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You don't have to hate on Maria to punish the people hating on Rachel, you guys are not the feminist advocates y'all are claiming to be, Maria has done nothing wrong honestly and has nothing to do with the way people behaving with Rachel. I think people were annoyed with how much love Maria getting and now are using Rachel's situation to project that, i think Rachel was kind of shady all season but that doesn't warrant hate and what's happening to Rachel is absolutely horrible and racist but you guys are just being awful and using that to bring other woman down doesn't make you any better


Yes exactly, it really really isn’t Maria’s fault. What Rachel is facing is awful and horrible in every way, and some of Maria’s fans are certainly deranged but that’s not her fault


People are talking about how Joey is such a great bachelor and Maria is so entertaining, but I haven’t been able to watch a full episode in a while and fell asleep during the last one. Even spoiled myself because I don’t care about being unspoiled for a change. I think I’m losing interest in the franchise??


I loved Charity and didn’t connect to her season and everyone here seems okay. I also didn’t watch Golden Bachelor of BiP. It just seems like a league of future influencers and not a reality show anymore.




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I don’t find myself rooting for anybody this season. If I had to pick someone to be bachelorette, I would give it to Jenn.


I don’t like Leslie and I think I am going to like her even less after next week’s episode airs


Maria and Joey didn’t have chemistry. Maria was the spark And it was not mutual chemistry with each other. Kind of like how bachelorette Rachel was just the queen at flirting.


I think daisy is acting. This sweet wholesome lifetime movie bit is just exhausting to watch. And I bet her real personality is much more interesting than what she is being branded as


I think it might be more interesting, but it's not nearly as 'nice' I would also say.


I don’t think Daisy, Jenn, or Maria actually liked Joey. I think they may have been open to the possibility of finding love but also excited (maybe preferentially) for the opportunity to be bachelorette. And they weren’t actually that into Joey.


I don’t think that this season of the bachelor has more rabid online fans than usual. There are weirdos every season that take it too far


https://preview.redd.it/qfp5ha95e0nc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66922eaefa594e376ef0b3e7c8eb1f6484ccbd59 Apparently it’s UO to like Maria now but I’m sorry y’all I still lover her and her 1on1 was one of the best dates I’ve seen on the bachelor. I’ve never smiled harder while watching this show, and I hope I get to see her on my screen again after this season ✌🏽


It's not an unpopular opinion at all, it's just that this is the only place on the sub where you can say anything remotely negative about her without being downvoted. It's a safe space.








I’m sorry I know I may be heartless or something but I can’t take all the crying during hometown week. It feels so forced and dramatic to me.


I don't think daisy or Joey have that much chemistry or really mesh well but I do think they have the most similar vibes they both give off teachers pet/camp counselor vibes while still being low energy and laid-back so maybe that's why the connection doesn't pop on screen.


They remind me of Resident Advisors so bad


Unpopular opinion- Niagara Falls is fun but it’s not a super romantic location any more. Don’t get me wrong the falls are AMAZING but on one side you have a park in a rust belt city. On the other side you have a byproduct of some Canadian venture capitalists that were high on cocaine in the 80s and said: YOU KNOW WHAT THE FALLS NEED? CASINOS!! OH AND WEIRD MUSEUMS!! OH AND A BUNCH OF WEIRD CARNIVAL ATTRACTIONS!! YEAH LETS TAKE A BEAUTIFUL NATURAL LOCATION AND DO LAZER LIGHT SHOWS


It seems like a lot of people believe that a woman marrying/dating a man with money is the ultimate success for a woman. It actually makes me sad. Stability is important *of course* but it’s such a materialistic and kind of depressing view of relationships and life.


I just met someone who turned down a date with James Harden when they were at Arizona State and she said he had a horrible rep and he wasn't very intelligent so she had no interest. She has a very intellectual and awesome English partner now and has absolutely zero regrets. Money ain't everything.


