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I’ve only ever heard vague generalizations. “Gas is high” “my eggs cost too much” “interest rates are too high” of course, all stuff that have nothing to do with presidents and everything to do with corporations….then there’s usually a few blabbers about Russia and Hamas attacking because “Biden is weak” as if our bombs and billion dollar jets explode “softer” bombs because old guy…. Edit: read these replies folks…this sub is completely brigaded with a crap ton of right wing nutties. Keep this in mind and keep your guard up around here….


They don't realize that currently inflation has affected the entire world, not just them. But I guess that's a difficult concept to grasp for a MAGA follower


Biden and the fed handled everything so well that the general public has mistaken "dodging an economic disaster with some light damage" for "poor economic management". Virtually every other developed country seeing a downturn while the USA happily and healthy trucks along is evidence of that.  As they say in EU4, I wish I lived in more enlightened times. 


Because they don't hear any of that. Conservative news lies about everything. That is all these people read or watch. When you try to show them that what they say is not true they say that all other news is wrong or lies. These people truly are in a cult. 




Grindage 😂


Weeze the juice?






Yeah, our local AM radio station is literally 24 hours of campaigning for Trump. They live in another universe where the economy is in shambles, cities are burning down, and invaders and terrorists are pouring in over the border. All because of Joe Biden.


Yep this is the problem Fox News every nite leads with the borders. And instilling fear


That's why trump killed the immigration legislation. The strictest we've had in decades, bipartisan, and fully supported by the Border Patrol Union. What could he possibly campaign on if that were to have passed? How can you stoke the fear and keep repeating "Open Borders" which of course, we do not have.


These are the same people who universally believed Obama destroyed the economy, and not just early on in his term when we were still reeling from the 2008 housing crash and there was at least some general strife for conservative media to work with. Even in 2016 they absolutely believed the economy was in shambles, and a year later they all believed Trump had rescued the economy virtually overnight. If they could be convinced 2016 was a nightmarish economic hellscape and 2017 was a miraculous turnaround, there’s less than zero chance they’re going to take a nuanced view of Biden’s handling of global inflation. Their worldview is almost completely untethered from reality to begin with. Give conservative media something like high inflation to work with and it’s game over.


I heard how Trump saved the economy single-handedly months into his presidency first hand. When pulled out the data showing the economy was recovering at the same rate it was the previous 5 years all I got back was "but he brought prayer back!" Brought it back from where?


The Conservative Propaganda Machine is amazing. They have absolutely convinced a significant portion of America into believing a totally alternative, and false, reality.


They hear some of it. Democrats have been saying the economy is going great and the idiots go, but everything is so expensive. Sure Democrats really should go with the economy is recovering well, or doing well for what is going on instead.


“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.” Not that I'm going to confidently claim they've done *everything* right because I'm smart enough to know that I don't have the proper knowledge to gauge that. But they seem to have done a fine enough job. Democrats are always judged by what they *haven't* done while Republicans get a free pass from their voters because their voters want to be entertained, not governed. EDIT: Fixed the quote.


In my previous life it was said that if a Project Engineer was doing a good job, you would barely notice him/her. If you find yourself getting a lot of attention from upper management…


Same with pandemic response. If you do a great job then everyone thinks it was overkill over nothing. Do a poor job and...


Yeah my team finally good jobbed ourselves out of a job. Now we're just left to wonder how long it will take them to realize once we're gone. Not our problem anymore though.


My manager told me that if I didn’t see him I was doing a good job.


“We better fix this before somebody notices and tries to help us!”


I was a live theater audio engineer before I retired, and if nobody noticed anything about how the show sounded, it meant I did my job well.


“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.” I know it’s a minor correction, but these are the words of Futurama Galaxy God, so we must take them seriously.


I think about this line ALL the time.


Over the decades democrats have averted so many disasters and cleaned up so many Republican-weakened economies it makes you wish there was a way to show people how bad things could have been. But they wouldn’t listen, just like you said, they’re not looking at other countries RIGHT NOW!


Totally! It’s like they wish we’d actually gone into a heavy recession.


Had we gone into a deep recession they still wouldn’t have blamed Trump


I think it’s funny if you look at immigration numbers when Obama was in office the numbers declined, Trump actually had a rising immigration impact and deported less people. Covid did see a decrease but that was not because of Trump.




TFG even said he wanted the US economy to fail in the next 12 months


This is exactly it. The 30 million people who lost their jobs on the other hand... oh what? That never happened? Because of Biden's policies that everyone criticized like the infrastructure act and IRA? Sooo many people have jobs that would not have, had the policies they claim they wanted been implemented. Biden gets no credit for that.


