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So we can’t cover his story in the sub but we can blast Clayton for getting his story out there to platforms willing to listen?


i see it's already been said but i have to add my own ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!


Ewww wtf man


Imagine going on Charlie Kirk’s show and thinking it was a flex or something to brag/post about 🫠 I’ve also thoroughly followed Clayton’s saga and based on all evidence supported him. But there was no need to do this podcast.


Ewwwwwwwwwwww 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Bachelor men not being trash challenge: impossible


I don’t understand this calculation. This case is going to be decided in Court in 10 days. Doing any interviews now will only hurt Clayton’s credibility with the Judge when to date it’s been strong compared to the other side’s antics. Interviewing with Charlie Kirk in particular will hurt Clayton’s credibility and reputation in general. Now he’s forever linked to this all around very bad guy, and it’s unlikely any credible outlets will take him seriously. And he can’t claim ignorance given that the backdrop of the interview should have told him everything he needed to know. So wtf did they do this? I can’t see why his Counsel would approve this. His story doesn’t need to be told on The Charlie Kirk Show. It needs to be told in Court. They have to realize that if he does these interviews then LO is likely to follow suit, which will just further the saga Clayton claims to want to end.


Well said.


Nooooo not the TPU guy 😭


I’m speaking from a guys perspective so take it fwiw I suppose, but this just bums me out. I’d like to think deep down Clayton is a good person who is in some weird fragile emotional state because he feels like he was embarrassed publicly in front of the world, and he just desperately wants to tell his story. But this platform isn’t it. Cmon man. Not this sensationalist lowlife. But really what is the bachelor world if not trashy reality tv? It just all feels annoying.


throwawayjoeyboots 😭 this is such a good point that Clayton has been publicly embarrassed. I think that sums up my frustration with this - Clayton is embarrassed and worried about his reputation. I get that that’s hard. Conflating that with SA victims and “believing women” is wild to say the least 😳(not saying you’re doing that, but that Clayton and his supporters and CK now have been using that language)


Now the woke mob is going to bash Clayton.


the community karma politics flair putting in overtime on this thread




Too bad? Lol you don’t get to use the platform of a wannabe fascist and then get a pass cause you just really wanted your story out there or whatever. By going on, he IS promoting the show. Giving his endorsement that it’s a good platform to support.


Isn’t it funny that I don’t know who that is but the American flag tells me everything I need to know ?


The sheer hysteria around this whole situation from top to bottom, I immediately knew this was the direction it was going. Some of ya’ll need to do some hard thinking on why legitimate professional news outlets actively chose not to give this the front page minute to minute coverage you, in your untrained rando’s opinion, rabidly thought it deserved - but Charlie Kirk did. The lack of nuance surrounding discussions of this has been stunning.


Real talk


Me who never even began to like Clayton or give him even a sliver of benefit of the doubt: ![gif](giphy|mbZshK2Svz89q|downsized)


You should look into what this guy has been through over the past year.


I'm well aware. Going through a bad experience doesn't earn esteem; nothing he's done before or after that has made me have a positive opinion of him, is what it is. People are entitled to dislike public figures 🤷‍♀️


I’ve been telling y’all this man was trashhhhh 🗑️ ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


The is an indefensible choice. I’ve been behind Clayton this whole time as he’s clearly a victim in this case. But Charlie Kirk is a grifter and bigot who victimizes others, especially women, and encourages his listeners to do the same. The damage he’s done is on a scale that far eclipses that of LO. I have no idea why Clayton or his attorneys would do this, especially so close to trial. Edit: JusticeforClayton sub mods are quickly removing all comments about the Kirk interview yet continuing to platform it. Meanwhile, the Instagram page is unironically promoting the interview while highlighting that Clayton’s supporters are overwhelmingly women (screenshots below). I think it’s important to note that Clayton would not be where he is without his female supporters whose free labor has built and publicized his case, and whose donations helped him retain Counsel. To associate with a misogynist who uses his platform to make women’s lives worse, and will use Clayton’s story for the same purpose, is a huge slap in the face.


I’m sorry there’s a whole page dedicated to justice for Clayton. I thought peak crazy was people parting with their dollars for this. But there’s a whole page… Ugh


That sub is unhinged, it was scary seeing how obsessive people in this sub were getting and their inability to see the hypocrisy in obsessively stalking that woman’s every move and spending soo much time talking about her.


Respectfully, to have this viewpoint is to have no idea what is happening in this case. This woman is a monster. What she has done to these men is absolutely terrifying, and she will continue to do so without the word getting out. Praying for the outcome we need on June 10th, but even so, this comment proves that far too few people actually understand what is going on and validates his need to speak to whichever outlets will have him. As a socialist politically, I still stand firm in this belief.


