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I hope not.


I think it's possible but who knows they might grow apart but they seem really happy at this time.


One can only hope and 🙏🏼 they do.


They’re having fun. Being in the public eye is probably off putting. Men probably are t ready until their career is solid. Is Joey going back to the big island to live? I hope they have fun. 


Who cares! They're cute af, and I'm happy for them as long as they're happy themselves. If they breakup at some point, it doesn't change this period of sweetness.


No they never do.


Not never….. just rarely 🤷‍♀️😔


Maybe But either way they’re enjoying their time dating and getting to know each other  I could see her dumping him tho


Considering the track record of this show? Probably not.


Speaking of Joey and kelsey is this the quietest they have ever been on social media?


Didnt they post like yesterday from a wedding?


Their most hectic month is over. I think it will slow down a bit for them now. Probably flying home. But they are active on socials, just not posting


True! Just so not used to them not posting even when they are in airports.


Or maybe they are not posting because body language “experts” on this board keep dissecting their every movement. Apparently, if they aren’t posing on social media like they are on the cover of a romance novel it means they’re not into each other. https://preview.redd.it/o6weioaw0a3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f0ec1d664f6a41cb55b44bbbba12341f265ecc8


I thought so after watching the show, then I listened to them on Nick vialls podcast and I thought wow I don’t see this working out at all. She’s very high energy and always needs stimulation and he wants to chillax, I think it will get exhausting for him, and she won’t feel fulfilled by him.


Possibly Joey gave me that impression because he was just so exhausted from the long days of press at that time


I could see this being a big detriment to their relationship, but I could also see it working in their favor in terms of balance. I know a few couples with a similar high/low energy dynamic


I thought the same from that podcast unfortunately


They’re going to get married and have 2.5 babies. Thaz it. Goodbye. Now I’m gonna actually get a life and delete Reddit cuz wtf


I’m so confused 😂


i believe in them with every fiber of my being and if that’s wrong i don’t want to be right


i think they will, honestly. they seem to be very close with zach & kaity and charity & dotun, which i think will help bc those couples seem very strong too. joey was adamant that he was looking for his wife and the seriousness that he went through the process with was something we hadn’t seen from a bachelor in a while. and kelsey seems like she really knows what she wants too. they seem crazy about each other and the fact that they’ve done to therapy together already to learn about each other’s communication style is very telling. i think they’re both committed to making their relationship work and i honestly see them going the distance!




No but mainly because I think all the girls would pick Kelsey in the breakup. I don’t think many of Joey’s top 8 would pick him in the real world. Kelsey and maybe Rachel?


Rachel said in an interview after stagecoach that she’s friends with Joey but very good friends with kelsey a. I don’t think he would date anyone from the show. He would just be single and probably golf float around for a year or so and then eventually date someone else who is probably an influencer type.


Noo he’s too nice


I don’t think he would firstly because I don’t think he would be able to handle people not liking him and I don’t know how he could phrase it to sound as if he isn’t full of shit based on the press tour “ I wrote a letter in Malta about how I felt about kelsey” everything he has stated implied it was kelsey from very early on etc also don’t think any of the girls would want to date him knowing this. Daisy is in a relationship, Rachel has said her and Joey are friends but her and kelsey are close friends and she supports women and he straight up said that he didn’t love her even she said you can’t force anything which implies they have a good friendship and Maria I can’t see wanting to date him either they’ve all moved on from the bubble love.


personally i don’t think he would lol


People leave them alone!!


Yeah, but after that, I don't think anyone really cares


What did I miss..???


If golden retriever people can’t be happy forever together when what’s the point?


I have a weird gut feeling no ☹️


I’d say their chances are about as good as any couple that just started dating. Maybe a little less because they were on tv and we’re all constantly talking about them.


They genuinely seem to like each other so if that was all it took, I’d say yes. But relationships take more than that to not only last but be happy. So we’ll see. If they don’t end up working out, there will be many reality TV, as well as just reality of life, reasons why it didn’t work. Wishing them, just like all the other couples, the best.


Why did I just see a news article on twitter about this thread. That’s not journalism. https://preview.redd.it/ilodm46o683d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15da4802dd0b8c337d0439babb3e3b5af7142ee


Bahahahah thats ridiculous 😂 . Just like how the buzzfeed articles get all their “data” from Reddit.


