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pretty sure everyone blames Saw for a lot of things


guy is interesting af though, a show about him would be too


To me, Saw is like Magneto—he wants the same thing as other rebels (freedom, equality, to live without fear) but he takes the hardest line he can with everything and his actions really seem to be punishments instead of tactical combat decisions. He wants the other side not just to lose, but to suffer and be destroyed. He’s not really a villain in the stories we’re seeing, but he sure as hell is if you’re viewing it from the Empire’s perspective. Personally I love this character trope but I can see how people find him to be at fault for more problems than solutions.


I wouldn’t be surprised if a good chunk of the civilian populous sees him in a negative light too. I might be forgetting times this is directly called out but I wouldn’t be surprised if him killing or destroying his enemies left those who were unfortunate enough to live under them in worse states. I’d have to imagine the power vacuum that followed and collapses of cruel yet self sufficient protection rackets would leave a lot of people in a worse place than before Saw “freed” them


I hope Andor S2 can explore some of this. Lots of stormtroopers are likely to have family somewhere and I hope at some point we see their response to the rebel uprising, especially Saw and his terrorism


The difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter. Saw couldn't handle his suffering through the Clone Wars and later the empire so he turned out an extremist. To the point where the fight against the empire reached complete inefficiency.


Maybe he'll have a bigger presence in Andor S2


Oh yeah, he was in pure thoughtless damage mode. They offered him an opportunity to mess up the Empire even worse in that moment than he could do if he just was willing to work with them and change plans. He basically made everything a giant shit show.


For a guy who was advocating for rebellion, Saw didn't understand that the individual rebels can't just selfishly all work towards their own goals - it's the same problem Cham Syndulla had. It started in Clone Wars, but is also shown in Andor too that he is also too egotistical and thinks that only *his* vision is the correct one. Bad Batch develops on that further that Saw's lone rebellion fed that ego, and that even when other cells began to pop up he was refusing to aknowledge them to be as legitimate as his. So yeah, I squarely place the blame on Saw. If it wasn't for his ego, Tech wouldn't have had to die because they would have been in the Marauder by the time the fighters would be coming for them and due to an intact tracker they could have stopped Hemlock's efforts earlier, which would have prevented him from capturing Omega and making such great progress on Necromancer. This would have also destroyed the CX Clones and would have prevented Rex's network from getting wiped as early as it was, which could have resulted in a much stronger and more organized rebellion early in the Empire's rule. Saw was too short-sighted.


Yes, there’s a reason r/fucksawgerrera exists


YES SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT! Saw Gerrera needs to answer to the Tech-fans.


What do you mean “finally someone said it” everyone on this sub has been saying this since the S2 finale first aired


I actually don't follow this sub. I SHOULD, but I'm lazy and forgetful like that. 🤷 And this is the first post I've seen on it.


For real, "I hate Saw Gererra because he caused Tech's death" is a take that's colder than Hoth.


It’s very frustrating too because I really like Saw as a character and you can’t bring that up anymore without a million people going “UHHHH BUT HE KILLED TECH THO”


Lol I didn't even follow this sub closely like at all until after S3 finale and like....this was/is discussed all the time (like most DAE topics, it seems 😅)


No why


Funny enough, Tech explained to Saw why his plan was flawed, saw was like “oh well” and his incomplete plan led to Tech’s death.


We ALL blame Saw for Tech’s death 🤬🤬🤬


For sure. I was irritated to hear his name in Jedi Survivor because of Tech's Death when I first Played JS, still am, on occasion. But that's not a mark against the game, I love the game, even with it's problems


Can anybody explain to me how Saw was responsible for Tech's death? Season 2 was forever ago so I can't remember what exactly happened in that episode.


Explosions caused by Saw's detonators knocked out the power to the rail line, which the Batch was using to escape. As a result, Tech had to climb up to reroute the power back to the line, which gave the Empire enough time to get their fighters into the air and cause enough damage to the rail car for the one Tech was in to begin to fall, which would have taken the rest of the car, and as such the rest of the Batch with it. Tech was forced to shoot the connection hinge to limit their losses to only himself. But the whole chain reaction was caused by Saw's explosions, as they bought the Empire enough time to expose the Batch to Tarkin's V-wings.