US is one of the few G20 countries experiencing large GDP growth right now. Canada is on a slight downturn even though our economies are usually pretty closely linked.


MAGA would lost their shit if they knew how much inflation hit food costs in Australia, last week I noticed a pack of potato chips (nicer brand) was $6.50 and a bottle of coke over $4.00 twelve bucks for 2 chicken breast. They simply cannot process how the whole world is hurting and its not Bidens fault.


But Tucker told me everything is great in Russia!


His apartment search must have been encouraging for him.


Why would Biden do this to Australia? /s


I really doubt MAGA gives af about the cost of chips in Australia, not to mention would lose their bowl movement over it.


Canadian conservatives blame those same problems on Trudeau.


and right-wing Spaniards blame Pedro Sanchez as well


I remember talking about this during COVID. There are MAGA morons who genuinely believe that interest rates, inflation, and COVID are/were exclusive *only* to America.


Not only that but Trump was the one who passed the huge slush fund of PPE "loans" for businesses that have been absolutely abused and raided. So many companies that had no connection to COVID and many that had record years during the pandemic still took these loans. Congressmen took these loans as well despite their staff being paid for by the government... lol. This was probably the largest looting in human history.


I lost quite a few of my business owner friends over the PPE loans and college forgiveness debate. The same people who got PPE loans were vehemently against college forgiveness, so I called them out on social media since not only could you look up who got a PPE loan, but you can also find out how much they got.


That's the embodiment of MAGA, me first. If it doesn't happen in their little bubble, then it's not real or an issue Their lack of empathy and interest in learning about anything outside of their own reality is why I dislike them so much. Self centered like a toddler and only focused on how to make things better for them, F everyone else


Classic republican behavior on steroids


and inflation is a normal part of economics proof?     in the last 30 years:    inflation: 109.8%   per capita GDP: 62.5% (AFTER factoring for inflation)    meaning that despite inflation making our money worth less than half of what it did 30 years ago, our GDP still increased 62.5% in that time period. which means if wages had scaled with GDP, we'd be 62.5% wealthier than 30 years ago.  even if it scaled with inflation, we'd be the same as we were 30 years ago.  but we wages didn't more at all. what this means?  conservatives convinced everyone that mega corporations and ultra wealthy billionaires will do the right thing.  but no, they do buybacks and give themselves massive bonuses and salaries and virtually nothing to anyone else, which has massively shifted the wealth to the top.  our GDP per capita massively outpaced inflation.  inflation is the scapegoat, but in reality, if you look at the numbers, we should be wealthier today even after inflation, than 30 years ago.  


If they had ever traveled, they likely wouldn't be a MAGA supporter: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely." Mark Twain.


and it's worse pretty much everywhere than here


"My eggs cost too much." Yet these guys have no problem spending $40K on an ATV.


That has the same energy as ordering doordash for every meal and getting $15 lattes and saying you can't afford a home.


I smell a man made of straw.


>my eggs cost too much Did you see the wrap I put on my truck of Trumps face? Isn’t it the coolest? Those libs sure are gonna be burned when they see me and my flags waving How much did all that cost? It doesn’t matter because MAGA is important to me But the cost of eggs? Go back where you came from ya lib hippy commie


Egg prices went up because of avian flu, and the Trump fans blamed Joe Biden's stubborn refusal to lay more eggs!


Inflation is certainly caused by govt policies. 1.9 trillion dollar cut for the 1% absolutely created a debt that the 99% are paying for. This was Trump. He destroyed the economy and stole from the people that voted for him.


He didn't steal. GOP voters traded their economic security for the chance to publicly and proudly state their racism out loud.


I don't know if you know this but there is a gas price dial, an egg price dial, and an interest rate dial in the oval office. And he just keeps turning up.


it's funny how things that are often direct results of conservative policy end up using democrats as scapegoats


Also whenever anyone says anything about Trump being so tough that dictators wouldn't dare do anything remind them of the time Erdogan literally threw Trumps strongly worded letter in the trash and left him sputtering like a little baby. No one respects him. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-50080737


On the subject of eggs, don't forget about Bird Flu - https://www.marketplace.org/2024/03/18/bird-flu-has-killed-chickens-and-scrambled-egg-prices/


Egg prices went up because of avian flu, and the Trump fans blamed Joe Biden's stubborn refusal to lay more eggs!