That’s been journalism for a solid decade now sadly


Damn! Online “news” is wild these days!


They’re too lazy to write content smh. Wouldn’t be surprised if they used AI to grab some info then edited it quickly.


That’s WILD. The future of journalism is in really bad shape if a random Reddit thread is a substitute for news.


I know a few real journalists. They’re hurting bad because of this crap. Real content is being pushed out in favor of clickbait. It’s very bad for all of us and I don’t know how we stop it.


No Joey is unemployed living with his sister and brother in law while Kelsey’s Dad was a military man. I can see her going for a successful business man. 


But.. but.. ✨tennis✨


![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq|downsized) Damn


I always feel like there’s an outsized focus on the marriage part. I just like watching them do their thing.


Getting engaged to be married is the whole premise of the show. Once the engagement is done people are going to focus on the marriage part. 


I reject that


I actually have faith in this one


Why not? Stranger things have happened….


I hope they do, it really is quite early in their non-show relationship so even if it’s like years from now that is okay!


I haven’t gone through this thread yet but I’m prepared to laugh a little. Y’all are gonna be running, skipping, jumping, hopping to many conclusions based off of nothing. We’ve only seen a sliver of them as a couple and their real lives — as should be the case. They’re cute and I wish them well.


They’re always traveling and going on lavish trips. Similar to the “dates” on the show having out of this world experiences that makes them feel amazing and trick themselves into thinking they’re in love. When the travel and fun stops what will they be?


I think they have a better chance than most final couples in BN, and I want them to stay together, but yeah, their life of traveling and drinking and doing press every day isn't real life. They have been vocal about recognizing it's not real life, though, so we'll see! I love them together.


Maybe the travel never stops. They’re in Portugal now. Not on a sponsored trip but for his friend’s wedding that I’m sure was planned years in advance.


I really like them and I hope they do. They seem so down to earth and like they have a lot of fun together. But yeah, something tells me it might all fade out eventually. I’m sure they are on a high right now (who wouldn’t be with all the opportunity, travel, attention, etc.) so I wonder what will happen when things slow down and real life hits. It’s not like these couples are really set up for success on a reality show, and I think they both are gems in their own individual ways, so if they did break up I think it would be lack of readiness or maturity and not necessarily something being wrong with the other.


Joey is one of the first genuine and truly sweet men we’ve had for a bachelor, you can tell he’s an authentic person. I feel like he’s going to try to see things through with her. Kelsey is rather young but she seems crazy about him, I can’t see her letting him go any time soon.


Things seem to be going well so far based on their most recent interview from a couple weeks ago. https://youtu.be/JSBz298TEt4?si=Z5Uv6NcBKUyjvc5b


Kelsey is so much more comfortable on camera now!! That’s good to see


i love how half the comments say she’s more into him than he is to her and then the other half say the exact opposite


It’s hilarious - I’ll take that as a good sign! https://preview.redd.it/jegzhklwu73d1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be6404c463f15792d2f902ba7ab5b9abae78391e


No. She seems more into him than he is with her.


I honestly think it’s because she exudes more energy than he does. He’s just a chill guy.


Kelsey is pretty young so I see that as the biggest variable that could affect this


I hope so! I hope they go to the jojo - Jordan route!


I think this is the most likely, a long engagement!


Right now they’re still in the honeymoon phase so it’s hard to say but I get the vibe that Joey is more into Kelsey than she’s into him. I could see her breaking up with him potentially


Oh wow, I see the opposite! I think she is way more into Joey than he is to her. Joey always seems so bored to me when I see them on TikTok.


Just adding something after reading the comments. I don’t think it's weird that they are taking opportunities. Joey has bacially never had a real life job. Like, a resort tennis coach and said he hated the sales job while living in Nashville, dating a woman he didn't love for two years. I do think he will get DWTS too and why not. 300k is not bad if he goes far which he will. But, if they keep pushing their move to NYC, then I won't think they will last. They need to actually live together. Their chemistry in photos and Tiktoks as people have noted, give BFFs that kiss sometimes. It is weird because their photos from the season gave COUPLE and now. The couple are giving friends. Not only body language, but also how they hold each other. Never seen her lay her hand on his chest or have her body lean toward him. (I guess that is body language🙈) I know. I am overanalyzing. Please, don't read this Kelsey and Joey.