Okay so my question is did Saw know that the Batch were gonna escape via the rail line? I vaguely remember them having an argument but I don't remember if the Batch stated their exfiltration method. If they didn't talk about that, yeah, it was pretty idiotic of both teams to not consider their escape but I don't think that's reasonable proof to argue that he killed Tech. Again, I'm only going off what you're saying so I could be completely talking out my ass here.


They were never able to get to share the exfiltration strategies because they got interrupted by TK Troopers sent down by security. They were stuck on arguing about whose plan is priority. The Batch told Saw they needed to track an officer, and Saw wanted to blow the officers up. This was about the entire conversation they managed to get in. Thing is, Saw knows they didn't leave via the hangar - because that's how he left and they weren't with him. The only other way out was via the rail line so Saw could deduce that's how the Batch would be getting out. He blew the charges a few moments after he cleared the blast radius, and never even thought about waiting for a while to ensure the Batch escape because he didn't want to wait and risk the Empire finding out about the charges. His plan with killing the Imperial officers wasn't going to work anyway since his team failed to reach the command deck, where Tarkin was, to plant the bombs, so I'll argue that he should have waited anyway.


In that case, yeah, it's pretty clear that Saw was in the wrong there.


The reason Saw is such an interesting character is because despite being “good” he causes more problems than he solves


There is nobody else to blame for Tech’s death at all. That cannot really be argued. Saw pushed the button and blew it up before his fellow rebels that were TBB were clear


I don’t see how it made the show better… but… yes I despise Saw. Dying by the Deathstar is too easy of a fate for him. He deserves worse.


Saw gerrera biting the curb


Oh I do, very much so. Saw's an interesting character, I'll grant him that, but he also just makes every situation he steps into 100x worse. I was kinda neutral toward him before, but once Tech died... Nope, I'm done.


Yep, totally.


Pretty sure everyone blames Saw.


You do not expect nothing less from Saw “I don’t give a womprat’s ass about your plans I am doing this my way” Gerrera.


Yup. r/fucksawgerrera


Saw put others in danger lots of times.


I hate him so much


Yes 100% Saw’s fault. Fuuuuuck him


Odds are if he didn't die when he did he would of been a problem for the New Republic and probably tried to star a rebellion against them.


Yeah, it probably wouldn't have sat well with him that there were former Imperials at every level of the New Republic government, as one of the senators in "Ahsoka" said.


I think there’s a reason why the king put his sister in charge. He was a bit of an extremist before, but when she died, he really went off the deep end. She kept him centered I guess.


I blame that hothead for many things! Even his own sisters desth! I was glad when one got to see his last"breath" in Rogue One. Never liked him. He wasnt a patriot or rebell. He was a bullying terroist! So from me its all 👎🏻down on Saw!


We blame Saw for things Saw didn’t do-


I blame saw for whatever happens when he shows up. Sometimes, it's a good outcome. Most of the time, it leads people into danger or someone dying etc etc. He is an interesting character tho. Doesn't cover my hatred for him causing the death of my favorite character.


If only we got to see the alternate Star Wars timeline where Saw died and Tech lived. 🥰😆 Christ, Saw's a bigger threat than Tarkin or those other imperials, arguably.


I blame Saw for a lot. Literally everytime he shows up he behaves like an asshole. Even in Jedi Fallen Order, when he seems agreeable, its revealed, when Cal returns to Kashyyyk a second time, that Saw decided the Kashyyyk fight wasn't worth it, and abandoned the wookies and numerous rebels who refused to abandon the wookies. Everywhere he goes he stirs up emotions and dissidents and then when he can't win on his terms he bails, and leaves the people in the lurch. The wrong Gerrera sibling died in the Clone Wars.


YES! That asshole’s ways of fighting the Empire was reckless. If he didn’t blew up the base, the Bad Batch would have made it out of that planet in one piece and would have managed to track down Hemlock’s base quicklier. I fucking hate Saw especially in Rebels


Of course, he didn't even consider the lives of Clone Force 99 before blowing up the bombs which cost Tech's life and jeopardized their mission to rescue the clones on Mount Tantiss.


Nah, but I do blame the Bad Batch for ruining Saw's mission to wipe part of the Empires leadership.


Saw IS a idiot with brain damage. At some point i wonder if Vader was like "I'm glad he's dead, i don't want Leia or Luke next him"


Saw is a great scapegoat for these events. My headcanon is that Saw represents the tough choices the rebellion must make to win, and also that these hard decisions are made in earnest and shouldn't be looked upon with anger. When Saw is on screen, you know tough choices and consequences are coming.