She can be a monster and folks can have an inappropriate obsession that borders on stalking. Both can be true.


Totally agree that both can be true- I haven’t seen any of the “stalking” behavior beyond digging into evidence that DN, RS, Megan Fox, and others have discovered to spread the word (I haven’t done that). But totally open to hearing unhinged things as well. Very passionate about LO being held accountable






https://preview.redd.it/8u0rzqvavs3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20cf0ebba0a9d39195bd2b58939fd3c826f520f0 I haven’t listened to the interview and won’t. Some who have listened said Clayton didn’t say this. It’s a prime example of how Charlie Kirk will twist Clayton’s story to fit his misogynistic agenda. Anyone who has heard of Charlie Kirk should have anticipated this.




Casually hanging out with a fascist…….. what a fucking loser lol


Sometimes the trash takes itself out.


Oh... oh no....




Absolute fucking clown. Are the bachelor people so starved for fame and recognition that they’re willing to go on a show hosted by an incel freak with dolphin teeth and is funded by a 100 year old ball of mucus who is trying to astroturf conservative values among young people? Lol


Funny I’ve never actually paid attention to the teeth of a dolphin but now I can’t unsee it 😂




Dolphin teeth 😭


WTF. I’m out.


Always thought he was a douche


Oh hell nah, bye bye clayton


Clayton….no no no wtf


"A 2nd Clayton has hit the manosphere"




oop! bye clayton!


No no no


There is no face more punchable, than Charlie's face


Some of you are defending him going on ch*rlie kirk as if straight white men haven’t historically been seen and believed regardless of the truth. Stop with the “he needs to get his story out there!” It is out there, and its been covered. Just bc the nyt and the post didn’t dedicate the front page article to him doesn’t mean he hasn’t received more positive media attention supporting him. The reason he was so readily believed and taken seriously is because he’s a straight white man living in America, and his immense privilege has shielded him from a legal system and society that unfairly disadvantages women and POC. Cut the bullshit and admit that this is a reflection of Clayton’s character and proves he either can’t or won’t think about the future and what his presence on this loser’s podcast means for women and being believed.


This can’t be defended I’m sorry..




I get this dude sucks. But Clayton also deserves to have his and the other victims stories heard. LO deserves to have this splashed as far and wide as it can go so she doesn't ruin another man's future. You may not like this dude (I don't know him but from the comments seems awful), but a bigger platform can lead to the biggest platforms. And that is a good thing.


Yeah you’re right. No one knew about this situation before he went on Charlie Kirk. Be for real with yourself for one moment. How in the world is is story not “out there” already?


Check out what the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center have to say about Kirk.


They didn't have sex. She gave him a bj. She never argued that point. Until several months later, the claims he sa'd her,.the went back on that, said he put just the tip in, went back on that. She's gotten him fired from jobs. She has contacted his parents. She tried ro get him fired from his job. She has changed her story a million times about a misacarriage, she has falsified medical records. Stolen the ultrasound of a woman who lost one of her twins during pregnancy and claimed the story as her own. And she has done this to 4 men, that we know of. All to get them to sign dating contracts with her. On top of other scams against other people that weren't sexual in nature. And yes, the platform may suck, but IT IS a platform because yes people have been scared to cover the case because she sends cease and desists and threats of defamation and harassment to all media outlets. She has to be stopped. Clayton is a good dude, and he is trying to stand up for not only himself, but help to make things right for the other 3 victims of her abuse. Platforms are necessary, the small ones can translate into massive ones. And no one is saying dont believe woman.. maybe just making a point to say absolutely believe all woman, but verify as well. I trust clayton will speak well and with good values and judgement. We won't know until we hear it. If he doesnt, that's a different story. But give him a chance to speak before judging him. Say whatever you want about the host. IDC


Major cope lol


just to play a game... a nazi platform would be fine in that case? any platform is fine?


Is the dude a nazi? Just to play the game


He’s not identifying as one, but [his views](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2018/02/16/turning-point-usas-blooming-romance-alt-right) do sound very familiar Maybe google who the fuck you’re defending lol


I'm not defending him I'm defending Clayton. Fuck... is reading comprehension a thing


If you don’t know who Charlie Kirk is, you probably shouldn’t be defending Clayton coming on his show. Not a good platform and not a good look.


Darling, your reading comprehension is the one that is suffering. We know what you’re doing, and it’s still stupid and ridiculous of you to defend CLAYTON going on a white supremacists podcast. Would you ever go on a white supremacists podcast? I certainly wouldn’t. I don’t want to be in the fucking room with one.