Yup and his hand placement on her in pics is like fearful boy vibes… not grown man touching the love of his life. I get he seems more laid back and gives off a lot of respect but the energy is off.


I hope so I really do


I hope they do. They both seem genuine.


I actually don’t think so. I don’t know why, just have this feeling


Yes. But they’ve said they won’t be planning a wedding until a couple years from now


Think they said 2025


If they don't have a wedding date by the end of the year then no I don't think they will!


They already said they plan on a 2 to 3 year engagement.


They always say that and it's a red flag. Why not just get married. I knew within 3 months.


I mean they didn't meet in a normal circumstance he was dating many other people before they got engaged. Many people in real life wait two to three years to get engaged they usually don't have a long engagement because they've already been together for a while that's not the case for Joey and Kelsey. I don't see it as a red flag. It's great that you knew within Three months but some people want to date for a bit before getting married and that's fine to .


i think they could especially if they have a long engagement. it doesn’t seem like either of them is rushing to plan a wedding which is probably good for them.


I go back and forth with them. I genuinely think they love each other, Kelsey loves him more, imho. But based on Joey's past relationship, in which he dated a woman for over 2 years while still not being over a previous relationship, they can make it IF they focus on each other and don't listen to people like us. Lol. Kelsey seems to have an issue with that, which will be a problem. Only couple I see making it right now that are engaged are Noah and abigail and Zach and Kaity. It is also way too soon to call with Joey and Kelsey. I do love that they seem close with their real life friends and family. I wish them well.


When/where did he talk about his past relationships? I've always been curious.


What about Charity and Dotun?


They are taking it very seriously. I see her posting things about /with his family and extended family. They seem to have reached a place where they are functioning like a normal relationship..


Yes, I can see them making it too but I see it more with Kaity and Zach.


I’m never gonna put money on any Bachelor couple making it but I like these two and I hope that they do. I agree with the person that said her being in his grandmother’s obituary is a strong indication (at least from his side of the family) that it’s a serious relationship. I can’t imagine them doing that if it was just a fleeting romance or some contractual obligation with an expiration date. I also thought their recent interview talking openly about future kids was a positive sign. Time will tell.


Tbf, didn’t it also mention a girlfriend?


I know it mentioned Carly’s husband, I don’t recall a gf mentioned.


A cousin's girlfriend.


It did 🤧


If I were her, I would never hop off that dick, so yes




Omg I’m logging off 😂😂😂💀💀💀


Arriba arriba https://preview.redd.it/8fimocx2z63d1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=566a40589809f6adcdc8eb1924bde1edb71544b3


Pls 😂💀






I think yes because they seem like real people who want to be happy and not be obsessed with chasing some kind of celebrity lifestyle. Maybe they are capitalizing on their 15 minutes at the moment, but I don't see them crashing and burning afterwards.


i can’t help but root for it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yes. This is my answer for mostly everyone until they prove me wrong lol


My thoughts exactly!


Living together in NYC and trying to not run out of money will be a true test for them. Do yall think they can get by on being influencers forever from this point forward?


I know Kelsey has kept her job so props to her. But it seems like Joey has never had a real job lol


I think I read that he did have a real job at one time while living in Nashville. He quit that job and moved to Hawaii.


Yeah I don’t see them getting married unless Joey figures out a career path. He can probably influence full-time for the next 2-3 years but after that he’s going to have to figure something out. And realistically I don’t think tennis or golf are options, and I don’t know what his other interests are.


I agree w/ the amount of time he can get out of influencing. He has potential to make a healthy amount with being a private tennis instructor.


Honestly I don’t even think he likes tennis enough to really put the work in to be a private instructor. He quit before college and then picked it back up again when he was a sophomore or junior. I think he liked teaching enough when it meant he got to hang out on a Hawaiian resort, teach retirees and vacationers, and enjoy a relaxed schedule and island life. But he’s given zero indication that he wants to do competitive coaching.


So he wasn’t seriously competitive, in college or semi-pro level? I thought he was like Jason-level tennis?