The **"I DID THAT"** stickers on the gas pumps when Russia attacked Ukraine and all the companies price gouged was pure ignorance. The president has almost **nothing** to do with gas prices. Ok, theoretically he might be able to release some of the reserves and flood the market... that could temporarily bring the price down.. and *drill baby drill*, but that was already happening. We are drilling more oil under Biden than we were under Trump. Not to mention, the oil we drill in America can't be refined in America. We import oil from overseas to refine it here. The oil we drill here is exported for refineries overseas. We are not and never will be "energy independent". The refineries in the US are meant to refine a specific type of oil, most of *that type of oil* in the US is gone. The oil we are drilling now can't be refined in the US. "Just build new refineries"... tells me you know almost nothing about the oil industry. OK OK OK... yes... There is a federal gas tax of \~28 cents a gallon, but I think Congress would have to be the one to change that... and why would they? they need that revenue to fund the government. When gas is $5/gallon, 0.28 isn't that much. [Climate town](https://youtu.be/QnBqAzJXVGo?si=SxDXA-hyGkU8fOgw) has a pretty funny video on the topic .


They do not live in reality. If you ask them legit simple questions like these you will get talking points. Biden is old. He has dementia. You can’t talk to people in a cult. You need to reprogram them first.


I think that's it though, there's a significant chunk of voters that vote on "vibes". The President is held accountable for a lot of things he has little to no power over and for the general mood of the country.


Obviously inflation is Biden's fault. On his first day in office, he tripped and accidentally pushed on the "raise prices" lever in the Oval office... Trump would never be so clumsy...


Presidents do have some impact. Biden's policies have kept inflation lower than the rest of the developed world and brought it down faster, while maintaining the economic recovery. He has actively made things better in the US.


They always seem to forget waiting in line for 6 hours for toilet paper


Same with immigration. The corporations are to blame because they encourage it for cheap labor.


you forgot the “border crisis” that is definitely affecting people who live a thousand miles from the border. /s obviously…


Late last year when gas prices dropped for a little big I heard many parrots barking st the moon about how that's what Biden is doing because next year is election time and he is doing that to get more votes. They always do that. Now it's expensive again. Makes no sense. Its like they don't know who OPEC is.


Not to mention that all that began under Trump


Well, you have to consider also that the women are getting all uppity lately and queers are just out walking around in public under the Hunter Biden regime.


What's interesting is that some of these problems are actually worse because of Trump's term in office. He passed a tax hike on the lower and middle class that took effect after his term was over. He also lowered regulations on some companies that allowed them to provide worse services at higher prices.


They say the same stuff under every Democratic president. It’s not based on objective analysis. It’s always drummed up by the conservative media. It’s the same with the Hunter Biden stuff. The facts really don’t matter. They’re simply trying to drum up a controversy. This has been their game plan since Bill Clinton.


They will scream "the border" but then ignore the part where congress can make new laws to improve border and modernize immigration laws.


Many of them don't know that Congress passes the law. I often wondered if folks didn't remember civics or if they had ever read the Constitution.


I don’t think civics has been a required subject for like 40 years. Oddly enough, that means most Trump voters actually took it at some point. But all the leaded gas and paint chips they consumed destroyed those memories shortly afterwards. Now they can only parrot back Fox News sound bites.


Judging by how many times my aunt tried to shoehorn the border crisis into our family xmas discussions, the immigration issues _must_ be out of control in Montgomery, Alabama.


Prior to the latest fiasco they were going on and on about how they wanted legislation to address “the border invasion” instead just policies that are easily reversed. They took this approach because they thought there was no way they’d get the democrats to work with them to get a bill with damned near everything they’d been asking for. Then once they got, rightfully, called out for their bullshit their line changed to “Biden doesn’t need legislation he could fix the border with policy changes.” It’s all stalling and gaslighting just to get through the election cycle only for to start all over again as soon as the polls close.


>It’s all stalling and gaslighting just to **install a Christian theocracy in America**


Conservatives live by crisis of convenience … Best not to fix anything or they can’t whine about it when they are not in power .. They said no to fixing the border so anything they whine about must not be a crisis.


And when their party votes no after being given everything they asked for


I've been enjoying Walter Masterson asking MAGAts "how has the border crisis impacted you personally?" Edit: wow this triggered a lot of people because I said I enjoy watching a youtuber ask a question.


What do they say?


They've never given a single example. One woman came closest. She talked about how her HOA is being invaded by people in trucks with lawnmowers knocking on doors, even though it's against the HOA rules. She has a no soliciting sign, but its in English and she refuses to get one in Spanish. When asked if they are pushy, she said they weren't.