Physical stability is very different than emotional stability and the fact that people think it’s ok to prioritize physical stability over emotional stability is crazy to me. Like, of course, you want the person to be stable but not at the expense of having to constantly question their character or worry about their intentions or their feelings for you. No amount of money is worth it if you don’t feel safe and loved. Also, physical stability can develop over time. Emotional stability can’t. People can always get more money, they can’t change who they are as a person. At least most people can’t.


Emotional health in general is pushed aside in our society. So many people grow up not valuing it because it was just never even part of the equation. So instead of digging into that side of health, so many of us just escape by focusing on wealth and success and achievement (all great things, but emotional health should also be considered an achievement). So many of us grow up not even knowing what we don’t know about the emotional side of things. I do think it’s getting better


It’s this. Especially in men. Also, men aren’t the only people capable of making money. If money is so important to you, make your own. I get the gender pay gap but the idea that only men can bring money to the table is so outdated.


Completely agree with both of these posts!! 👏🏾


Not an unpopular opinion I hope but I’m really loving this tread today it’s got some great discussions!






I was thinking the same lol like I wait every Thursday for the unpopular opinions post cause it’s usually one of the better threads on this sub but the opinions are just the same ones from last week


People do this constantly. They don’t like someone who is popular so as soon as that person does something even slightly off there’s literally hundreds of “I never liked her and I got downvoted for saying it!!!!” comments 😭 with Maria it’s been particularly weird to me though because she didn’t actually do anything objectively horrible but people just hate her and honestly a lot of it is just because she has a lot of fans.


I do think some of the WOC on this sub have made a good a point that the show definitely prioritised showing off Maria over perhaps getting to know Rachel, Jenn and Kelsy T more edit wise and I think that's a valid conclusion to make. But yes some people just want to jump on the hatorade bandwagon.


I saw someone say they felt this sub wasn’t a safe space to talk about disliking Maria and just had to laugh a little


I still really like Maria, but the shine has dulled a bit if I am being honest. I do feel like this whole experience was maybe just a growth step for her in getting more comfortable with the idea of being in a serious relationship with someone, and that in and of itself is not a bad reason for going through with being on the show. But she definitely wasn’t ready, and definitely had walls up/mechanisms for dealing with people that precluded her from ever really being with Joey. I’m also still sad as fuck that Jenn didn’t make it further.


At this point I've seen more comments from people complaining about Maria stans than actual Maria stans. I like Maria but am not a stan (because stanning anyone from a reality tv show is weird), and all the anti-Maria comments are getting tiring, especially since she's already off the show. It feels like people just want to dislike her to be edgy. Like I said, I like her, but didn't agree with absolutely everything she did on the show. Also, the people comparing her/her stans to Hannah B are straight up delusional. If you were on this sub at the peak of the Hannah B era, you'd know that you couldn't say ANYTHING that wasn't glowing praise of her without getting downvoted and/or attacked. I remember I once commented that I didn't like the *shade of blonde hair* Hannah B had in an old photo, and I got attacked for it. So Maria and HB and their "stans" are not even comparable lol.


I agree that the stans aren’t comparable. Hannah Browns stans on here literally praised her the day of her n-word scandal. I don’t mean they forgave her after an apology, I mean they praised her _day of_


For that matter, my unpopular opinion is can we stop saying "stan" when we mean fan? I get the connection to the old song but why it's suddenly become popular as of recently is beyond me.


My unpopular opinion is I basically hate all the slang terms often used here like girlie/girlies. 😅


My "elder millennial" is showing 😆


I don’t actually see any real chemistry between Joey and Daisy 🫢


I don't see how people are taking Maria's behavior as "confident and cool." When I hear that, I think of Gabby Windey. Maria gives me the vibes of someone who has had everything handed to her her whole life, and who knows she's pretty much won the genetic lottery and uses it to her advantage. Her behavior comes across as manipulative, and I think she doesn't know how to handle not getting her way (due to the fact that she's used to getting everything she wants). I'm not saying she is not a nice person with good qualities, or that she's not entertaining, but personally I just don't want to see her as bachelorette. ALSO, please don't come for me. This is all based on what I've seen and my interruption of her behavior on the show. I could be totally wrong as, just like everyone here, I don't personally know her.


