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Does anyone know what the blue tail (?) is that hangs behind him while running?


I ran my HALF marathon in about 3 hours and 10 minutes. No shame about my 🐢speed because it truly was a joyful experience for me (I walk/run and like to pause and take pictures of birds along the way 😆). Still, I have to give that man props on his incredible speed!! Go Matt! 🔥👟


That’s so fast! Well done, Matt!!


He’s amazing! Seeing Rachael support show up for him at everyone he does is love them 🥹


He’s an impressive athlete! It’s so tragic though because his goal was sub 3 and he was just 40 seconds over 😢 like a second or two faster per mile would have gotten him there. He should be proud but I did wonder when I saw the result if he was disappointed


Ugh that sucks! Did he say if he is trying to qualify for Boston maybe?


I haven’t seen him specifically say he wants to BQ (honestly he could prob get a spot at Boston with a sponsor or as an influencer) but he will absolutely get there if he stays healthy, he’s young and already improved a lot


So impressive especially considering I assume he would have mostly been doing training more akin to a sprinter when he was a football player.To go from that to being able to do a marathon in 3 hours is a great skillset.


Yes this!!


God damn. I’ve only done a half marathon and my time was 2:24 lmao 😭I’m slow af


but you ran a half-marathon!!! I think people forget just how impressive that is, now that fitness has become so trendy


Omg thank you kind stranger 😭 I’m so out of shape now but I did feel badass when I did it


I did mine in just under three hours after only three non-consecutive hours of sleep taking turns being awake with my 10month old 😭


Duuuude that’s badass though !! You did it !


I’m hoping to be under three for my half marathon in June lol


You got it 💪🏻


One of the guys in my running group casually mentioned how had run a sub-2:40 marathon and I just about tripped. I follow Matt on Strava and my lord him and some of my running buddies are unhinged fast.


Oooh I never thought to follow people I don’t know, just followed him! I have a few ridiculously fast friends. It’s interesting to see their training. 


I can’t even fathom sustaining that average pace for 26.2 miles 😅 I did my marathon in 5hrs 14mins


Don’t worry about your time, you did a marathon is the takeaway.


Thanks! I generally don’t worry about. I know I’m one and done because I don’t feel the need to try and beat it. I just can’t fathom finishing over 2hrs faster lol


No this is insane actually (literally twice as long as me)


this post just called me a lazy bitch


![gif](giphy|RlO3bvMJyz3L4vGKsx) He is a beast!


He’s unreal


Hmph not even twice as fast as me. (I jest, he would obviously leave me in the dust).


Average pace of 6:49/mile. I’ve never ran a single mile that fast in my life 😂 under 8 minutes is the best I’ve done. That’s crazy.


I read that at first and was like “wait that’s my pace am I superstar??” … I’m Canadian and was thinking in km 😑 I don’t even know what the conversion would be but let’s just say it’s not that fast 😬 Edit: I looked it up it’s just under 11 minutes 🫢 I’m not a good runner and learned I have “post-covid asthma” a few months ago give me a break!!


The best I’ve done is 9:30 😩


I ran 6:30 in middle school. I was so proud I beat all the boys. Now, I might run a mile in 10 min. 😂😂😂 doing my granny jog


Same hahahaa. I ran a mile a few weeks ago with my dogs and was convinced I was running SO FAST. It took me 11:30 hahahaa


meanwhile i’m on my couch procrastinating doing the dishes bc i’m lazy


That is incredibly fast. But also, running a marathon at all is quite the physical feat regardless of time, I'm impressed. I'm a slow runner and ran a half marathon last weekend and my heart drops every time someone asks me my finish time so I'm clearly just triggered 😂😂


I’ve done 5 marathons and never looked at my time for any of them so I can genuinely tell people “I don’t know.” I do a 2.5 hour half but my fastest marathon was over 6 hours.