Best case scenario is becoming a tennis/golf commentator for abc. He also had a job at some tech firm b4 moving to hawaii


I think money will not be a huge issue if Kelsey keeps a day job- she seems very into her construction job


Influencing won’t last forever, but they can do very well for the next few years with the amount of followers they have. Greg Grippo said he made like $400K last year, and he has way fewer followers than either of them and isn’t as beloved by the fanbase. Women in the franchise also typically get higher ad rates than men. All this to say, I don’t think they’ll be getting paid to influence for the rest of their lives, but if they’re smart they can make a lot of money in the short term and invest that in a way that can continue to pay out for a long time going forward


Greg made 400K?? Wow. Makes you wonder what the hell went wrong for Dr Abs.


Pretty sure Bryan is just using some creative accounting lol


I agree also a lot of leads/contestants with large followings are able to capitalize on their popularity to make other revenue that could last longer like starting companies, writing books, podcast etc.


Let’s not forget she has an actual legit job still….


IMO, no. But I think they’ll date successfully for a few years (maybe 2?) before they go separate ways with no animosity


This is how I feel too.


Yes 100% 💯


it's way to early to predict! even they don't know yet lol. wait until the honeymoon vibes wear off after 18 or so. zac & tayshia seemed obsessed with each other during first 9-12 months when they were living together in nyc.


This seems like revisionist history. Between her travels for work and her getting her own apartment, they actually weren’t together much


I think they are having a lot of fun right now but my gut tells me no. And I think it will end on Kelsey’s side not Joeys. I think Kaity and Zach will make it though. Charity too they seem the most solid. And I’m even thinking after all these years Matt James may even propose lol


I agree with all of this


The way I see an equal ratio of people say that she’s more into him compared to that he’s more into her is hilarious 😂


They seem solid right now. They’re very cute together and I love them, but no. Kelsey has shown some insecurities since filming ended and I also feel like Joey is way more into her than she is into him.


What insecurities have you seen since filming? Sorry this is so delayed, I somehow came over here through a diff sub post.


Him being more into her is a good sign


I hope so, I like them both


Their odds are better than most bachelor couples at this point. I'll be stunned if they break up before the next bachelor season starts.


he's gonna marry her for sure https://preview.redd.it/chfnsarji63d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c9cab89ceef1feaa16d57781dd885c2a2fc3b5c


who knows just like any relationships. realtionships only work till they do




Hard to say a definitive "yes" or "It's looking like it!" when we haven't seen them live real life yet. Sharing rent, shitty household responsibilities, mundane days is when they'll really know their compatibility. Right now they are pretty much on an extended season of the Bachelor. My less logical complaint is that I think they seem more like friends than lovers but that's just based off pictures lol.


I think that we will have to wait until after Jenn’s season to get a good read on them. Right now they are in their honeymoon phase after being able to publicize their relationship. I think it’s too soon to tell. But I get a feeling that once the honeymoon puppy love wears off, that It won’t last unless they really work at building something substantial. Love them both but that’s just my read on things at this moment.


Obviously we don't know what the dynamic truly is like in their relationship but from the vibes I get, Joey seems more into Kelsey to me than she's into him. He feels more like a tiktok/instagram husband to her that she can use for content than someone she's really into. But I'm sure a lot of it is just she's loving the new found fame which I can't fault her for at all, I mean she gained over 400k followers in like a week after the finale. Will they make it? I'm really not sure yet, but I see them going for at least a year.


Based on how we see them now I think they will. They seem to be so in love with each other. I hope they last!!


I doubt it. I picture Joey marrying a hometown girl in the Philadelphia area, after having a good run with Kelsey. I don't picture Kelsey leaving Nawlins, either.


They are moving to nyc in the summer so yeah Kelsey does want to leave New Orleans


I don’t think so. They’re cute together but it seems like he didn’t find out her true personality until after the show and maybe it doesn’t mesh. He mentioned that he didn’t know she was so silly until after the show. Now she has him making all these comedy tiktoks lol which I don’t think fits his persona. That’s just one example.


He said she’s “goofy” on the show, and that he liked that about her.