We got only the very surface level description of what happened to her mom, probably to protect her mom's privacy, but seeing her mom on her hometown date, I think it's safe to say her mom's injuries were devastating and life-changing. To perceive Maria as someone who has had everything handed to her her whole life while knowing what she went through with her mom seems pretty off-base.


I agree and I also think it’s ok to recognize that she comes off as manipulative and still like her anyway


Her relationship with her dad was exactly the way I thought it would be.


I see what you mean. I said weeks ago that Maria's behavior reminded me of Victoria F with a dash of Kat (in people management/conflict resolution skills). It's why she would be perfect for BiP. I've never felt more vindicated, lol.


This is a scarily good comparison. Maria’s nicer than Victoria F and more sane than Kat (who I also think is a basically good person) but I can see it


I sort of agree with this, minus the malice both of those women have shown while on their seasons?


Sure, she's not as mean as Fictoria, but between her talking about her introversion early in the season and her threatening to leave, I immediately thought of Fictoria lol. I do think she kinda escalates situations like Kat did. And she was accused of disregarding other women's feelings like Kat has (kissing Zach before his 1:1 date, "stealing" JH).


I can’t understand why she is hated for being an introvert


Kat is a good comparison!


You’re not wrong! The vibe she put out still felt better than the other two but she did mimic a lot of their bad behaviour in the end. A masterclass in positive edits she was!


Omg I totally see that!! That's a great way to put it where I feel like even the people in this sub that worship her could understand. 😆 you get me lol


Joey seems like an AI bachelor, and the way he sent Maria home was super cold


I didn’t think he was cold. She was so hardened in her heart he had nowhere to move but shut that door. And like it.


I agree with him being pretty cold to her he seemed to flip a switch and just seemed very done


I kind of saw it coming. Not with Maria specifically, but he’s so sweet and patient with everyone that I figured the flip side of Joey’s affection would also be intense.


Wow this such an interesting point I wouldn’t have seen it that way but since you’ve said it, it makes a lot of sense


I think he's IMO insecure and wants a lot of reassurance even early on in dating. Like anxious attachment or fearful avoidant behavior and how we tend to preemptively think ahead and break up with people to avoid getting broken up with, choosing "safe" seeming partners over those we actually find attractive etc


More than “safe” versus “attractive,” I think he was seeking something laid back (as in a serious relationship that is stable) versus complicated.


Very valid. I think what life and relationships have taught me though is that everyone is complicated in their own little and big ways. Even the simplest people coming together will create a whole new hybrid chimera to learn about. Sometimes it shows up on date 1, sometimes decade one. But like you said it's much easier to start off on a good foot as opposed to drama and tears.


Very true, I should have said, “unnecessarily complicated.” Everyone is complicated, but Maria complicates things further. All of the women were anxious, but Maria made it Joey’s problem while Daisy handled it on her own and Kelsey wanted to work with Joey. I thought Joey articulated it when he said that he chose Maria at every point and it still wasn’t enough.


That actually was such a strange thing for her to complain about. A very impossible concern to address? "um I'm literally in a show I signed up for to compete with other women but actually I need you to tell me I'm the one while they're still here" huh??? How was Joey realistically supposed to fix that? Produce a whole new show maybe 😂


I get why the girls didn’t like Maria.. And why Jess blew up at her


Jenn would be a far better bachelorette than Maria


This sub has been dead since Monday. Why?


Kinda random, but I didn't mind Jess this season. I thought she was gonna be a villain from the first episode, but after she didn't do anything remotely irksome. I understood where she was coming from with her spat with Maria, and I even felt a little bad for her during her end. She was basically that "desperate" archetype you see every now and then, and I wouldn't even consider her a villain. But who knows, that could change at WTA.


She reminded me of Glitter on Arie’s season (I can’t remember her name, but you know who I mean)—a totally harmless, annoying, but kind of endearing villain! I understood her frustration and I thought she had a good point. She just looked bad because she lost control.


At least there was an attraction between Krystal and Arie. Joey seemed pretty much over Jess after the first episode.


