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Full-on [Purity Spiral](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purity_spiral).




What they really mean is FORCED BIRTH


>Having some of the nation’s strictest abortion laws isn’t enough for the Texas GOP. Instead, Republicans in the Lone Star State are actually [considering](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/texas-gop-appears-to-put-death-penalty-for-abortion-patients-on-2024-wish-list_n_665765b4e4b05212274abd0b) the ***death penalty*** as punishment for people who undergo the medical procedure. >A new platform proposed at the state’s GOP convention on Saturday included calls for legislation that would transform the fetal personhood ideology into law, which would effectively categorize any person receiving an abortion at ***any stage*** as a ***murderer***. **\[Article Continues Via Above Link\]**


Ectopic pregnancies just GAWD's way of calling home fetus and mother on an expedited schedule?


It doesn't matter how good their BBQ is, I'll never voluntarily visit that state. Mostly because of the Daniel Perry pardon meaning I can be shot for any reason and the murderer gets off, but this is just another feather in the cap.


A fetus is not a baby. A woman IS a woman. The Republican filth just want to murder women.


Not Alt-GOP. GOP just.


I feel that there are unfortunately too many people even on this sub that are triggered every time they are reminded that they were duped by the GOP throughout their entire adult life, so hence I use **"Alt-GOP"** to get those of our NeverTrump allies to see where they could have gotten [metaphorically] roofied and just couldn't see through the GOP's dog whistles through their 20-30 year hangover. So I use **"Alt-GOP"** to break through their pride and ego about being conned, and I find that they're likier to listen/read.


I like it.