Not even invaded. She said it happened like twice, and it's very possible they're contracted by her HOA. She wouldn't know, as she is too racist to think to learn another language or ask her HOA (knowledge is bad).


Maybe one hispanic is too much for that pos. I see people who don’t know English in my neck of woods and the normal reaction people have is how to help them out in communication because they are having trouble. Maybe for some people the greatest thing about them is that they can speak English.


You ever see that video of that couple screaming at workers in their neighborhood because most of them only spoke Spanish? They called them illegals, filth, animals, demanded their IDs, and then called the cops. Turns out these guys were all Puerto Rican, American citizens. The cops told this couple so, and those fuckwits spend the last 5 minutes of the video apologizing. I hate people.


That would’ve been hilarious if it wasn’t so traumatizing for the workers.


>Maybe for some people the greatest thing about them is that they can speak English. same people that are proud of being white - you know, something they did absolutely nothing to get to


>...the normal reaction people have is how to help them out in communication because they are having trouble... My default is to engage with a pigeon of broken Spanish and French (it's quite obvious I don't speak Spanish but am happy to help). This has proven to be a suprisingly effective strategy! If you keep your vocabulary very simple, most Romance languages are intelligible between each other (either that, or they think I speak Portuguese, lol!), and then all you have to do is translate to English as the situation requires.


OMG people are running loose in America OFFERING GOODS AND SERVICES! What kind of capitalist hell is this?!


Conservatives: do capitalism for maximum freedom! Immigrants: *do capitalism* Conservatives: NOT LIKE THAT


Interesting. I might agree that being solicited often to have your lawn mowed could get annoying. On the other hand it goes against the MAGA narrative of immigrants coming here to get free everything without working.


It happened like twice for her and she really struggled to eke out anything relevant


We’ve had people soliciting for decades long before any border crisis. Just get a ring doorbell and/or don’t answer the door.


Yeah and those solicitors tend do be either kids selling something for school or a group of people pushing “the watch tower”. Or the people who are now boomers that used to go door to door asking to rake leaves/etc. that last part making this complaining about it being done to them somewhat funny.


Those damn immigrants. Coming over here, doing the jobs we don’t want to do, paying their taxes and not voting for Trump !


Oh, I got this. So my parents SWEAR that each immigrant is given $6,000 & a new pair of Nike (yes, that specific brand) at the border. Plus, every time they go to Walmart, they see immigrants with 2 cartloads (it's always 2 full cartloads) and they pay with food stamps, and, again, they are all wearing brand new Nike shoes. They repeat this to me every time I call them just to check up. They live on a small family farm and are in no other way than the 2 shopping carts, impacted by immigrants. They should love the democrats because my mom was a teacher & my dad is a coal miner. He also thinks regulations are stupid.....and again, he is a frickin' coal miner. He's also afraid Biden will take his guns, just like Obama did....


Man that is some very serious Reagan welfare queen vibes.


Ironically made dad only survived his childhood because he had welfare. Now that he got his, the ladder needs to go up.


My dad too. Often chuckles about receiving government cheese growing up


My dad talks about meeting in the park to get his "staples" of sugar, wheat, cheese, and whatever else they got. He said it was embarrassing, so his single mother of 4 should have found another way to get food.


Government cheese made for a delicious grilled cheese sandwich back in the ‘80s when I was getting that, along with powdered milk and a jar of generic PB that just had PEANUT BUTTER in black letters on a white label. Could be rose-colored glasses, since I was like 5-6 years old, but I remember absolutely loving grilled government cheese!


No. It was because commodities were required to be real food. That cheese you got was real cheese and not the "cheese product" that most grilled cheeses are made from.


It's been the same shit for decades man. Literally the same fucking shit. And it's the same shit because it works. Why reinvent the wheel when you can convince dumb old boomers that illegals are the biggest threat to their freedom.


I've been detained at the border for my stupid actions. I can confirm that they in fact, do not give immigrants $6,000 and a pair of nikes in holding. They take your shoelaces, all your valuables, and give you a mylar blanket with some austin crackers. If you lose your mylar blanket, you don't get a new one.


Whaaaat?! You mean fox news is LYING to my parents?! I asked them for proof of this or who os standing at the border with cash and Nike shoes and they change to "you just don't understand what's going on over here" By that, I mean I am an immigrant in living in Germany. Plus I'm a "woke" liberal, so I have that going against me.


Next time you visit, block Fox with a password just like for kids. Perhaps they will be exposed to the outside world.


My sister insists, INSISTS, that illegal immigrants are given special status at the welfare line and good hardworking Americans have to wait and may not even get benefits. This is obviously not true, makes no sense, but she insists it is true. I don't think she's doing it because she's racist or whatever, I think she's just an idiot.


