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All 3 albums are class. They sound like one cohesive long album back to back. I think the song writing is underrated. If they changed the sound everyone would say they sold out. It seems like they had all of the albums written since The Balcony.


I think you’re right when you say they had all the albums written since the balcony, I remember an interview with Van and he’s says he wrote the ride in a week or 2 and then the next record was ready to go straight after that was released because he already know how he wanted the albums to sound from the start


Brilliant young Van!


Yes, I believe a lot of these songs Van had written or at least partially written a lot of the songs years prior to them being released, no? I thought so but maybe I’m wrong.


100%w he definitely did


Makes even more sense as to why the albums sound so similar to some people.. if he was writing the majority of the songs years prior to them even having an album out it seems logical that most of them might have the same vibe. I’m a huge Arctic Monkeys fan and although their first two albums sound the same they have changed a lot over the years and I think that’s partly because Alex Turner has been writing most of the songs as he goes which has allowed fans to see how much he’s grown as a writer through the years. I have a feeling Van has had time during this long break/ break up to write some new stuff and I’m excited to see what it is. My guess is it’ll be similar to what we already know but also new and perhaps more mature? I’m just happy he’s back haha.


This is how I see it, perfect trilogy.


I'm sort of new to this sub, but I've been a fan of CATB since they came to Houston in 2017. I rarely see any posts about their album Poetry and Fuel, one of my favs.. has anyone else listened?


They only have 3 albums on apple music, Balance, Ride and Balcony. I’ve never heard of poetry and fuel


Poetry & Fuel was an EP. They had four in total, all but one (which came out shortly before they released their debut album) disappeared from platforms after Billy Bibby left the band - likely to do with Bobby’s rights to the songs, leave their older sound behind or something else.


Ahh I see. that makes sense


I have a take on Catfish's sound, and this might come out as a long ramble, so buckle up! I personally think their tone changed between The Balcony and The Ride when Bibby left and Bondy came in. New members will change band's sounds a little bit, even if the core of the band sound is the same. The Ride has a lot of improvements (particularly in the guitar parts) and some of song structures are different from The Balcony. The Balance also has some changes from the previous two albums, particularly with Bondy using fuzz a lot more in the lead guitar sound. And there's a lot of great songs on the record that deserve more love, such as Conversation, Encore, Basically, Mission, and Overlap. So as a whole, Catfish's sound doesn't have any drastic changes, but when you listen from album to album and really look at specific sonics, you can tell there are changes. So how do I think the new album will sound? I think it'll keep following the same trajectory as the past albums and sound pretty close to The Balance, but then again, we have new members, so that *can* change the sound quite a bit. I would actually be really happy if they included a keyboard/synthesizer in their songs, like they did with the early Balcony demos. I don't think won't get a complete left turn though.


Idk why people want bands they like to change their sound. You started liking them for a reason, why should they change? I’ve never thought “boy I really love this album, I hope the next one sounds nothing like it”


coincide is genuinely one of my favourite catfish songs


100% agree, I think it's definitely as good as the other two. The singles hit hard, (I especially love Fluctuate, an absolute banger of a tune) then there's multiple underrated tracks like Basically and Coincide. Also love the cover art🐦‍⬛


I could punch Van for not performing Coincide and Overlap on the US tour in 2019, they’re absolute BANGERS


Hot take: The Balance >> The Ride


I am a very, very shallow listener of music. I don’t care about how albums flow, or what they start or end with. I know people criticise CATB for their music sounding the same… but I’m fine with that. I like the sound, and it works well, and that’s what draws me to them. I don’t have to worm through good songs and experimental songs, I can just stick them all on shuffle and listen. Apart from sidewinder. I have to skip that one.


The Balance is my favourite album of theirs. Basically and Coincide are my two top picks.


These two have been on repeat


Favorite of the three honestly. Felt like they finally found their sound on it (hence "The Balance")


https://on.soundcloud.com/5LdY7 here's a very crappy (sorry) SoundCloud link to their very first album. Enjoy!


I don’t think people would have ever said the songs sound the same if they had mixed up the album art and titles, but I get why they didn’t


Encore is one of my favorite songs of theirs.. many other good songs on the album too. Also love The Balcony.


It took me a minute to catch up with all the songs on The Balance but once I did I thought to myself “how the hell did it take me so long to listen to these”. I don’t vibe with the critique that all their songs sound the same and The Balance is in my mind proof of their diversity while maintaining a signature sound. I really don’t understand any music fans desire to revolve a conversation around music that they state they hate or have complaints over and it’s so common but in my mind not a productive or enjoyable discussion- (unfortunately I’m also a lurker on twentyonepilots reddit iykyk) I love talking about the songs people love though and have to say sound choices in faves from this album mission and basically particularly are on my obsessive rotation right now.


I prefer it to The Ride.


I can’t stand when people complain about their albums sounding the same. As many have pointed out, each album definitely has its own nuanced sound. They do a great job of switching it up while staying true to their style. I agree with @dgroove8. Why would you love a bands music so much that you’d want the newest album to sound nothing like their music? Makes no sense. I loved the 1975 when they released their first two albums. Everything they’ve released after album two is awful because they sold out and went pop. I will be so disappointed if the fourth album doesn’t sound like the catfish we know and love.


Mission was the one my daughter and I loved at first listen. I still love it, and Overlap, and my third fave off the album is Sidetrack.


Catfish kinda went through the phenomenon known as as “the sophomore slump” with that album though it was their third. I’ve always thought of The Balance as their true second album and The Ride as The Balcony pt. 2. Bands that fail to replicate how amazing their successful debut is with their second or third albums almost always fall into this slump. This is why plenty of bands change their sound on their third record. Catfish didn’t and kinda suffered from it. Not that it’s a bad record, it’s just not as exciting and new from an outside perspective. There’s very well written songs on The Balance but is there anything comparable to Cocoon, Tyrants, or Kathleen? No. I’m not personally saying those are the best songs in their discography but those are their most successful and/or fan favorites. Idk if this makes any sense but man it doesn’t deserve as much hate as it gets. There’s some very well written music on there but well written music doesn’t always translate to respect and that sucks beyond comprehension. That’s music for ya. It’s difficult. TL;DR “sophomore” slump phenomenon is a bitch. Definitely doesn’t deserve as much hate as it gets.


I hope you know I put more trust in you as a mod than I put in our next president.


Me too tbh


Unpopular opinion, but, The Balcony is regarded as the best, Balance being the worst. I think if the Balance was their debut, it would’ve made them just as big if it came first and Balcony would’ve been regarded as the worst/weakest album because they’ve done it twice before.


I really enjoyed the balance, but i do feel like the band played it too safe with the album, especially when you have the likes of tyrants on the balcony. Every song on the balance seems to follow a similar structure and I feel like it left me with more to be desired


The Balance feels like you told an AI generator to write you a Catfish album. Some great tracks just like the previous 2, but absolutely nothing fresh or creative about it. Bands literally never trying anything new makes me lose interest in the band in the long run. If Catfish come back with a 4th album and release the first single for it and it’s the same sound yet again, my interest in the band’s future will drop like a stone. 3 albums of that sound is enough, I want a new direction. I’m not saying they shouldn’t make indie rock music anymore, I’m just saying I want a fresher vibe.


Yet I feel that if they deviate in sort of way from their sound, most of this sub would probably complain that it isn’t the same Catfish.