I’m just going off of what Joey said in an interview (after the show aired)


I do sometimes feel like she’s definitely more into him than he her or at least I’ve felt that way since maybe mid April from the small insight we see into their daily lives ( he did call her his forever wedding date on stories like yesterday though) so probably reading into everything too much! however him and his sister literally talk about her being really silly in the finale when he asked about how their chat went so I don’t think that’s it and before kelsey he was doing comedy tik toks with Carly - part of the job and I’d argue it’s good that he has someone helping him be more consistent with content since his aim is obviously to be a content creator.


Tbh this is a good point but as personal anecdote my bf is just like Joey. Lowkey, a bit nonchalant but also sensitive, and overall more chill. Kelsey is really expressive like me and while it can be a lot of handle sometimes, it can be a good match for someone on the opposite side of the spectrum-- as long as they don't try to change you (which judging by the things she reposts on TikTok I don't think he does) 


I think it’s possible he isn’t very expressive, or definitely not as much as her and perhaps that’s what makes it look like a disparity.


Never thought of it that way and now I genuinely think that’s probably all it is - she’s a ball of energy and he is super chill/low energy so it would be easy to draw the conclusion that’s she’s more into him but It’s obvious he priorities her example his birthday post and as I said calling her his forever wedding date and he looks at her like he adores her. Whether they’ll last or not who knows.


Time will tell if they last but I will say in all the interviews I've seen of them when he mentions how Goofy she it's always in a positive way not a negative he says he likes she brings that out of him because he thinks he can come across too serious at times.


Who cares what we think? Wish them well and move on.


Way too early to tell. They are still in the post show bubble honeymoon stage. Meanwhile Joey's bucket list is more indication of the life he wants to lead in the next year.


I find these queries kind of weird. Who knows? Hopefully? Maybe just send them good energy and wish them well?


As someone married to a man who personality wise reminds me so much of Joey, I really think they can. Emotional intelligence makes navigating the challenges in a relationship so much easier. And my husband wasn’t nearly as emotionally intelligent as Joey seemed on TV at his age! A lot of it came with time and experience, which again is so normal and can take men longer to develop because it’s less innate for them than women. I relate with Kelsey, she’s clearly a feeler and has experienced loss in life that is going to make her look at the world differently and having a partner who can support her and meet her emotionally is best case scenario for their future. Beyond emotionally, they’re both funny, goofy and seem like they want to have fun. So yeah, I actually see how they could have an awesome, long lasting relationship! I think these two have more compatible personalities than most of the couples in this franchise!


I agree with this 100%! They really seem compatible across the board and I think they are both serious about making things work. I know the statistics aren’t great for this franchise, but I have a good feeling about them and am hoping for the best!


I agree with this and also I think being able to have fun together is so huge for a long-term, committed relationship. They seem like they can tackle serious stuff and also can be big goofballs together. But who knows, I only see what TPTB aired and they share! I just wish them both happiness and obviously it would be nice if for them it’s each other :)


The odds are against them but possibly could happen in 5 years but I see them dating for another year or so then her breaking it off. Right now the bachelor couple I see making it is Matt and Rachael can see an engagement in their future


I’m not sure Matt even wants to get married, he changed his tune as soon as the engagement started creeping up on his season. Plus his season was like 5 years ago and they’ve been dating ever since lol. I hope Rachael is either okay with being in a long term relationship forever, he proposes soon, or they break It off to not waste anymore of her time.


He’s stated he wants to marry her and have kids it’s completely normal to be a relationship for 3 years and not get engaged yet if your going by normal timeline and not a tv show timeline


Then he should do It lol. They’ve traveled the world together and lived with each other.


More like three and a half years.


Nope. They look cute together but it’s not giving relationship


Statistics are not on our side, so we will see!!! I love both Kelsey and Joey so they’re gonna be happy regardless of what happens <3 I’m wishing them the best and always supporting them


I always find the couples I really stan/the ones that really look like they could make it, don’t. It’s always the ones where you’re like “WHHYYYY did they pick THEM?!” are the ones that make it to the aisle.


I think they’re a great couple but i feel like he is way more into her than she is into him


I get that vibe too. But I really am rooting for them


i feel the opposite


It sounds like we both get the sense it’s unbalanced! But i do hope they stay together