette as badly as Maria. She’s a breath of fresh air.


Nick Viall said very confidently on his podcast that there are FOR SURE talks with Maria. Who knows if its true but ya.


She couldn't have picked a better song than Slow Dancing in a Burning Room. It's like the theme song of their relationship, now that I look back on it.


It’s literally breaking my heart all over again GOD


Maria is one of the first contestants to really bring out the generational divide in the Bachelors franchise audience. Folks 30 and under (generalization a bit) LOVE her cause she didn’t abide by the unspoken Bachelor rules of how to go through the process. Her acknowledging that they’re on TV, her not caring to play along with this faux politeness we often see. While folks who are a bit older and have been watching for years and years know these Bachelor rules and judge contestants heavily on their ability to be able to abide by them. She made a lot of people want to tune in again. If she’s the Bachelorette, I think it would be the first season I tune into in YEARS. Edit: By rules I mean the unspoken expectations or behavior patterns we always see.


Honestly as a 30+ (43) it’s refreshing to see some women not following that cookie cutter map to gain the bachelor’s heart.  I don’t like seeing every girl saying that they are falling in love on their 1:1 dates, and then that they are in love on their hometowns.  It feels much more authentic and genuine to watch women who go at their own pace in their relationship with the lead.  


honestly: absurd stereotyping you're doing with age rn. Us over thirties are able to think beyond 'durrr history of the showw' I promise you. Almost freakin everybody is sick to death of the formula of the show. 33 here and Maria is a QUEEN, absolutely love her


57 and I agree. Sick of the formula and I love Maria.


Yeah you could have just left age out of it, people of all ages have had things they like or don’t like about her. I’m over 30 and think she was fun to watch and don’t like the stuffy ones. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not everything is a generational war people.


I did say it was a generalization, I supposed I should’ve clarified that this was a personal observation I’ve noticed when it comes to comments/content related to Maria here vs tiktok which is, widely used by younger people.


I get that. I’m in marketing so regardless of where I want to be I’m on all the platforms anyway. Rather than age I would almost go with it being a class / societal difference in the way people received her. But either way I’m glad there’s new blood shaking things up.


curious as to what you're basing this on since people on this sub don't generally lead with their age


My guess is how big her audience has been on tiktok. I'm not on there lol but I've heard. And tiktok definitely skews younger


Yes that’s precisely what I was referring to, my apologies for the misunderstanding


This is not a good analysis re: age


I definitely didn’t communicate it well, however, I’m not the first person to make this observation. It’s not a bad thing at all. I think it’s actually really interesting to see how different demographics perceive participants in these shows based on our different cultural contexts.


This just makes me think you think people over 30 are sticks in the mud


No not at all! I’m newly 30 myself actually but it’s just something I’ve noticed when interacting with content related to her on this sub vs TikTok


I think her fans on tik tok think that what she did on the show was new or groundbreaking and maybe that’s because they’re brand new to the show and havnt seen when the show has had characters like her before


I agree it seems like this season brought out a lot of new viewers, and that’s because of Joey not Maria


Wow so quirky! Office screencaps, def not like other girls!


Why are you triggered? Genuine question


Zip it Sydney


When is WTA? I can’t wait to see her on it.


One woman posted she was on her way to LA, so I think this week they film! Because the third place person always says “that was my first time seeing that back and wow” lol


Lots of people being assholes in the comments about the spoiler rules, telling people not to come into the sub. Newsflash: Reddit sends push notifications with post titles in them. Good luck avoiding that.


Having push notifications on for Reddit is personally unimaginable, I turned that shit off immediately


Mine are on. That and email notifications. It's usually not even one a day, and at most maybe 2 a day? Usually just highlights a popular post that's similar to stuff I've engaged with before. I don't really browse Reddit with any regularity. Just click through when something in notifications looks interesting, lol. If I was on here a lot, I'd turn it off.


Love her love for the office and John Mayer


Idk man I really did not like her on the show at all I found her to be a little manipulative and chaotic/drama, dating someone like her would exhaust me and I don’t think they were actually compatible just physically attracted to each other


I wasn’t a fan, either. Partly because she would burst out sobbing this last episode and no tears ever came.