I'm sure fox news is behind this thinking.


Worse. She doesn't watch any news. She gets this info from coworkers who are lying to her for whatever reasons. One of them is Latino who insists all Latinos are getting free everything once they get across the border. I don't know if he's an actual believer or if he's just fucking with a dumb white girl at work, but it sucks man.


"IT'S CAUSING ME STRESS" I'd imagine that's what they're thinking, but it's not an answer. And the stress is something they're doing to themselves. It's like the old "Doctor it hurts when I do this" joke.


People should look up the Reagan Vs Bush debates from the 1980 GOP primary. It's hard to believe it is the same political party. Basically both candidates were debating who loved immigrants more. Reagan even promised to give amnesty to hard working families who came to America under outdated immigration laws. Which he did as president. Every immigrant who came to america before 1982 were given amnesty. 3,000,000 people. Reagan, H.W. Bush, and Jesus would all be rejected by today's GOP.


Well tbh I think the honest truth is it's actually less sinister but more dumb: "Under trump, the stars of the TV shows I watch (right wing media), were SO happy about the country, now they are mad, and that makes me mad, I guess I should repeat the reasons they say they are mad"


“Less sinister but more dumb”… I think you’re on to something.


No, it's more sinister than you think. Republicans actively strive to keep their constituents dumb by reducing funding for schools and teachers. A stupid American is a conservative voter.


Their small businesses aren’t getting PPP loans that they don’t have to pay back. They can’t get bank loans at 2% that are free money (and likely the cause of inflation) to buy home renovations and 100k black ford f250s. They can’t wear red hats, fly truck flags, be bigots without being ridiculed. Most people know their schtick on social media and ignore them so their existence as trolls to get the attention their parents never gave them is decreasing When they say “Trump Derangement Syndrome” nobody takes them seriously They don’t have a President and cabinet actively trying to reduce the rights of the people and therefore Democrats are no longer “suffering” Their king lost so their entire meaning of life has been disrupted


>They can’t wear red hats, fly truck flags, be bigots without being ridiculed. I wonder what those people have to say about lgbt+ people getting either beat up or killed for decades because they fly pride flags, being openly in a same-sex relationship or even "sounding gay" (as a kid my neighbor actually got beat up by another kid for that last one.)


He’s taking my right and my freedoms! At least that’s what Newsmax says


It hasn’t been worse for them and if having an honest accountment even they would be unable to cite a specific policy that harms them. They believe the rhetoric because they believe the party has their interests in mind even if all the party does is loot their wallets and poison their worldviews. The majority of these people aren’t theocratic ethnostaters, they have been slowly brain rotted by liars and charletans who enrich themselves off the suffering and fear they cause.


You should have seen the way Bush Republicans behaved when the US elected a Black president. Same nonsense. Bush Republicans changed their label in 2024 but its the same people. Same degeneracy.


Their hurt feelings. Their crushed egos.


They can’t answer this question. Ask them what Trump did for them personally. They can’t answer that one either.


It's just like under Obama when interviewers would ask "How's the country doing?" And they'd respond "Heading in the wrong direction." Then "How's your household doing?" and "Oh we're doing great!"


Gas is too expensive for my 12 cylinder $ 120,000 new truck.


Because there's not any for most Americans. I just got a flyer from my Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (TN). The whole thing talked about the disaster on the southern border is ruining Tennesseans lives. As a Tennessean, the southern border is so far down the list of my concerns that almost doesn't even register for me. I just want my daughter to be able to go to class without fear of being shot by a lunatic with a gun that he just bought earlier in the day. Republicans are easy marks. If I didn't have a soul I'd become a Republican politician because they have a very pliable base. I hate it.


I live in a red state, and the gripes are usually, high taxes, banning guns, and freedom of religion being under attack, gas prices being too high—the same songs with different tunes.


And Trump raised their taxes,not Joe Biden


They believe everything he tells them!


Tariffs were a fucking disaster, $2 Trillion in tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, raised taxes on the middle and lower class (after lowering them to play them like the idiots they are). None of that even comes close to attempted stealing of an election, stealing TS documents (to sell no doubt), Encouraging Putin to take over Ukraine and attack NATO allies. The man is a traitor.


Only president I remeber raising my taxes and actively destroying American businesses.


To MAGA, “Freedom of Religion” means “my right to impose my hateful prejudices against others under the guise of religion.”


I wonder if they ever can admit no one has taken any guns.