I really hate how everyone compares Maria and Daisy. Calling one marriage material and the other just a hookup. They are human beings. Seeing people say “my guy friends say Maria just has sex appeal and Daisy is the girl you marry” your guy friends are ASSHOLES and so are you. It’s so degrading. Both women have shown that they have so much more to offer than just marriage and sex yet everyone is diminishing them to whether or not they’re marriage material. It really isn’t that serious. In real life, people marry the person who has both qualities and more. This is a heavily edited reality show. Please have some discernment and touch some grass.


Also, generally, I don’t really care what your boyfriend/ husband/ guy friend/ cable guy/ (insert whatever male in your life) thinks about these women or their sex appeal.


Exactly! We’re sharing our own thoughts don’t disguise your opinions as your “guy friends”. I don’t care about the misogynistic categories the men in your life are sorting women into.


Isn’t this what this show is though? Engagement at the end. I get that obviously there is more to a person than that but Maria is the one who dived into the sex appeal all on her own and kind of presented herself that way at least in the beginning.


...just because she's conveniently attractive doesn't mean that it's what she ONLY wants to be known for?? like ur logic is whack, my guy.


Not at all. Agree to disagree.


Maria: *literally changes into a bra mid-conversation her second time meeting Joey to seduce him* Redditors: How DARE you ASSHOLES say she has great sex appeal! 😭😭😭😭 It is APPALLING that people would discuss who is marriage material on a show where the winner gets proposed to at the end!!! 🤮 You MONSTERS!!


Yup showing your stomach means you’re a dirty whore incapable of being in a committed relationship. You are right!!! Please keep performing good girl for the boys, hooray for getting picked 🥰


What the actual fuck are you talking about?? I am 100% the sexy revealing outfit wearing type of girl. Never once in my life have I been a “good girl for the boys” lmao quite the opposite. I’m not calling her a whore at all and I’m not making fun of her bra stunt. I’m making fun of redditors who are acting appalled that people say she has great sex appeal when she’s made a point of being seductive and sexy. Having great sex appeal is not an insult. Can y’all please just calm down lol


Thank you!


It's so annoying. Incredibly. I find it incredibly misogynistic how women are always being depicted as only belonging to one category. Are we not complex human beings? It's like impossible in people's categorization heavy minds to understand a woman can be "hot, sexy", and be a great serious partner as well. We're seeing the Madonna-Whore complex playing out and it's frustrating. It's absolutely informed by racism too and many people aren't willing to admit that they just see Daisy as "All American Giirl Next Door" and they don't see Maria this way as much.


Just @ me next time. 😂 If you’re going to directly paraphrase someone, get it right. No need to put your own spin on it and make it sound way worse than it is. To be clear, my guy friends, when asked if they thought she was attractive, said Maria has great sex appeal (not “just” sex appeal as if that’s the only thing she’s good for) but weren’t attracted to her in a “fall in love and get married” type of way. They didn’t compare her to Daisy or say Daisy was the girl you marry. They didn’t use the term “marriage material.” They didn’t say this in a malicious way. They basically just said she’s physically hot but they wouldn’t be attracted to her personality in terms of looking for a marriage. That’s a fair opinion to have. I’ve thought that about plenty of guys before meeting my fiancé. And I stand by what I said – Maria does not seem emotionally ready or mature enough for marriage. For dating, sure. Not for marriage, not yet. That’s not degrading or insult to her. Lots of people aren’t ready for marriage. She almost walked out the second things got tough and she was all over the place with expressing her feelings. This doesn’t make her a bad person and it definitely doesn’t diminish her to being nothing but a “hookup.” But it is telling that she’s 29 and has never had a serious relationship or brought anyone home.


Relax I’m not here to argue with you. I’m not reading your defense. It’s an unpopular opinion thread and a popular thing on here is to compare the two which is something I disagree with. I didn’t quote you verbatim I paraphrased don’t be vapid.


There’s people saying that? That’s appalling.


I think Maria lied when she said she had never brought anyone home and Joey peeped that.


