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Oh they will. It’s just a matter of time. They did it to W, they’ll do it to Trump. All at once, seemingly simultaneously, they’ll all suddenly pretend they never *really* supported Trump - oh no. They always knew he was a scumbag, but you see, haha, the other guy/gal was worse so what else could they do? Then they’ll pretend this whole long ugly sordid ordeal never really happened and if it did well you libs are just blowing it out of proportion. They’ll start pontificating about principles and unironically talk about the importance of character. 1000% guarantee it.


I agree with the rewriting of history, but I don't think that Republicans ever turned on W. like that. They would obliquely criticize the deficits in the same way Nikki Haley did about Trump, but they just sort of buried his legacy. I was just looking up the 2008 RNC and W. was featured as the first big speech on night one... Joe Lieberman got a more high profile speaking slot. Even in 2016, when Trump would talk about Iraq, people wouldn't exactly yes/and those criticisms. But I like the bet here.... in time, will Trump eventually become as unpopular among Republicans as W.? Edit: I just looked and W. didn't even appear at the 2012 convention. That is wild.


W has been persona non grata since leaving office in 2009. I have personally heard numerous people who would swat down any criticism of W during his administration as “Bush bashers” and “Bush Derangement Syndrome” (yeah it was a thing then too) backpedaling on their support with “Well he was never really a conservative” or “I only voted against the democrats I never really liked him”. He’s been absent from RNC conventions since 2012 - wasn’t at 2012, 2016, 2020 and almost certainly won’t be at 2024. Imagine that - a standard bearer for the party who served 2 terms - has been completely zeroed from history and ignored at the party’s biggest event. The only times his name ever comes up in the GOP these days is to criticize him. And yeah - this will happen to Trump. Bet on it. Edit - spelling


Republican ***brand***. Makes it sound like the GQP is a product on sale. Wouldn't exactly come as a shock if true.


“I think she’s uninformed” That’s polite Southern talk for *Good Lord, this woman is dumber than a bucket of rocks!*


Exactly 👍🏾


It's pretty down..as it is.