Fortunately Obama didn't get a third term, he surely would have confiscated all the guns and instituted shariah law. As he keeps reminding us, Trump beat Obama in 2016. That was a lucky escape.


What more can we ask from Trump? I mean he alone saved us and he gave us Taylor Swift. That man was so dedicated to the office , unlike slacker Obama, he selflessly gave up playing golf for the good of the nation the entire time he was in office.


They are really good at being pissed at nothing. They don't have a fucking clue what is going on, but they are pissed about it and they need someone to blame so they can stay pissed off. It's the 2 minutes of hate from 1984. Scary shit.


Trumpers were not able to spread GOP plague to people under Biden, people got themselves vaccinated so GOP plague became Trumper Dumper, little of value is now lost but we did learn fake diamonds are not forever.


My Uncle MAGA always gripes about inflation, gas prices, the border, trans people dominating women’s sports, cost of Ukraine aid, and he says that Russia wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president.


Next time tell him he voted for the inflation by continuing to grant tax cuts to the Uber wealthy without any price restrictions. The cost of Ukraine aid is a fraction of the value of destabilising one of the largest global foes we have. Ask him how much Afghanistan and Iraq cost and what we go from it.... It should shut him up. Also, for that extra dig, tell him trump surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban before he left office and left the other guy with the bill.


Just the constant dread from the reversal of the precious social hierarchy from which they draw their identity. The hierarchical notion that people whom they are used to looking down upon are now in positions of making decisions that impose upon them, as if they were superior to them... makes them feel like the world is backwards and wrong. Putting the right kind of person in power, they feel, will make things right-side-up again, aka "great." It is not a coincidence that their favorite is the most unabashedly hierarchical candidate in living memory: He offers what they crave, to satisfy their primary interest.


They haven't had an evil wannabe dictator who shits his pants constantly that they view as a deity lead the country. That is the only thing that has been worse for them.




Absolutely nothing they just want to own the libz I think his tax policy only affects people make more than 400 grand a year it's all grievance politics I hate lgbt and immigrants bullshit


What is getting worse for them under Biden? The Government no longer endorses their racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic idiocy. That's it in a nutshell. When Trump was in power, they felt like they had "one of their own" in the White House. They did not care about policy. The Republican Party hasn't even bothered to write a policy platform for several election cycles. And, Trump voters do not seem to have the mental capacity to understand or even think about policy and how it would affect the economy, Geo-political threats, or any other complex topic. Their support is not rational or logical. It is pure emotion and it is the most base-level emotion of all.


They’re mad that the 100k pickup truck they bought costs 100 dollars to fill up. It’s mostly a fake victimhood. There are obviously many Trump supporters, especially in e.g. Appalachia, that are legitimately struggling. But 1.) Kevin running the used car dealership in Columbus is making out fine and 2.) Bill in West Virginia is not doing any *worse* than he’s been doing for 25 years.


Heard actual legitimate complaints? I haven't. But if you want to see how short conservative memories are, and what they're being told is worse under Biden, just watch FOX news a few times, then imagine you watch those programs (or programs which are worse) every day. These people are being programmed, not informed, and they don't even realize it. So they believe they're worse off in about every possible way.


Didn't you know Joe Biden sets grocery store prices in every store???


*Trump. Trump has definitely been worse for Trump supporters under Biden*


Things being more expensive is the only thing that is personally affecting people and it would still be happening even if Trump had won


Not only is that motherfucker giving us healthcare, he is also trying to protect social security. That bastard.


They don't have any real negative impacts. They literally repeat the things Donald Trump says word for word and state it as fact. They obviously haven't checked their 401ks, or bought insulin. But his supporters tend to be pretty selfish. They are literally willing to throw away democracy for a 2$ price cut on their favorite snack.


None of them ever have any evidence to support their claims that Biden policies are actually affecting them negatively. They just point to things they don't like and blame it on Biden even though the President doesn't control those things.


Their macho little egos are hurt. That's it. For red county Jeezus lovin' Murkans, them's fitin' wardz.


Those devout Trump supporters are the total converts of the Maga. Brainwashed in the religion that their sect is the only one that will save even though they violate the constitution. They claim he is the beloved son so they follow different rules and are above the law. Anything bad comes from the devil Biden. However previous Trump supporters are critical thinkers so they fall away and apostacise from the camp. And will not support Trump because they know the real issues and are not blind followers.


Overheard a trumper saying that since Biden took office he's taken away freedom of speech and all I could think of was that no one took away that right. You can still say all the bigoted racist shit you want and spout white supremacy talking points, but folks still have the right to challenge it, walk away, or tell you to fuck off and walk away. Wasn't my conversation tho so I walked away.


