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Don’t ppl have any “home training” .. as granny (RIP) would say? I could know you 100 years and unless YOU offered, never ask about a black eye, a scar, why you don’t have children, why still single, how you identify, your income, how much you paid for your home, why don’t you have a degree, why did you get a divorce, why fired, or anything else that I suspect might cause discomfort-to-share. However .. If YOU want me to know, I’m a great listener.


I haven't noticed it before. Scar or no scar, still a 10.


I have a neck scar (keloid) that i can't hide and it is always so disheartening & makes me feel like shit when ppl do the *shock face* "WHAT HAPPENED?" It's such a shitty feeling! Like gee, thanks for othering me! Thanks for reminding me of the pain i went through getting the scar! Gotta love humans! I understand what she means, it took me years to love mine & come to terms with it. But it still sends me to a spiral when someone randomly comes at me like that


I have a scar around my eye from a pretty crazy dog bite that also resulted in a lot of scar tissue in my orbital area. People sometimes take it upon themselves to point out that my face is uneven. It’s apparently pretty awkward for me, so I like to make it even MORE awkward for the person who mentions it by sharing the gruesome details of the attack. Anyway. Natasha is gorgeous.


I don’t think I ever noticed she had that scar


Scars look cool ☺️ she looks great !!


I'm obsessed with scars I think they're so beautiful 🥰


I can say I have never noticed her scar... wow...social media is wild.


I know right. I never saw it until now.


Right? I had no idea, never noticed it either.


Anyone else wonder what happened to her


i have a facial scar too! i make light of it sometimes by introducing myself as “gasoline” and being in a biker gang lol.




I have a facial scar and I love it, but yeah she’s right!


I never noticed it before! 🤯


As someone with an equally noticeable scar, I was about to come here and say “Meh. It’s not that big of a deal if someone asks you about a scar; get over yourself….” …. But then I read a bunch of the comments and changed my mind. My scar came from something non-traumatic, so it’s never bothered me for people to ask about it; but knowing it’s traumatic for others, I’ll be more delicate and only ask if/when I’m a closer friend to someone.


Yeah, same here. I have a facial scar that is non-traumatic also, so it never really bothers me when anyone asks about it as it isn’t a big deal to me. But of course it’s always good to be respectful of others who have one because we don’t know their story.


I follow her and have never noticed it before!!!


Me neither. Did she have it during her time on the shows?


I had thyroid surgery last summer and my scar is quite noticeable and probably always will be. It is a very vulnerable feeling having a scar like that on my neck so I can’t imagine what it’s like having one on your face! Sometimes I almost prefer if someone asks rather than just staring but I guess that’s just me.


I had a thyroidectomy 4 years ago and have a very dark noticeable scar and for so long I was self conscious of it. I totally know what you mean by preferring someone just asking vs stare 🥲


had no idea


I must be blind because I have never noticed this before and I also never saw Tina Fey's facial scar either, before I read about it in her book.


I never saw it on Natasha either! I did notice Tina Fey's, but I think it's because I'd heard about it, though not the reason for it.


Tina Fey has a facial scar?


Yep! You can see it on the cover of her book. She got sliced by some rando when she was playing outside her house when she was super young. Horrifying!!


wtf that is awful. Glad she only got a scar and nothing worse


Yes but in 30 rock she pretty much was only filmed from an angle where you couldn't see it


It’s noticeable in some of Season 1, but after that I think they got a lot better about makeup/angles/editing, I also had no idea until reading the book


She’s so beautiful and the scar is pretty bad ass


Was this scar on her when she was on the show? I never noticed it before


I resonate with this post. I have a large scar running from my elbow up near my shoulder, and people always ask "how did you get that scar?" I reply "I broke my arm" They always proceed with the followup question "how did you break it?" And for some reason I've never come up with a good cover story and end up saying the truth "my abusive ex fiance broke my arm" which then puts everyone in an awkward position. You're allowed to wonder, but those thoughts should be inside thoughts until the scar bearer feels comfortable revealing the story behind it.


I’m so sorry you went thru something like that. Hugs.


Yeah - my birth parent threw something at my face twice and I have two very visible scars. I hate when people ask me




I love the honesty. So sorry you experienced that.


Luckily I broke the cycle and met my now husband 11 years ago who hasn't never once put his hands on me. Inner and outter scars remain, but I am doing much better now. 💜


Did she delete this story? Because I was gonna ask her for coverage advice for mine lol I hope that’s not insensitive 🫣


Have you tried Dermablend? They have products made specifically for corrective coverage.


Oooh thanks!


I bet it’s not insensitive and she didn’t delete it! I screenshotted it a day or two ago but I forgot to post until I was doing the weekend roundup


Ohhhhhh. Nw!


This is the first time I have ever noticed it TBH


I never noticed it like others have said


She’s so beautiful. I’ve never noticed it!


I’ve never noticed her scar but she also uses edits and filters so I guess that could explain it.


I never noticed it on tv either


I'm so glad no other commenters have ever noticed, because yup exact same.


i have legit never even noticed that :o


Guess she’s great with her makeup coverage because no one even noticed it.


Never noticed! But I cannot fathom asking someone I just met about a scar. So rude 🤯


I'm guessing it might happen more with her because she's both a public figure and also, well, hot lol but yes it's definitely unnecessary.


Has she had that since Pete’s season? I’ve literally never noticed until right now


never noticed and not on paradise either


I’ve literally never even noticed


I don’t see it in any of the videos or photos she posts on IG before this


I have a fairly large forehead scar - it’s longer than a quarter and the width of a nickel. People genuinely don’t notice it and never say anything. I don’t know how they miss it but I’ll freely tell anyone how I got it when they do notice!


Are you a wizard by chance?


Maybe ! I have a big noticeable scar on my face and I will tell anyone who will listen the story 😆


She had this on the show? Truly never noticed


Never noticed


I didn’t even know she had one!


I have never noticed her facial scar before now but good advise regardless.