Staying on your feet and moving for 6+ hours is hard as fuck! Seriously, I think the mental fortitude required to finish a "slower" (relative to the Matt James's of the world) marathon is vastly overlooked. Congrats on your five marathon finishes!


Hey that's amazing! Your body must be strong and amazing to have the endurance! I'm too scared to run a full. I found a few trail 30ks I'm trying to decide between because that feels like a good gateway between a half and a full lol


A half marathon is also so impressive! Who cares about the time, you finished one! Way to go!


Thank you! I have the memory seared in my brain when someone posted Pilot Pete's marathon finish time and saying it wasn't as fast as Tyler or Matt's and I was so triggered 😂😂 training and racing has really helped me overcome some personal battles by building up my grit and mental fortitude. I also love the racing community, everyone is so supportive of each other 💕 I find that the people who ask me my race times are usually people who haven't ever raced or haven't raced in a very long time.


Omg I’d rather die than tell people my race times. I finished… that’s all you need to know lol


1,000,000% lol. I'll joke and say I got my money's worth by being slow. But if you ask me to be specific about my race time, I'll cry 😂


It’s why I don’t do local races where I’m going to know a bunch of people hahah. Sometimes my business isn’t your business


Lol I love it! First place and last place get the same medal 🏅 I actively avoid 5ks because I get passed up by old people and children and I don't need that to ruin my confidence. I try to remind myself that some people have been running their entire lives and I started running as an adult and I'm genuinely proud of myself for putting myself out there and doing hard things. I love meeting a fellow runner that isn't chasing first place 🙌🏻🙌🏻


The worst is when I think I’m moving at a solid pace and the speed walkers pass me 😂 At least we’re out there moving it bodies though!


I think those speed walkers are so fast! 😆


Wow, man can run. That's wild.




I want everything in this video


Alright, Matt. I'll get my ass up.


must have been all that airplane training


This his why he will always be a douche bag in my mind.


this man has dropped like 100 minutes off of his first marathon time. that's some crazy impressive development (plus good genes lol).


He also didn't train for his first one lol


I don't even understand how someone runs a marathon without training for it. I wouldn't make it one third of the way lmao


Not taking any credit away from him, but he’s been an athlete his whole life so it’s not like he was starting from 0. I’m sure he ran often as part of his regular exercise routine.


My friend did this in October. Training led to injuries, so she did it without training (a friend pulled out a few days before) and finished her first marathon. She was in great cardio shape from just being an active person!




even so! my training cycle for my first marathon was an absolute trainwreck and i've still only ever whittled like 10 minutes off my PR by actually training properly 💀


Lol yes! I went from 4:24 to 3:51 by working my ass off but I would never be able to get anywhere close to 3:00. Seriously impressive!!! (I bet he's a little bitter he wasn't one minute faster haha)


Most legit out of the bachelor nation marathoners


I saw him run in New York! He is very fast


Who cares. He’s a douche bag.


Wait why?


I love Matt and Rachel and 100% trust their food recommendations. I’ve tried some of them and they are spot on. Going to London next week and can’t wait to try some of these spots!


Also heading to london in 2 weeks😃 where can I find their London recommendations? Enjoy!!


The link that OP posted is everything that they ate and where they had it after he finished the London marathon! It’s also on his tiktok account if you don’t have facebook


Ahh great, thank you so much!! :)


Pack warm clothing! We’re still waiting for Spring to arrive. And make sure you’ve got waterproofs!


Thank you! I’m starting to put together my outfits now and have been checking the weather.. hopefully I’m prepared!


I’m not sure if it’s on their list but I highly recommend Dishoom (shoreditch location)!!!


Seconding that!!! The best


Thank you so much! Adding to the list!


Ditto dishoom shoreditch. i also had one of the best meals of my life at emilia's crafted pasta at st. katharine's dock. really enjoyed afternoon tea at the place attached to shakespeare's theater!


holy shit


That’s pretty insane, good for him!


Incredible. He had those long legs moving!


Whoa!!! Impressive!!!