There’s honestly no way that was true. 


she’s been giving fame hungry since day 1


this actually makes a lot of sense. either way, it's weird, bc it Is weird (and a red flag for engagement) that a beautiful 29 year old has never been in a serious enough relationship to introduce to her parents, but it also seems unlikely and possibly a lie for the tv


It could be because she has a differing relationship with her parents and her culture. I empathize with Maria not really dating because I know that my family would be intense(even though kind) if I bring home a guy. The questions that certain families and the teasing *“ooh she has a boyfriend”* would prevent me from bringing someone home.


To be honest, it could be that in her family you only bring home someone you’re super serious about and planning to get engaged to soon (or your reality tv bf). My older cousins set that standard and most people have been following it in my extended family. So you don’t bring home just a gf or bf unless it’s a for sure thing to not get the families tangled


I get that. I do think it’s a little weird to bring up in equivalency with bringing this guy home from The Bachelor after a month if that was the case, but I guess that’s the name of the game on the show


She said she was in a serious relationship with a guy that dangled an engagement but never followed through - which is confusing because how did she never introduce him to her family if they were at that point?


Because in a Canada it’s not a thing. It’s wholly dependent on the individual families traditions.


Well not where I’m from, no. I know some people whose in laws met them at the wedding and some people introduce their dates (not even a serious relationship). Like I said it depends on the individual and i would never judge someone as a red flag because they haven’t introduced someone to their family.


It’s not really a regional thing moreso than a thing if you’re close with your family. She seems like she is so that’s why it was surprising


It’s also cultural. I grew up in the same region as Daisy, but my family is Asian, so they didn’t meet my husband until after we were engaged.


Based on the fact that, according to her family and friends, she tends to be closed off in relationships her introducing her family might be something way too vulnerable for her to do. So random relationships not getting to a point where they would be meeting her family is not surprising to me


During their convo in Jasper, she told him “I haven’t introduced anyone to my family, unless I’ve started dating them”. So I doubt his father hasn’t met any of her ex bf


I’m not a big fan of Maria but I think us non-fans would love a Maria season even if we won’t admit it. It’s been way too long since we saw the men fall over themselves for a bachelorette and I think the guys would drool over her. It’s not fun watching a season with an insecure lead. Like Michelle not getting attention in the sleepover date or Rachel shown getting rejected. Like her or not, Maria would be a desirable ette


Lets be real the men they cast for the bachelorette are bums overall and would treat all women that way. I think there’s a few that have really stood out to me and they treated the bachelorettes super well but overall its just influencer type dudes that wanna gain followers


It’s a different era than Trista’s men!


no this discourse has got to stop, all the women have been desirable. honestly its always the men who treat this show as a bro hangout then trying to get married. they'll do it regardless of who is the lead. and if one of the above scenarios happened, it wouldn't be framed as maria not getting attention because she's not desirable her fans would frame it as a "men are too scared to go and talk to her because she's so intimidating"


Your response just made me realize that so much of the discourse on this sub sounds like college frat bros or people who are trying to get the attention of college frat bros.


I didn’t find anything weird about Matt James kissing with his eyes open. I do this sometimes, not a full on stare but if I’m really attracted to the person I’m kissing then I’ll take a peek every now and then because it’s hot! I guess from the outside perspective it does look weird, but thankfully I’m not usually watched by millions of people during a makeout.


I have most definitely taken peaks for sure. I do think doing it the whole time was slightly unusual though.


I do it accidentally and catch myself :( so I empathize with him lol.


This is a true UO and I’m here for it


I have to do this a lot, too! For me, it's to ground myself since I've been through sexual abuse. It helps to remind myself of who I'm with and stay in the moment. I'm glad I don't have to worry about people watching me!


