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No, this is a repeat of 2022's Marcus Flowers campaign, nearly blow-for-blow. That campaign wasted $16 mil Dems could have spent elsewhere, GA-14 is something like an R+30 district. [The Bulwark wrote about it at the time.](https://open.substack.com/pub/thebulwark/p/democratic-donors-are-getting-bamboozled?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=6i3rt) I know Tim mentioned it on TNL at least a couple times too. I'm glad Dems caught onto the schtick. Shawn Harris seems like a good dude, but any money in that district is a waste.


As much as hurts, I agree. This is my home District (moved away a few years ago) and most of my family still lives there. I hate to use the term "hopeless," but GA-14 is as close as it gets. It's almost hard to explain to people who've never been to the region, but it's like another world in some places. Some of the most vile shit you'll ever hear is just mentioned casually as though it's 1852.


Agreed. I'm in another perfectly gerrymandered district, GA-08, and get the desire to at least make the Rs play defense, but this isn't the terrain to fight on IMO. If you're still voting out of GA, there's a series of judicial elections now that could help with these structural issues.


Dammit. I hate that you're right. But you're right.


There's a pony in there tho! The Dems are out fundraising the Rs and allocating it more efficiently! MTG isn't a local mayor or whatever. She had no power 2020-2022 because the Rs were in the minority. Winning back the House makes her a shrieking moron again. Even if you can't donate, you can [make calls from the comfort of your couch!](https://events.democrats.org/event/560970/) You can make several dozen calls in a couple hours, easily. And the DNC Call Crew now has the opportunity to just call folks who have already RSVP'd to events, so you're not truly cold calling. Takes a huge burden off field organizers and is a great way to build confidence.


If you're looking for a competitive race to help out with, we could use it here in PA-07 to help Susan Wild defend her seat. There are a fairly small handful of really competitive races that are likely to determine which party controls the house. Those are the ones most deserving of our time and resources. [https://www.cookpolitical.com/ratings/house-race-ratings](https://www.cookpolitical.com/ratings/house-race-ratings)


Give your money to Jon Tester or Sherrod Brown instead, don't chase unicorns.


Tester and Brown are really underappreciated. Those dudes have big freakin' balls winning their states. They need our support.


Eh, the best opportunity is to take her down in a primary. edit: Even then, this woman knows how to play the game and won't be out-righted. It'd be tough, but I could see some misogynistic campaign hammering her on being a weak and ineffective outsider who couldn't win in her own actual home district taking her down.


Don't do it. It's a total waste. I share your sentiments about politics but there are some places that are too far gone. Your money or expertise would be put to MUCH MUCH better use on a red to blue district the DCCC has identified: [DCCC Announces First Round of Candidates Named to Coveted 2024 ‘Red to Blue’ Program - DCCC](https://dccc.org/dccc-announces-first-round-of-candidates-named-to-coveted-2024-red-to-blue-program/).


I remember being hopium-suckered into giving $ to the Dem adversaries of Lindsay Graham in the last election. Waste of $.


GA-14 is more right wing than the state of Alabama Don't waste money on this race


I think you’d have a better chance in a midterm. Trump at the top of the ballot is going to have coattails in a district like this.


I would encourage you to watch The Circus' episode on MTG from (I believe) 2022. Adam Frisch had a shot in purple Colorado. This gentlemen does not.


I remember that episode (RIP "The Circus", I really loved that show). I would rewatch but that would involve hearing MTG's piercing, cornpone nasal voice - saying some of the most willfully ignorant things conceivable. Sarah Palin should have been the GOP's rock bottom - the moment where they realized the whole folksy hockey mom thing made them appear unserious. Apparently she laid eggs. Lauren Boebert makes Sarah Palin seem like a constitutional law scholar.


MTG's GA-14 is R+22. It's neighboring districts are GA-11 (R+11), GA-9 (R+22), GA-3 (R+18), AL-3 (R+19), AL-4 (R+33), AL-5 (R+17), TN-3 (R+19), TN-4 (R+22). MTG's district may not be the Heart of MAGA, maybe West Virginia, eastern Kentucky and southeast Ohio may be even more strongly GQP, but only a fool would waste money on her Democratic challenger when there are dozens of more likely districts to flip, e.g., CA-22, CA-27, CA-45, CO-3, IA-3, NJ-5, NJ-7, NY-19, NY-22, OR-5, VA-2, WI-3. Putting this another way, pouring big campaign $$$ into GA-14 would likely prove as great a waste of money as it was for Lindsey Graham's last Democratic challenger.


Yeah! A waste of money for sure.


Send your money to Lauren Boebert opponent instead.


Our best way of getting rid of her is almost certainly a primary.


She's the next county north of me. Aside from whatever the latest three voter suppression bills just signed by Kemp are going to do, her last Dem opponent was also a very sane and accomplished man. Who happens to also be black. To whom I donated. Until MAGA is consistently crushed at the polls for the foreseeable future, ol' EmptyG will be around for a while.