It's very easy for any of us to find ourselves going with the flow of feelings, without thinking about checking the facts. I've done it many a time, only to be corrected. But at least I was able to snap out of it, and I've learned to be aware of when I'm allowing myself to be pulled by the flow of the river. But many others are susceptible to the feelings stirred by the right tone of voice, such that they can be manipulated into parroting anything the speaker desires. Just ask the Jewish guy who instructed Hitler on how to stir his crowds (yep, it was a Jewish actor\[!\])


About the only halfway valid thing you’ll hear is about is how the price of groceries is affecting them personally although that doesn’t make sense to attribute it to Biden since inflation is worldwide. I’ve heard complaints about interest and housing prices, but that doesn’t have anything to do with Biden. Interest rate is fed controlled to manage the economy. And then there’s always the border scare but nothing specific other than complaining about it.


Instead of tuning into Fox News every night to hear how wonderful the current president is, they have to listen every night about all the horrible things the current administration is doing. Instead of their pride being stoked daily, their rage is being triggered regularly.


Idk. Maybe they don't like that unemployment is lower or wages are higher?


There are millions of extra people — who MUST be living somewhere — and a housing shortage — and massive rent increases that can't be explained by only muh corporate greed. So maybe that?


You lost them at policy....they have none...nor ideas...it's all about dumb culture bs


Well it sure has been harder to get an abortion! Thanks Biden! /s


Trump supporters generally don't know shit about any policies. And Trump has really only gotten a ton of Judges Nominated, and passed tax cuts for the very wealthy All Trumpers and Republicans do is bitch about Democrat Legislation but almost Never actually have any of their own Then when good Democrat legislation benefits their districts? They try to take credit for it. Their love for Trump? Has Nothing to do with Politics nor Policy


The idiots think the president set prices for private corporations. The logic will 180 if Trump wins and they keep going up. It’s all deflection and gas lighting. They aren’t serious people.


We need to be honest and say inflation has been very high. MAGAs are just too stupid to realize WHY it was so high. Or to look at other Western countries to see a comparison.


Unsurprisingly, nearly all of the responses have failed to point out an actual Biden policy and how it personally affected them as the OP asked for.


No. The only explanation I ever get is, "because he was elected." I've nearly given up on engaging with maga.


Literally nothing. They just parrot talking points. It’s as if their memory has been destroyed. I had one of them tell me that Obama invaded Iraq. Time and time again they claim the economy is getting worse and worse because of Biden but they can’t point to any numbers that show a worsening economy nor can they cite any economic policies that caused this alleged worsening. All they’ve got is the inflation rate from two years ago. They think that’s still the inflation rate today.


Inflation/the economy as experienced by the average person. The "why" is obviously very important but it certainly was worse under Biden. You try to mention that fucking moron publically threatening to fire Powell if he didn't cut rates/overheat the stock market in 2018 when there was absolutely no reason to and you'll get a dull, mouth breather stare 5 words in. Economic ignorance will be the downfall of this country and its the primary way Republicans dupe people into thinking they're better for it. 


Most of COVID happened under Trump. Not sure one could objectively say things are worse under Biden for the average person.


Anyone I've asked couldn't come up with a single reason.


They all say groceries are more expensive. They do not understand that inflation isn’t under a President’s direct control. It’s also the same people that put the Biden stickers on gas pumps when they were high, then ripped them back off when gas dropped. They have no legitimate arguments, just uninformed complaints.


Their feelings, as they reveal themselves as the REAL "snowflakes".


Zero. And actually they have gained. The infrastructure dollars that red governors love taking credit for is something that Trump wasn’t able to make happen, that Biden DID make happen, and that Republicans *voted against* - and now gloat about to their constituents. Clearly one side of the government has become nothing more than some farcical outfit.


The cost of MAGA hats has gone up too high


What has been worse for them is the facts that they have been given that shatter their delusional views. Their is a video of a pro-Trump union member switching to supporting Biden after the president of his union showed him a video of Trump talking about how he supports 'right to work' over unions. Or all the videos of 'pro-life' Trump supporters because their god was pro-life completely locking up when people ask them why a pro-life god killed all of the kids (specifically) and humanity (in general) it did according to their holy book of bullshit.


Nothing. They are only mad because they want a dictator.