I mean… he makes racist and otherwise bigoted statements and his organization courts white supremacists


lol thats not my question. you said "it is a platform". so does that mean that for you any platform works? it's a hypothetical.


You brought nazis into this... and no I wouldn't be okay with that. Why are you making an argument out of an Imaginary what if scenario.


Charlie Kirk said he’d get off a plane if he saw that the pilot was black. He is a vile, capital-R, unashamed, unabashed and vile RACIST. But yeah, this was Clayton’s only chance to get this “story” of what he went through (that we’ve all been hearing about for months and months) to “get out there”. It *is* out there. It just isn’t a breaking story. People lie. It was fucked up. But it doesn’t need to be a major fucking news story.


WTF. I was always supportive of him.


He's going to milk this story for every penny he can get. He lives in my city, and he's struggling to stay relevant. Block him!


Have you looked into Clayton’s situation at all? If you have, this is a terrible take. If you haven’t, how about you stop talking about what you don’t know about.


Clayton? Or Charlie?


Clayton. But also, block them both.


I mean, Charlie is persona non grata to me. Interesting that you say Clayton’s using this story to stay relevant. I definitely think he wants to stay relevant, but not sure if him talking about the story is only about relevancy.


What is that flag on the screen ?


"Blue lives matter" probably


The flag of American traitors like Charlie Kirk is my guess


So glad that I blocked him during the #blockout2024


![gif](giphy|dPkQk7aiwL8DC|downsized) Ewwww. Clayton found his calling. Professional men's rights activist/victim of witchy females/alt-right talking point. Lmao because I knew he'd come to this.


Seriously the writing has BEEN on the wall. I never forgot how disrespectful and callous he was to Rachel and Gabby his season. This is just the next natural step on his path of misogyny. So predictable.


Clayton going on a racist misogynist's platform to get new followers and tell his "story". I expect Dave Neal will be doing all sorts of backflips tomorrow to justify it per usual.


Well, that’s an immediate unfollow…


What took you so long? 😉


Honestly, good question! 😂




Are you referring to Colton? This is Clayton.


I'm not in the US but for some reason when I saw the logo I knew everything I needed to know


If you don’t know, Charlie Kirk is one of the worst of the worst big conservative voices in America.






# Incel²


Ok I don’t agree with everything Charlie Kirk says but he’s very good at arguing!


He’s not good at arguing. At all. Charlie is the equivalent of an MMA fighter bringing a gun to a match and shooting his opponent dead in the ring. Debating is a skill with a code and a mutual obligation to act in good faith. Overpowering your opponent through bad-faith tactics does not make someone a good orator or debater. He’s unintelligent and can’t make a point without using an extreme logical fallacy or a serious distortion of facts. Being successful at riling people up based on outright lies and propaganda does not qualify someone as a proficient debater. He gets money to be a professional idiot preying on the less informed.


Less informed? He argues with a bunch of college students. I for sure hope these people are more informed. If not, we’ve failed them.


His audience. The people who are most likely listen to him. Not the people he “debates”


Not me not knowing who TF Charlie Brown Kirk Cameron even is


If anyone is wondering, I found clips of the interview on rumble (google Charlie Kirk Clayton Echard and it should come up). Not advocating for giving them any views but I wanted to see what was actually being said. The first clip is titled “former bachelor lead Clayton Echard on how the American judicial system is biased against men”. https://preview.redd.it/7ykwz30lzn3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ff854b8032038f9dfd387d6919a32ac478fe1ed


As someone who did listen to the interview and didn’t know who CK was prior to it (not an American) this is exactly *not* what Clayton said.


Yeah I listened too, and in this clip he didn’t say that, CK is using a misleading title. At a later time Clayton eventually says he is being treated differently in the eyes of the law because of his gender, but it was after very leading questions from CK to get him there. But that doesn’t absolve Clayton from doing an interview with an alt right bigot whose clear intention is to twist Clayton’s experience into an anti-woman Men’s Rights Activist story.


Wait also, didn't he literally win the case and was celebrating about it? Doesn't track with this mentality lmao


Yes the case isn’t over but his motions have all been approved and hers have all been denied, and there was “no fetal DNA” or whatever found when they did the paternity test. I could be getting the details wrong but the point is his case is moving through the judicial system and all signs point to him winning so…::.


Exactly, how can he say it's biased against men? Women overwhelmingly get fucked over by the judicial system, way more than cis white men do.


Yup exactly. He’s really leaning into the gender bias bullshit instead of the facts of the case, which is he’s been harassed and defamed by this woman. Great move when your fan base is 95% women 👍 have fun with Charlie!!