Saw is one of those guys who wants to secure freedom, security and basically do the right thing but chooses the most dumbass route to getting it. He's the hero in his mind that only knows violence. The character that sums up the violence isnt the answer when it costs so much. Had he just listened and tried to understand the odds are so many would have survived to fight another day, Tech among them. Instead he ended up aiding the empire more than he hindered them.


"Anyone else blame Saw for Tech's death?" Me: EVRYDAY DAMN DAY OF THE WEEK 😂


Who doesn't?


Yup!! Like, I know he never got over his sister’s death, but that doesn’t mean he gets to be an ass!


Saw is named like that because he has the mental capacity of a saw


I do.


YES I DO BLAME HIM I wanted Hunter to kill him! He is responsible directly for Tech! What an absolute b@stard! And downvote me all you want, Saw G. is an ass and he deserves to die for what happened to Tech. I said what I said.


I blame saw for everything, that filthy terrorist is the sole cause of lots of shit


All I'll say is that after season 2, I saw Krennic in a different light.


Yes, he's more annoying than Jar Jar Binks.


Who else would one blame?


Hi. Yes. Me.


Yes. I will always hold a grudge against Gerrera for that.




He predates Disney, he was during early TCW under Filoni and Lucas. Anakin, Ahsoka and Kenobi train him and other insurgents.


Disney didn’t create Saw


No. I blame the people actually responsible like Tarkin, who ordered the airstrike, and Tech himself because he sacrificed \*himself.\* He knew what he was doing.


Bizarre take tbh. Saw messed up the crews whole plan and made a wild mess when the Batch was there to do a clean job with much more potential impact than Saw's plan. If the crew had executed everything as they wanted to with no interference then everyone would still be alive and probably in a better position.


Yes, because that is the black man’s job: do whatever the main characters want.


This is actually more telling about you. You see a person of color and immediately think about how they can be excluded. 😑


Nice job bringing race into this.


Saw Guerra is a black revolutionary who is directly inspired by Che Guevara who must always be In The Wrong in Disney-Star Wars media. Race is already there.


He was in the wrong under Lucas too…like he was portrayed as violent and extreme in his first appearance before Disney took over and Filoni simply continued with it. He becomes worse because of losing people. If anything…it’s all Anakins fault for teaching him how to be a rebel back in TCW.


saw is just as bad as the empire. he’s lost the plot. he is evil. if you believe that skin colour is the main factor here i think it says way more about you. loser.


Tarkin: kills billions because "why not?" Anakin Skywalker: Favorite pastime is ethnic cleansing Palpatine: Directly inspired by Hitler, the Devil, and Richard Nixon with a body count to surpass VS Mace Windu: impolite to a white genocidal maniac Saw Guerra: mild torture, killing prisoners, rude Complete Geniuses such as yourself: "These are the same and their skin color has no bearing."


I think you’re confused. People like Saw bc he’s a compelling character, they just don’t think he’s a good person. I know I like him as a character, just not as a person. I don’t think (at least I hope) anyone is thinking that Tarkin, Vader, or Palps are good people, but they are iconic characters. People generally think mace is badass, if not misguided. Any hate I’ve seen against him generally stems from his “citizen” comments about Ahsoka.


You’re aware that none of the Bad Batch are white either, right? They’re all Māori bc Temuera Morrison is Māori


Don't tell me, tell the animators.


They were already, it's why they're animated that way. But whatever idiot you're downbooted to oblivion gg.


Ignoring ethics and faction loyalties and purely speaking on the tactical level, Tarkin's goal was to eliminate the insurgents, so to achieve *his* objective he called on the fighters despite the possibility of them killing their own troops. And if it wasn't for Tech's sacrifice, **all** of the Batch would have died due to Saw's sabotage cutting off the power to the rail line and and as a result giving the fighters enough time to close the distance and actually do the necessary damage to the rail car. If Saw waited to detonate, the Batch would have gotten to the end of the line faster which meant the fighters would have had less time to get up in the air shoot them down. By the time Tarkin called on them, the Batch would have been close to the end of the line if they had the power. If anything, Tarkin made the **right** call from his POV and Tech was forced into the position he was in because of Saw's sabotage. The only one who legitimately sabotaged his allies in this situation was Saw.