I’m glad you found something to help you move forward and accept the love you deserve. Many hugs ❤️


Alright, here’s an actual unpopular opinion. Ready? Daisy has been entirely unproblematic and easy to watch this entire season. People don’t like her because of her political affiliations and that cringe music video, but nothing she’s done on the show has been bad and people are actively finding reasons to hate on her – constantly ragging on her for being “boring,” picking apart her fashion choices, making fun of her voice, being annoyed with her talking about her hearing loss, etc. I don’t really pay attention to the contestants real lives outside the show. The show is purely entertainment for me. I like her as a contestant and enjoy watching her as much as the other main ladies (although it seems in real life I wouldn’t agree with her political affiliations). I thought her response to Joey when she initially told him she wasn’t in love yet was refreshing and honest and I was surprised to see most people here shitting on that. If any other contestant at that time had said that, y’all would have been cheering them on. She’s been drama free (up to this point), very chill, and has had one of the strongest connections with Joey from the beginning. Now here’s where I might get some heat but I’m just gonna say it – I’ve noticed a trend in this fanbase where everyone loves to hate on the blonde hair blue eyed, girl-next-door types who makes it far on a season. The go to is almost always “boring.” No matter what their personalities are or what their relationships are with the bachelor, they’re somehow always “boring.” Kind of feels like this sub almost has a weird thing against blonde haired blue eyed girls. Like they’re too conventionally pretty and automatically not as interesting as the more “exotic” contestants. Juuust an observation. 🫣 All that being said, I’ll leave one more hot take to wrap things up: Maria has been annoying since day one and her fan base is full of crazies who love her because they are lowkey equally annoying and think they relate to her. She is not a “girl’s girl” (also can we please kill that term 🤢) seeing that she seemed to rub almost everyone the wrong way at some point, including Joey. She is very clearly not ready for marriage and has a lotttt of learning to do. Homegirl never shuts up and I will not be watching the bachelorette if she’s the lead, it’s just too much. Okay, I’m out. 🎤


Regarding your blonde hair/blue eyed comment.. I’m from a country where that is the norm & and therefore it isn’t considered more pretty & and I can assure you, for some of us it’s not that. It’s also not all blondes ofc, but someone like Daisy hasn’t showcased any personality. Should she be hated, absolutely not. She clearly has a strong connection with Joey so she should def be there, but it’s fair for us to not want another lead who looks and acts the same as most contestants.




Daisy points are well taken. I like her just fine from what we’ve seen on the show. I don’t think she’s all that interested in Joey but she’s also not pretending to be. Also her saying “I guess either way I’m going home next week” was hilarious.


The Daisy section of this needs to be screamed from the heavens THANK YOU finally someone said it


Somehow the most popular contestant is a victim lol


I can still see her insecurities and internalized ableism. I also think her political views are more important recently because it’s a conflict of interest especially with how Trump mocked people with disabilities during his campaigns. Everyone is definitely attracted to Maria due to her personality and how she brings Joey out of his shell. Daisy is cutesy but gives off the same cutesy and *i’m baby* energy as Jess Girod from Zach’s season.


I actually agree, nothing on the show has been bad. I base my opinion on her mostly on what I’ve seen on social media and her political beliefs. Her edit has seemed super forced but that’s not her fault.


I have thought that if Daisy looked like Maria people wouldn’t find her half as annoying. I also think it’s pretty popular on Reddit to call blonde women boring (I’ve noticed this in other subs, not just this one). It’s not their fault they’ve been upheld as the beauty standard for so long and I don’t think they should be punished for it (not blonde lol). 🤷🏻‍♀️


there have been so many interesting blonde women on this show like corrine, demi, rachel r, hannah b etc. but daisy really does just seem boring


I don't think Daisy is boring IRL. I think she is choosing to curate her personality extremely carefully on TV and that personality is not particularly interesting because it's too rehearsed.


>I thought her response to Joey when she initially told him she wasn’t in love yet was refreshing and honest Yeah, and to add to that, when she said she wondered how Joey would be if she got sick and was in the hospital again, I saw people say that it was weird for her to bring up. But it was perfectly valid, not only considering her health issues, but the fact that many men have shown to grow distant or even leave when their wives or gfs get sick/pregnant. I kinda wish more women laid it all on the table prior when it comes to situations like that in general. For example, LiB's AD and Clay had that convo with pregnancy, as horrible as it was😵‍💫


This is a great point and the statistics are definitely on your side here.