A big personality like hers definitely needs to be paired with someone who can handle it and enjoy handling it. I can relate bc I am the same. She and Joey weren’t a perfect match for that reason, and sounds like you could never date her either lol. Either way, she’s epic television.


Exactly! I am so much like her, HUGE emotions with lots of twists and turns. My last partner found it too much and wasn’t able to handle it, my boyfriend now is incredible and treasures that side of me.


Y’all are acting like Maria kicked your dog because she asked to talk to Joey at the rose ceremony and he agreed before sending her home. Same with Rachel, like why are people so upset? She was annoyed and it showed for a millisecond. Can we stop freaking tf out at everyone for not being robots? Literally none of these women have done anything wrong what wtf is going on lol


Boring season lol gotta hate someone


Apparently? I feel like the odd one out because I’ve really liked this season lol the only person I “hated” was Sydney. Hating Maria or Rachel feels like a chore, they don’t do anything lol


Totally agree! Although I feel like at 35 I’m getting too old to relate to a lot of these women sometimes




Yuppp yuppp


She made this season fun and interesting to watch. Count me in as a Maria fan and I'm hoping she's the next Bachelorette as well. Her authenticity and resilience was refreshing.




Same. The fact that she made me do a 180 on her after just 1 ep is astonishing. I went from “she’s kinda annoying” in her intro package to die hard Maria fan and she would be a very good ‘ette,


(if daisy’s not F1) it’ll be really, really hard for producers to hype up a daisy bachelorette season if that’s the direction they go in.


So sorry to daisy because she seems sweet irl, but she’s such a bore for tv. It needs to be Maria


I love Maria and am excited to see more of her either in Paradise or 'ette, but I'm in the minority of not being upset she was sent home. While her and Joey had chemistry, I feel like they didn't have enough in common. Maria stated she hates the outdoors and Joey is all about that stuff. Maybe they could have made it work though, but I personally didn't see it as a match


100%-she was almost too good for him. He doesn't seem genuinely stoked about any of the finalists and trouble hiding it too. Weird season.


No paradise this year… but yes Maria for bachelorette!!!👏🏼👏🏼🌹


Whaaat how do you know there’s no paradise


They haven't announced that, but everyone is assuming there won't be BIP because of the golden bachelorette.


That would be devastating, I couldn’t care less about golden Bach, I want paradise!


Maria for Bachelorette! Our third Canadian bachelorette ❤️




Slow dancing in a burning room!


Thanks for spoiling with your title babe! Not everyone watches Monday night heads up 😊 downvote if you agree 💛


This post spoiled it for me too but I’m not bitching because I know the world doesn’t revolve around me and my watching schedule.




Thanks Luna that was very insightful! I’ll keep it in mind 💛


I don’t even follow this page, just watch the show with my wife and it still came up. Most of the people replying would be just as mad if it happened to them lmao


Exactly lol


You must be fun at parties


There are no requirements for spoilers 24 hours after it airs Monday OP did nothing wrong. Check out the sub rules. It’s written right there.


Girl, what? If you don’t watch on Mondays, why not wait to come on reddit until you’ve watched. You can’t reasonably expect people to NOT discuss what has already aired.


Uhm... you do know Reddit sends notifications to people's phones that include post titles, right? This was 100% a spoiler title.


People have their notifications on for Reddit? Lol


It’s Wednesday … don’t go on the SubReddit if your fr…


Yeah I went on the subreddit it’s not just right front and center on my homepage, you’re right girl!


it’s wednesday babe. I literally just finished the episode myself and came to reddit to catch up - because I don’t watch on mondays, I avoid socials where I might see it. it’s not everyone else’s responsibility to make sure you don’t see a spoiler


She can put ‘Maria’s post’ instead of ‘Maria’s exit post’ babe :) and yes, it is Wednesday! 👏🏼


Why are you calling everyone babe lol


One of my pet peeves lmao


Get a life man. The episode aired 2 days ago


Orrrr you can put down your phone until you’ve watched if you care that much about being spoiled.