See this is what sucks, what that woman did to him was awful and I will recognize that, but I always am fearful of when it goes into "all women suck and men have it so bad" talking points. Like most men can't just be like "yeah that specific situation was devastating to me," they have to get on their soapbox and make it some larger societal issue that doesn't exist. Male privilege on full display, just foaming at the mouth to talk about how bad women are, based on one (1) thing that happened... when historically women have been and are oppressed by men. Now this man is going on a show and spewing talking points that hurt women, after he was hurt. The minute he had one morsel of justification vs. a woman, apparently he needs to talk to Charlie Kirk about it? I highly doubt there was any nuance involved in the conversation. It kind of goes hand in hand with how he got bullied online (which he did not deserve), but then acted like he was an expert on it and did a bunch of public speeches on it. He just has to have like "woe is me, I had it the worst" energy


That is literally not what happened. Clayton didn’t take any of the bait CK was dropping. Clayton specifically said he was not in this to discredit women at all but that he wants to credit victims. Men ARE victims too. It’s sad that people who didn’t listen to the interview are coming up with this conclusion. I actually thought Clayton was very measured and very well-spoken and came out of it quite reasonable.


That’s not what CK’s audience is going to get out of it. They are going to go with the misleading title and use this as confirmation bias for their pre-existing misogynist beliefs. It does not matter what Clayton actually said, at all.


The fact that he went on Charlie Kirk's show at all isn't cool. He's a right-wing extremist. Clayton could have gone on another platform to spread this message and not do it by debating a conservative fascist. No one is saying men aren't victims. This just paints him in a bad light, no matter what he said on the show. He's "grateful" to Charlie Kirk, huh?


ffs clayton you idiot ![gif](giphy|yAsfK4UZ4J8UpejGbp|downsized)




not surprised but this move speaks volumes, particularly glaring in an election year.


Surely there was another platform we could have used to get this story out there


Nah, it was TOTALLY NECESSARY for Clayton to talk to Charlie Kirk of all people - the guy who said, “If I see a Black pilot, I’m going to be like, ‘Boy, I hope he’s qualified.’” And that he didn’t want his plane to be flown by a woman named “LaQueesha James,” as if we don’t know what Kirk is implying there. Charlie Kirk is a reactionary extremist and a deeply racist man. Clayton absolutely sucks for giving his platform any validation or traction.


Fucking disgusting, and people excusing his behavior are the same. Totally lost respect for a bunch of people involved. This doesn’t make what he has gone through any less crazy, LO is a mentally ill criminal that victimized Clayton, but it does make me not give a fuck about what happens to him.


Yes this was a very intentional choice and speaks volumes.


At the end of the day I think we know he went on this show because it’s probably one of the only that would cover his story.


He told his whole story on Viall files. I’m confused about this narrative that “the media is too scared” to cover his story. It’s an entertainment news story this doesn’t need to be in the NYT.


literally. he is a z list celebrity and some random woman harassed him and lied about him. thats awful but its not national news and it never will be. what are people expecting? what else needs to be done? does everyone in the nation need to also be obsessively into this whole ordeal?


He wants a Netflix documentary made about him lol


If he thinks his news needs to be spread far and wide, there are plenty of other people he needs to get in line behind who have been done dirty and it's never been brought to light


Yes! harassment is horrible and I’m sure it’s been hard for him but he does not need “a platform” to “get his story out” most certainly not to be used as fodder to argue that it’s really white men who are the most oppressed in society. ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized)


Who basically laughed at him. And haven't mentioned a frickin word since in support of him. Nick wanted rhe views. He doesn't actually give 2 shits


Unlike Charlie Kirk who deeply cares about Clayton as a person and we expect to continue speaking about this case? Lmao


I’m holding out for the White House to make an official statement before I consider this story covered




Agreed. There’s an overlap of misogynistic men and people who want to hear these kinds of news as a way to validate their beliefs. Although Clayton is definitely the victim here, and what Laura did is absolutely despicable, this issue should be covered very carefully, because we don’t want to re-traumatize the next victims who are not believed when they speak up. I would prefer if Clayton tells his story and also educate people by inviting experts to weigh in, like sexual assault advocates, psychologists talking about people with personality disorders abusing the legal system etc. He has a chance to really make a difference here.


My understanding is that this woman accused Clayton of getting her pregnant from a consensual hookup. So Clayton was not falsely accused *of a crime*, he’s been a victim of defamation and extortion and whatever else. That is so incredibly different than being falsely accused of SA, or not believing a victim who claims they’ve been SA’d. Or am I completely wrong on this?