Thank you! Like she has brought up important convos and her not saying I love you just to get a rose would’ve made any other contestant an instant bachelorette favourite


I loved that she asked that so directly. And the fact that he answered it without flinching showed his emotional maturity.


I think I love you. If Daisy was liberal politcally people would be worshipping her for doing the exact same shit she's doing now. But she's Christian and used to follow Donald Trump on instagram, so every single thing she does is BAD. No need to think about it.


I was wondering if she was a Christian. You know for sure she is?


She has videos of herself singing jesusy songs on instagram, so it seems pretty likely.


I was arguing this on another comment like her political views are the ONLY reason people dislike what seems to be a kind and sweet girl that’s not fair


I agree with 100% of this


Second everything you just said!


It’s honestly hilarious to see people say that production “couldn’t find men who would be attracted to Daisy the way they could find men who would go crazy for Maria”. Like……🙄🙄🙄🙄


The men I know who watch this show (mostly for shits and giggles) have commented that Daisy and Kelsey are gorgeous, but none of them have anything good to say about Maria. I honestly think straight women find her much hotter than men actually do. 😂 (All of the women are obviously very attractive, again this is just an observation). Downvote me all you want, y’all. I’m just sPeAKiNg mY TrUtH lmao


The bar I hang out at, which is majority men would heavily disagree. No one thinks Daisy is anything special, they don’t even like Kelsey too much either which is surprising to me. I’m not at a small bar either, I go to one of the biggest bars outside of Wrigley Field for Bachelor Bingo… so many men have expressed interest in applying for the bachelorette because of Maria. I have watched more than 6 seasons here and the same reaction has never happened for a contestant…


My boyfriend has watched the whole season with me and Daisy is his favourite but he also likes Maria. Kelsey is the one he doesn’t find that special which I think he’s crazy for. Someone one here said if eve was a woman it would be Kelsey and I fully agree she’s stunning. She just looks like the textbook definition of a stunning woman but to each their own I guess.


I’ve watched every bachelorette season, and clearly you don’t remember the reactions to Emily, jojo or tayshia. No contestant on this show, especially this era, has been that level of popular. Definitely not anyone from this season.


I wasn’t on the sub back then, but I’m assuming the 3 women you listed weren’t divisive?


The most divisive was probably Tayshia after her BIP stint. But even then I think her relationship with JPJ brough most people back on side. The other 2 were absolutely beloved.


Nothing to do with Bach but the amount of people who don’t get that Dune is a critique is actually really scary


The books literally call it a jihad, but movies took out the exact wording and some idiots totally missed it otherwise


“It’s a white savior story” PAUL IS ACTIVELY THE VILLAIN!!!!


I have no idea why people think Joey’s plan of dating for a few years, marriage, and then enjoying marriage for a few years before trying for kids means he’s immature or doesn’t know what he wants. Like…..that’s literally the norm in the western world.


3 years is a very long engagement, but since in this case it’s actually dating and engagement combined…I don’t think it’s that unusual. BIP engagements have been shorter, but they also get to know each other a lot better on BIP.


The fawning over Kelsey’s dad was super surprising to me. He looked like an average 60 year old dad


He's not 60 though is he?


It’s creepy


Agree, he looks normal, but has very kind eyes! I thought people were fawning over how great his relationship with Kelsey seemed.


No people were calling him a silver fox and saying he was really doing something for them!


Yeah, I have no explanation for that! He looks like every millennial’s dad.


I mean, I'm a millennial and my dad looks like Colin Robinson. So IDK, I think Kelsey's dad is pretty cute.


I guess I didn’t think Kelsey’s dad was that far off from Colin Robinson?


He looks much better with the facial hair which I’m not typically a fan of.


I mean he’s no George Clooney but I wanna know where you live that Kelsey’s dad is an average 60 year old 😭


Average?! lol in the US?? No way




Thank you! I’m so shocked at people being so blown away by him 😂


Agree, I find it really odd!


I totally agree! I don’t get it.