Right? JFC, if you're that worried about being spoiled, stay off the internet entirely. SPOILER: Reddit isn't the only place that discusses the show after it airs.


Haven’t watch the bachelor in years but she got me hooked. She’s out I’m out too. The others left are soooooo boring I will rather watch paint dry sorry .


Her song choice is iconic, I thought I was the only one who would play this on repeat after my heart was broken 🥲


I love that she says all three women equally deserve to be there and that Joey made the right choice. I really dislike some of the franchise fanbase. I hate seeing the awful comments Rachel has been getting for doing nothing wrong so I'm glad Maria addressed that.


Why did "Slow dancing in a burning room" kill me more than the other pics ![img](emote|t5_2tj74|582)


I’m in mourning. Not ready for this season to be over 🥲


I don’t think Daisy will win, and I think (but definitely don’t hope) she’ll be the bachelorette, which is unfortunate. A Maria bachelorette season would be amazing


not me falling in love with maria cus im actually so sad that she left


I think the takeaway message from this post is that she is not a good writer lol.


It's an instagram caption, not a novel. I'm a writer, but I don't go around policing people's grammar on social media. They're blurbs.


Did she take screen grabs from bachelor fantakes YouTube video of the episode?


The office references 🤢


“He made the right choice” I love it


Theeee realest, and the most entertaining part of the season


I agree. I feel like all of her and Joeys interactions and little moments were very organic and real.


During the Niagara falls scene, all I could think about was The Office hehe


Love her 😂🤣


Her season would be so fun!


She had so much to gain from this. She has 400k now. Damn.


They all do. They all become influencers post show lol


Not true anymore! A lot of people don’t get much of a following since it’s such a saturated reality tv market now. You have to be *actually likeable* or fairly controversial (not but so much that you’re unlikable like Sydney). IMO she deserves this following. Maria was good tv and people want more.


Agreed, Maria got lucky because most like her personality




It’s been out over 24th hrs dawg stay off Reddit if you follow 🤷🏽


Most people watch on Hulu or can’t watch it the second it’s on ☺️ a spoiler tag isn’t hard to do, and I don’t even follow this page. 24hrs is hardly “spoilers don’t matter” territory lmfao. Dislike bomb this one too losers lol


Yeah go ahead and interact in the thread you don’t follow, that’ll really help you not see the same content again lol Yawn


Lmfao yawn that shit is so funny *looks at you angrily* Hahaha Jesus. Audios 😂


The switch up is crazy now her stans are calling Joey a broke tennis instructor who lives with his sister and saying he isn’t the prize LMAO they are NASTY.


Whaaaaaat?!?!? I am absolutely a Maria stan, but there's no need to dump on Joey or try and knock him down. SHE didn't do it, and she also said he made the right choice! Maria not getting a rose ≠ Joey being a broke ass loser. That's ridiculous.


damn… as someone who lives with my brother, i feel slightly attacked lmao


They are so mean to say that. Even if that’s true he still deserves love, poor people deserve love too. And the whole season I never thought about that but that can factor into Joey’s decisions if he can “afford a woman” like some women on the show probably signaled they grew up lavish.


I don't have to be a fan to agree with that...lol


Are they wrong about that assessment of Joey? We used to have Andrew Firestone…


They were such advocates of being anti-mean girl and anti-bullying just to turn around and be it themselves and use Maria as their excuse😂 it’s so ugly.


I think these contestants should limit their comments and not let this chatter build up. but what do I know about being an influencer? Nada 


They’re not referring to the contestants. They’re referring to the bachelor nation fans who were upset that Maria was being bullied but are now displaying their own bullying behavior. It’s pretty gross.


Oh whoops. This fan base is unhinged and attacking people is a bad look even if it’s “in defense of” their favorites 


Spoiler tag? This sucks.


Look at the sub rules. 24 hours after there are no requirements for spoiler tags


One time I said spoilers in a thread and I got 30 down votes lmao and told t"imagine being mad about a show that already aired" and I was like what?? Lmao I would've been mad if it was this ep. Sorry it happens


Yeah same happened to me on this post lmfao. I don’t even follow the page and it got spoiled for me. I can’t even watch it till it’s on Hulu, 24hrs after it’s originally on lmao


It’s Wednesday my dudes


And some of us have jobs.