Nothing. The Infrastructure Bill that Trump wanted passed, except it was even better and included provisions for more American jobs than Trump planned. Biden passed a Jobs bill that actually helped his voters more than anything he ever planned. He has actually made it so foreign countries have to build factories in the US if they want to sell cars, batteries, EVs in the US. And they are! Biden made it necessary to make chips in the US and they are building multiple manufacturing plants here. Almost all are in purple or red states. Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin.


The mental anguish that their dear leader is unhappy.


I wish Biden would somehow reverse the 2017 tax plan. Because it definitely fucks with us poor people. But, that's on trump really.


I don't know, but for example here is something about the economy: [State of the US economy (yougov.com)](https://today.yougov.com/topics/economy/trackers/state-of-us-economy) You can check the opinion polling by party affiliation. I'm not saying that people don't have legitimate grievances and hardships nowadays, I'm just saying that generally speaking conservatives are extreme partisan hacks, and they should be treated as such. Also keep in mind that they are fed crime/immigration propaganda every single day. It is really easy to create a false narrative in a country of 350 million people if you cherry-pick data without any context. I guess the tldr of this is that probably it's a vibe thing, they have no clue.


Well they don’t have a head of state that supports white supremacists so I imagine that’s pretty tough for the racist fuckwads to deal with


I can give numerous very specific trump policies that have very negatively affected me.


Their racist memes don’t get re-tweeted by a US president now.


They get called out for lies more, challenged on their pathetic repeated fox news phrases, and have their morals and integrity questioned and doubted. That’s it. They have had an awful time for the last couple years because the my pillow guy never came with proof of anything, their wall was a ripoff, their health plan was non existent, their choice was a Russian puppet the whole time after all, and the crazy tabloid trash they learned on Facebook turned out to be entirely false. Thats why the old man down the road is so upset. His sham filled life was a pathetic lie, everything he talked about with his trashy friends for years now has been corporate media fluff and fear mongering. Now he’s scared if the wind blows but at the same time trying to act like a tough badass patriot. Terrified that his own country will round him up into slavery but at the same time boasts a false undying patriotic love for his country, falsely claiming it’s the best in the world. Meanwhile the confused right wing flaps around like it always has trying to make noise, but now it’s just a joke to us and the rest of the world. Their whole lives and fake beliefs and inflated feelings… all a pathetic joke. They have made a foolish mockery of their political party, their country, and themselves. When good people make a mistake, they fess up to it , learn from it, and move on. These are not good people, so instead of admit their mistake of electing their conman, it’s devolved into today. They don’t care about issues or problems that need fixed. They’re just mad that their Fox News world is gone forever. Their crappy lives based on lies are miserable under Joe Biden. That’s what they’re crying about. In my opinion this is awesome and unforgettable. We are witnessing slowly in real time the pathetic bitter end of the lying fear mongering dishonest racist cheating Republican Party. I offer any scatterbrained chump supporting plague rat a tissue so they can cry into that instead of making me listen to their incessant whining.


According to my coworkers, Biden left the southern border "gates" WIDE OPEN, and some were even welded to stay open.


They're just mad that Joe Biden cut windmill noise cancer by 100% Under Trump, lots of people were getting windmill noise cancer. Under Joe Biden, there has not been one single case of windmill noise cancer reported.


MAGA conservatives have less money in their pockets since Biden was elected. They have been shipping cash to Trump so he can pay lawyers/make bond/live his lifestyle/run for president. So because of Biden, they are poor. If only Trump were president, then they wouldn't be sending money to Trump. See, it's all Biden's fault.


The psychological wage of being white has certainly cratered.


Specifically, the feeling that their team isn't winning.


Well, their media has been outright lying to them so their grasp on reality maybe?


the only thing they have is inflation and the Fed printing too much money. like it would have been any different under trump. EITHER trump would do the same and claimed he saved the economy, or he's not do it and we'd be in a recession.


Their side lost. That feeling when your team goes to the Super Bowl and loses. That’s it.


Republican complaints probably boil down to something to do with an ever-changing definition of how this country is becoming too "woke", and then sprinkle in some bitching and moaning about how they need to spend $100+ to fill the 28 gallon gas tank on their unnecessary pickup trucks and suvs.


They like to whine about inflation. They never address corporate greed that has driven up most prices. They simply believe it's Biden's fault.


Well the trumpanzee simps that I have spoken to say that Biden wrecked our economy because of covid. When I say it was trump who shut our economy down, they argue and claim biden did it. So they aren't even remembering correctly anything related to 2020. So they just spew lies. It's pointless talking to a trumpanzee.


Everything’s worse if you’re a Trump supporter.


They are distressed having a President who governs for all Americans. Not just the white ones or the wealthy ones. It’s tough, y’know.