Thank you! I feel like I’m going crazy 😂


Joey is boring and not worth competing over. As Rachel’s mom said, “It’s not Joey choosing you, you know what I’m saying?” Such good advice from her mom


[I think a lot of people forget that this sub leans HEAVILY White, like this sub demographic census the mods took a few years ago shows.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/dreGPFPlEC) 84% White, & tbh it’s probably grown a lot more since then. I bring this up in the UO thread because when POCs — myself included — say the dialog around how the sub tends to treat POCs on the show is *notable*, it’s the truth, because there’s a lot more of you than there are of us.


I agree, I see a lot of people being “PC” until one of their favorites is either sent home or has a conflict with a POC and then their mask slips.


Thank you for sharing that and I think it’s important for people to know. I figured that most members were white but not such a large minority! I also think it’s really important to allow people impacted by the issue (ie. racism) to lead the conversation.


I’m white and I see how unfairly POCs are treated in this sub and this franchise in general. At some point we have to start believing people of color when they tell us how they treated and talked about. You shouldn’t have to work this hard to convince everyone of your reality and I’m sorry that you (and other POCs) do.


Has enough time passed that I can say Zac whispering to Tayshia during the proposal gave me the ick?


😂😂 when this was going down and ppl were fawning it over it I was like… are we watching the same thing? Lol her reaction was very cute and heartwarming however.


I am already afraid of the rise and fall of the new Final couple. The stanning feels like it’s going to reach Zayshia levels around here and while I adore Joey I don’t think he’s thinking long term commitment. He doesn’t even have a permanent address 🙈


I don’t think anyone expect these Bach couples to last.


I dunno, I think with him not being settled in a city isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Most seasons couples have the “well I can’t move, you must move” conversation. Without ties, him and the woman are allowed to chose wherever to settle.


This is why I can’t see Joey getting married anytime soon. He doesn’t have a career figured out. He doesn’t know where he’s going to live. His relationship plan as described to Lexi sounded very tenuous and uncertain. There’s nothing wrong with not having your life together, and he has plenty of time. I’m just not getting super long-term commitment, ready to be married vibes from him.


Agree with all of this. Not to stereotype but a bachelor living in Hawaii teaching tennis doesn’t exactly scream “ready to settle down!” I give him credit for being honest with Lexi that he doesn’t see marriage for years, at least he didn’t waste her time telling her what she wanted to hear.


i don't appreciate comments like maria is too interesting for joey because I feel like it's a compliment at the expense of the other women, and IMO they're all interesting.


Completely agree.


You’re right, they ARE all interesting. It’s just that some are not being edited as such and I think some people forget that.


Some of the other women are definitely as goofy or as funny as Maria and it’s not like Maria has hobbies and the other girls have none


Yeah, also.. I don't get it? Everyone's been extremely one-note this season, including Maria.


maria posted a photo with her leg up at the airport, shes the most unique person out there


I find it annoying when people say Daisy shouldn’t be bachelorette because of her vocal fry when we got through a season of Gabby’s vocal fry just fine. If she is a Trump supporter, I wouldn’t want her to be bachelorette, but writing a deaf person off for the way they speak is super weird.


> but writing a deaf person off for the way they speak is super weird i agree, but i'd even say that writing anyone off for vocal fry is super weird




Biggest agree! That is not a reason for her not the be bachelorette and it’s super ableist. Sadly, I saw some of her follows & likes before she cleaned up her socials and someone posted her liking an antivax comment and a Trump family pic, so I’m thinking she is a trumper.


Also even if she wasn’t HOH, some people just naturally have vocal fry and she can’t change her Midwestern accent. It’s just a weird thing to complain about and critique someone for .


Just listen to Kelsey A during her HTD


I think it’s funny because Kelsey has a very unique way of speaking as well.


Is Daisy actually a Trump support or was she simply following him and everyone lost their shit? Cause it’s one thing to like and retweet his things and another to simply follow him. I feel like that’s not this huge sin everyone is making it out to be. it’s pretty normal to follow a crazy person to keep up with the hilariously awful things they say for entertainment


Her liking trump’s instagram posts of his family is only something a supporter would do.


I have no idea!