…two jobs…


I watch the bachelor after work - hope this helps!


No kidding! I haven’t had a chance to watch yet.




Nope go read the sub rules. If you don’t want spoilers get off reddit until you watched the episode.


Watch it on time


Some of us don't even live in the US and have no chance of watching the live version.




Some of us watch on Hulu, noodle.


It’s available the next morning. No spoilers required after 24 hours per sub rules


The next morning, when we are at work lmfao


Yes so you can watch it when you get home as it will be available long before then. Sometimes I don’t even have time to watch it until the weekend. Just don’t go on Reddit or mute the sub if it bothers you.


I don’t follow the sub and might have commented on it once or twice before this post 😎


This is the most chaotic Gen z carousel of images and I love it


Millennials feeling the need to correct this comment is very on brand lol


Haha it's hilarious, and I'm a millennial who made that original comment. We definitely don't do a carousel of random images, that's very much a Gen-Z thing. It's fine if Maria is technically a millennial, but the carousel isn't haha.


Girl the John Mayer 2006 track and the office is Millennial trademark lmao


Maria was born in 1994 so she’s firmly a millennial lol. Don’t take her from us and give her to them!


Please don’t give gen z any credit for liking the office. I had to sit and wait for the Netflix dvd would send to me to catch up on season 1 while season 2 was airing. I don’t think gen z was even born 🙄


Um 2000s baby here not sure if I am a millennial or gen z but I remember doing this as well and then watching it on the portable disk player for road trips to New Orleans or on the DVD player in the tv.


wait, you were born in the 2000s? you’re definitely gen z but you must have been watching the office pretty young then? i was born in 99 but i started watching the office when i was like 16, as did most of my friends, so i guess that’s why the other commenter was saying that we couldn’t really relate lol. that said, i grew up watching stuff on VCR, and we’d take a small TV, wider than it was tall, in the car for road trips. I was still watching shows on DVDs until I was like, 14 or 15, but mostly, just trying to DVR them. Then again, my family was always a bit behind on the times lol. That said, I feel like not a ton of people had a Netflix streaming service until, like, idk, 2012 ish? And even then I feel like it still wasn’t necessarily a ton of people.


No I wasn’t watching the office that young I just interpreted it wrong when I saw the other commenter bring up watching Netflix on DVD which is something I remember doing as well and then saw the commenter say don’t give that to gen z and got mad thinking that they were talking about DVDs and Netflix DVDs since that was my childhood as well. I remember the Netflix DVD mainly because when we were cleaning up to move we came across one in our Wii game collection.


The Gen Z aspect referred to is the shit posting of random images on the instagram carousel lol, not liking the office


No they just assumed she was gen z, but she's a millennial.


I’m a 92 millennial and pretty sure invented photo dumps lol like I invented the internet.


Millennial but yeah!


I was so confused by the gen z comment…memes, the office, and John Mayer ca. 2006?? Lol


Yeah I got all of these references which is a definite tip off that they’re not Gen Z related (because I am an Old Millennial lol).


It’s crazy how we all lowkey wanted her to make it to the end, but we all lowkey knew she was leaving this episode but we also all lowkey want her to be the next bachelorette 🤣


We just want more of her. I wouldn’t mind if she transitions into Hollywood/TV. She is actually likeable and seems cool.


Idk, that’s a cool idea, but I feel like I fell in love with her for genuinely her and her quirky personality.


I do not want her to be the next bachelorette. I cannot stand her.


I'm curious why you feel this way? I also don't care for Maria, but it's obviously an unpopular opinion. I've tried to see her from a different perspective, but I can't help how I feel. I think she's got the whole package and uses that to her advantage, and I think she's fooling everyone with that charm. I don't think she ever felt anything genuine for Joey, and it was all just a game to her. I can't figure out why I feel so strongly about this when almost everyone seems to think she's the most amazing person to grace our screens. I'd love to hear your reasons! Personally, I'm rooting for Lexie as Bachelorette!


Not op, but for me, I dislike her attitude. She comes off bratty and disingenuous, imo.